Re-upload after correcting some typos

If anyone likes it I can write more:

“The New Guy” Part I

She had decided to break it off, it was the only way to return her life back to sanity. The whirlwind feelings of a new relationship had swept her off her feet, and she had completely lost her mind in the process. ‘How stupid, you’re not 16 you’re 39 Veronica.” She mentally kicked herself and chastised herself. She’d been doing that a lot lately.

It started at work. An office friendship with the new hire, 10 years younger than she is. Funny, smart, shockingly good at his job. Her first thoughts had been that he’d be making partner before she did if he kept that same energy level. It didn’t help that the VP clearly liked him; she could sense that good ol’ boy network doing the same magic it always did. While she worked her ass off with 50 hour weeks some new hotshot from a competing firm comes right in and takes a lead position. Yes he was good at his job for sure.

But that wasn’t the first thing she thought was it? No, it really wasn’t. The first thing she noticed about Luca was his eyes. Dark eyes you could fall into, set in a strong face with sharp features and a strong jaw. That and the way his shirt fit during that initial day of training. And his slacks… ‘fucking hell Veronica, you’re an idiot’ went her internal matron for the 30th time that day. She’d been yelling at Veronica a lot, but it didn’t always help. Like on that first day.

Showing Luca around the office was like leading a lion through a savannah plain stocked with gazelle. He had a sharp eye for every aspect of the business, asking questions and giving his thoughts and criticism immediately and unfiltered. He was respectful but.. dominant. And Veronica could tell from the other women in the office she wasn’t the only one that had noticed his rear end. He made her feel nervous, and loaded with an electric energy she hadnn’t felt since seeing her first boyband when she was 14. He’d laugh confidently anytime she was nervous, flashing white teeth in a perfect mouth. ‘I wonder what Alan would say if I came home with bite marks from those?’ came an idle thought, throwing her off balance so that she stumbled mid sentence while explaining something inane about the current quarter.

“Steady there… sounds like you’re nervous about this client” said with flat certainty, was he teasing her? Those eyes drilling right into her like beams of energy. For about 5 seconds she literally couldn’t break eye contact.

“haha… no, they’ve been with us forever actually… I don’t know why I said that” her head locked and staring back at him. Locked like it was being held by strong hands. Strong tan hands like the ones Luca was leaning against the counter with?

‘look away, look away right now you dumbfuck’ brain mama coming out to save her from looking like an intern. She nervously plucked at the hem of her skirt and adjusted her blazer. This was not the day to wear that low cut blouse she had picked, but it had been hot and Alan didn’t seem to care what she wore these days. I guess 15 years of marriage will do that to a man.

“I know I, I was there for the quarterly review too remember?” Moving from his backwards lean on the counter and taking a step towards her. Inches away, the light smell of cologne in her nose as her eyes were drawn up that oh so well defined waistline up over his chest and back to that face… that face was going to be in her dreams wasn’t it?

“I don’t blame them, if it meant spending time with you I would have stayed on as a client too” using those eyes like lethal weapons, reaching past her so one of those hands brushed her waist. His forearm muscles clearly defined, obvious that Luca took advantage of his gym membership. His forearm brushing against her side now as he stepped just an inch closer reaching past her unti lthey’re bodies almost touched…

And grabbing his mug of coffee set on the counter behind her. He kept her gaze there, just like a wolf holds a sheep in it’s jaws, for just a few more seconds, before turning and walking back out into the office. Greeting and making friends with everyone there like they’d known him for years. Her eye’s lowered to his tight round rear end before she turned away. Catching a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the window she could see she was blushing bright red.
