The clock maker [MF] [kidnapping/drugged] [Bondage] [fuck machine] [forced orgasms]

If you want to skip right to the sex bit just go to the first comment.

“Tic, tic, tic, tic, tic, tic,” “Tick, tock, tick, tock.” The sounds of the numerous clocks fill the otherwise silent room. The clock maker seems to sit motionless at his work bench, ever so slowly positioning a small gear into place within the complex workings of a wrist watch. “Ding-a-ling” a bell above the shop door rings as you walked in. Unfazed but fully aware of your entrance, the clock maker saids “welcome, I will be with you in just a moment.” Just as he says this the gear falls perfectly into place. Getting up, he took off his magnifying watch repair glasses laying them on the workbench and adjusted his vest before greeting you.

“Good afternoon, what can I help you with?” His words were soft and some how mechanical yet incredibly warm and inviting. You found your eyes looking him over, he was incredibly put together, not a thread out of place. Remembering why you came, you undid the clasp of your wrist watch and said “I was wonder if you could tell me what’s wrong with my watch.” The clock maker gently picks up your watch from the counter looking at it for a moment and then holds it up to his ear. “…your hair spring needs adjusting. I could have it fixed by Thursday.” Looking you in the eyes he adds “Would it work for you to come back then?” His eyes were a deep shade of blue. It was like there was a kind of endlessness to them and you wanted nothing less than to jump into the deep end of them. Mentally shaking yourself you say “…that works great, thanks, I’ll be back then!” “Wonderful, see you then.” Then you turn to go back home. As you walk down the street to your car you think to yourself “wow, that guy was really hot! The mental picture of him and the sounds of his words linger in your brain and you savor them.”

Unbeknownst to you, the interaction went a bit different for the clock maker.


When he saw you enter the shop he thought to himself “this is the one…my next target” As he examined the watch he expertly used his peripheral vision. “Height 5”4’ could not be more than 150 lbs…perfectly supple C-cups.” With his honed skills he could size you up like a shoe salesman can fit someone’s feet just by looking at them. Thinking to himself “Thursday, it needs to be Thursday. That will give me time to set everything up and have that custom build desk clock ready for pick up Friday. Her watch repaired is trivial and could be fixed in an hour but she clearly knows nothing about watches.” Speaking out loud at this point he says “…your hair spring needs adjusting. I could have it fixed by Thursday.” Shifting his eyes to yours “Would it work for you to come back then?” He noticed your pause “Excellent.” He thought to himself, “she even susceptible to my influence.”

Later, after he closes up the shop for the night and turns out the lights, he heads to the back room and turns over a rug on the floor. He unlocks and opens a hidden door and walks down to his secret workshop.

Meanwhile you sit in your apartment, eating dinner alone thinking “that clock maker was really something else, I can’t wait to see him again. I’m kind of hoping he asks me out on a date.” Little did you know he was currently preparing for much, much more than you could ever imagine.

The next day, Wednesday, the clock maker was busy crafting a piece for the custom desk clock. It was a truly magnificent feat of engineering that he had been working on for several months. Each part hand crafted from raw materials, each gear milled to the highest precision. Every cut expertly measured and marked before it was cut. Each piece lovingly polished to perfection. One of the last pieces was for the support columns. Taking a raw cylinder of metal he glued it in place on the lathe and attached a drill bit. A hole needed to be made and threaded so it could be skewed to the rest of the clock and base. After rough cutting the hole he prepared the reamer to precisely size the diameter.
He turned on the stream of cutting fluid lubricant and pulled the leaver causing the reamer to slowly move closer and closer to the hole. The reamer felt some resistance but easily pushed its long shaft the full length in. He moved it in and out, evenly widening the hole. He Inspected his handy work and continued to ream the hole until he was satisfied. When he was finished he removed the reamer and a few milky drops of the cutting fluid dripped from the hole.

By the end of the day the desk clock was complete. Each piece polished and assembled, it glinted in the light of the setting sun. Truly it was his finest work. With the sun setting though, it was time for a different kind of work. He walked again down the hidden stairs and toiled the night away on his secret passions.

Thursday come at last, the stage was set. “Ding-a-ling” “Hello.” You said with a cheerful smile. “Good morning.” his velvety words gracing your ears once again. “I have your watch right here.” He takes your watch out from under the counter. “It’s a beautiful piece that perfectly compliments its beautiful owner.” He looks you in the eyes as he says this and you blush. When he places the watch in you hand his fingers grace your skin and you feel his delicately dexterous touch and his surprisingly soft caress. A wave of excitement flows over you as he touches you. Trying to keep your mind in check you say “How much do I owe you?” You look at his eyes, those deep deep blue eyes and then he turns to calculate the bill at the register. You think to yourself “fuck archaic social norms” and out loud you say “forgive my forwardness but would you be interested in going out on a date with me tonight?” He thinks to himself for a moment and says “I would be delighted.” After finishing the transaction for your watch you also exchange numbers and agree on a time for dinner.

That night he picks you up and says he knows a great restaurant down in the city, it’s a bit of a drive but it’s worth it. You of course dressed in your sexy black dress. Throughout dinner he delights you with his intellect and wit. Unbeknownst to you, however, he snuck something into your drink while you were away in the bathroom. In the car ride back, you sneak admiring glances at him as he drives. Mile by mile, though, you feel yourself get sleepier and sleepier. His calculations were never wrong, he knew exactly how much of a dose to give and how far away of a restaurant to eat at for his subject to pass out during the drive home.


1 comment

  1. Dazed you feel yourself slowly returning to consciousness. Your head is spinning but you realize you are lying on a table. You try to move but you notice leather straps bounding your wrists and ankles, they creak as you try to move your limbs. Your head is also strapped to the table and your mouth is covered by a strip of cloth. “Hello” you hear a voice say…it’s the watch makers voice! “Please, don’t be alarmed” his voice is so soothing you feel yourself become calmer despite logically having every reason to be fearful. You see him approach you. “Please know that I have no intention of harming you, quite the opposite in fact.” His hand caresses your face, tenderly brushing some of your hair out of the way. “What the hell is going on!?“ you think to yourself. He sees your confused face. “Don’t worry, I’m not a serial killer. I promise you that you will leave here intact and unharmed. I don’t get off on watching people suffer.” He looks behind himself but you cannot make out what he is looking at. He seems to be double checking that everything is in order. He bends down, his face right next to your ear and whispers “I’m here to give you ecstasy beyond your wildest dreams.” That soft velvety voice makes you melt. Standing back up he says “It’s my intent to pleasure you sexually but before I began, I want you to know that you have no worries about…any sexual consequences, STDs/pregnancy, also…” He shows you a small remote looking object with a single button on it. “I want to make sure you are here willingly, if you are ever scared or in pain and you want me to stop, push this button. It will release you from your bonds.” He stares you directly in the eyes and asks “do I have your permission to proceed?” You think to yourself “This is crazy…” but as you look him in the eyes you can feel the blood rush to your nether region making you painful horny and your baser mind makes the decision and you nod yes. He smiles “great, let us begin.”

    He delicately caress your face and inspects your dress’s plunging neck line and slowly runs a finger down your breast. He then cups your right breast and massages it for a moment with his warm soft hand. He then continues his investigation of your body by moving his hand down your abdomen, caressing your curves. His meandering fingers slide over your silky dress stimulating you with his delicate movements. Starting back just below your breasts, he glides his index finger down the middle of your stomach. As he slowly gets closer and closer to your clit you can feel the growing excitement in your loins. You have been single for some time now and it’s been considerable time since you’ve pleasured yourself. Your pent up sexual frustration becomes even more aggravated when he stops just centimeters away from your pussy. After a pause his hand instead moved down your sensitive inner thigh. Soon his fingers find the end of your short dress. He looked back at you with his deep blue eyes and moves to passionately kiss you as he does this his hand makes its way under your dress. His hand massages your inner thigh so close yet so far from your throbbing hot pussy. You feel yourself soak through your panties and as your body aches you feel one of his fingers barely grace your wetness making you fully aware of how sensitive you are. The rhythm of his kisses send waves of excitement to your nether region, the feeling was amazing but you knew it was but an appetizer. He moves his hands to the outside of your legs and gently slides your dress up exposing your small black panties. His lips lift off yours and he surveys your face and body. His attention moves to your panties and he slips the tip of his index finger just under the top of your panty line and moves across the top. All his fingers then join in and he plunges his hand into your panties but pauses just centimeter away again. You long for him to continue and he looks back at you with knowing eyes. “You want more” he says and you eagerly nod your head. “Are you sure?” And you bite your lip and moan pleadingly. His hand then slowly sinks deep with his two fingers flanking your hole just side your two creases. He begins to massage your now blood engorged mounds as you moan in pleasure. No lub was needed as you pussy grew more and more sopping. Every motion of his fingers was perfectly positioned and perfectly timed. These were fingers that understood delicate work. His rhythmic manipulations sent wave after wave of pleasure. Your hole throbbed with a growing desire to have more and you buckled in your restraints.

    After a few more moments of this he said “I think you are ready to enjoy my latest creation.” You felt his hand move away from you and saw him turn and wheel over a small table with a couple of devices laying on it. He picks one up and says “I have been perfecting the timing mechanism in this for some time now.” It essentially looked like a dildo but with an extra bit attached to it. He positioned it between your legs outside of your view. You could hear mechanical sounds as he set it up. He returned his hand to massaging your mounds pushing your limit. You knew the device was ready, again so close yet so far. You struggled in your restraints to no avail. But then his fingers paused for a moment as he turned the device on. You felt it slowly touch your pussy lips and stop with its tip just barely inside. “Do you want more?” You squirm trying to shift your hips to get it in. After an agonizing moment you feel it began to move deeply into you and you let out a moan. You felt yourself pleasantly stretched by its girth as it bottomed out. It then began to move rhythmically in and out as you continued to moan. He bent down to kiss you placing his hand at your crotch putting slight pressure on your clit. At the same time this placement allowed him to sense the device and kiss you in rhythm to its motions. The expertly timed execution made you light headed in its profound ecstasy. Never before have you had sex this good. Every detail was perfect, every timing precise. Periodically he sifted his attention between you and the device. He carefully watched your reactions and adjusted a dial speeding up and slowing down its movements. Sometimes it sped up and you could feel your heart rate increase and breathing become erratic only for it to slow to a craw.

    After minutes of this pleasure roller coaster he looks at you for an extra long moment then pushes a button on the dildo like device. Its movements were relatively slow but with a deliberate purpose; with this pace you could feel every bit of stimulation. He shifted the angle to press on your g-spot with each thrust. You begin to feel something incredible build. You realize you are going to cum, never before have you cum from such a slow pace. The sensation is unbelievable. You moan at a primal level and feel the restraints strain on your wrists and ankles. With each thrust the feeling builds like filling a glass of water to the brim with a dropper, you bite your lip as it swells and swells and swells till finally you explode in the most powerful orgasm you have ever had. While you convulse in the aftershocks you hear him pick up the second device and you hear a buzzing sound. Just when you thought the aftershocks were over you feel something vibrating touch your clit and you spasm with additional mini orgasms.

    “Don’t relax just yet, we are not done having fun” he says. He removes the dildo device and positions himself with the vibration one. He adjusted the rate and places it over your hole being careful to not touch you over sensitive clit. “Thwam, thwam, thwam.” You feel each vibration propagate through you and your breathing once again increases. He turns up the speed and places his hand on your bladder putting internal pressure on your g-spot. “Theezz, theezz, theezz, theezz.” You breath heavily and you can feel another orgasm build. Just before it reaches its tipping point he quickly removes the device and the sensation fades. After a moment the device returns and quickly brings you back to where you left off. “This is it” you think to yourself but then, no, he removes the device. Again and again he torments you in agonizing ecstasy till finally you feel your orgasm build and rather than let off he presses it firmly against your hole and you let out a moan of pure delight. As you orgasm, he presses the vibrator to your clit and sends wave after wave of aftershocks.

    “Wonderful, but I know you have more in you.” He returns the vibration device to your hole and leaves it there. Thinking you could not have any more to give you feel the “Theezz, theezz, theezz, theezz” and another building orgasm. This time you ride the full wave uninterrupted and you let out another powerful moan and convulse uncontrollably. He provides a few aftershocks then says “I think you can go one more.” And quickly puts the vibrator over you hole at a high rate “thiz, thiz, thiz, thiz, thiz, thiz” the pleasure builds again and you explode in yet another orgasm. As you fall from the high your hand goes limp and the remote he gave you at the beginning falls to the ground.

    Completely emptied you lay motionless. Though nearly unconscious, you feel him undo your restraints as you drift off to sleep.

    When you wake up, you find him working at his bench on a wrist watch. You sheepishly say “…thank you…that was the best experience I have ever had.” He turns and looks at you and says “if you are ever in need of my services you know my number.” “Thank you…would the same time next week work?”
    His eyes express a smile and he says “Yes, see you then.”

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