The Elf Ranger and the Orcish Elixer Pt 1 (MF) (Fantasy)

The Elves of the Mistwood had lived in peace and prosperity for centuries untold. Encroachments on their forest were far and few between. It rarely amounted to more than the occasional goblin raiding party. The peaceful times were not to last though.

The human tribes which only a few centuries ago were nothing but primitive savages, living in small huts, barely able to sustain themselves. Thier drive and tenacity was something to behold. Within a century the small village had gone to small towns, to bustling cities. Within another century the human cities had merged to form a vast empire.

The human emipre had an unquenchable thirst for conquest and expansion. Eventually their encroachment even reached the shrouded borders of the Elves sacred forest. The humans werw still superstitious, and wary of the mysterious Elves. They knew all too well how deadly the Elves could be with their powerful spells, and expert archers who could cut down a man from afar without ever being seen.

The humans were not the direct threat to the Elves, they were merely the root cause. The human expansion had disturbed the stability of the Orc tribes. The Orcs, though savage, powerful and incredibly dangerous…were typically quite predictable. They rarely attacked en mass, they would hold small raids for supplies or glory. They would migrate seasonally through the forest following the mighty elk herds. The Elves and Orcs had held a mutal respect for each other and the Elves had traditionally allowed the Orc tribes passage through the forest as they followed the herds.

The expansion of the Humans has decimated the elk herds and destroyed the Orcs way of life. Now the Orcs had began to erect small settlements in the forest, where they could find game. For the Elves this would not stand. The forest was sacred to them, and they could not allow the Orcs to encroach upon it.

Eliara was patrolling the southeastern part of the forest. She was the youngest daughter of one of the noble families. Which meant she could expect no inheritance, no title, no real power from her birthright. So instead, she took the path of the ranger, and exelled. Quickly rising to the rank of Lieutenant General Ranger, second in command of the Elvish defense forces. The youngest one to achieve such an honor in Elvish history.

There had been reports of an Orc settlement that had recently sprung up in this part of the forest. Eliara moved in complete silence, her long blonde hair was tied into a long braid as to not obscure her vision. She stopped and knelt down as she saw some tracks in the dirt. There had been Orcs in the area, less than half a day ago. She stayed still, listening for any sound before standing again.

From the branch of a tree Ogmar watched the lithe Elf as she stopped to inspect the tracks. Eliara was oblivious that the reports of an Orc settlement in the area were incorrect. Ogmar had planned a trick, he brought along several other Orcs, even some women and children and left tracks, built a few structures, made a few bonfires and quickly vacated the area. It was all a ruse. Ogmar needed to test his newest tool his people could use in their struggle for survival.

Ogmar was a powerful Shaman, he spoke to the Elements, the spirts of nature and his ancestors for guidance. Through his communion with the spirt world he had been granted insight on a powerful elixer. The existence of the elixer had been spoken of in Orcish legends for generations, though the knowledge of it had long been lost. The powerful elixer granted any Orc who imbibed it a powerful aura.

The elixer amplified an orcs natural phermones, to incredible levels of effectiveness. His phermones would affect any female who was close to him. Just the scent of his phermones would cause any female to desire mating, it started subtley but the desire would only grow. The female would be unable to help but imagine herself being taken by the imbiber. She would be overwhelmed with the desire to taste him, to savor the powerful phermones. Tasting of the phermones would accelerate the effects even more.

If the elixer worked this could change everything. The human raids had decimated their population, and the human slavers targeted Orc females as slaves to work in the mines. They knew the males were to savage to make docile slaves. Their very people were in jeopardy. Without enough females they would die out. That is where the Elves came in. Their females were plentiful, and long lived. The average female Elf was fertile for over half a millennium.

Ogmar decided this was as good a chance as he was likely to get. The Elves were rarely caught alone, without a large patrol. Clearly this girl is overconfident, good, her confidence will be passed on to our offspring he thought to himself. He uncorked the vial that held the elixer and drank it down in a single gulp.

Ogmar crouched on the branch and lept down, landing only a few feet from the Elf ranger. She heard the rushing sound as he plummeted and had already turned around, in one swift motion she notched an arrow and held it pulled back, aimed between his eyes.

“Stop Orc. In the name of the Elves of the Mistwood I order you to submit. If you submit you will be shown mercy. If you resist I assure you that you will perish.” Eliara looked up at the towering figure of the Orc. He was nearly twice her height and more than twice as wide. His green chest was bare, showing many scars on his dark green flesh. His muscles were a sight to behold, as if they’d been cut from green marble. Her long black hair was tied into a topknot, two large fangs jutted from his lower jaw. His lower body was covered only in a hide loincloth, his powerful legs and thighs mostly exposed. She frowned slightly at her odd train of thought. She wasn’t sure why she had been so fixated on his muscles.

Ogmar smiled a toothly smile and dropped his massive war axe. He gave a toothy smile, which looked terrfying to the likes of Eliara. “Of course, I am only trying to survive. My people are starving…” said Ogmar. Pretending to be a helpless villager, though no Orc is ever truly helpless.

Eliara was taken aback at how willing Ogmar had surrendered. In her experience Orcs were a proud people, and would rarely give up without a fight. She approached him cautiously, pulling what looked like a small length of vine from her pouch.

“Turn around and put your arms behind your back Orc.” As Ogmar complied Eliara snapped the vine to his wrists. The vine grew and thickened as it wrapped around his wrists several times. “Do not attempt to escape. If you try to free yourself or run, the vine will tighten and grow thorns. If you continue to struggle it will sever your hands.”

As she put the vine around his wrists, her fingers brushed the skin on the Orcs wrist. For a moment she felt as if she had been shocked. She felt a powerful tingling sensation throughout her body, and she felt extremely warm. It took all her discipline and training to keep from crying out in surprise.

The Orc didn’t seem to notice her reaction or react in any meaningful way. Eliara shrugged it off, it had been a long patrol, that was all. “Now move Orc, we have a long journey ahead of us before we reach the forests edge. When there you will leave this place and never return, under threat of death. Now walk.” She poked him in the back with the arrow that was still notched on her bow.

As Eliara pressed the Orc forward through the forest she felt as if her thoughts were getting clouded. She felt strange but was not sure why. No matter how she tried she continued to lose focus. She would find herself staring at her Orc prisoner. Her eyes talking in his strong back, with his hard muscles, glistening with sweat. When she would realize she was staring she would snap out of it, reassuring herself she just needed to focus.

Invariably her eyes would return to the Orcs glorious physique. Her eyes moved down to his loincloth. It covered so little, with each step she could make out the sides of his muscular buttocks. She could only imagine the gargantuan cock hiding benath that cloth…her cheeks flushed red as the image of a massive, thick green cock invaded her mind.

She had been so lost in thought that she had failed to realize it was nearly nightfall.
“Stop, we make camp here. We will continue at first light. Sit there orc, and do not move.” She pointed at a nearby tree stump. Eliara busied herself preparing the camp. She set a few simple sentry spells that would alert her of any nearby enemies. Next she lit a small fire, and rolled out her bedroll.

Ogmar watched as Eliara prepared camp. She was a tiny thing, barely coming up to navel. Even by elf standards she was not tall. She was slender as were all Elves, though her breasts were small by human standards on her small figure they looked almost too large. Her pale pink skin, was smooth and flawless. Ogmar could tell my her movements that she was a skilled fighter, well trained in the martial arts, and ways of the land. She would produce powerful offspring for him. Finally as Eliara finished setting up Ogmar spoke. “I need to piss Elf, how do you suggest I do that without soaking my loincloth? ”

Eliara sneered in disgust and shrugged her shoulders. “That is no concern of mine Orc, piss where you stand for all I care.” Ogmar glared at her, and chucked humorlessly. “Would you like to spend the rest of the journey smelling stale Orc piss? Let me tell you, the odor is powerful..” Ogmar said with a chuckle.

“You sicken me Orc…well what do you expect me to do?” Snapped Eliara. “Well the obvious solution would be to remove the loincloth. Unless you would prefer to remove my restraints.” Eliara glared at him, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as she realized she had felt a slight surge of excitement at the thought.

“You are a disgusting beast…if it will stop your complaining then I suppose I have no choice!” She said in annoyance as she approached the Orc. She stood before him, as he towered over her. She reached out, trying to mask her nervousness as she untied the Orc’s loincloth. It fell in a heap onto the forest floor.

Eliara seemed to freeze as she saw Ogmar nude. In all his powerful glory, his cock was beyond her expectations. He was massive. It was dark green, with prominent veins. It was easily two of her handspans long, and nearly half that in width. Yet he was clearly not even grown to full size. His cock was mostly flacid, though it seemed to stir as she stared. She couldn’t think. Everything around her ceased to exist, all she could think of was this Orc cock. She couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel in her hand. Suddenly she snapped out of her haze and practically leapt backward.

Ogmar chucked at the little elf who was clearly shaken. “What’s wrong little Elf? Did you see something you like?” She smiled a wide cocky grin at her. She scoffed at him as she regained her composure. “You disgust me Orc, finish your business and be quick about it!” She said as she went to sit next to the fire, on the other side from him. Ogmar turned towards the trees, quickly did his business and returned to the stump, he sat down without a care for his loincloth.

Eliara looked over, raising an eyebrow as he sat down, his cock dangling between his thighs. “Orc I must insist you are covered…” Ogmar laughed deeply. “Orcs do not sleep clothed.” He said, cutting her off.

She glared at him angrily, crossing her arms as Ogmar stared back at her. Eliara saw his eyes studying her, looking her up and down. Like a predator, an enemy…like…wait…she noticed Ogmar’s stare linger on her ample chest, then move slowly down her bodies, lingering on her smooth thighs and legs. The thought caused her mind to wander, as her eyes fixated on his muscles again. How strong his chest was, how powerful his arms…oh how he could pick me up and bend me over…she thought to herself as her eyes wandered down to his cock. She couldn’t help but gasp out loud, his cock had grown even larger, and seemed to still be growing and hardening.

Ogmar smirked as the Elf stared, he flexed his cock, causing it to bounce. He watched as her eyes folowed its movement. Eliara’s thoughts were getting harder to keep straight. Her mind was swimming, her body felt as if it was on fire and the forest filled with a mysterious scent that was just absolutely delightful.

“You like the smell eh elf? Do you know the source?” He looked down, motioning at his growing cock. “I hear the taste is even better…” Eliara’s eyes grew wide, suddenly that was all she could think of. The smell was exquisite, how would it taste? She had to know…”

Without even thinking or realizing Eliara stood up and walked over to where Ogmar sat on the stump. She was short enough that there was no need to kneel. “Touch it Elf…”

Eliara reached out, wrapping a hand around it. The electric sensation was powerful, she practically moaned out loud at the sensation. She could feel the heat emanating from it, it was intense. Her small hand couldn’t even hope to wrap around Ogmar’s girh. Eliara wrapped her other hand around his shaft, stoking it slowly as she licked her lips. The scent overwhelmed her senses as she leaned down, bringing her lips down.

Her pink Elven lips touched the thick green Orc cock and the sensation was overwhelming. As Eliara licked her lips the flavor exploded on her tongue. It was amazing, it was the food of the gods. Words did not describe the flavor. Suddenly she was running her tongue up and down his cock, licking every inch of it before bringing her lips back to the tip.

Ogmar watched in glee as his elixer worked better than he could have ever hoped. The Elven girl was practically possessed with lust. He smiled triumphantly as the Elf brought her lips up the the tip of his shaft and opened her mouth wide, sliding her lips over the head. He was so thick for a moment he was sure she wouldn’t manage to fit it in her little mouth, but amazingly she managed. He relished on the sight of her pink lips stretched obscenely around his Orc cock as she slid her lips down his cock.

Ogmar grunted in pleasure and pushed his hips up, helping force his cock into the Elf maiden’s eagar mouth. Eliara pushed herself down, taking more and more of his cock. Soon the tip of his cock was pressed against the back of her throat. She gagged loudly, tears welling in her eyes as Ogmar continued to thrust, and her own lust drove her to prove her worth.

Gagging and slurping sounds filled the clearing as Eliara worshipped the massive Orc cock. Finally with a powerful thrust of Ogmar’s hips his cock forced its way down Eliara’s throat. Only a couple inches of cock remained not buried in the tiny Elf’s throat. Ogmar could see the bulge in her throat as she sucked eagarly. Finally with one last determined push Eliara managed to force herself down, the last of the Orc’s cock disappeared into her face. Her nose pressed firmly into his crotch.

Ogmar let out a mighty roar as she came, the thick, potent Orc cum shot down Eliara’s throat. It was hot, thick, and absolutely intoxicating. Eliara greedily gulped down as much as she could but it was too much. She slid her mouth off his cock, coughing and sputtering as Ogmar continued to cum. His hot seed blasting all over Eliara, in her hair, on her face and all over her tunic.

She said back breathing heavily, and looked up at him. Her eyes got wide again, her mind becoming largely her own again. She was immediately overcome with shame, though she still couldn’t help licking the cum from her lips and savoring it.

She leapt to her feet, and practically tripped as she scrambled to get several feet between them. She glared at Ogmar, her eyes burning with anger and shame yet still betraying her confusion. “H-how dare you…what have you done to me? What curse have you put upon me!?” Though she tried her best to sound intimidating, it was hard to pull off while covered in the Orc’s cum that she had just been greedly lapping up.

Ogmar chuckled again. “Spell? I know nothing of spells Elf, besides you have had be restrained. How would I work any magic? No Elf…I did nothing. You merely crave Orc cock. If you enjoyed the taste, you are in for a treat little elf. The sensation of it filling your Elf pussy will be make the taste pale in comparison to pleasure.”

Eliara glared at him with hate and confuson, crossing her arms angrily. “Absolutely not. Never do you hear me Orc, I would never debase myself in such a manner. Now I suggest you sleep, we will be traveling again shortly.” she got into her bedroll, and rolled away so she was not looking at him.

She was sure his restraints were secure, and she’d hear if he tried to run. She just needed some rest, then at first light they’d be off. In a matter of hours she would be rid of him. She tried to relax and sleep. Yet she couldn’t help but think of the Orc. That disgusting brute, that oaf, how dare he. The audacity to think that she, a proud Elven maiden, of noble birth at that, would succumb to a filthy beast such as he. She would never, the mere idea of her mating with an Orc was laughable. As if she would ever put such a filthy, disgusting…huge, thick, amazing cock inside her. What did he expect she thought to herself, that she would crawl into his lap and slide his thick Orc cock inside her pure Elven pussy, that she would ride his thick, beautiful cock until she came all over his shaft…she shook her head to clear her thoughts as she realized her mind was wandering. She gave a silent prayer to the gods for strength…



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