Was I rape-baited? (CNC/dubCon, MF)

Long story, bear with me. It happened the day before yesterday (Friday), but I won’t know the results until next weekend.

A bit of background. My friend Mike got married last year and he and his lovely new wife, Susanna, bought a new home in January. They had been planning to have a housewarming party, but those plans were paused due to the COVID-19 lockdown, and now that the British goverment has started to relax the restrictions he and his wife decided to have a combined housewarming/1st anniversary party.

There were three groups of people at the party; peeps from his work (bus driver), from Susanna’s work (chef) and from their shared hobbies (movies and boardgames). I was in the third group. It was one of his work friends, Mary, who made the night interesting. I’d never met her before that night, as mike was the only shared friend we had.

She was already pretty drunk when I arrived fashionably late (the party started at 6, I was there at 7), and was slurring her speech as she joined in telling jokes and stories. She was pretty, a red head and was in good shape. I guessed her to be in her late 30s, where as I am in my mid 40s. She was also dressed for a party: a skimpy top with no bra, and short shorts with the waist band of her thong riding high. A lovely bit of whale tail.

I was having a beer and talking movies with some of my friends when she joined our conversation. She didn’t talk with me directly at that point, but she did stand next to me and lean on me as she blurted out her opinion on the best and worst jackie chan films.

I stayed paying attention to her at that point. She would talk to a group of guys and keep bending down to pick things up from what ever table the were near, as if to give the guys a glimpse down her top. She would stand next to guy and lean against them, like she did with me, then move away if they put an arm around her. It was quite flirty, and she seemed to be a genuine drunken slut.


Then I saw her go the drinks table. She took a can of coke and poured it into her glass. No spirit. Just mixed. I had my suspicions then that she was just playing drunk.

Her odd pattern of behaviour continued all night, and before long she was in the new grouping of friends I was with (taking politics this time). She turned up the drunken flirting to 11, including:

“Are you with your girlfriend” (asking you verify if I was single)
“Ooh, I love your accent” (I’m a semi-pro voice actor)
“I love big hairy guys” (I’m a husky kinda guy)
“God, I’m so wasted. I’m probably not going to remember you tomorrow!” (Do what you want, you will get away with it).

The party was in full swing and she kept on drinking only cokes, yet was acting drunker and drunker. She had a wardrobe malfunction and spent 15 minutes chatting to me with a nipple sticking out of her top. At one point she was actually grinding herself on my thigh. Ok fairly sure if I just asked her to fuck she would have said yes. But I was also sure that wasn’t what she wanted.

Just after midnight I heard her tell susanna she would have to leave in a while to catch her last bus home. Mike and Susanna’s house is just outside town, it’s a 2 mile walk to the main road, or half a mile if you cut through the woods behind their house. I formulated a plan.

About 20 minutes before Mary had to leave, I made my excuses and set off home. I left from the front of the house, saying by to the hosts and my friends, but circled around to the woods behind. Being just after midsummer it was a quite light twilight, even at stupid-o-clock in the morning. I followed the path into the woods, then found a suitable spot and waited.

I heard her before I saw her. She was alone, only one set of footsteps, and she was having trouble walking in her high heels. I waited for to pass, then threw my hoodie over her head, wrapping one hand around her waist and the other covering her mouth.

“Don’t scream. No one will hear you and it will just piss me off. You won’t get hurt if you just do what you are told.”

She froze. Good. She was listening.

I took my hand away from he mouth. Her head was still covered, so she couldn’t see, and I was still holding her, so she couldn’t run, but she could talk.

“Pleashe don’t hurt me. I jus wanna go home.”

She was still slurring. Still pretending to be drunk. That’s when I knew this was what she wanted all along. I’d play along.

I knocked her feet out from under her. She dropped to all fours. She even arched her back down, lifting her arse up. This is what she wanted. What she needed.

I knelt down behind her and roughly pulled her shorts and underwear down. Her pussy was shaved and dripping her. She must have been fantasising about this all night. I pulled myself out of my jeans and entered her roughly.

“No,” she begged “please don’t.”

Her acting was getting a bit thin, but there is something about a girl saying “no” that makes it even hotter. I grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her.

“Sir, please don’t. Please don’t rape me. Please, sir.”

She was trying to squirm off me, but I was holding her hips too tight. I reached under my hoodie, still over her hear, and grabbed a handful of her hair. I pulled her upright, then put my other hand around her throat. A little squeeze calmed her down.”

“Don’t rape me anymore, please. I don’t want it. I don’t want to be raped.”

Her body revealed the lie as she shook with orgasm. She went limp, but I didn’t release my grip around her throat.

I sped up my thrusting, feeling my own climax near. She started to fight me again; her arms trying to reach behind her and gram me, but a sharp yank on the handful of hair I had in my hand stopped that.

“Don’t fight it, whore. Your just getting what you deserve.”

She settled down, but whimpered back “please don’t cum in me, sir.”

This woman was just stuck in “opposites day” today.

I thrust deep into her and felt myself unload into her. It was genuinely one of the best climaxes I’d ever had, and her pathetic struggling to get off me and somehow avoid a womb full of rape seed just made it much hotter.

I let go. She curled up into a ball and was silent. I pulled my hoodie of her head and just walked away.

Anyway, this morning I logged into Facebook to see what she had rsvp-ed yes to another party I had been invited to, another guest of the party must have added her to his friends list.

I wonder if she will try her act again at this next party. Will the same thing happen again? I told a few of my friends who are also going about her antics, and together we are thinking of organising a special treat for her. Well, for the five of us as well. The host of next week’s party has a pretty large basement…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hpuuu0/was_i_rapebaited_cncdubcon_mf


  1. Did you wait until Sunday to post so that the days would line up with the text from two weeks ago in the other sub?

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