Hot Tub Fiasco [MF] [Blowjob] [Friend’s Little Sister] [Age Gap]

Matt and I were great friends. We graduated high school together, spent endless night’s at each other’s homes and went on countless adventures. We spent our free time sharing a beer outside or doing whatever we pleased. He lived with his parents and his little sister in a pretty big sized home, which explains why he still hadn’t moved out at our age, being 28. He could definitely afford and it go wherever he pleased, but as long as his parents were cool with it he stayed. His house was always a place for us to party considering it’s size, his lenient parents, the pool and the hot tub.

Even though we were in our late 20’s we still found the time to get the guys together and party at Matt’s place. Matt would negotiate a deal with his parents (usually by check) to find time for them to leave for the night while we bring usually about six guys over and watch tv and drink. The only rule was that his little sister also had to be gone or hiding in her room. I was cool with her, and so were some of the guys, but Matt’s parents just didn’t want her in that atmosphere. She always thought it was inappropriate. Matt’s little sister, Mallory, was about ten years younger than he was. Matt and I never questioned her authority, however, considering the deal we were getting out of it.

We had plans to throw a nice 4th of July party. Matt’s parents were going to go celebrate with his grandparents while us guys fired off fireworks at his place. We got some alcohol for the night, rented a few movies, grabbed the fireworks and met at his place at 6.

After finding a spot to park I got out of my car and helped the boys carry some stuff inside. After setting everything up, we popped open the drinks and caught up with each other. Once the sun had set we went outside to light up the sky.

I walked next to Matt. Looking around his yard, I noticed Mallory’s car in the driveway, which explains why the parking was so stuffy.

“Is she here?” I asked him, point towards her vehicle.

“Yeah, mom said she could stay. Don’t know why she wants to though,” he said before taking another sip of his beer. The guys had just lit some fire crackers.

“She did just turn 18 a few weeks ago, so mom told her she could bother us if she wanted. You can go say hi if you’re really crushing that badly over her,” he said, laughing as he walked up to go light one.

“Oh fuck off,” I called at him, watching him go to work. We watched as the rocket he lit shoot up into the air and scatter. He gave me one to light next, indicating it was my turn.

“She’s like 6, you know thats fucked,” I said, taking it and walking to the spot. Matt just laughed at me again, and we all watched. We kept shooting for another hour before heading back inside.

We all refilled our drinks and went into the living room. Before we started, one of our friends got up to use the bathroom and I got the idea that I would say I was going too. Instead, I got up and snuck off to visit Mallory. I knocked on her door, and she opened it.

“Oh it’s you,” she said, with a bored look on her face. “What’s up?”

“I just came to piss you off,” I said, smiling. We were very comfortable with each other. Considering she was Matt’s little sister I had known her for almost her entire life. I was like another older sibling to her. She trusted me with so many things and I hadn’t gotten to speak with her in two months.

“Okay, well, fuck off,” she said, closing the door on me. In response, I playfully threatened to kick it down. She opened it again. “Okay, fine, you scared me,” she playfully pleaded.

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be partying too?” I asked her. It was a genuine question.

She fixated herself, and changed her expression. I knew she was about to spill everything on me.

“Here’s what’s going on. I was supposed to be at Jenny’s, right? That’s where everyone planned to be, but, she got busted with weed two days ago, so her parents are keeping her on lockdown.”

“That’s fucked,” I said, laughing at their shitty post-high school drama.

“So then the problem turned into who’s house are we gonna host at, and it boiled down to mine and my friend Katy. They were more in favor of mine, so I bugged mom about it but we got into an argument because Matt had this shit show planned for you guys,” she playfully punched me in my chest.

“Where you at Connor?!” Matt yelled from the leaving room. This was my name, I failed to mention earlier.

“Dropping a shit! Gimme a sec,” I called back to him, hand over my mouth. Mallory laughed.

“The only thing I got out of that argument is that mom said I could come out and say hi if I wanted to, but why the hell would I do that? Anyways, I got into an argument with Katy because her house was supposed to be last resort, so I just didn’t go. She’s in a bitchy mood.”

“I’m sure the guys would love it if you decided to hang with us,” I said jokingly. “Think about it, it would be pretty hot. We could have an orgy.”

She made a face, and moved to close the door again. “Go back and check on your boyfriends and get me some whiskey,” she demanded. I agreed and left to the kitchen. I was able to stay out of sight from the boys because of the floor plan and was able to deliver a cup of whiskey to Mallory’s door. She took it and I went back to partying for the night.

The next four hours flew by watching movies. We all had consumed plenty of alcohol and it was midnight. Some of the boys had even gone to sleep where they were sitting. Matt and I and two other friends went out to the pool as we really just weren’t tired. We brought a speaker with us and just played some music, watching even more fireworks going off in the sky. To my surprise, after twenty minutes, Mallory walked out in a one piece.

“Why the fuck are you here?” Matt asked her, pretty drunk.

“What the fuck does it matter? I’m not getting in the fucking pool anyways,” she called back, obviously pretty tipsy.

“Nobody fucking wants you here! Take a hint and go back in your hole,” Matt yelled.

“Chill our dude,” I said to him. I was also just slightly tipsy, I watched the amount I drank. “Just let her watch the fireworks, it’s not a big deal.”

“Fuck. Fine,” he said, downing his last can of beer. Mallory didn’t acknowledge me or say anything, just stepped into the hot tub.

The five of us just relaxed in the back yard, watching the fireworks. It had gotten kinda quiet between us, Matt was obviously angry drunk because his sister was here, it made it awkward. Eventually he got up, told us he was going to sleep, and went inside. I talked to the two other guys for a few more minutes before they gave in too. By the time it was just Mallory and I it was close to 1am. The fireworks had all stopped by then.

I sat quietly at the pool for two minutes before getting up and walking over to the hot tub. I was wearing no shirt and swimming trunks, carrying a cup of vodka red bull.

“Took you long enough,” she said.

“Sorry your brother is an ass,” I replied, getting in on the side opposite from her. “He always is, it’s whatever,” she said, sipping from her cup.

“How much have you had?” I asked her.

“I finished the cup of whiskey you got me and then grabbed a can of beer while you guys were out here. Then I filled this cup with the same thing you’re drinking,” she said, giggling.

I took a sip. “As long as you don’t fuck yourself up. Especially by yourself, that’s just pathetic.”

“I’ll probably be close to drunk in a few minutes,” she said, taking another sip. “No more after this one. Just wanted to drink this shit night away. Worst Fourth of July ever.”

“Yeah, sorry. That lowkey is kinda shitty,” I said, lowering my tone. “Just know that they’re no better than you. You’re cool.”

“I don’t need you to kiss my ass,” she said, laughing. “I know I’m cooler than you.”

“That’s the last time I try to cheer you up, dick,” I said, standing up to get out. Mallory’s eyes widened.

“No, don’t go,” she said, her tone no longer joking. “Stay with me for another hour or two. You make this less shitty. I know you’re not tired, pussy.”

I thought about it for a second, then sat back down. I relaxed a bit, and we caught up with each other for a few minutes.

“You got a boyfriend?” I asked her, trying to make more conversation.

“No, the good ones are taken,” she answered. “Their loss, I’m pretty hot.”

“Well that’s confidence I guess,” I replied. She was borderline drunk at this point.

“I am! Aren’t I?” She demanded.

“Fine, you’re hot,” I said, entertaining her. She smiled in response, satisfied. After a second, she looked down, her tone changing to a more serious one.

“Okay, genuine question, but you have to keep it between us,” she said quietly.

“What’s up? Don’t weird me out,” I told her. “You on your period?”

“No, shut the fuck up,” she said, annoyed by my jab at her. “I’m serious.”

I took my last sip of my drink, and lied back. “You have my attention.

She bit her lip, obviously nervous.

“I trust you with shit so I’m asking you this for my confidence,” she said, her face now red. “How do my boobs look to you?”

The question caught me off guard. I hadn’t even noticed her tits if she had any, she was wearing a one piece that was covering her well- and I hadn’t looked before. Her face grew more nervous as the several seconds went on that I took to reply.

“I, uh…” I stuttered, still in surprise by the question. “I don’t know dude, I don’t look at your boobs. What size cup are you even?”

“I’m a DD,” she said quickly. I laughed at her compulsive gesture.

“I really can’t give you an honest answer, sorry,” I said, still laughing at the situation. “I’ve never looked, and your one piece isn’t putting anything on display. Sorry, I can’t help you.”

Her lips pouted, and she took half a minute before her face lit up again. “Give me a sec, this will help,” she said, putting her arms behind her back. I immediately realized she was going to untie her suit.

“Wait, stop you weirdo,” I said, surprised she was doing this.

“I’m not pulling my tits out you idiot,” she said, undoing the top. “I’m just showing my cleavage.”

“Still, are you sure?” Instead of answering, she just finished undoing the top. Using her hands, she help the top above her tits.

“I just want your opinion,” she said. “I’m insecure about them. I feel like guys wouldn’t like them.”

“Dude, I just…” She gave me a pissed, *just do it* type of look.

“Fine, just don’t tell this shit to anyone, you’re 18,” I demanded.

“Okay, shit,” she said. She did more than she said she would, and dropped the piece to just above where her nipples would be. I was getting a complete view of her cleavage and the overall shape of her breasts. What I was seeing was so fucking hot. Mallory was rocking some very nice DD boobs.

“Well?” She said, holding them up with her top. I was staring, speechless. The very idea that Mallory was letting me stare at her partly exposed boobs was so hot itself. I had never looked at her in this sort of light before, but she was actually pretty attractive. I wanted to see her nipples. I wanted to grab her boobs. Without realizing it, I was stuck in a trance for at least a minute.

“I guess that answers my question,” Mallory giggled. Having no idea what she was talking about, I snapped out of it. Looking down, I saw that I was sporting a raging hard on, popping a tent in my trunks.

“Oh fuck, shit, sorry,” I said, embarrassed.

Mallory was laughing at me. “No, it’s cool, don’t freak out-“ Without paying attention, she let go with her right hand to put it over her mouth while she laughed. She unintentionally flashed me her exposed right tit. She scrambled for her top, pulling it back over, now getting a taste of embarrassment.

“Don’t worry about it,” I reassured her. “We’re both idiots. Stays between us.”

She didn’t tie her top back, but instead just held the strings behind her, her tits covered again.

“At least tell me how they were with words,” she jabbed, making me laugh.

“I don’t know what you’re nervous about, they look really nice.” I said. I dared to even flirt with her. *Fuck it,* I thought. “Pretty hot actually, as you could tell.”

Her face went a little red, but she giggled in response. “Haha, thanks, means a lot.” She said. She waited a few seconds before muttering, “would it be alright if I just kept them out? Like until we go to sleep? I don’t want to tie this again.”

“I don’t know if you should,” I said, thinking about it. We were having fun with the alcohol, however. “Yknow what, fuck it. This night just stays between us.”

She laughed, and let go. Her top fell to just below her belly button, putting her boobs completely on display. I couldn’t help but stare. Her figure was so sexy. Her boobs feel from her chest, and her nipples were hard. She lied back purposefully so that her boobs still sat above the water. I wanted to squeeze them. I wanted to sit next to her and pinch her nipples, even suck on them. I had these lustful feelings for her all so suddenly I never thought I would possess. I wanted to play with her breasts really badly.

“If I’m keeping them out you can’t keep getting distracted,” she said, turning my attention away. “It’s flattering, but I can see your boner pretty vividly dude.”

I reached a hand in my trunks and aligned my cock down the side of my leg. It wasn’t that helpful but it at least wasn’t standing upright.

“Yeah, shit, sorry,” I said, leaning back to stare at the sky instead.

“Stop apologizing, it’s fine,” she giggled. “If I was weirded out I would’ve left.”

“You getting your validation?” I said to her, still averting my eyes.

“Sure, just stop being weird. You can talk to me.”

“I’m good.”

“Dude, I don’t care if you stare, just keep conversation.”

I wasn’t gonna turn down the offer. I lowered my head back down, exchanging glances between her face and her breasts.

“How do you get that sort of rack?” I asked, laughing. I was trying to get more comfortable with the scene. “You and I both know your mom’s aren’t as big.”

“I don’t know, I thought they were too big,” she answered. “My last boyfriend played with them for a bit and then he left me the day after, that’s why I was insecure.”

“I can guarantee you it had to be something else,” I told her. “No idiot is gonna walk away from those.” I hadn’t realized that would come across as flirty before I said it.

“At least I know you like them so much,” she said, giggly. “If I ever make an onlyfans you’ll know.” She was joking.

“As if,” I replied. “It’s weird enough I’m seeing my best friend’s sister naked.”

“I’m not naked,” she said. “You’re just seeing my tits, stop making it sound so much better.”

I sighed, still staring.

“Besides, if this really was that weird to you I don’t think we’d still be here,” she said.

“Yeah I guess,” I said.

“Here, I’ll make it weird,” she adjusted herself, obviously proud. “I can still see the outline of your dick. It’s pretty fat,” she said with a devilish face.

I just put a hand over my face. “You fucker.”

“I’m just being real,” she was laughing again. “I didn’t think I could make you hard.”

“I didn’t think you’d have such a sexy rack,” I dared to say.

Her face was red again, but she liked what I had just said to her. She grabbed both of her breasts with her hands, sliding her fingers over her nipples. “Do I really make you that excited?” She mumbled. “That’s kinda hot.”

I didn’t say anything. I just watched as Mallory grabbed and squeezed her boobs, letting me watch a couple feet away. My boner wasn’t dying down. In fact, it was starting to hurt slightly being trapped in my trunks. I got some bravery, and spoke up.

“Since you took your top off, could I take off my trunks?”

She breathed heavily, and then took a few seconds to answer. Instead of giving me a verbal response, she just nodded, breasts still in hand.

To show off slightly, I stood up. I dropped my trunks, and my cock sprung up to attention. My balls had dropped significantly due to the temperature of the water, and my dick was exposed at all eight inches. Mallory’s jaw dropped and she stopped fondling herself, staring.

I sat back down, letting her stare a bit before speaking.

“If it’s gonna be out you gotta keep conversation,” I teased her. But she didn’t respond with her usual drunk giggle, she looked at me with hungry eyes. In fact, she moved over towards me. I didn’t move.

“How far do you want to take this?” She asked me, desperately. She was so close that if I sat up we would be touching.

“I don’t know,” I answered. We were both drunk and horny, even hot from the water.

“Can I suck your dick?” She asked me, boldly. I didn’t answer. I sat there, motionless.

She gave me a minute to say or do anything. Mallory couldn’t wait any longer. She wrapped one hand around my cock. I turned to her, and she brought her lips to mine. We made out. Our tongues massaged each other, I loved that she knew what she was doing. Her lips were unlike any I had tasted before. All the while, she was using one hand to stroke me and the other against my cheek. I slid my tongue around in her mouth and reached forward, grabbing her tits. She moaned in my throat as a response.

I loved every second of it. Her tongue slid in and out of my lips as I did hers. I could tell she had been wanting this ever since she took her top completely off. My hands were squeezing and grabbing her tits before moving to her nipples. I lightly pinched them and she pulled her mouth away from mine, moaning. A trail of saliva left our lips as we parted. Before she could get too far away I pulled her back in to give her another slow kiss. Then, I lied her head back against the side of the hot tub. I kissed down her chin and to her neck, even stopping to give her a hickey. I gave her light kisses down to her boobs, and then began sucking on them. She loved it so much and began gripping the back of my head.

Her nipples were so hard. I swirled my tongue around them, sucking on each one. I took turns with either tit in my mouth, evenly giving both the pleasure. I even began grinding against her pelvis while doing this, my cock pushing against her. The taste of her tits was everything I wanted. We did this for roughly twenty minutes.

I lifted my head up once I was done, and kissed her lips again. She was such a good kisser, I lost track of time making out with her. My heart was racing. Once our lips parted again, I sat back, my dick pointing to the sky.

“You can blow me,” I said, out of breath. “But I’m not gonna fuck you. This is it.

“That’s fine,” she said. She grabbed my dick with both hands, and breathed her hot breath over it.

“You’re such a slut,” I said. “I don’t know where you learned to kiss like that, but you better be just as good at giving head.” She laughed.

Mallory flicked her tongue at the base of my shaft. She licked up to my tip, leaving a trail of saliva to follow. She guided the head into her mouth, my tip completely swallowed by her lips. She bobbed up and down, taking in as much as she could. It was so hot to me, watching her suck my dick like this with her tits bouncing beneath her. She wasn’t quiet about it either. The hot rob was filled with sounds of me moaning and the sound of her sucking me off, all muffled by the bubbles and the hot tub itself.

I took it a step further by grabbing the back of her head, guiding her, not that she needed it too much. She used one hand to stroke the bottom of my shaft while she ate the top and the other to cup and squeeze my balls. She even pulled my dick out every now and then to suck on them, jerking me off. She even did something so sexy that I wasn’t even expecting. My balls had dropped considerably because of the temperature, and she stuffed both in her mouth, one for each cheek. Not only that, but she sucked them to the back of her throat, giving me a pressure that was both slightly painful but even more delightful. When she was done with this maneuver she went back to my dick.

“How much can you take in?” I asked her. “I want to shove it down your throat.”

She let go of me, and opened her mouth wide. “Find out,” she insisted.

I didn’t need any more permission. I grabbed the back of her head, and thrust my dick inside. I proceeded to face fuck her. I gave her no mercy, and she loved it. I jammed my cock in and out of her mouth and managed to fit every inch in her throat. She gagged, her eyes filled with tears, but even if I would try to pull it out, she would just force her face forward again, taking it in. I eventually let go, letting her freely swallow it whole. Before I could cum, I wanted to do one more thing, however.

I took my dick out of her mouth again, and put her boobs together. She grinned, knowing what I was about to do. I slid my cock in her cleavage, the tip poking out the other side.

“I haven’t even been able to do that before,” I said to her. “I fucking love your tits Mallory.” In response, she lifted her head forward and pulled me in to make out with me again. We slopped our tongues around again while I fucked her tits. All of it was too hot for me to take, I was going to cum soon. She pulled her lips away slightly to whisper in my ear.

“Keep kissing me. Part our lips only when you’re gonna cum in my throat,” she said. We made out more, pumping my dick in and out of her cleavage. She held one hand on my neck, the other on my chest. I had her trapped on her back, wrenched over the top half of her body.

I could feel my climax building. I gave her one last passionate kiss and pulled away, stuffing my dick back in her mouth. She began stroking it quickly, eager for me to empty my seed. To her delight, it didn’t take very long. I blew my load in her. She stopped stroking me once she could taste it, and slowly bobbed her head so that I may empty myself. Once she knew she had drained every bit of it, she swirled it around in her mouth. I lied back, exhausted. She sat back up, now next to me. Mallory looked at me, made eye contact, and swallowed my cum.

“That was fucking amazing,” I said, now tired.

She grabbed her cup, and before drinking the last bit, rinsed her mouth. I stood up, trunks still off, getting ready to go.

“Wait,” she said, putting the cup down.


She stared at me, leaning in closer. I knew what she wanted. We made out for several minutes, not realizing it was now 3am. Once we were finally done, we stepped out of the hot tub.

“We’re not fuck buddies, just to clarify,” I told her. “I don’t know if you were trying to instigate that, but it was fucking hot.”

“I’ve never looked at you that way, you just have a big dick,” she said softly. “And yeah, maybe I wanted to kiss you a bit too.”

“Just don’t think anymore of it, we can’t date or anything else, that’s just weird.”

“Yeah. Duh. I just wanted to be a slut tonight,” she said. We approached the back door, and I pulled my trunks up.

“You’re not gonna put your top on?” I said, grabbing her boob.

“Nah, I’m just gonna walk to my room. Pretty sure they’re all asleep, but if they see they see.”

“Okay, you little devil,” I said, pulling my hand away.

“Where are you sleeping?” She said.

“Not with you,” I responded, knowing where this was going.

“Pfft, don’t do me like that.”

“Look, that was fun, but I’m not sleeping with you. What if your brother catches us?”

“Relax, we’ll just cuddle and go to sleep in my bed. I’ll wake you up in the morning and you can go to the couch or something,” she said.

I didn’t answer, thinking. To make my mind up, she placed my hands on her boobs again.

“You don’t want to sleep with these?” She said. “Great pillows, I’d say.” I gave them a squeeze.

“Fine, but let’s go before I change my mind.”

We quietly stumbled to her room. As we predicted, the guys were all passed out in the living room. Closing the door behind us she turned her lamp on.

“We’re sleeping nude,” she said. “No objections.”

I dropped my trunks, my cock exposed to her again.

“You didn’t get to see my ass anyways, so now is your chance,” she said, giggling quietly.

This was true. I watched as she turned away from me and removed the bottom half of our one piece, teasing me. Her ass was us luscious as her tits. I walked forward, giving it a slap and a grab. Mallory moaned, her hand over her mouth. I apologized, not intending to be so loud.

“That’s all you get,” she said. “You said we’re not gonna fuck, so you can just play with my tits.”

“Fair,” I said, getting into her bed. She turned the lamp off and slid in behind me. We awkwardly lie apart from each other before she kissed my lips slowly again and nudged her head onto my chest. I cuddled her. My tits pushed against my stomach, and my cock rest between her legs. I could feel how wet she had been by her legs. We feel asleep.

When we awoke at 8am, she turned off the alarm quickly and stopped me from leaving.

“Wait,” she said, grabbing my hand. “I woke you up so early so I can take care of that,” she locked her eyes on my morning wood.

After giving me head again, I put my trunks back on and left to fall asleep on the couch. The boys and I woke up at noon and we all left, going about our lives. No one knows that Mallory and I fucked around that night.



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