Confessions of a MILF Slut – Part 3 – A Housewife’s Revenge [FF][MFF][Anal]

It was Saturday morning and I could hear Lars making a racket downstairs in the kitchen. I turned over in bed and put the pillow over my head. I had just had a wonderful dream where Oscar from the office was taking me from behind in the lunch room with everyone watching. I tried going back to sleep but just as I was imagining Oscar putting his hands on me again, I heard Lars yelling from below.

“Bye! See you all tomorrow night!”

I took the pillow off my head and yelled back.

“See you tomorrow!”

I felt a bit bad that I hadn’t gone up with him to have breakfast. I had completely forgot that he was going away for the weekend. I heard the door close and the house went silent again. The kids probably wouldn’t wake up until noon or so. I had the whole morning to myself. I closed my eyes and pictured the scene in the lunch room again. Oscar was standing there in front of me with his muscular arms stretched out towards me. Behind him were my colleagues with my boss Johan with his arms crossed and his usual stern look on his face.

“You know what I told you Anne. That behavior is not accepted here at my company. Now you must live with the consequences,” Johan said. “Go ahead Oscar.”

My face flushed as Oscar pushed me down on my knees and took out his cock and put it in my mouth. With the whole company watching I had to suck his cock. I was so embarrassed. I put my hand down under the covers and started masturbating to my fantasy. It wasn’t long before I came shuddering with the vision of Oscar emptying himself in my mouth and all the disgusted looks from my colleagues. Such a nice fantasy, I thought to myself and turned over in bed and went back to sleep.

“Mom. Wake up. There’s someone at the door.”

I looked up groggily at my twenty-year-old son Oliver who was standing next to the bed.

“What? Who?”

“Sandra. The neighbor. She seems upset,” Oliver said as he left the room.

“Ok. Ok,” said getting out of bed and putting my robe on and went downstairs.

Sandra was standing just inside the door and it was clear that she had been crying. Sandra and her husband Simon have been living next door for about a year now. They’re in the DINKY stage so Sandra has too much time to put in at the gym. I’ve seen her in a bikini in the summertime and I must say that I would kill for a body like that. And her hair. Long curly chestnut hair down to below her shoulders. The only thing I’ve got going on her are my tits.

“Oh, honey. What’s wrong?” I said and embraced her.

She sobbed into my neck and mumbled something that was impossible to hear.

“He’s cheating on me,” she said after a few seconds.

The kids were noisily making breakfast in the kitchen and it did not seem like a conversation to have in front of them.

“Come. Let’s head up to my room.”

I led Sandra up the stairs and into the bedroom and sat her down on the bed.

“Sorry for the mess,” I said. “Wasn’t expecting company.”

Sandra looked up at me and smiled.

“Now tell me everything,” I said and put my hand on her shoulder.

She started telling me how she had found text messages on her husband’s phone and then pictures. Nude pictures of a woman but not showing her face.

“The worst thing is I am sure he is with her right now. He said he was going off to work for the weekend, but I can feel it. He’s with her.”

I nodded.

“And you have no idea who it is?”

She shook her head.

“It’s a non-listed number and I don’t recognize her body. Look,” she said bringing up her phone.

She pulled up some pictures. Smart girl, she had copied the conversations and pictures to her own phone. I looked at the pictures. I knew that body.

“That fucking slut!,” Sandra yelled.

I shushed her, fearing that the kids had heard her.

“Keep your voice down.”

She nodded.

“And you are sure it’s her?” she said looking at me sideways.

I nodded.

“Look. That birthmark. It is Sarah, for sure.”

Sarah. Our other neighbor. The mother of Nils, the young man who I was fucking on a more or less regular basis.

“I wish I had tits like that,” Sandra sighed looking down at the full body shot, sans head, of Sarah. “Do you think that’s why he’s with her? Cause my tits are too small?”

“No way,” I said shaking my head.

“He’s always trying to tittyfuck me. But my tits are too small, so it’s more like he’s rubbing his cock against my chest while fondling my breasts. I wish I had tits like Sarah. Or you,” she said looking down my morning gown.

I looked down at myself. My robe had come open a bit and my tits were clearly visible. I couldn’t help but feel a stirring down below. I just love it when people look at me.

“You can get tits like these if you want to,” I said smiling.

Sandra furled her brow.

“What do you mean?”

“Aw. Come on. You know my tits are not real,” I said laughing.

She stared at me.

“Mine weren’t much bigger than yours before I had them done. Well. Maybe a little bigger.”

“They look so real,” she said while continuing to stare at my breasts.

The tingling in my pussy got even stronger and I could feel myself getting wet. I drew a sharp breath and slowly opened my robe so she could take a good look at them.

“You can feel them if you want to,” I whispered.

She stared at me with open eyes. I nodded. She bit her lower lip and then moved her right hand to my breast. Little sparks went under my skin as her soft fingers touched my flesh. My nipples went instantly hard and started sticking out. She looked up at me and I smiled at her. She got a bit bolder and grabbed both of my breasts and really started feeling me up.

“They’re so round. And soft,” she whispered.

I nodded slowly enjoying her touch. My pussy was now soaking wet and I started breathing heavy.

“And the nipples,” she said pinching one of my nipples. “You have such large nipples.”

I drew in a sharp breath.

“Oh. I’m sorry,” she said pulling her hands back.

“No. Please. Continue,” I exhaled.

She hesitated for a second but then put her hands on my breasts again. She started massaging them. I lay back on the bed and my robe came open showing of my entire body.

“Oh. Wow,” Sandra said looking at me.

I could feel her eyes wander down the length of me and stop at my pussy for a while then going back up again.

“You’re beautiful,” she said.

I smiled up at her.

“Thank you. But I am not as beautiful as you Sandra,” I said rolling over on my side and propping my head up on my hand.

I made sure that she could still see my whole body. I couldn’t get enough of her eyes on me. She blushed fiercely.

“No. I’m not. Simon barely looks at me anymore,” she said with her eyes downcast.

I looked at her beautiful, sad face and felt all of a sudden very angry.

“None of that, will you,” I said standing up.

I pulled her to her feet and then started pulling off her top. She complained a little but let me continue. I unclasped her bra and for the first time got to see her small breasts. The were indeed quite small but her skin was like silk. I moved her so she stood in front of the mirror. I let my robe fall and stood behind her pushing my naked body up against her. I took my hands and cupped her breasts from behind.

“If Simon doesn’t want this. Then he’s a bloody fool.”

She smiled back at me in the mirror.

“Now. It’s not fair that you have got to see me and I not you, now is it?” I said starting to unbutton her jeans.

She didn’t move as I pulled her jeans then her panties down. She had abs I would have killed for. I let my hands roam over her stomach and down to her legs. Her pussy had fine labia and a little brown triangle of hair.

“Look. What did I tell you. Beautiful,” I said hugging her from behind.

She smiled back at me in the mirror.

“You really think so?”

I turned her around and looked her in the eyes.

“You are one of the most beautiful women I’ve known,” I said honestly.

I took a step closer so that my nipples touched her chest. I let my hands slide down to her butt and caressed her cheeks. All the time my face was mere inches from hers.

“I’ve never been with a woman,” she whispered.

I smiled at her.

“Do you want to try?” I asked.

She nodded slightly. I pressed myself up against her and kissed her lightly. My tongue went into her mouth and she started kissing me back. She had such soft lips. I turned us around and pushed her down onto the bed. I could tell by looking at her that she was still uncertain, so I took command. I kissed her entire body up from her lips down her neck and continued down to her breasts where I lingered and flicked my tongue against her nipples. When she was laying on her back her breasts were almost non-existent. Just a couple of hard nipples standing straight up. She started breathing more heavily as I kissed her breasts. I continued down her belly and came down to her lower lips. They were already glistening wet. I brought my mouth down on her pussy and started licking her. She started moaning silently as my tongue started massaging her labia. I put two fingers inside her wetness and started sucking on her clit. I could feel how she tensed up and before long she was quaking in an intense orgasm. As she started relaxing, I tried licking her again. Some women like to be caressed after coming, some don’t. She definitely did. She started moaning again. I raised her legs up and started kissing down towards her asshole. I could feel her tense up as I put my tongue against her tight butthole.

“What … what are you doing?”

“Just relax and enjoy,” I whispered back.

I started licking around her tight butthole. She tasted clean and I tried pushing my tongue slightly into her butthole. Her sphincter clenched down on my tongue. I smiled. This was the best part. Trying to get someone to try something that they had never tried before. Without going too far against their wishes.

“Just relax,” I repeated.

She took a deep breath and I could feel her relaxing. I pushed my tongue a little further in and started tongue fucking her tight butthole. It made me so wet. I took my tongue out and replaced them with two of my fingers. I massaged her butthole as I went back to working on her pussy with my mouth. It was only a minute or two before she came once again. This time she started squirting right into my mouth I licked her hard clit right through her climax and she arched her back up and grasped the covers with her hands. My face was soaking wet as I climbed up and lay next to her.

“Holy shit,” she whispered as she turned over towards me. “I never knew I could come like that.”

I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back. I drew back and looked at her where she lay. She had such an amazing body.

“You know what?” I asked her.


“I think I have the perfect revenge for you.”

“Really?” she said raising her eyebrows.

I nodded.

“And if you make me cum, I will tell you,” I smiled.

She smiled back and crawled down along my body. I gasped as her tongue found my clit.

We cleaned up afterwards. It was a very enjoyable experience showering with Sandra. She could not get enough of my body and I held nothing back. She was like a dying woman in the desert with my pussy as her oasis. I loved it. Afterwards we went back into my room and picked out a dress for me. The kids had left for the day, and if I knew them right, they would not be back until very late. I only had to pick out a dress as we would be wearing nothing underneath. It had taken some convincing to get Sandra to agree with my plan but once she had made the decision, she was all in. She looked me over.

“You look like a complete slut,” she said flatly.

“Thank you,” I smiled. “That’s good since I may be the biggest slut in Gothenburg.”

She laughed.

“Let’s head over to your place to see what we can find in your wardrobe.”

Their house is just a little too perfect for me. Nothing is out of order and even the kitchen is sparkling. I followed Sandra up to their bedroom and marveled at the walk-in closet she opened. She must have had a hundred different dresses. All of them way to proper.

“Don’t you have anything that ends above the knees?” I complained as I took out yet another ankle length dress.

“I don’t know,” she hesitated and blushed.


“I do have one thing. But I’m not sure if …”

“Have you seen me?” I said gesturing down over my body.

The dress I was wearing, if you could even call the scant few pieces of cloth a dress, showed of almost all of my back and had a slit down my butt so you could clearly see I was not wearing any underwear. Two vertical straps of cloth held my breasts, good thing that they are keeping themselves up, otherwise they would have been sagging. Sandra laughed a bit and then went into her closet and opened a closed box. She pulled out two red pieces of cloth and held one in each hand.

“That’s more like it,” I nodded.

“I don’t know,” Sandra hesitated as she held her finger over the call button on the phone.

“If you don’t do it I will,” I said looking at her.

She sighed. I looked at her where she sat on the bar stool in their perfectly kept kitchen. I wondered if they ever used it for actual cooking or just for posing for pictures. She took a deep breath and pushed the button and put the phone to her ear.

“Hi Nicklas. It’s Sandra,” there was a slight pause. “From next door. Yes. That Sandra. I was wondering. Simon is out of town and there’s something wrong. The electricity in the kitchen. Things not working. Could you possibly come over and take a look?,” Sandra said making a face.

I nodded her on.

“You’ll be right over? Yes. Thanks. That would be astounding. That’s just perfect. Thank you. Bye.”

She hung up and shivered.

“How bad was it?”

“Astounding,” I laughed. “But it got the job done right?”

Sandra nodded and stood up.

“Now go make some drinks. I’ll meet him at the door. It shouldn’t take him too long to figure out where the fuse box is.”

The doorbell rang a few minutes later and I stepped up to the door and opened. Nicklas stood outside. He’s like a larger, broad shouldered version of his son Nils. I could not but wonder if other things ran in the family as well. He looked at me in surprise and checked if he had gone to the right house.

“Come in,” I said. “Sarah is just making some drinks.”

Nicklas hesitated for a second before stepping through the door. I saw the moment that he noticed how I was dressed. I usually dress quite sexy, but this was way more slutty than normal. I could see him appreciating my figure and I got all warm on the inside.

“Sarah not home this weekend?” I asked.

He tore his eyes from my tits and shook his head.

“No. She’s away on some work thing.”

“I guess it is just the three of us home then,” I said merrily. “Lars is out. Simon is out. It’s good that you are around to take care of us girls,” I said putting my hand on his arm.

He looked a bit scared but smiled when I started laughing.

“Come. Let’s see if you can help us out.”

We went into the kitchen where Sandra was standing at the counter. Her red party dress did not leave much to the imagination. Two wide red sashes, one over her butt and one around her chest, something that she had over from her EDM days, showed off her in all her glory to the both of us. If Nicklas had been surprised about seeing me, it was nothing compared to when he laid eyes on Sandra. He drew in a sharp breath. I stepped in front of him to make sure that he could get a good view down my ass.

“Everything seems to be turned off,” I said.

Nicklas coughed and cleared his throat.

“It’s probably just a fuse. Do you know where the box is?”

“In the basement,” Sandra said walking over to us.

It was evident that she was not used to walking in her high heels and she stumbled and fell towards Nicklas who reacted quickly and caught her. He looked flustered as her body was pressed against him.

“I’m sorry,” she said standing up brushing the hair out of her face.

“No problem,” he said apologetically and turned around. “Let me go find that broken fuse.”

I smiled at Sandra.

“Way to go girl,” I whispered in her ear.

“That was completely by accident,” she whispered back.

“Whatever works,” I laughed.

Sandra blushed an adjusted the sash around her boobs. I ran my fingers against her cheek. I walked over to the stairs running down to the basement and spread my legs a little so that Nicklas would have a clear view of my pussy as he came back up.

“How’s it going down there?” I asked.

“Found it,” came Nicklas voice.

The kitchen fan started running again and the fridge came on. I heard him moving below and soon saw him at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled down at him. He took two steps up the stair and then froze. His eyes were aimed directly between my legs. I shivered as I felt him devouring my pussy with his eyes.

“You ok?” I asked him.

He unfroze and smiled up at me and then walked up the stairs. I remained where I was so that he had to brush past me. I made sure that he brushed against my tits and I could feel my nipples getting instantly hard. He looked at me with desire in his eyes as he passed. I smiled at him and followed right behind him out into the kitchen.

“Thank you so much for all the help,” Sandra said smiling. “We are having some drinks by the pool. Would you like to join us?”

I smiled at her. She was clearly getting more into it now and she smiled seductively at Nicklas who cleared his throat.

“I’m not sure …” he began.

“Oh. But we insist,” I said grabbing him by the hand and leading him behind me out to the patio.

He grumbled a little but followed me without too much complaints. Sandra came right after and placed a gin tonic in his hand and then handed me another one.

“Cheers! To good neighbors,” I said smiling

“Cheers,” Nicklas and Sandra echoed.

We sat down on the lounge chairs by the pool and talked a little about the neighborhood. House prices and other things that you are obliged to talk about. I could see Nicklas checking our bodies out. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. I smiled at him every chance that I got, and I saw Sandra doing the same. I decided to give him a little push closer to the edge. I lay down on the backrest and spread my legs slightly so that he could see my wet pussy. I felt all warm inside as I saw him watching me. Sandra looked over at me and saw what I was doing. I nodded at her. She shook her head, but I kept nodding. She carefully laid back in her chair and spread her legs. A lot wider than I had. Nicklas gaze shifted from me to Sandra and down to her exposed cleft. I could see Nicklas battling with himself and loosing badly. His cock was already trying to burst out of his pants. He stood up and took a step towards us. I sat up looking up at him.

“Do you two think that you will get away with this?” he growled grabbing my hair.

I started breathing heavier and could feel my pussy flooding over. I saw Sandra sitting up straight.

“This is what you want isn’t it?” Nicklas said pulling my dress apart and exposing my hard nipples.

I looked up at Nicklas, smiled and nodded.

“Stand up. Both of you,” he said in a rough voice.

I stood up and Sandra got up next to me. Nicklas grabbed the sash covering Sandra’s breasts and yanked it down. Sandra gasped and blushed fiercely. She shivered as Nicklas ran his hand over her small tits. He grabbed her hair and pulled her face towards his and kissed her. She let him have his way with her. He turned to me.

“On your knees slut. You know what to do.”

I nodded and got onto my knees in front of him and pulled down his pants. I was happily surprised by the size of the package that was revealed. He was just as big as Nils. I happily took his cock into my mouth as he continued to kiss Sandra. Nicklas looked down at me and smiled.

“You are such a slut. I always knew you were,” he said grabbing my head and pushing his cock further down my throat. “Look at her,” he told Sandra as he started to facefuck me.

Oh my god how I love having cock down my throat! And with a specimen as large as Nicklas’ it is even better. That feeling of being left with no option but to be completely out of control just takes me to a different level.

“That’s so hot,” Sandra whispered. “Fuck her harder,” she said with a grin on her face.

He did as she asked and Nicklas started using my mouth as a pussy. My real pussy was running like a river as he fucked my face and they both kept degrading me.

“Let’s bring her inside,” Sandra said and grabbed my hair.

They dragged me into the living room and threw me down on the sofa. Before I had a chance to react Nicklas had slid into my wet pussy and Sandra had pulled up her excuse for a skirt and sat down on my face. I could hear them kissing as I started to eat Sandra out. Nicklas was fucking me hard and his pelvis hit mine with every thrust.

“You’re so beautiful,” Nicklas told Sandra as he continued to fuck me.

“I love your arms,” she responded and ground her pussy over my face. “Fuck her harder.”

I did not know that it was possible to get fucked any harder than he already was doing but oh, boy was I proven wrong. My head was hammered into the side of the sofa and my pussy was stretched to the limit with every new thrust.

“I want to feel you inside me,” Sandra told him, and I felt Nicklas slide out of me.

He threw me down on the floor and I fell against the sofa table. I sat up, my head spinning and saw as he gently put Sandra down on her back and slid into her. He passionately made love with her as I watched. Sandra looked over at me.

“Lick his ass you slut. I know you like that.”

I nodded and got behind Nicklas and spread his ass and put my tongue to work. He sighed happily as I started licking him.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Nicklas told Sandra as my face was buried in his ass.

“Thank you. You feel so good inside me. Please. Fill me with your cum. I want to feel your cock throbbing inside my pussy,” she whispered in his ear.

Nicklas upped his pace and after a few minutes more of fucking Sandra and getting his ass licked by me he came in a shuddering orgasm seconds after Sandra had her. He fell down on top of her and they both laughed. Nicklas pulled out of her and I quickly put my mouth on his cock to clean him up. Nicklas looked down at me in surprise. When I was done with him, I put my mouth against Sandra’s pussy. She gasped as I sucked Nicklas’ cum out of her.

“You really are the biggest slut in Gothenburg,” Sandra said laughing.

I smiled up at the both of them.


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