piercing brown eyes

She had thought it was his piercing brown eyes that held a spell over her. It wasn’t until this very moment, however, that she realized it was so much more than that. It was his musky sent that filled her nostrils; the way his gravely voice called her name, and the feel of his strong hands as they wrapped around her waist as he drew her in close for a kiss.

It was also how his muscular arms took control of her and manipulated her body, leaving her no choice but to bend to his needs and desires. But more than anything, however, it was his massive cock now sliding past her slick folds and into her depths that cast the finishing touches on that spell.

“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He whispered in her ear in a wheezing breath. 

“I’ve needed this for so long.” She answered, positioning herself forward in order to take his entire length inside her. “Now you can have me anytime you want me.”

Much more can be found on my blog [http://mr69erotica.blogspot.com/](https://mr69erotica.blogspot.com/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hqfiq9/piercing_brown_eyes