Defenseless Against the Dark Arts Professor.

“You’re out after curfew, Mrs. Granger.” Professor Snape stood in the hallway appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Hermione stiffened trying not to show just how much he startled her.

“Yes, I…”

“There are no excuses, Mrs. Granger. There are…” Severus Snape’s eyes bore into her with an intense glare. “…dangers after dark. The rules haven’t changed, even for you, Mrs. Granger.”

“Well I assure you, Professor, that I can take care of myself.” Her chin held high in pride. She already graduated at the top of her class and had confidence that she could handle whatever came her way.

“As you wish, Mrs. Granger. If you’d be so kind as to follow me.” Snape turned on his heel and strode back down the hallway. His footsteps echoed along the stone corridor as he hadn’t even bothered to check if she would follow. Of course she would. Even now, she couldn’t disobey a teacher. Once a student…always a student.

“Professor Snape, I really must be going. I have to…to.” Professor Snapes stride didn’t falter and she nearly jogged to keep up with him. She could tell arguing would be useless.

Professor Snapes office was attached to his classroom. Dark oak cabinets were closed and locked full of things that were too dangerous to be kept in the wrong hands. Ropes hung in loops along a peg on a wall. A coat rack held a thick wool robe in the corner. Candles sat in heaps of wax on shelves. He waved his hand and the candles flared to life sending shadows dancing across the room. His desk was tall and looked impossible to move. Orderly as always, things were kept nearly in their drawers leaving the desk empty on top.

“Professor…”Hermione reached out and grabbed Snapes arm. He turns quickly and looked her up and down. “…I really must be going.” Her voice a whisper of nerves under his heavy gaze.

His hand wrapped around her arm as he dragged her to his desk. He pushed her so she was bent over slightly on top of his desk. She tried straightening but his hands were strong. He pushed her over move causing her to lie down on her stomach.

“Professor!” she exclaimed in shock as she felt the cool air travel along her freshly exposed legs. She couldn’t believe what was happening as she felt a hard smack on her pantied ass. “Professor!…N…”

She fought against his hand holding her down as another smack was delivered cutting off her words. Her legs curled trying to stop the next blow from coming…but it didn’t. Instead she felt fingers pulling at her panties and the only protection she had begun to slide. Her hands pushed against his desk as she wiggled and fought trying desperately to break free from his grip and get away. The loud smack of his hand making contact with her bare ass caused her to scream and squirm even more. She pushed and pulled and kicked trying to get away to no avail as a second, then a third smack landed. Her ass felt like it was on fire. Snapes eyes were drawn to her reddening flesh. After the third smack he rubbed to soothe away the pain before switching to her other asscheek.

Hermione reached into her robes and pulled out her wand after another three smacks. She squeezed her legs together feeling a warmth grow between her legs. Was she really getting turned on by this? She turned her hair sideways looking back at Snapes smirk as he watched her struggle. She brought her wand up and…

“Expelliarmus!” Like a flash Snape brought his wand up and disarmed her before she had a chance.

He hadn’t rubbed her ass after the last smack and it was still stinging and burning. He stepped back from her flicked his wand twice more around the room. Ropes moved across the room and wrapped themselves around Hermiones wrists and ankles. She struggled to stand, but was brought back down and bound to the desk.

“Well, Mrs. Granger. I expected someone of your…” he eyed his capture hungrily, “..considerable talent to be tougher to subdue.” Her head was turned and eyes glued to the bulge just hidden behind his robes. Snape took a step forward slicing is wand through the air. With every pause a strip of clothing ripped and flew across the room. “What. Am. I. Going. To. Do. With. You. Mrs. Granger.”

She lay there, strips of cloth around her naked body, nipples pressed against the hard wood of the desk…and she had an idea. He was four steps away. She steadied her breathing focusing her will and began to chant under her breath. A gust of cold sharp wind blew over her sending chills down her body. She watched as the unprepared professor staggered back a step…then two. The wind cut and sliced at him, but he wasn’t stopped for long. His long robes, much like her own school robes, were in tatters revealing his lean body underneath.

Her eyes danced over him stopping as she reached his other wand. He found her weakness and darted forward as the wind let up for just a moment. It was all he needed as he made his way around the desk. His hand grabbing her hair as he forced his cock into her mouth muffling her chant and stopping the spell.

She couldn’t believe the size of him when she saw him. Couldn’t believe the way he chose to end the spell either. Her mouth was stretched as he began to move. Her tongue involuntarily moved along the bottom of his cock, then curiosity got the better of her. He pulled out just enough to give her room to swirl her tongue along the head of his cock. She looked up into his eyes seeing the noticeable shiver of pleasure go up his spine. His cock went deeper into her mouth pushing at the back of her throat causing her to cough. He pulled out letting her gasp for air to recover.

“Very good, Granger.” His hand traveled down her back.

“Please Sna…” he plunged his cock back into her mouth to keep her quiet.

“Another spell like that…and I’ll really have to punish you.” His voice was dark and full of promise. She knew this was just a prelude of what was in store.

He pulled out and once again heard her gasp for air. Stepping back, he aimed his wand and flicked it quickly with his wrist. The ropes seemed to know exactly what he wanted as they maneuvered her around to her back. She caught a glimpse of how much of his cock she had swallowed. Her saliva was just past the halfway point. She wondered how it would feel in other places. Snape twirled his wand again as he sat in his chair. She spun around and stopped at the opposite end of the desk. A deep flush turned her skin a shade of pink as it dawned on her that her legs were spread wide with him sitting eye level to her glistening pussy.

“It seems…” Snape leaned forward taking in the sight of her pussy. “…that you’re enjoying yourself.” He enjoyed her unkempt red bush knowing that she put more time into studying then she did into boys.

She watched as he licked his lips…then leaned forward. She held her breath and waited, not knowing if he’d be kind…or forceful. A deep moan escaped her lips as she felt a tongue lightly brush across her lower lips. She could feel his breath on her as he moved back down. The soft kisses took her by surprise, trailing up her inner thighs, leaving wet kisses to cool.

“Looks like someone is a bit…” Snapes tongue dragged along her pussy slowly tasting her “…a bit wet. How would, Mrs Granger, would you fight against such an attack?”

Her sharp intake of air was music to his ears as he slid his tongue back into her lovely folds. The full taste of ambrosia caught him off guard. he needed more. He drove his tongue into her pussy as deep before pulling out and hungrily lapping at her. She nearly screamed as he brushed against her clit. She let the electric feelings of pleasure course through her…lips moving in hushed whispers. As his tongue went from flicking her clit to dipping into her…he felt legs close around his head, ankles crossed, as fingers combed through his hair.

He’d been too distracted to notice the spell she released. she wasn’t pushing him away…but pulling him closer. Grinding her pussy against his face, forcing his tongue to rub against her clit, down into her pussy and back. Her back hunched as she pulled harder, almost painfully, on his hair. He could feel the tension rise…her insides coiled like a spring wanting…needing that release.

He stood abruptly moving one hand to her throat, careful not to ruin her ornate necklace. With a slight squeeze, her eyes went wide. What he saw pleased him to no end. He saw the need still radiating from her pleading eyes. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her clit watching the lights in her eyes as she squirmed for more.

“Please…please I need it…I need you to fuck me Professor…Fuck me, Severus.” She rotated her hips against him begging for more. “I need it in me.” Her hands tightening around his forearm, his hand still holding her neck.

“Very well, Mrs. Granger.” He moved his cock around one last time before attempting to enter her. He pushed hard at first…then eased up…then pushed again feeling her yield. Her moan was more animalistic as he finally pushed into her.

“More…More!” she moved her hips again, trying to get more of him in her. But he didn’t move. He stood still, just penetrating her, with a smirk on his face.

He inched forward again and waited, watching her as she squirmed. After nearly a minute, he was fully in her. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in. Easing out, she could feel the instant void deep inside of her. she couldn’t believe how deep she could take him. A deep blush again turned her a shade a pink.

A scream of both pain and undeniable pleasure tore through her lungs as he thrust back in…hard. Again he pulled out and thrust in again. The sound of their bodies slapping together mixed with his heavy grunts and her lustful screams echoed off the stone walls. He bent down, pushing his lips to lips, his tongue now entwining with hers. He squeezed her breasts with his free hand. She began to coil again, sweat on her brow.

And, like a spring…she released. Rapture took her as her muscles tightened and released…tightened and released in waves of tormenting pleasure. He felt her pussy convulse around him squeezing tight before easing slightly again and again.

It was all too much. He pushed in hard burying himself deep inside of her once more before pulling out, he pulled her forward, his cock going into her eager mouth. With a moan of exaltation he finally released. Cum bellowed forth as he felt lips clasp around his cock. Hermione felt the warm salty liquid pool on her tongue and nearly came again as she sucked getting every last drop. This was her favorite part after all…watching the stress of the day wash away in total bliss.

Snape dropped back to his chair pulling Herminoe with him. She curled onto his lap, head on his chest, feeling his fingers comb through her hair as she listened to him breathing. His lips gently kissing the top of her hair as he breathed in deeply taking in her scent.

“I did better this time.” Hermione said feeling the all too familiar and welcome soreness start. She looked into space, focusing on the images flashing through her mind. The memory stone embedded in her necklace would let her replay this whenever she wanted. She could feel herself getting aroused all over again at the sight. She looked up and met Snapes eyes. Their kiss was one of true admiration for one another. “Same time tomorrow night?” Snapes lips twitched into a smile.


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