Sexify July Day 4 – Attacking The Pink Fortress

Sara lay naked, disappointed once again at her lack of orgasm. Tobias lay next to her snoring, having climaxed all over her. She knew she needed to be more vocal about what she liked but it always went so fast that by the time she had the courage to say anything he was almost done. This time, like every time, she decided would be the last time.

She got out of bed and walked to the mirror. She stared at her naked body as she ran a brush through her long hair. Her round breasts hanging softly on her chest were being caressed by her hair as she brushed it straight past her shoulders.

“I deserve to cum.” She told herself. “I deserve to enjoy sex. It’s not fair” She sat down on the chair at her dresser and continued to brush her hair. The wind gushed past her window sounding like whispers in the night. She thought it sounded like talking; *say the words, say the right words and your problems will be gone.*

“What could the right words be?” She asked to the mirror.

“I can bear it no longer!” Her reflection spoke to her. “Serpent Queen! Serpent Queen!” She could feel her mouth moving to make the words, but she did not know where they were coming from. *Serpent Queen? Who was this Serpent Queen?*

“Serpent Queen! Serpent Queen!” Her reflection continued to speak as she stared into the mirror. “Wherever you may be, take this man of mine, far away from me!” A loud thunder crack startled her as her reflection shuddered. She turned to see if it had woken Tobias, but he was gone.

“Tobias?” She called into the silent room. She stood up and searched the entire house to no avail. She picked up her phone, called his number and jumped again at the sound of Tobias’s phone ringing from the bedside table. She sat back at the chair looking into the mirror for answers to her confusion.

“He would not have just left. He has never just left?” The reflection in front of her started to spin and fade. In her place another woman sat, she had long black hair and dark eyes, her lips were painted pink and a collar adorned her neck. Her round breasts popping out of her top were elevating with every slow breath she took.

“I am the Serpent Queen!” The velvet voice spoke to her.

“What?” Sara shot back at the reflection confident she had been drugged.

“You called to me and I have answered. You are free from the useless man you call Tobias.”

“What? I didn’t mean that. Where is he what have you done with him?” The Serpent Queen scoffed at Sara’s distress.

“We had a deal. If you want him back, you will have to follow the rules. Do you want him back? She hissed at Sara.

“Yes. Of course, I do.”

“I will keep him at the Pink Fortress for seven hours. You must make your way through the gates and to the Pink Fortress before that time or he will be mine forever.”

“What are you talking about? What gates? What Pink Fortress? What is happening?” The reflection began to spin again, and a large set of pink gates appeared. They looked like the entrance to a woman. Soft and moist, at the top was a strip of jewels were a woman would commonly have a strip of hair. The padlock had no keyhole, just a large round pearl.

“How do I get there?” Sara called into the mirror, standing up and putting on her white satin robe.

“This way.” The voice of the Serpent Queen spoke to her as her hand appeared outstretched in the reflection. It moved closer and closer until it looked like Sara could reach out and touch it.

“Well. I guess this is happening.” Sara said and reached out for it. Her hand went through the glass of the mirror and touched the cool hand of the Serpent Queen. She felt herself being pulled forward and she stepped up onto the dresser and slid through the mirror.

The gates she had seen in the mirror loomed in front of her.

“How do I open the gates?” She cried into the silence.

“You must rub the pearl the right way to unlock the gates.” A voice sped past her ears in the wind.

She stepped up to the gate and put her hand on the side of the pearl. It was the size of an orange but soft, she started stroking it like it was a cat. She felt it move under her skin. She began rubbing her hand around the outside of it and as she did, she felt her own body come to life. What she was doing to the pearl felt as if she was doing it do herself. As she rubbed around the outside, it started to harden, as did her own. Her body was calling out for the orgasm she had missed out on earlier that night. She rubbed her hand faster around the pearl and felt it start to throb a little. She brought both of her hands to it and moved them in a sliding motion from back to front and let out a moan as her own orgasm started to rise. She moved her hands between the sliding and the circling, following the cues her own body was giving her. Her breathing increased as her toes tingled, she quickened her hands on the pearl and felt the rush of climax run through her. She moaned loudly and collapsed onto the gate as she lost her balance from the intensity. The gate burst open and a trickle of water, as if from a stream washed over her feet.

What loomed in front of her now was a valley, as she looked down into a pink labyrinth. She could see in the distance a castle, The Pink Fortress. She stepped inside the gates and they swung closed behind her.

“Tobias. I’m coming for you!” She called as she turned left and started down the maze.

She felt like she had been walking for hours before she found somewhere to turn. She turned right only to find it there it was dead end. Two doors sat side by side, both with female bodies carved into the wood. She stepped up and found that both are locked. The eyes of the females opened as she touched them.

“The only way out of here is to try one of these doors.” The women said in unison. “One of them leads to the Pink Fortress in the centre of the Labyrinth. And the other one leads to certain death.”

“Which one is which?” Sara asked mesmerized by the two beautiful wooden women.

“We can’t tell you. But we can tell you this. One of us likes to be touched and the other one does not. We will give you two chances.”

“How will I know?” She asked the wooden beauties. The both moved a single finger to their lips.

Sara stood back looking at the two trying to figure out if they looked different. Both had long hair, both had voluptuous breasts, both had cute tummies. She walked up to one and gently stroked her breast. Nothing happened. She stood back again, she had one more chance to get it right before being plunged into certain death. She looked further down the women, their lips were different, one looked like an opening flower, she was drawn to this one as it resembled her own. She stepped up to that one and stroked her breast, the doors did not open, but her own nipples hardened. She touched her again and felt the same sensation on her own body. She moved her hands down the body and rubbed the lips of the wooden vulva, her own quivered. She dropped to her knees and kissed the lips of the sculpture. She slid her tongue out over her teeth and ran it along the slit. Her own body felt the sensation and she, again, followed its lead. She licked the women how she liked to be licked, she sucked the clit how she liked. Slow then fast, circling and lapping she lashed at it with her tongue as she throbbed. She worked her tongue on the wooden goddess and rocked her hips. Her heart started beating a little faster as she cried out her orgasm into the wooden door. She looked up and saw a smile on the face of the women she licked. The door clicked and creaked open. She stood and walked through, feeling exhilarated and flushed from the orgasm.

The ground beneath her was moss and felt soft and cool on her feet. She heard excited calls from within and set about finding them. She eventually rounded corner to find three topless men dancing around a fire.

“Sara. Sara. Sara.” They said turning their heads to her. “Join us.” Music started playing and she was mesmerized by the magnificence of the men. They danced around the fire laughing together.

“Wait.” She said after she had been dancing a while. “I am meant to be looking for something.”

“What could you possibly need. Everything you need is here.”

“Tobias!” She said remembering why she was there. “I need to get to the Pink Fortress.”

“We know the way.” The men said continuing to dance. “We will tell you if you chose the right head.”

“What?” She stood still; eyes open wide as the three men removed their heads. Their heads that still laughed as they threw them around to each other.

“You’ll have to try us out.” One of the heads said as it rolled through the air in front of her. She caught it in her hands and turned its eyes to her own.

“Are you the right one?” She asked.

“Try me out. Sit on me.” She then realised what she needed to do. Everything so far had been about her cumming. She put the head down on the ground and straddled it. It pushed it’s tongue up inside her and she started to rock on it. The tongue didn’t feel quite right and couldn’t reach her clit the way she liked. She stood up and threw it back to one of the bodies. She caught the next one and sat down on it, the tongue slipped up her backdoor.

“Nope.” She said standing up and kicking the head back up into the arms of one of the men. She snatched the final head from the air in front of her and sat down on it. It felt warm to her. She held it in her hands as she rolled her clit across the tongue. She could feel every taste bud touching her like gentle sandpaper. Her moist vagina was dripping onto it. She rocked herself faster, pushing the head down into the dirt. She felt it building in her and knew that this was the one. Two of the men replaced their heads and came over to her, their hands started caressing her body and playing with her breasts. One of them started kissing her neck from behind as she fucked the head under her. She felt herself close and leant forward putting her hands on the ground so she could rub herself across the face of the head. She wailed as the intense orgasm electrified her whole body, she was desperate to be touched inside but she wanted to get to Tobias.

“Which way do I go?” She said sitting back off the head.

“Twenty paces right, there is a well. Stand on it and call to the Serpent Queen.” The head said, its mouth wet from her elixir.

She stood up and counted out her paces, leaving the men dancing around the fire once more. The well was right where he said it would be. She stood on top of it and hollered.

“Serpent Queen give me my Tobias.” The ground underneath her instantly gave way and she was falling. The air rushed past her and she started to think she would fall forever.

“Help!” She called to no one. “Help!” She came to an abrupt stop as someone grabbed her wrist.

“Who are you?” She investigated the darkness and couldn’t see any further than the wrist of the hand holding her.

“We are helping hands.” A voice came from the darkness. “We are here to help.” More hands appeared in the darkness, grabbing her body and holding her up from the never-ending fall.

“Help me get to the Pink Fortress.” She asked the hands.

“We can help. But we can’t help like that.” The cryptic voice from the darkness came again.

“Help me however you can then.” She said desperate to be released from the darkness. The hands closed in around her. They started to stroke and pat her skin. She felt them on her arse and in between her moist thighs.

“Say yes.” The voice asked as fingers slipped inside tapping on her enlarged clit.

“Yes.” She whispered as the hand worked her to an immediate climax. Another hand slipped fingers inside of her and started to gently fuck her. It was what she was longing for and she moaned and rocked her hips. She pushed down onto the fingers and felt another finger work its way in the back. She rocked into both of them as the fingers worked her clit. Her hair was being pulled, her thighs were being massaged and she was being fucked. Everything felt like ecstasy she was captivated by the pleasure she was feeling. Everything worked her pleasure centres until she gushed her orgasm all over the hands. She was in heaven as the climax rocked her entire body. She felt like she was falling again but the air rushing past her body just added to the pleasure. Her feet hit the ground and she breathed in deeply as the hands released her and disappeared into the darkness above. She looked forward and a moist, pink, cavernous tunnel opened in front of her.

“I’m coming Tobias.” She called and listened to it echo back to her. She started running exhilarated from the orgasm. She stopped at the bottom of a staircase and slowly started upwards. One step after the other one hundred times over she stepped.

A large room opened in front of her. Black and pink velvet curtains adorned the walls, a throne sat in the middle and there she was, the Serpent Queen. She sat in her pink skirt tightly clasping her curves, black boots to her knees, a black top just managing to contain her bulging breasts. She tapped her fingers on the arm of the throne her pink lips turning upwards in a grin.

“You made it.”

“Where’s Tobias?”

“How can you still need a man Sara? You have come this far without one, have you not enjoyed yourself?” The Serpent Queen came forward and pulled Sara’s chin upwards so she could kiss her lips. Sara pulled back tasting the sweetness of her lips and losing herself in it.

“You are right.” She realised as she said the words. “I have not needed a man this whole time. I didn’t need a man to find pleasure, I didn’t need a man to find you. I don’t need a man.” The Serpent Queen returned to her throne laughing maniacally as she crossed her legs.

“I shall dispose of him.” Sara nodded in agreement. She was lost in the eyes of the Serpent Queen and her body was rolling with the pleasure of her journey.

“Wait.” Sara said. “I don’t need a man. But I want one.” The Serpent Queen looked shocked.

“What is his name Sara?” Sara stood still looking into her eyes. She couldn’t remember his name; it had flown from her mind when the Serpent Queen had put her lips on hers.

“It doesn’t matter Sara you are much happier without him.” Sara closed her eyes and tried to remember the voices from her mirror. Surely there were some words that could release her from this spell. She searched her mind for them.

“Through Dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way to the Pink Fortress…” The words came to her, from where, she did not know. The Serpent Queen stopped smiling and looked concern. How could she know these words? Sara breathed deeply and took a step forward staring into her black eyes.

“Through Dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way to the Pink Fortress…to take back the man you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is great. You have no power over me.” The Serpent Queen was wounded, her poison flooded out of Sara’s mind.

“Name him then Sara. Name this man.” She demanded.

“T…” Her memory was fuzzy. “Tobias!” She yelled as the name slipped back into her memory.

“Fine.” The Serpent Queen clicked her fingers and the wall behind her throne spun around. Tobias was hanging there, naked. He was cuffed to the board, hands and feet in restraints, mouth gagged.

“Tobias!” Sara called lunging forward. The Serpent Queen held up her hand.

“STOP! Those restraints will only be released with pleasure. Your pleasure. You must show him.” The Serpent Queen tapped her pussy through the skirt and Sara realised what needed to happen. She sat down on the ground in front of the Throne, she dropped her knees open and started rubbing herself. She looked at Tobias as she worked her swollen clit. She slipped her other hand down and inside of herself. Tobias stared at her, his cock springing to life watching as she writhed and moaned. She knew how to cum now. Within seconds she was crying out her orgasm and gushing all over her hand.

“You have no power over me!” She yelled to the clouds. Tobias fell from the restraints, Sara ran over to him and kissed him. They got lost in the taste of each other and forgot where they were. She slipped his hard cock inside of her and started to ride him on the ground next to the throne. His hands found her breasts and massaged them as she rocked herself to orgasm. She closed her eyes as she threw her head back and moaned through it. When she opened her eyes, they were in her bed. She looked around the room confused. She got off Tobias and looked around.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. “I can keep going.” She looked around to the mirror, it vibrated, and the Serpent Queen appeared.

“You have no power over me.” She whispered to the mirror.

“Huh?” Tobias asked not catching her words.

“You can keep going. I’m satisfied.” She stood up and walked to the shower, grinning to herself as Tobias lie there unfulfilled.



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