Networking, Part II [MF] [Str8] [Cons] [Public]

Mia’s presentation went off without a hitch. She relished in being dressed up in front of the crowd, sharing her research. The rest of the conference flew by. Though Mia found the sessions interesting, it was that evening events that made her excited.

A select few young professionals were invited to a wine and cheese networking event hosted by a top firm. As a presenter, Mia was invited. She had a feeling Julian would be there, given his popularity and success. He seemed to know everyone.

After the daytime events wrapped up, Mia changed from business-casual attire into a slim fitted skirt and flowy tank top in the conference centre ladies’ room. She dusted herself with dry shampoo and refreshed her makeup, adding a conspicuous shade of red to her lips for the evening.

Mia had to focus. She had to play it cool. What was she doing to say if she saw Julian again? Could she just walk up to him and pick up their conservation without blushing, knowing she had spent half of the day mentally detailing the blowjob she’d give him if she had the chance? She wasn’t necessarily hatching a plan to seduce him, but she couldn’t stop daydreaming. She compartmentalized the image of his dick in her mouth into the back of her mind. She walked the short blocks to the professional mixer. She took a deep breath before walking into the upscale bar. She would never have come to a bar this fancy without an invitation like this, and she was grateful to be included. She didn’t want to waste the opportunity lusting after a man.

Inside the private back room of the bar was a whose-who of the industry. Mia was whisked from conversation to conversation with brilliant peers and leaders. She spotted Julian in the back effortlessly jiving with a group of partners from the sponsoring firm. He clearly didn’t notice her as he was already surrounded by long-time buddies who took meetings with each other on golf courses with boozy lunches. Mia knew she had nothing to offer the conversations in that corner, so she put all of her will power into ignoring him.

By late evening, Mia was tipsy. She’s downed three glasses of wine in 90 minutes at the open bar. She found herself surrounded by the same crowd that had drunkenly chatted out on the patio until late last night.

As the networking died down, the group decided to head to a bar in another part of town. Mia turned to grab her purse from the bar stool where she had left it. Julian’s tall frame was blocking her, his lips pursed into a smile just centimetres from her forehead. She took a second to steady herself.

“Well done on your presentation,” Julian complimented.

How had Mia lost track of him for long enough that he could sneak up on her? It must be the wine.

“Thank you” Mia responded, concertedly trying to keep it together. She hadn’t seen him in the audience. Had he blended into the crowd? She was glad she hadn’t spotted him at the presentation, or she wouldn’t have been able to concentrate anyways.

As they left the networking event, Mia and Julian caught up about what she’d missed at the pub last night. They chatted boisterously, oblivious to how disruptive they were on their way out of the bar. A server shot them a dirty look and scolded them in French when they rambunctiously burst out laughing, interrupting the chic atmosphere for the rest of the bar’s patrons. The naughty feeling of getting in trouble made them lose their composure with laughter when they got outside just as dusk was settling. They leaned into each other in solidarity, then they hurried to catch up to the group. Neither of them had any idea where they were going.

They followed their friends through narrow alleys with string lights overhead, over a bridge and down by the canal. The romance of the city didn’t escape Mia. They arrived at a street so full of live music venues that patrons were spilled onto the road, making out on stoops or leaned up against old stone buildings smoking cigarettes.

They entered the establishment Julian’s buddy had chosen. It was an old dive with neon beer ads hanging on the brick wall, a dance floor, and a cover band on the stage. A corridor led to a backyard patio complete with picnic tables, hanging plants, and candles in old mason jars. The atmosphere couldn’t have been more opposite from the event they’d just left, but everyone was ready to loosen up after two days of non-stop business.

Mia knew she had to get away from Julian before she became any more drunk and flirty. She headed to the dance floor with a few of the conference attendees she’d become friends with, while the rest of the group including Julian settled in among the crowded tables outside. She felt wild, exotic, and anonymous as she danced to hits from before she was even born.

Meanwhile, on the patio, the men had shed their suit jackets and rolled up their less-than-crisp white sleeves. The group from the conference ordered more jugs of beer and bottles of wine than they could have reasonably drank, topping off the glasses of anyone who passed by in a generous act of drunken indulgence and camaraderie. They quickly became the life of the party.

It was past midnight. The dance floor was still crowded but Mia decided to head to the patio for the rest of her last night in Montreal. She took the only empty seat at the end of the picnic table dominated by her group.

Julian was sitting across and at the opposite end of the table. Yet he somehow noticed her slip in, and without saying a word he produced a clean glass seemingly out of nowhere and poured her a cool white wine. Mia’s heart raced at the sight of Julian’s muscular forearm expertly navigating the packed table to her glass without even so much as asking. She picked up the drink daintily and mimed a *cheers* in his direction. He smirked back at her but continued his conversation down at his end of the table.

At almost 3 in the morning, Mia was about to leave when Julian appeared walking outside from in the bar with a tray of shots. He doled them out to everyone who remained on the patio as a token of goodwill to the late-night partiers. Spirits were high as friends and strangers clinked glasses before tossing the shots back. Mia took the last one, toasting to health with the table.

Mia was in the same spot she first sat down in, at the end of the picnic table’s bench. Julian had lost his seat on the other end of the table when he went on his mission to get the shots. He pulled up a chair to make himself a new spot. He sat at the end of the table, facing perpendicularly into Mia’s body. His pulled the chair so close to Mia’s side that she could feel his body heat. He leaned back casually in his chair with his legs comfortably spread. One of his knees almost touched hers, and his other knee rested just behind her ass. He may as well have just straddled her. Her heart fluttered, but she pretended not to notice him and continued her conversation.

Mia couldn’t tell if Julian was intentionally tantalizing her with this intimate seating arrangement, or if he just wanted to be closer to his group of buddies but there was no room left at the table. When he laughed, Mia felt the vibration through his body into hers. When he leaned forward, his chest hovered right next to her bare shoulder. When their knees accidentally grazed, she felt a shock directly from where they touched straight to her sex, which was becoming wetter by the second. She had to fight every urge to put her hand down to rest on his leg.

Eventually she decided to have fun with this situation. Mia crossed her legs, letting her skirt ride up to show off her own toned thighs. She tapped her front foot up and down, stroking Julian’s shin with each tap. It would have been impossible for Julian to not notice her physique from his vantage point.

As the night simmered down, the remaining group members announced they were going to catch cabs back to their hotels. It was almost four in the morning. Reluctantly, Mia stood up, breaking the spell of arousal she had been stewing in next to Julian. She wished the group a safe ride home and declared that she was getting her own cab back to her hotel. The table cleared out as everyone headed through the bar out to the street, now filled with drunks singing old French pub songs.

Mia started back into the back of the bar when she felt a hand authoritatively grab hers. Without looking, she knew it was Julian. He pulled her into a 90 degree turn that veered into a bathroom. They were at the back of the pack – no one saw them disappear together. The second that she felt the tug away from the group, Mia knew what was going to happen.

Once they were both inside the unglorified single stall bathroom, Julian closed the door and turned the lock. Mia stepped forward, trapping him against the door. They grabbed each other impatiently by the waist and locked eyes. They both cracked a smile, easing the palpable tension.

In an instant they were making out. Neither of them felt any inhibitions thanks to the alcohol. Their lips had a magnetic attraction. Once they were touching, they couldn’t stop except to gasp for air. Their hands grasped at each other’s bodies. Julian’s fingers traced Mia’s soft cheeks and jawline before landing behind her neck, pulling her head in closer to his.

“Ju… Julian…” started Mia in a breathy voice, not knowing what to say.

“Shhh,” replied Julian with a soft laugh. They didn’t need to say anything.

Mia pressed her hips into Julian’s crotch. She immediately felt the clear outline of his throbbing, erect manhood through his dress pants. She wondered if it had been there the entire time he sat next to her on the patio. She hadn’t let her eyes gaze that direction.

Julian picked Mia up. She wrapped her legs around his torso while he led her to the wall. The cinder blocks were sturdier than the door they’d been leaning on. He used his powerful build to restrain her against the wall, Mia was fully on board. She could feel his taut member dig into her thigh, it turned both of them on even more. She slung her arms over his shoulders. Julian moved from making out with her to caressing her neck. She felt his trim beard tickle and tease her skin. Mia moaned uncontrollably.

“You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking of this,” Mia told Julian in a sultry voice.

“I think I do,” replied Julian with a salacious smile.

His hands traced the natural curves of her torso few times before sliding up her tank top to find her plump breasts, which filled Julian’s broad hands. Mia was relieved it had been too humid out to bother with a bra that day.

“Mmmm,” was all Mia could muster. She tilted her head back and rested it against the wall, thrusting her chest towards Julian. He massaged her tits, toying with her perky nipples by rolling them between his fingers. The light, playful pinches made her whimper.

Her sex throbbed with excitement. Julian pulled his hands back out of her shirt and gripped them around her thighs. He hoisted her up to a comfortable height, clinging to her smooth legs while they squeezed around his core. He hadn’t been able to stop dreaming about this moment ever since she had let her skirt slide up for him outside on the patio. He wrapped one bicep around her side and cupped his hand under her ass to hold her up.

Julian’s other hand slid up between her legs. He worked his fingers up her skirt, along her inner thigh, closing the gap between his hand and her womanhood. Mia’s breathing slowed with anticipation. Julian hooked his fingers around her light thong and pulled it to the side. They stared deeply into each others’ eyes as Julian’s fingertips first pressed between her creamy soft folds. Mia’s body shivered with delight as he brushed her swollen clit. He wasn’t surprised to find it dripping wet already. He expertly stroked her thirsty clit as he pressed his body into hers, pinning her in place.

“Oh my god oh my GOD,” cried Mia in a state of euphoria.

Julian circled her sensitive pearl. Waves of pleasure rippled through her body, and she expressed herself in delighted moans. Mia leaned back against the wall, her chest rising and sinking deeply with her laboured breaths. The sensations made Mia’s hips buck involuntarily into Julian’s abdomen.

She loved letting him pleasure her like this, but there was one thing Mia wanted more – Julian’ package. She put one foot down on the ground so Julian could unpin her from the wall, freeing up his pelvic area.

“Let me get that belt off,” suggested Mia as she scrambled to unbuckle it and plunge her hands down his pants.

“Uh huh.. yes, please,” requested Julian. His deep voice turned Mia on even more.

The first touch of his manhood almost made her pass out with anticipation. Mia unwrapped Julian’s generous cock from its undergarment. She glanced down to see it in the dim light. It was as sturdy and thick as she expected. It would only fit inside of her when she was as slick and elastic as possible, which was her current condition.

With his stiff length free, Julian hoisted Mia back up against the wall. With a firm grip in both hands she made long, slow tugs, feeling out the terrain of his manhood. Julian’s substantial body was fully leaning into her, he could only be closer if he was inside of her, which is exactly where Mia wanted him to be.

Mia couldn’t believe this was real life. She took a deep breath, tilted her head back, and looked up at the sweet familiar face that she had been admiring for the past two days. Julian looked down at her and flashed a provocative smile before planting a sloppy kiss right on her lips. The bare lightbulb in the dingy bathroom made a shadow in his dimples and highlighted beads of sweat on both of noses. Mia sucked Julian’s bottom lip sensually as she continuously clasped his member, stroking it faster and harder. Julian’s body quivered in reaction.

“I… I can hardly wait any longer,” Julian let Mia know. She felt the same way.

She maneuvered the bulging appendage in place, touching his tip to her opening. Julian took over with a swift thrust. He slid his shaft into her. They both gasped in astonishment. They were officially fucking.

In seconds, Julian was working his cock, pumping in and out of her with intensity. Mia pressed her shoulders against the wall and arched her back to get a satisfying angle where she could feel his entire length. If Julian’s firm physique didn’t give away his strength, the fact that he was holding Mia up with one arm while penetrating her against a wall certainly did.

Mia knew they wouldn’t be getting completely naked in that dive bar’s bathroom, but she wanted to see more of him. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of Julian’s now filthy dress shirt. His body was moving so quickly and athletically she could barely manage it, but she wanted to see his chest rising and sinking as he gasped and moaned.

“How’s that?” panted Julian quietly into Mia’s ear, slowing down the pace to enjoy long deliberate strokes. His sturdy hips drove his length in and out of her. She basked in his large frame towering over her, the motion of his entire core working to please her – to please them both.

“Take me however you want, right now I’m all yours,” replied Mia sternly, before breaking into a giggle. They both knew it was absurd to try to maintain composure while fucking in a single stall dive bar bathroom in Montreal at almost 4 in the morning.

Neither of them could last long. The heat, both from the stale mid-summer air and from their racing pulses had made the temperature in the room unbearable. They were overflowing with lust. They both knew they were in for a quickie.

Julian ramped the pace back up, thrusting his hard-on into Mia with a pounding rhythm. He felt her tighten around him as she came closer to finishing. Julian’s deep voice started to break into grunts, he was close. Mia couldn’t hold on much longer.

She gave into a raw, head-splitting orgasm. She sent her arms up behind her, palms landing flat on the wall. She let out a high-pitched wail as her entire body spasmed. Her surge of pleasure tipped Julian over the edge. He erupted in a roaring climax as he spilled over inside of her. Gripping her around the waist, he froze with overwhelming sensory explosions from his shaft that spread to each of his extremities. Julian’s knees buckled and he had to prop himself up with his arm extended against the wall.

Their chests rose and sank together as they panted for air, coming down from their climaxes together. After shocks sent twitches through their bodies. They could feel every move the other made as they were propped up together.

Julian held Mia in place for another moment, still inside of her, not ready for it to be over. They held each others’ gaze and soaked in their raunchy surroundings, seeing each other fully disheveled but completely satisfied.

Eventually Julian lowered Mia back to her feet. They hadn’t even caught their breath yet as they burst out laughing and locked in a passionate kiss. They leaned into each other, abandoning the wall completely. Neither of them wanted to go back to the reality that faced them outside of this bathroom, outside this city.



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