The Apple of Eden [OC]

In my house we never locked the bathroom door. We, in fact, didn’t even have the keys anymore, my mother took them away when we were young and now it’s just a fact of life that the bathroom is not being locked. We just trust each other to not enter the bathroom when it’s closed. We are no savages after all.

I was 3 years older than my sister, Anastasia. While I was studying Medicine in Athens (our city), she was studying educational sciences, in order to be a teacher -her passion-, in a small Greek island.

However, due to the COVID crisis, she came back and since the exams were done via the internet, she stayed here in our childhood house for an indefinite amount of time.
I always liked my little sister. She was I guess cute, funny, and clever. We did everything together. She was what would describe as a tomboy, I guess. But, I hadn’t really seen her enough during the past years, and I almost forgot about her existence. I only saw her during the holidays, and she was always outside with her friends, and her new boyfriend. But, even I could tell that she had grown since our childhood years. She got taller, of course, but she is also became more mature. She loved children, and her body -you could tell- was ready to host some little devils inside her. Her breast got incredibly big (almost with an absurd growth rate), and her hips to waist ratio made her look ripe and ready for her future maternal role.

However, despite the maturity of her beautiful body, she had still the behavior of a teenager.
She was always playful and used to tease me a lot. She always tease me about the fact I never had a girlfriend and I was a virgin despite the fact I was 24. I would always tell her though, that I was focusing on my studies, and that love is not important for me as of now. The lies I was telling to myself…
I could tell that the quarantine was not very kind to my little sister. She got dull very quickly and she always craved for something exciting to do. Her quarantine melancholy was only boosted however when she broke up with her boyfriend, due to unknown for me reasons. She seemed at this point, incredibly somber, I couldn’t even recognize her. She was barely my energetic sister, anymore.

These past few days she has been indignant about everything. We always hear her screams and shrieks these days, after her melancholic phase passed.

It was a normal day (under those circumstances at least), when I went to take my morning shower. It was pretty uneventful, up to that point. I was thinking of the lucid dream I saw last night, where I almost had a nocturnal emission. I couldn’t really recollect it, the only thing I remember was that Anastasia was in it. This put shivers on my spine. I just realized I lusted over my sister. I knew the feelings were there, somewhere deep inside me, but I didn’t want them to resurface. It was just wrong, plainly and simply wrong and immoral.

Then, after I had successfully quench my surreal thoughts, I heard the door open, and lo and behold, my little sister, Anastasia, appeared before me, wrapped with her red bathrobe. She looked contemplative and she hadn’t see me inside the shower, where I was standing there naked, with a semi-erection from my previous thoughts. I swiftly managed to put a hand towel in front of my cock, and after a split second my sister noticed me, stunned.

“Go away, Anastasia!” I shouted at her, while trying hopelessly to protect the hand towel from dropping exposing me fully to my sweet sister.

She was shocked, she just mumbled “sorry I didn’t see you, bro, I am so sorry”, and tried to leave the room. However she didn’t, or she acted very slowly at least, like she wanted to hear an answer from me, like she wanted to hear something. Our relationship the past month was a bit chaotic, so I didn’t know what to think. I just wanted to lighten up the mood, so to speak. “Leave, I don’t want you to experience a traumatic episode if you see me naked, sis” I told her jokingly, immediately thinking that I made a huge mistake, driving the atmosphere even more awkward than it should have been.

Silence filled the room, until my sister said with an uninteresting tone “I don’t mind”. This took me by surprise, I never expected such a response, and my heart was racing. “What did she mean by that?” I pondered. “Does she share my feelings for her? Is it even ethical to have this kind of relation with such a close relative?” I continued thinking, while my sister was approaching the door to leave the room, but instead of closing the door behind her as she left the bathroom, she closed the door while she was inside, separating us from the rest of the world. Now my breath was heavy, my head was aching. I felt sick, but in the same time I felt heavenly.

“What are you doing?” I asked her, trying to play it cool.

“Nothing” she replied nonchalantly.

My boner was now visibly enormous. I almost cummed on the towel, but I tried to think of whatever thought popped up in my head; “I guess Liverpool had a good season this year” I thought, but I really just wanted to fuck the shit out of my sister.

Anastasia was approaching me with a seductive look that seemed incredibly bizarre to me. I mean, I remember fondling her curly hair when she was five or so, seeing her like that, was… ecstatic. My hand muscles relaxed for a brief second, and the towel I was hiding my penis felt to the floor of the shower, exposing my erect penis to my sister. I then, decided to hide it with the palms of my hands, but I was barely to contain myself from masturbating, to the image of my sister. My sister smiled, revealing her white teeth. I remember her with braces, with her teeth being crooked, but now everything seems so perfect, and the environment surrounding me incredibly serene.

With a quick move, she took off her robe, uncovering the mythical body I was so lusting for. Where shall I start? From her tender shoulders that seemed so perfect, or from her breasts which looked even better than I had ever imagined them to be. She was definitely D size and her nipples had a nice rose tone. Her belly was delicate and soft with a piercing in her belly bottom adorning her athletic physique.

I found my gaze looking at her nicely trimmed bush, which was consisting of a vertical straight line, which lead to the greatest treasure I could wish for. I left the shower, and starting walking towards her. Words couldn’t enter my mouth, I couldn’t express what I thought of, I didn’t know what to say. I was struck by the arrow of Eros, by the sting of lust. I wanted to fill her impeccable beauty with my boiling semen. I wanted to experience every single inch of her delicate body. I wanted for myself, and suddenly a fire of jealousy overflew me, jealousy that there were guys craving for her, lusting over her, men who defiled her in the past. That was over. Now she is mine, she is mine forever.

Before I said anything she told me that we are alone in the house, since our parents had gone to help my grandmother in the other side of the city. I knew her by her look, she barely could contain herself. I grabbed her crimson face and I don’t know why I started kissing her all around, in her mouth, in her in her cheeks, everywhere, lust had conquered me. I grabbed her ass cheeks and I squeezed with all my power, until I heard a moan coming from her mouth. “I want you” I murmured, while I was continuously kissing her all around her chest. My sister put me aside, and looked at me with a confusingly look.

“No I can’t” she said, something that made my heart weep. My dick was already starting to ejaculate and I really wanted to finish inside her.

“But why?” I replied bluntly, with my head buzzing I couldn’t think straight. Everything was so dreamlike I barely could comprehend that I was “existing” in front of her at this point in time, it seemed outrageous.

“I am a virgin” she replied while looking me with those big brown eyes directly at my face.

“Really?” I replied barely able to contain my euphoric happiness.

She nodded affirmatively.

“We never did anything” she continued, while her gaze dropped to the floor.

I approached her yet again. I touched her chin, and I raised her head. I looked at her and I smiled. Then she grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me passionately in the mouth. At this point, I don’t have to tell you I wasn’t on planet Earth. I was flying somewhere else, along with the Gods of the past. I was invisible, I could do whatever I wished for. I was a God.

After a few seconds, which seemed like centuries, she let me go, only to see her sweet face in front of me, smiling. She was radiant, the annoying girl of the past months had been transformed in a few seconds to the vibrant girl who reminded me of my childhood.

“I love you” I said with my breath taken away.

She grabbed my back. “I adore you” she replied laughingly.

I wanted to lay her down on the sink, and fuck her raw from behind, but I didn’t, I knew this wasn’t appropriate for her, especially since she was still pure, she was a virgin.

“I want us to take it slowly” she whispered in my ear, while she was biting her red lips, which shined under the lighting of the bathroom.

“I understand” I replied, trying to suppress my lust. It was for the best. However, something made me lust her even more. A modest aroma, a smell I knew all too well, her perfume she had been wearing for almost ten years, stuffed the room, and what I tried to suppress previously, now surfaced again. Pure, unadulterated lust. My erection consolidated, and only the thought of me not fulfilling my biological needs, made me crazy.

I started kissing her, this time on her enormous breasts. I fell to my knees, and started perusing her body, caressing every single inch of her chest and belly. I then, began kissing gently her belly bottom, and afterwards the bush in front of her godly vagina. While, I really wanted to continue my journey in her labia and clitoris, she stopped me, by putting her manicured hand in front of her forbidden zone. The apple of Eden, was not to be consumed today.

“Can I at least finish on you?” I pleaded her, since it was pretty obvious, I wouldn’t finish inside her.

She nodded positively, and afterwards she firmly grabbed my moist dick. She seemed inexperienced, since she couldn’t masturbate me properly (not that I really needed any other incentive to unleash my sperm), but it hurt, so I proposed I do it myself, so she could also satisfy herself. She agreed, and put her right hand, inside her vagina, while she laid down on top of the toilette’s closed lid. I approached her, and I started masturbating (as gently as I could), in front of her. Everything about her, radiated sexiness. Her fit belly with the piercing, while she was sitting down, her voluptuous thighs, her vaginal lips, her indescribable breasts, even her armpits made me hornier than I have ever been before. Down, her feet were creating what I perceived as seductive movements, moving her foot arch in a very exotic but sensual manner. I wanted to lick her painted nails on her toes, but I didn’t.

As I was gazing on her amazing body, I could see her fingers fondling her clitoris. I leaned on and kissed her once again on the mouth. She giggled, the same way she did when we were young. After that nostalgic thought, my dick pumped all the liquids it storage there for all this time on top of the thighs and the belly of my little sister. After a few seconds, she loudly moaned finishing her duty. Semen continued spewing from my still erect penis, and some drops fell on my sister’s face, but she laughed it off as it was a drop of rain.

“I guess we have to clean this mess you did” she said playfully and I agreed after I saw the loads of cum filling this part of the bathroom.

“We should shower. This was my purpose, either way, before you came in” I continued the playful dialogue.

She stood up next to me, letting her body touch mine, tingling my dick into standing up again. She was about twenty centimeters shorter than me, and I fucking loved her petite complexion. She was my angel. She was my purpose. She was the reason I went to sleep, she was the reason I woke up. She was everything to me, that moment. She was my true love. She was my sister. My dear young playful sister.



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