New Beginnings: Chapter One (Part 2 of 2) [Alien Encounter] [Sci-Fi] [Breast Expansion] [Interracial] [Straight Sex]

“Our race is made up of two different species,” Solaria said, glancing down at her body. “The skin is of the… it is hard to pronounce in this language,” she said as her eyes flashed fast. “Denora or in my tongue the first ones.”

“They were smart, brilliant, even. But very weak and very timid. When another species attacked them from another world, they made robots to fight the war. Over time the robots won. After the war had finished, the Denora did not need the robots, but instead of deactivating them, they made them into their servants and the working force.”

Adrian nodded. He could see humans eventually building robots or machines to do their bidding. Then he remembered all the movies to that effect.

“The Denora became lazy, and soon, the robots became the dominant species. They overpowered the Denora and soon made them into their servants. Eventually, the Denora tried to make the robots more organic, they melded their bodies onto the robots, and we are the finished product. Over time, the true Denora died out, leaving only us.”

“That explains a lot,” Adrian said. That’s why she resembled a robot. It was part of her genetic makeup. “Well, you do not need to serve me,” he said. “I just want you to repair yourself and your ship so you can return home.”

The two of them sat in silence as they watched the game. Even with everything going on, Adrian enjoyed a good football game. He had to explain most of the fundamentals to Solaria, who watched with both curiosity and wonder. After Adrian’s team had lost and the game was over, he let out a long yawn.

“Don’t you sleep?” he asked.

“We do not need sleep. We rest when we shut off,” Solaria replied.

“How long is that for?”

“Anywhere from two to four of your earth hours,” Solaria said. Adrian let out an even more prolonged yawn. “You are tired. It is past your usual sleep time,” she said as she stood up. Adrian nodded and slowly walked into the bedroom. Solaria stopped at the door. “Good Night.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

The morning came fast as usual. Adrian woke up and found her standing just outside his bedroom door.

“Please tell me. You have not been standing there the whole time,” Adrian said as he walked past her.

“No,” Solaria replied.

“I only left to make your breakfast, then I returned,” Solaria said, following behind him. Adrian shook his head with a smile. He was beginning to like her direct and factual responses. “But, you are late.”

“Damn,” Adrian cursed as he looked at his phone.

“I made your breakfast easier to take with you and lunch,” she said, picking up a cooler.

“Thank you,” Adrian said as he rushed out the door. Solaria stood there, looking at the door. Adrian reopened the door after realizing he had left her with an open statement. “Thank you for making breakfast and lunch. Bye for now.”

Adrian’s second job was as a stock associate at the local grocery store. He only worked there part-time for the extra hours he needed to keep up with bills. He hated everything about it. The days always seem to drag.

When he saw that there were only two more hours left on his eight-hour shift, he began to think of going home. Adrian had never thought of going home like this before. Mainly because he never had anyone to go back to, or there was no one there that needed him.

Adrian walked the aisle’s, making sure all the sale items were stocked and full. He saw two military officers. He tried to pass them as quietly as he could.

When he passed them, he overheard them saying that the military was going to attempt to enter the craft seeing as no one had come out, and there was no sign of activity coming from the ship. Adrian walked swiftly into the back room.

“Solaria,” Adrian said, he was beginning to like talking in his head, he got no response.

Fearing the worst, he started to panic. He remembered that Solaria might have shut down as she had been up all night and didn’t expect him home for another two hours. Adrian began to think of leaving work early so he could check on her. He knew that the manager would probably write him up if he did go.

“Fuck it,” Adrian said to himself as he walked towards the time clock.

“You called for me?” Solaria answered

“Yes,” he replied. “Do not scare me like that.”

“I was recharging,” Solaria replied. “It took me a few moments to wake.”

“They are going to try to enter your ship,” he said.

“I know,” she replied.

“Aren’t you worried?”

“No. They will not be able to enter. No form of technology or weaponry on this planet can damage or harm my ship,” Solaria said.

Adrian felt better but then began to wonder what could hurt a ship like that.

“You are wondering how I crashed.”

“Yes. I forgot you could do that,” Adrian replied.

“I went through a large asteroid belt, light years away from your planet. I thought I got through it unscathed. By the time I realized how bad the damage had been done, it was too late. I tried to transfer through your planet, but most of the systems were non-responsive. That is what made me crash.”

“If you hadn’t crashed, then you and the ship would’ve been on your way?”

“Yes, if I hadn’t crashed. I would’ve hidden behind your sun until the ship repaired itself.”

“Adrian, the police chief wants to see you,” The assistant store manager said over the intercom Adrian cursed out loud. He hated the little brat. The kid was barely twenty-two years old. The only reason they promoted him was that no one else had wanted the job.

“I will be home shortly,” he said.

“I have completed my recharge cycle,” she replied.

Adrian nodded. He was getting used to talking to her this way. It was their way. No one else had a connection like that. He stopped halfway to the office. Was he getting feelings for an alien? He couldn’t have he shook his head, trying to pass the thought away.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was true. Either way, she would be leaving soon. He walked past the customer service desk and up the stairs. The little brat was just leaving the office.

“Anything you want, please just ask ma’am, I mean sir, I mean officer,” he said, stuttering as he closed the door. The kid was barely five feet tall, black hair, blue eyes. Adrian pushed past him.

“Out the way, Junior,” Adrian said. The kid lowered his head and continued down the stairs.

“What is it, Gail?” Adrian blurted out angrily. “I was just about to leave.”

Gail stood by the small desk, dressed in her police uniform. The green uniform was made to be tight on her, showing all of her curves. She liked it this way. It made it easier for her to run. Adrian knew she also wanted it that way to persuade most of the men in this small town to do what she wanted.

Gail looked like an athlete. Ever since High School, she had always kept her body in the best condition she could by running track, swimming, even a year in cheerleading. Gail looked at Adrian as she pulled on the small string that held her hair back, it flowed down her shoulders.

“I just wanted to have that talk. You walked away the other day without a goodbye,” Gail said, walking over to him.

“I said there was nothing to talk about,” he said, ignoring her as she put a hand on his chest.

“Oh, you know that’s a lie,” she said, stepping back, she quickly unbuttoned the front of her top. Exposing her enormous tits in a red lace bra. “I can think of two things to talk about.”

“Forget it, Gail,” Adrian said, trying to look away from her. “Nothing is going to happen,” he wanted to believe the words he was saying, but he knew she had him wrapped around her finger.

“Sorry. I could not hear you,” Gail said as she got closer to him.

“I said. No,” Adrian said, looking back at her.

“You can tell it to my eyes, but how about these,” she said, grabbing his hand and placing it on her one of her tits.

A spark shot down Adrian’s arm and straight to his dick, which pulsed and began to get harder. He looked back at his hand on top of the red lace material of her bra. Her 32E bra.

“Tell them you do not want to put that big black dick of yours between them and fuck them till you shoot your cum all over them,” Gail said, leaning forward and whispering in his ear. “Tell them that, and I will leave.”

“Are you alright?” Solaria asked. Her voice jolted him back to reality.

“No. I mean, yes,” Adrian said out loud.

“I knew you would!” Gail said as she began to take off her bra.

“Stop!” he shouted.

“You want me to stop talking to you?” Solaria asked.

“No,” he answered, but he was still talking out loud.

“Make up your mind, do you want me or not?” Gail asked. She seemed confused as he was holding his head and backing away.

“Do you need help?” Solaria asked.

“Yes. I need help,” Adrian said. Adrian’s emotions were getting the best of him. He just wanted out of this room and this situation.

“What do you want me to do?” Gail said as she got close, looking worried.

Suddenly the fire alarms began to blare, then the sprinklers shot on, shooting water everywhere. Adrian took this opportunity to rush out of the room. Once he got downstairs, the store was in utter chaos as people began to run to the front.

“Everybody out,” the kid manager was shouting. He had a lost, bewildered look on his face.

“Did you turn off the water?” Adrian asked.

“The water? How?” he answered back utterly lost.

“I will do it,” Adrian said. He looked back at the office. Gail was turning the corner with her top all buttoned up.

Adrian ran to the back. He could see where someone had broken one of the fire alarms and hit one of the sprinkler heads. The system must have thought there was a fire. He went to the backroom and took out the emergency key. Slowly he turned the valve the water began to stop. Slowly he walked back to the front.

He saw the kid standing near Gail as the fire department came in through the front doors.

“Seems like someone broke one of the fire alarms, in the back near the dairy department,” Adrian said. “I saw it as I went back there.”

“False alarm?” another firefighter asked.

“Yeah, but do a run through just in case,” Gail said as she saw some military personnel pull up. “Great,” she said, rolling her eyes. She pulled her soaking wet hair back in a ponytail as they came into the building.

“We heard the alarm, thought you might need some help,” one of the soldiers said.

“No. Just a false alarm. The fire department has a hold of the situation,” she said. Her eyes fixated themselves on Adrian. Adrian could tell she was trying to figure things out.

“Mr. Halifax,” Adrian said as the store manager walked in.

“What the hell is going on her, Gail?” he said as he came in. She again said it was a false alarm. The firefighters came back, nodding their heads.

“No fire,” they said.

“Was anything stolen?” Mr. Halifax asked Brody, the assistant manager.

“No. The cash room is locked,” the kid said.

“Well, I want answers. I have water damage everywhere,” the manager said as he stomped his feet in the water that had covered the store floor. “What are you still doing here? I am not paying you to stand here if you can’t stock the shelves then leave,” he said, looking over at Adrian. “Store’s closed. Everybody out. Except you, Gail,” he shouted.

Adrian left when he looked back. He could see Mr. Halifax shouting at Gail and one of the soldiers.

“I hope that helped?” Solaria asked.

“Yes, very much. Thank you,” Adrian said as he got in the car.

“I transferred over and broke the alarm as well as the pipelines. Then returned home before anyone saw me,” Solaria answered.

“Thank you, but you should not risk exposure like that,” he said as he pulled away. Gail was outside now talking to one of the firefighters. She looked at Adrian as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Even more so now. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“You worry about my safety?” she asked.

“Greatly. We will talk when I get home,” Adrian said as he drove back.

Adrian pulled in and was greeted by Solaria at the door. He was glad to see her and those bright eyes.

“I made dinner,” she said, tilting her head. If her face could smile, he was sure she was smiling.

“Thank you,” Adrian said as he walked inside. They sat down to eat. Well, he ate, and Solaria looked at him and the television. The military had made no progress in getting into the ship, just like she had said.

“Why were you in trouble?” Solaria asked him. He looked at her. Not knowing what to say, but he knew he had to tell her the truth.

“I was not in trouble, just in a situation. I did not want to be in,” Adrian tried to explain. Trying to hide the absolute truth from her.

“It was the sheriff lady. Wasn’t it?” Solaria asked, staring at him.

“Yes,” he said, nodding. He was not going to lie to her. “But how did you know?” he asked. Adrian had not told her anything about Gail before.

“Your heart. It was beating just as fast as it did the last time you saw her,” Solaria explained.

“Well, I will try to keep it from doing it next time,” he smiled.

Adrian knew that was impossible. He had cared for Gail. And that was hard to let go. “I am going to take a shower,” he said as he got up.

He could not help feeling the things he did for Gail. At the same time, he was starting to feel differently about Solaria. How could he feel anything for an alien in such a short amount of time? Even though they had a unique connection, there was nothing else they had in common. She was an alien, and he was human.

“Hell, she probably can’t feel anything,” Adrian said to himself as he dried himself off. He wrapped the towel around himself and opened the door to his bedroom. He stood there, shocked at what he saw.

“I know why your heartbeat the way it did. But I could not help you in my natural form, but maybe like this, I can,” Solaria said, standing next to his bed. She no longer looked like herself.

“But how?” Adrian said, slowly walking towards her.

“You have many images of this woman on your computer. I took the image and imprinted it onto my own body,” she said, looking down at herself. “Does it not please you?”

Adrian stood next to her. “Yes,” he said, looking her up and down.

Adrian looked at Solaria, who looked like the embodiment of one of his favorite busty models. He had stared at that body and those eyes for most of his adult life. And here she was standing in front of him. Her tight body with her natural 32KK chest in a black lace bra. Her short blonde hair. And those sparkling blue eyes.

“I am glad,” Solaria said, but instead of her voice, it was the model’s thick European accent. Adrian had heard it many times when she modeled or did video chats for her members. Adrian rushed forward, kissing her lips.

They fell backward onto the bed. Adrian kissed her all over, feeling the soft touch of human skin. Her long tight legs wrapped around him as his towel slipped off him, exposing his naked body.

At this moment, Adrian did not care that the female body under him was an alien. He slid his fingers under her bra strap, peeling them off her shoulders; her huge tits greeted him. They were perfect from their size to their small pink nipples. He slowly began to suck on them one after the other. Solaria’s body reacted just like a human female.

“I have wanted to do this for years,” he said down to his model’s face. Adrian crawled up her body, sitting on her lower chest. He pushed her massive tits together and pushed his dick between them. Slowly he began to tit fuck her.

“I can hold them,” Solaria said, always willing to please him. She used both of her hands to squeeze her massive tits together.

Adrian began to fuck her tits harder. He grabbed the headboard as he looked down into the blue eyes that were staring up at him. He looked at her huge tits seeing the head of his dick barely peeking out between them at the end of each thrust.

“They are so big,” he moaned.

“I can make them bigger,” Solaria smiled, looking up at him.

Adrian looked at them. It happened slowly at first, but he could see that their size was increasing. Now they were barely bigger than her regular size.

When he sat upright, he saw their size increasing faster. They got big enough that he could barely see Solaria’s face or the pillows under her head. Then her upper body disappeared. Underneath them, he knew there was a bed and Solaria.

“Stop,” he finally said. He was no longer able to see her or the bed underneath her. They were gigantic with small nipples poking up from them. His dick was buried beneath underneath all of that tit flesh and still hard as a rock.

Slowly he began to fuck into these gigantic tits. The bed underneath him creaked and moaned under the weight. He could not see her face, but he did not care. He wanted to fuck these huge tits before they went away. Faster and faster he went his dick burying itself between these mountains of tits.

“I’m cumming,” he moaned as he went faster. He pushed forward, looking down, somewhere below him between these massive mountains his dick was pulsing and shooting out his cum. He got off to the side of the bed as there was no room for him to lie down. Slowly the tit mountains began to decrease. After a few seconds, he could see her body again. Then her face came into view.

“Thank you,” Adrian said. Solaria smiled back. Her tits were back to the size they were before. He climbed onto the bed next to her.

“So that is what the human’s call sex?” Solaira asked, still looking like the female model.

“No. That’s called tit fucking,” Adrian said, looking up at her as she lay on his chest, looking at him. Even though she had human eyes, there was still a faint glow to them. Instead of purple light, it was now blue.

“So, what is sex?” Solaria asked, her head tilted to one side. It was funny to see a human face doing it, as it looked like she was confused.

“Do you want to experience human sexuality?” he asked. Solaria nodded with a smile.

“Would it please you?” she asked.

“Yes, very much,” he said. His dick already throbbed at the thought of having sex. He rolled her over then got between her legs, slowly Adrian pushed himself up into her. Solaria’s female body took him in as he pushed forward, she let out a soft moan.

“This body is experiencing pleasure,” Solaria said as she moaned again.

Adrian pushed in harder, grabbing her legs and putting them on his shoulders. He began to fuck her harder. Her big tits rolled and bounced around on her chest.

“Do you want me to make them bigger again?” Solaria asked with pleasure in her voice.

He could only nod as he began to push her legs forward; they were nearly touching the headboard behind her. Adrian fucked down harder. His balls were slapping against her. He looked down as her tits began to grow bigger again. He tapped on the leg when they were touching her chin and her knees. He looked down between her legs as he had them now touching the wall.

The size of her tits and the glow of her blue eyes pushed Adrian over the edge. He pushed himself into her as he came hard. He felt like he wouldn’t stop cumming.

He fell to the side of her breathing heavily, his heart racing.

“That was human sex,” he said out of breath. “Usually, it lasts longer, but huge tits always make me cum quicker,” he said, smiling.

Solaria was silent. Adrian looked over at her. She was back in her regular form, but the glow from her eyes was gone.

“Solaria?” he said panicked. Her robot form lay still without moving.

Adrian touched her to shake her when he touched her metallic skin. He quickly pulled his hands away. Her body was freezing. “Solaria!” he shouted.

How could he be so stupid? He thought to himself. Having sex with an alien, an alien robot at that. He shot his bodily fluid into a robot. He began to shake her, using the covers to shield him from the cold. “Come on, Solaria. I am sorry. I should have warned you.”

With a sudden jerk, her body shot upwards at the waist. “I am fine,” she said. Turning to look at Adrian. He sighed a breath of relief lying back down.

“You scared me,” he said.

“My body has never had that happen,” she said. “The rush of pleasure the human body had taken when you…” Solaria stopped. “What did you do? You injected with me a thick fluid?” she said with her head tilted.

“I Came? And it’s called cum, well us humans call it that,” he said with a smile. He never had to explain that before.

“Well, the female body had a rush of pleasure which shut my body down,” she said.

“Sorry. I did not know it would do that,” Adrian said. Solaria stood up.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“It is two hours past your usual sleep cycle,” Solaria said. “You must get some rest,” she said as she left the room. Adrian shook his head as he laid down.
