Part 1 : Indecent Thoughts [D/s][Teasing]

I look into your eyes, twinkling mischievously as you pull the wand away. A loud whimper escapes my lips as you flick the switch off, tossing it onto the bedside table. Wrapping your arms around me, you nuzzle my neck, planting light kisses from my collarbone up to my ear.

“Don’t worry baby,” you whisper between kisses, “you’ll cum plenty for me tonight.” 

I believe you, but it doesn’t stop my pouting. I usually get at least one orgasm before class, but apparently not today because you leave off kissing to roll out of bed and start getting ready for your meeting. I know you love watching me dress (not as much as watching me undress, but still), so I remain adamantly in bed, covers pulled up to my chin. Fully dressed, you kneel on the coverlet next to me. I turn my head away, pressing my face into the pillow in not so mock annoyance, but your hand on my chin forces my gaze back to you and I look up into your eyes.

“No touching yourself whatsoever today. Is that understood?” I’m still pouting, but I nod obediently. “Good girl.” 

I only get a short, soft kiss goodbye before you’re off, leaving me alone and needy. With a sigh, I pull myself out from underneath the warm, comfortable covers and get dressed, shivering slightly from the cold. Walking into the living room, I’m surprised to see your jacket, neatly folded, sitting on the table. Upon closer inspection, I find a small note sitting on top of the small pile. 

“For you to wear today, babygirl.” Those words wash away the last of my annoyance and I wrap my arms around the jacket, pressing it to my face and inhaling deeply. Slipping it on, I giggle in pleasure as I wrap the material around me. A quick glance at the clock tells me I still have half an hour before my first class. Fishing my computer out of the cushions, I collapse onto the couch, tucking my legs underneath me and enjoying the weight of your jacket on my shoulders while I pull up an old story of ours, hoping to satisfy my unfulfilled needs with memories of past pleasure. Caught up in old stories, my panties are soaked through by the time my alarm goes off and, after a quick change, I’m almost late for class as I rush out the door. 

I don’t know why I thought reading about past kinky adventures was a good idea. I’ve barely made it five steps out the door before my thoughts turn back to how much I want you to use me. As much as I try to push the images out of my brain, the walk to class is accompanied by the thought of kneeling in front of you, looking up into your eyes as I play with myself. The blast of air that hits me as I open the door to the math building manages to shock me out of my head enough to get to class and pull out my notebook. Luckily it’s a lecture day and I manage to stay focused through the power of perfectionist note taking. But every so often I can’t seem to stop my sex hungry mind from pulling up memories of your cock inside of me, allowing me to please you with my mouth or driving into my dripping wet pussy. Either way, any way really, I want you. Class finally ends and I begin to pack up, only to notice a slip of paper peeking out of the inside pocket of my bag. Curious, I pull it out and unfold the small note.

“Don’t forget to meet me for lunch today!” is sprawled across the slip. I smile at the reminder, but groan as I realize I still have another class before lunch. Those few words having destroyed all my hard earned concentration, my mind immediately darts back to last night, to the feeling of the cuffs, of the vibrator pressed against my pussy. The warmth as you cuddled in next to me, propping your laptop on a pile of cushions so we could watch some movie or another while I writhed against you. I feel a blush spread across my cheeks and try to tamp it down, hoping no one notices. 

Walking to my next class, I can’t stop myself from thinking how badly I want to be tied again, my desire only growing when I remember that book you bought, the one with all the different rope ties, is supposed to arrive today. I walk into the classroom, smiling. Almost unconsciously my hand goes to brush against the ring of keys (and charms and multitools) hanging off my belt. The small gold one is for your apartment and I blush again as that single touch brings up memories of all the things we’ve done there. How many times you’ve stopped what you were doing and pinned me down and fucked me, how many times I’ve come with you pressing a wand into my needy pussy. Looking around, I double check that no one has noticed me staring off into space. I resist the urge to text you and do my best to drive thoughts of you and rope and pleasure out of my head and focus on the lesson. 

I manage to get through class without once thinking about your cock inside me. Well, maybe once or twice. Okay, more like a dozen. As I walk out of the building I spot you from across the courtyard, relaxing on a small bench in the shade. Your eyelids are low and I almost think you’re asleep, but you light up when I give a small wave, hopping off the bench to come over to me and, wrapping your arm around my waist, you guide me towards the entrance to one of the many underground corridors crisscrossing campus. 

“Hello, kitten.” You whisper into my ear, your voice a gentle but possessive growl. “How was class?”

“Not bad sir.” I reply, keeping my voice quiet, mostly out of habit since there’s no one to hear us as we descend the steps into the barely lit walkway. “It’s just been a little hard to focus today.” I admit, blushing slightly. You chuckle.

“And why would that be?” 

I don’t even bother to reply, knowing full well that you are perfectly aware of the reason. With another chuckle your hand slips down to give my ass a light squeeze. I catch you glancing over your shoulder, making sure we’re alone, but I still gasp in surprise when you stop, spinning me slightly as you push me up against the wall, trapping my arms behind my back. You lean down and I relax against the cement, closing my eyes in anticipation of a kiss that never comes. Confused, I open them again, just a crack, to be greeted by the sight of you smiling down at me. 

“Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” I look up at you, eyes pleading. My eyes widen when I feel your hand slide down my stomach and I try to glance around you, certain that at any moment someone will come down the corridor and see your hand slip down into my pants. I can’t see anything over your shoulders and it only takes a second or so for desire to override fear. I throw my head back against the wall, so desperate for your touch that I don’t care who sees. My quiet moan carries in the confined space as you run a single finger through my folds, feeling the wetness there. I whine when you pull away and that familiar bemused chuckle forms on your lips. 

“That’s what I thought.” 

You release me, guiding me away from the wall, and just like that I’m back in your arms, walking along as if nothing’s happened. The passageway opens into another sunny courtyard, slightly smaller than the first, and you lead me over to our favorite café. I’m excited when you help me settle into a booth, but quickly disappointed when you take the chair opposite instead of cuddling in next to me. The two feet of table separating us feels like 20. 

Despite my best efforts, lunch goes by without mention of anything remotely kinky. I tell you about my morning classes and ask questions about your meeting. All too soon you’re clearing our plates away and sending me off without so much as a kiss goodbye.  

As I walk away, it feels impossible to focus on anything other than my constant, growing arousal. The moment I lose sight of you my mind rushes back to the hallway. I was already beyond horny after this morning, but having you check, the feeling of a single finger running through my folds holding the possibility, the promise, of so much more…

Pulling myself out of my memories, I look up and realize I walked right past the J building. Shaking my head, I turn and head back. As I step into the classroom it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to push the naughty, horny thoughts out of my mind. A waste of energy, really, as I hear my phone ding practically the moment my ass touches the seat. It’s a message from you.

“I hope you’re looking forward to tonight, slut. I left you a gift on the bed.”

My mind races as I try to guess what it might be. A new outfit? Toys? My speculation is cut short by the sound of my teacher’s voice as she begins the lesson and I bury most of those thoughts for the next three hours, focusing on my class and subsequent meetings. I even manage to get myself to run to the store and drop by my dorm before heading over to your apartment. 

This story is Part 1 of 4. Keep an eye out for Part 2 : Getting Ready. And as always, thanks for reading!


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