I wrote this on a bored afternoon. I hope someone reads and likes it as I have never done this before.


Every evening Ogis climbed into the tree to look at the sunset before going to sleep. It was summer and hotter than Ogis anticipated. Why do I always need to climb in this stupid tree? Ogis thought. One day I will fall down in the river that is flowing beneath me for sure. But it was always worth it. He looked at the sunset while eating an apple he had plucked from a tree by the river. The rivers name was Aadison which means mother river in the tongue from the country that depended so much on it. Ogis finished his apple and threw it on the ground but then heard a weird “aw” noise coming from beneath him. Someone has been spying on him! He quickly took his bow and aimed at whatever was lying beneath him. “Hey, please don’t shoot me , sir”. It was a young woman wearing a green dress, red boots and she had jewelry around her neck which would soon be mine.. He estimated her to be about 20 years old and she had a smile on her lips which you wouldn’t expect from a girl who had an arrow pointed at her chest. “I’m in a bit of trouble you see, my protectors tried to kill me in my sleep and I barely escaped” she said in a high pitched voice and her smile finally changed to a scared look on her face. “Ok, I’ll climb down the tree so we can talk” Ogis said. “Thank you sir and take your time I don’t want you to fall down” she said. “Don’t worry I do this often” he said while smiling at her and quickly he stood next to the apple that landed on her head. “My apologies for that apple on your head” “Oh it’s fine” she said laughing and showed her white teeth which betrayed she was from the noble class. Ogis took another look at her jewelry and started feeling some guilt. “ehm, I’m supposed to rob you now but I’m not sure I can do that to a lady who almost got killed by men who were supposed to protect her”. Her smile faded “- are you a thief? -Yes, I am..- Have you killed people? – No, I have not.” She nodded and sighed “ – I think you’re honest and you are my only option. – Oh, I’m always honest!” She looked up at him with her dark eyes and made it obvious she didn’t trust him yet. Ogis took a second look at her. She was short even for a girl but her green dress couldn’t entirely hide that her curves were well developed in the shape of an hourglass and especially her brea.. No wait it was wrong to think about a lady like this. He had to admit that she was pretty but maybe that was because she reminded her of a girl that he loved and was now dead because of him. She never loved him back.

Lady Anisa took a second look at him. He probably wasn’t from Aadisalon, her mother country. His hair was not raven black like hers and everyone else from here. His unwashed hair was light brown so he was probably from one of the neighbouring countries in the north. She noticed that he looked tough but soft and innocent at the same time which she could exploit. The mysterious look in his dark green eyes drew her in after she was looking at his strong ar.. No wait it was wrong to think about a criminal like this. She had to admit that he was handsome but maybe that was because she was so afraid and that she was happy to see someone who wouldn’t kill her. Yes! That must be it.

“How am I your only option? You have a bow with you and you escaped the killers all by yourself” he asked while putting his own bow on his back. “I never learned to fight or hunt with a bow because my parents are conservative nobles and they think women don’t have the right to learn how to defend themselves” she said “hmm typical nobles” he grunted. “- I will give all my jewelry to you if you bring me back safely to the father city – Are you from Aadosari, the father city? – Yes, how do you know our tongue, are you from here? – No, I’m from one of those barbaric countries up north but I learned some words here and there” he said dryly. “Will you bring me back to Aadosari, please sir? My parents will be worried about me.” She sounded desperate. He laughed and noticed she blushed even when she had a darker skin than him. “ I’m sorry for laughing and yes I will bring you back to your parents in your city don’t worry” he said smirking. Ogis felt even more guilty than before because he knew that if she wasn’t as pretty or if she was a man that he probably would just have robbed her. She smiled and gave him another thank you so much sir. “Stop calling me sir I’m just a thief not some bloody lord” he said with a slight annoyance in his voice. “ – My parents always taught me to be polite and respect people so they will respect you back. You are also more behaved than some lords I have met so I think you deserve the title more than them. – Thank you, my lady” Ogis said jokingly while bowing in a way that his hair almost touched her dress. “ I see that my respect is working” she said with a girly laugh “but I don’t know your name yet. Mine is Anisa from house Vousa but soon to be wed to house Laaso. – Nice to meet you lady Anisa Vousa, I’m Ogis from house Barbaric Simpletons, a house in the north also known as BS because I just made it up. “Haha, you are a funny boy” she said with a sarcastic voice. “ I think we’ll get along.Ogis – I’m sure we will” Ogis said doubting she would tolerate his presence for more than a few hours. “But we need to sleep now because we need to wake up early to avoid most of the traffic on the road and the other bandits. There is a place not too far from here that is out of sight and not too uncomfortable, follow me.”

“You’re the boss, lead the way sir” Anisa said with a teasing voice. He looked back at her and gave her another one of those smiles. As she was smiling back at him she noticed that every time he smiled at her, her hearth thought that she had just ran several miles. In reality she was just walking at a normal pace. She knew that the adrenaline from escaping still affected her so she just followed him while enjoying the sight of the man that walked in front of her. Guilt started sipping in her head because she wasn’t being honest to him. As soon as they would arrive at Aadosari the guards wouldn’t let him in and she could even send him to prison if she wanted to. One thing was for certain she wasn’t giving him anything in return, not even a penny. She had respect for him she lied to herself but that is just how things work in Aadisalon. People pretend to respect each other and then stab them in the back when the usefulness of the other person neared its end. The reason of her guilt stemmed from his honesty towards her. He straight up admitted to being a simple minded barbaric simpleton. Just look at him! Unwashed hair on top of his stupidly boyish yet handsome face, ragged clothes covered his muscled body and strong arms. She wondered how his arms and hands would feel on her waist. No, she should remain faithful to Monsud Laaso. The man she will marry soon because of his status and money. After thinking about it, she realized she didn’t care. Enjoying the looks of this simpleton is not cheating and a woman is allowed to have a bit of fun sometimes.

He looked back at her and smiled,. She noticed him and gave him a radiant smile. Dammit. He just met her and he already had a massive crush on this girl. What kind of an idiot am I? He knew that she wasn’t being honest with him and he didn’t know why he was helping her. Most of the noble women liked to give a reasonable deal and then stabbed you in the back as soon as it was pay-time. They knew how to use gullible men like me. Maybe it was because of that girl he loved and has seen dying in his own arms because of his fault while he cried. He remembered he cried the words stay with me girl before her eyes closed forever. He felt the need to protect her and Anisa. Selfish reasons are another factor probably. While he was guiding her to his camp, he imagined his knive on the throat of this Laaso man. He didn’t lie about never killing anyone but he wouldn’t hesitate to make an exception for anyone who got in his way. He was disappointed in himself. He believed he was not a killer and she didn’t even like him.

While following Ogis with his attractive butt, Anisa listened to the birds who were composing songs above her. That’s what she missed while being in the Aadosari. It was so polluted and dirty that only the most resilient vermin lived there. Both animals and people. The only decent part of the city where the nobles quarter or Aadosisari or the “parents” of the city. From there everything in the country got regulated from economics to politics. Which basically meant that the nobles worked there together to keep themselves at the top and to oppress the rest under them. Not that she felt sorry for them. There was a reason why the losers were at the bottom and she at the top. The birds also reminded her of the time she was a little girl playing with her brother in the forest next to the mansion the Vousa family had outside of the city. Nevermind, she pushed these thought away. Her brothers were murdered in an attempt to end the Vousa bloodline. They did succeed as a woman was expected to marry into another bloodline as far way from their own to prevent incest. “Lady Anisa, we arrived” said the simpleton. It was now that she noticed a shed hidden by the dense forest and she wondered how she would get there without all the plants ruining her dress. “Don’t worry, I’ll carry you Anisa. – Thank you sir” She said with a lot of a gratitude which she didn’t fake because of the prospect of feeling his arms. He lifted her into his arms with ease. Anisa felt the adrenaline of the escape fade away but her hearth started beating even faster now for some reason. While she was still trying to figure out why her body was reacting so strangely when he touched her, her boots touched the ground again when they reached the shed. “I have some spare pants that I wore when I was younger and about your size” He said “ I never sold them in case I came across someone like you – No, I’m a woman why would I wear pants? – They are more practical in the forest. – yes, you have a point but I don’t want people to think I’m a man” He laughed “I think only a blind person could mistake you for a man and then only if you are miles away. – I’ll take that as compliment but I have never seen a girl wearing pants before. – You need to get out of your city more because in my country in the north, women rarely wear a dress and wear pants all day – yes, in your country where women have chest hair” Ogis bursted out laughing “Girl, I hope you are joking but if not, you need to step outside of your bubble. It’s funny how barbaric my country is but it’s still more progressive than your country in some ways “

“I’m sorry that I took this conversation in the wrong direction sir. I will be a good girl now” and she gave him the sweetest look that any woman had ever given him. Ogis’ emotional brain wanted to kiss her but his logical brain wanted to stay as far away from her as possible. He knew she was playing with him. She was probably able to reduce any man’s intelligence to that of a splinter on wood with her feminine charms. After that she could command the man to do anything she wanted of him. While these two sides of his brain were fighting in his head, he brought her some water and food. She ate the meat and dry cookies as elegantly as possible but it was obvious that she was very hungry. She catched him staring and said “ I’m truly impressed by the way that you have taken care of me sir, I think you saved my life.” She stood up and walked towards him until she stood so closely that Ogis had to look down to make eye contact with her. She smelled like the forest but in a good way. The only downside that he also got a good a view of some of her cleavage which immediately made the blood in his body flow to a body part that wasn’t very useful for his logical brain.

Anisa walked towards him because she longed for more physical contact with this man. “ I think I need a hug” she said. Ogis put his strong arms around her waist. Anisa had fantasied about this since she first saw him and it felt like a heavy weight was lifted from her shoulders. She had tried to find a way to continue her own bloodline and she made a lot of enemies with this. With this wild man from the north protecting her for several days, the road trip back to her city would be much more safe. She trusted him and he trusted her. Although that was a mistake on his part. As soon as she was with Mansud Laaso, she would dump Ogis because that’s what she has always done to people that were of no use to her. Suddenly she noticed that thick, long and hard object was pressing against her. It started above the depths of her ocean and was pressing against the part of her dress where her fjords emerged from the sea like in the northern countries. It was not an inanimate object however. It continued growing until parts of it were between her fjords. Like a glacier it was slowly growing and developing between the fjords. Anisa moved a bit while hugging him to get a better feel of the expanse of the Ogis’ glacier. It was about twice the length and width of Monsuds glacier. The hot summer this year made this glacier the only thing she wanted. The puddles of water on her fjords started freezing into hard blocks of ice. Some of the water on her fjords escaped the freezing and went down from the slope of the fjord towards the growing streaming river of thirst for Ogis. It joined the mainstream of shame and guilt which led to her riverdelta of lack în affection. The water was back again at the depths of her ocean. It was very wet in her depths already but now some of that water escaped the depths of her ocean as she started crying. Ogis pulled away from the hug “ I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.. – Don’t worry thief, It’s been so long since I have been touched like this. She pulled in for another hug and Ogis started caressing her hair which was the same color of her feelings from the time before touching him. Slowly they started dancing while the magic of the moment continued. Ogis slowly brought his lips to her ears and whispered: “ Stay with me, girl.”



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