Eulogy to Jasmine

Jasmine is our staircase neighbor and my English literature teacher, specialized in Elizabethan Era and especially Shakespeare.
You can ask her whatever, she knows everything and replies with no difficulty, from the interpretations of the sonnets up to Hamlet and Macbeth.
As a neighbor, she stays next to our door, wall to wall.
My mother taught me from an early age to respect her, to greet her politely every time we meet, and to offer her flowers every year on women’s day.
When I was growing up, my mother enrolled me in her classes.

She usually comes to class dressed both elegantly and very sexy.
Short dresses and molded on the body are her specialty, generally red or white, and, of course, without a bra  –  another reason we love her so much.
But the coolest thing is the smell of semen that spreads in the room almost every time when she comes in.
We think she likes to take it between her tits every morning before she shows up for classes.
But above all, she is a great moaner. We use to hear her from time to time, sometimes in unexpected moments, unleashing loudly her moments of sublime pleasure.
There are electrifying moments, amazing, in which the whole house is silent, listening to the sounds that can be heard from beyond the wall.
My father and I put our ears to the wall to listen to as many details as possible, while my mother kindly approves.

Apart from her husband, all sorts of other men step on her doorstep weekly, sometimes even our classmates from upper classes.
At the end of each session we praise and applaud her, then we sing hymns of appreciation and songs of glory.
My father plays *Ode to Joy* on the piano while my mother accompanies him on the violin. We have a beautiful day!
