Megan’s Slutty Adventures: The Slutty Bridesmaid [anal] [masturbation] [cheating] [cumshot]

Megan’s Slutty Adventures: Naughty Bridesmaid [toys] [anal] [cumshot] [cheating] [voyeur] [dildo]

Part 1
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are now beginning our approach on Los Angeles International Airport, where our time on deck should be 3:37 PM, Pacific Time. If everyone would please raise your seats, buckle your seatbelts, and put your tray tables into their upright position, I know myself and my crew would most appreciate it. If you look out the left side of the plane, most of you will be able to see the Pacific Ocean, and its beautiful out there today folks. Temperature on the ground is a balmy 87 degrees Fahrenheit with a northeasterly wind at about ten knots. Now I’m going to shut up and get you on the ground so you can enjoy beautiful California.”

Megan took a deep breath and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of the corner of her eyes as the captain’s message played overhead. The flight had not been too crowded, with only one other passenger in her row, a young, clean cut guy in his twenties, about her age she judged. Megan snuck another glance at the veiny, muscular forearms that peeked out from under the sleeves of his hoodie and felt the heat rise a little. Turning toward the window, she sighed, maybe a little too loud. It was going to be a long few days without her husband around to help her release some tension. God, she had only left him a few hours ago and now she was already craving something… naughty. If I don’t calm down, she thought to herself, I might end up doing something very irresponsible.

Putting her shade up, Megan watched the palm-dotted Los Angeles area pass at first lazily, then quickly under them, as the plane came lower to the ground. Soon enough, the wheels skidded against the pavement and the plane braked to a halt before the pilot maneuvered it to a terminal gate. Gathering her things, Megan turned in her seat when the seatbelt light dinged off, expecting her row neighbor to stand up like everyone else did. Instead, she found that he had pulled down his hood and turned toward her, his gorgeous forearms crossed on the elbow rest, and his eyes looking directly into hers.
“You have really deep eyes; you know that?” he said to her.

When his hood had been up, she had not seen much of his face, but now that it was down his own eyes, grey and strikingly bright, were fixed on her. His face was chiseled looking, as if the baggy clothing that draped over the rest of the body was hiding some sort of marble statue. She swallowed, a little taken aback. With everyone standing up and hurrying past them, their conversation was so exposed, but so… intimate.
“I, um, yes as a matter of fact,” she responded.
The young man chuckled. “No surprise there.” His eyes darted down to the large solitaire on Megan’s ring finger. “Looks like somebody has already told you that and a lot of other things too.” Again, he chuckled. “I’m sorry, that was probably super awkward of me; they’re just so compelling, you know? Anyway, hi, I’m Greg, the guy that sat next to you this whole flight and didn’t say anything until the very end.”
Greg grinned irresistibly and reached out his hand in greeting. Megan took it, unable to resist yielding a smile to his charm.
Fuck, even his fingers feel chiseled; what does this guy do for a living?
“Nice to meet you” Megan said. “I’m Megan, the girl who sat next to you and ogled your forearms the whole flight but didn’t say anything.” Oops.
He held her hand a little long, still looking into her eyes. She had not meant to say the forearm thing. It had just slipped out.
“Well, welcome to California,” Greg said, finally releasing her hand. “I suppose we should be on our way.”

After looking around to see that the plane was nearly empty, Megan agreed. Greg stood up and got his bag down, and then went ahead and pulled Megan’s down as well, but the zipper got caught in the bin latch, and when Greg went to change the angle, the bag fell, the zipper broke, and a shower of carefully-packed items fell onto the floor of the plane.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” said Greg apologetically, blushing and kneeling down to pick the things off the floor.
Megan tried to laugh it off. “Don’t worry about it,” she said reassuringly, “it’s a stupid bag.”
Greg reached under the seat to grab something, and as his fingers closed around it, his expression changed. “Umm, here, maybe you want to put that somewhere out of sight,” he said, handing it to her. When he placed the object in Megan’s hand, she almost died right on the spot. The thing which had fallen out of her bag and skidded under the seat was her most realistic black, veiny dildo, the kind with a ballsack on the end and a suction cup for traction on flat surfaces.

Flustered, Megan hastily stuffed the dildo into her purse and turned back toward Greg, trying to think of what to say, but as she opened her mouth, one of the flight attendants came over and said, “Oops! Little spill. Happens every flight dear,” and began helping her and Greg gather all of the charger cords, bottles, and makeup accessories that had fallen out of her bag.
When everything was picked up, Greg and Megan proceeded wordelessly out of the airplane and into the terminal. They fell into step on their way down the hallway and all the way to the front of the building, as if the incident had made them comrades of some kind. Megan wanted a clean exit, but she had a butterfly in her chest, and did not trust her words. When they reached the front of the airport, Greg paused and turned toward her. “Well, it was nice meeting you and learning all about you.” His wink made her furious.
“I hope,” he continued, placing his hand lightly on her purse, “that California treats you VERY well.”

He started walking away, but Megan finally found her voice. “Hey!” she shouted, louder than she meant. He stopped and turned around. Lower, she continued, “I don’t think that’s fair. Now you know something about me, but I don’t know anything about you.” His smirk only spurred her on. “Spill. Tell me something about you that I… shouldn’t’ know.” What has gotten into me today?

His smirk broadening into a self-satisfied grin, Greg stepped so close that she could smell his natural odor. Not B.O., just that incredibly manly scent when a guy is clean but hasn’t showered in a day or so.
“You want to know something about me?” he asked, “Well here you go.” He leaned in and whispered into her ear. “I’m bigger.”

And with that, Greg walked his lithe ass away, down the long, glass window hallway, out the door, onto the drive, and hopped into a cab. Fuck. I’m going to need that black dildo.

Part 2
As she rode in the back of the quiet, Uber town car on the way to her hotel, 45 minutes across the city, Megan tried to collect her thoughts. Everything had gotten so jumbled up in her mind since the landing. Since that damn Greek god in a hoodie started talking to me, she thought. Why oh why, Erica, did you have to schedule your wedding on the one weekend my husband couldn’t come?

She really did love Erica, and Theo, Erica’s fiancé. They made a great couple, and Megan was happy that they were finally tying the knot. But Erica did have an annoying habit of causing Megan to stumble into the most awkward situations. Like the one night they had gone clubbing with Shay, another friend, after Megan’s ex had broken up with her, and Megan had ended up taking out her frustration on a random dude in the club. And his friend.

Megan shook herself. There I go again. Maybe I’ll get a little me time at the hotel before I have to start doing the bridesmaid thing. I’ve got to blow off some steam.
As it happened, she would have no such luck. When Megan got to the hotel, Erica was waiting for her in the lobby with Shay, who was the maid of honor, and the rest of the bridesmaids.

“Hey girl,” Erica greeted her as everyone gathered around for hugs. “You look great! California a little hot for you now? You look all rosy!”
Megan felt herself flush a little, but deftly deflected the remark. “I just gotta get out of these long sleeves and pants and into some shorts; I didn’t want to freeze on the plane!”
“Well we can fix you right up then,” said Erica. “Now that you’re here, we can all get in our dresses and do a rehearsal!”
“Dresses today?” Megan asked. The wedding is still two days away; can’t we do dresses tomorrow?”
“Nope, I gotta make sure everything looks good together today,” Erica pronounced.
“And remember, Erica’s the bride, so she gets whatever she wants” chimed in Brenda, one of the other bridesmaids.
Megan laughed politely along with the other girls at this. Oh. So it’s going to be that kind of dynamic.
As they got in the elevator to go to the hotel rooms, Brenda asked, “So, Megan, you going stag at this wedding? Where’s your handsome hubby?”
“Left him at home,” Megan answered brightly, “with a list of cleaning and yard work that needs done by the time I get back.”

This was met by a round of cheers from the girls in the elevator. “That’s right girl,” said Erica. “This is the 21st century and we’re empowered women, ain’t no man gonna tell us what to do.” Then she burped.
Megan burst into laughter. “You haven’t by chance started drinking today, have you Erica?”
Erica gave her a cockeyed smile and held up her finger. “Maybe I have, and maybe I haven’t. But If I have, that’s fine, because why Shay?”
“Because you’re the bride,” Shay smiled back.
“That’s right, and it’s my weekend, so we are going to partaaaay!”
This led to another round of whoops that drew the looks of a couple passing by as the group exited the elevator. The girls led Megan to the section of rooms that belonged to the bridesmaids.
“Behold,” said Erica, flourishing drunkenly, “the party suite!”

As they all entered one of the lavish rooms, Erica enthusiastically pointed out the adjoining doors. “Look Megan, all of our rooms connect! Yours is all the way at the end, isn’t it great!”
Oh hooray. No privacy at all.

“Great? Its more than great, Erica, it’s fantastic! This is going to be so fun!”
“I picked it out,” Brenda inserted. “I’ll take you down to your room, and then we can all get in our dresses and go over to the venue.”
“Great idea!” said Erica.
As they walked down to her room, Megan asked Brenda, “So Brenda, who’s your date to the wedding?”
Brenda put her nose in the air. “This guy I’m seeing. He’s not bad. Brandon.”
Megan laughed. “Haha, Brandon and Brenda. It has a nice ring to it.”
“Yeah,” said Brenda. “Well we’re not that serious yet.”
She opened the final set of glass and curtained double doors into the next room and led Megan in. “This one is yours. I’m next door. We already put out your dress, so you can put it on right away. If you can be ready to go to the venue in like 20ish minutes, that would be great.”

“Definitely. Thanks!” Megan said cheerfully as she closed the door. Just couldn’t give me one second to myself, could you, Brenda? In her head she spit the name out acidly.

Setting her bags down, Megan glanced into the open top of her purse and saw the helmet of her black dildo poking out. Oh my word, you’ve been more trouble than you are worth on this trip, she said to it, involuntarily blushing again. Opening the nightstand drawer beside her bed, she plopped it in on top of the Gideon bible. You just stay out of sight until I have minute to relax.

Conscious that she was going to get hurried along by Commandant Brenda, Megan multitasked by giving her husband a call while she began stripping her clothes to put on the dress. After a couple of rings, he picked up.
“Hi honey!”
“Hi babe,” Megan said. “I can’t talk long, just wanted to say that I made it to the hotel.”
“Great! Sorry I couldn’t be there this weekend.”
“Me too. I miss you. Especially your best feature.”
“My glowing enthusiasm?”
Megan giggled. “No stupid, I’m talking about that big, thick dick of yours.”
“Already? Babe! I gave it to you good last night. What does a man have to do to keep his wife satisfied around here?”
“Mmmm, being around right now would be nice,” Megan purred.
Her husband laughed. “You seem all riled up, did something happen?”
“Oh, there was just this guy on the plane,” Megan admitted. “He told me that I had deep eyes.” And that he had a huge dick.
“Well he’s right you know.”
She smiled. “Thanks babe. I really do have to get going. It’s probably best that you’re not here; Brenda is in rare form.”
“Ugh. Sorry to hear that. Try to enjoy yourself with Erica and Shay anyway.”
“I will.”

As the phone clicked off, Megan walked over to the dress where it was hanging, but she stopped first in front of the full length mirror across from the bed to look all of her 5’4” self over. At 26 years old, she was looking the best she ever had. Her long, dark brown hair was pulled back behind her ears and it framed her face and deepened her eyes beautifully. She had always wanted a different color of eye than brown, but even she had to admit now, looking into them, that they were a very good fit.

However, the rest of her wasn’t too shabby either. She had fortunately inherited pearly white skin that tanned, not burned. Her breasts were small but also soft and incredibly perky, and she did appreciate how little they got in her way when she ran. The nipples, normally an indicator of her sexual mood, now poked out like little pink gemstones on her white flesh. Unable to help herself, Megan ran a finger over first one, then the other, stifling a groan at the warm tremors that radiated down to her pussy. Come on, Megan, focus.

Her abdomen had soft, athletic definition, causing subtle curves on her belly and hips. In the mirror, she saw a dark spot on her panties, most likely from that idiot on the plane earlier. What a tease, she thought, getting a girl all wet and leaving her like that with no one to help. Stripping them off, she stopped again to admire the soft, bare Y-shape of her womanhood and her firm thighs. Damn. I look good.

Looking at her phone, Megan realized that she only had a few minutes left on Brenda’s timeline, so she tore herself away from the mirror and found an appropriate pair of bra and panties for the little cream-colored bridesmaid dress. It fit her well, nipping in at the waist to emphasize her bust and hips in all the right ways. The hem ended a few inches above her knees, overruling her momentary flirtation with the idea of not wearing panties. All finished and on her platform sandals, she again looked at herself in the mirror, and this time she whistled satisfactorily at herself. If you only knew, Greg.

Suddenly, the door to her room burst open and Brenda bustled in. The sudden intrusion startled Megan. “I thought I locked that door,” she said.
“Oh, weird, I’m sorry,” said Brenda. “Good, you’re all dressed. Let’s get everyone to the venue. There’s a limo waiting downstairs!”
“Sounds great,” Megan replied gathering the things she needed into a matching clutch. More time with everyone around, people watching, and not privacy at all.

Part 3
On the limo ride to the venue, alcohol flowed freely. Megan helped herself to a drink, but considering it was not very late, she paced herself. When they got to the venue, everyone sat down to have a quick hors d’oeuvres dinner with more wine, and then it was on to the rehearsal. It actually wasn’t much of one, seeing that none of the men or the other participants were there today, but the girls still acted it out a couple of times to Erica’s enthusiastic squeals.

Following that, they went to work on decorating, preparing place cards, and other wedding tasks that Erica needed help with. After a few hours, Megan did manage to steal a moment on the side with Shay. After catching up about their lives over some ribbon-tying, Shay nodded at Erica, who was clearly enjoying herself, while Brenda was fussing over her. “Sorry about all of that.”
Megan laughed. “It’s okay. It was just a little much right off the plane. Sometimes Brenda can be…”
“A little much,” Shay finished.
“I get it. Hey, if you need to sneak away back to the room for a while before everyone else, that’s totally fine. I know Erica is going to expect us to party tonight, but it’s still early. You could totally catch a nap, and then I’ll let you know what the plans are.”
“Really?” Megan asked. “That would be amazing. You’re sure that would be okay with Erica?”
“Absolutely,” Shay replied. “She’ll definitely understand. And don’t worry about Brenda. I am the maid of honor, after all.”

It took Megan another few minutes to discreetly gather her things and duck out. On the short Uber ride back to the hotel, she started daydreaming about Captain Forearms in his stupid hoodie again, so much so that the driver had to say, “Excuse me miss, we’re here,” after they arrived. Come on Megan, you only have to hold it together for a few more minutes.

On her walk through the lobby and up to her room, she could feel her arousal seeping into her panties again. This better not be a pattern, she thought to herself, I didn’t bring enough underwear to do this every day.
Once she was finally in her room with all of the doors carefully locked, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then, just going with it, she yelled at the top of her voice. “FUCK ME!” Since there was no one in the adjoining rooms, it felt good to let out the frustration a little bit. Maybe the people on the floors above or below could hear, but probably not, and if they could, who cares?

Shucking off her dress, shoes, bra, and panties into a pile, she adjusted the AC down a little and collapsed onto the bed. All I have wanted all day was to give myself a little bit of attention, and now it’s finally going to happen. Opening the drawer of the bedside table, she retrieved her black dildo from its place beside the Holy Scriptures. Come here, big guy, mama has been needing some of this.

Looking across the room, Megan realized that the big mirror on the wall was angled so she could watch exactly what she was doing. Leaning back against her pillows, she began gently caressing her skin, first watching herself do it, then closing her eyes and imagining it was Greg. But then in her imagination he smirked at her, and she got irritated. Nope, this is me time, Greg. If you can’t keep your smirk to yourself, then get the fuck out.

Her hands roved over her soft belly and up to the twins. Even lying down, her breasts still maintained their shape, a fact in which she took great pleasure. Her nipples were hard as ever, and she cooed softly at the feeling as her fingers toyed with them and squeezed them gently. Gradually, her left hand strayed down to her nether regions, where she felt the wetness of her arousal on the inside of her thighs. Gently probing the folds of her labia, she spread the slipperiness all over her womanhood and began stroking her clit. Yeah Greg, stroke me and make me wet and ready for you.
Taking hold of the slightly curved, veiny black dildo, with her right hand, Megan felt the heft and girth of it, and wished for anything it was real. Out of habit, she put the end of it in her mouth and twirled her tongue around it, spreading saliva all over the bulbous head. Not that it needs it. I’m definitely wet enough. Then, pulling her lips off of it with the pop sound that her husband always loved, she lowered that lovely toy to her pussy lips and pushed it in. Oh Greg, fill me with your cock.

As Megan slowly pushed the dildo into her tight, begging pussy, she looked at herself in the mirror. She felt so wanton and dirty and hot watching herself get off. She alternated playing with her nipple and rubbing her clit as she held eye contact with that slut in the mirror, the one taking that big black dildo all the way now, just getting pounded balls deep with a hard cock. Greg’s hard cock. Unaware of anything but the wonderful sensations of dildo as the head rubbed back and forth across her g-spot, Megan began to moan.
“Oh Greg, take me Greg, fill me with your cock. I need you. Keep fucking me. Greg, you’re going to make me COOOMMMME, GREEEEEG! FUUUUCK!”

She stiffened in climax, her feet and muscular legs pushed down on the bed, pivoting and thrusting her pelvis higher and higher off the bed as her clit searched for the stimulation of the shaft buried deep inside her. Eventually she had lifted her whole ass off the bed, and was only resting on her shoulders and the soles of her feet. When she finally relaxed, she fell back into place with a groan. The orgasm was incredible, but when the waves of pleasure finally receded, Megan did not feel complete. She wanted more.

She knew exactly what she wanted.
Re-adjusting the pillows and scooching her butt forward a little, Megan withdrew the sloppy dildo from her trembling pussy and nestled the cockhead in the folds of her ass just below. Her arousal was already running down, coating the inner cheeks of her firm ass. Her husband loved eating that ass. If only he had been there. Looking herself in the eye in the mirror, Megan lifted her legs up, pulling her cheeks apart and exposing her cute little hairless brown asshole. She wrapped her arms around the outside of her folded legs. Watch this, you slut.

Slowly Megan began pushing the head of her dildo against her asshole. The pressure felt amazing as her sphincter held, then began to yield to the wet toy. The combination of Megan’s cum that was already on the dildo and the cum that was running out of her pussy slicked everything up down there, and made the process feel amazing. As the head of the dildo slipped into her asshole, Megan closed her eyes and let out a guttural groan. “Fuuuuuck.” Leaving one hand to keep pushing, she used the other one to play with her clit, sending waves of pleasure all through her body. The black rubber cock intruded deeper and deeper into her ass, heightening the pleasure from her clit and causing her to feel a sense of… fullness. That was it. She felt full. Full of cock. Look at you, you slut. You’re getting fucked in the ass with your legs in the air and you love it. “God, I love getting fucked in the ass,” she whispered hoarsely.

She had not really meant to say it out loud, but when she did, and heard a gasp nearby, her eyes flew open, and she looked toward the door. A young man stood in the doorway between Megan’s room and Brenda’s, his eyes as wide as saucers. He looked Polynesian, with long, black hair tied back at the base of his neck. His right hand was grasping his bulging crotch, and his expression was mortified.

“I’m so sorry,” he stuttered. “I came in looking for Brenda, and I… I didn’t know anyone was in here, but when I heard the noise…”
“You couldn’t help yourself?” Megan finished for him. Why did I say that? Just shoo him away and crawl into a corner out of embarrassment why don’t you?
“I… the door was… open.” he said, his voice drifting off as his eyes strayed over Megan’s lurid, exposed position. His hand unconsciously stroked the bulge in his pants.

Megan laid her head back and watched him watch her. She allowed her legs to fall to her left side so that she was contorted, though still comfortable, with her knees pointing away from the intruder and her shoulders facing him. Leisurely, she began pushing the dildo back into her asshole. With her legs together now, she was tighter, like when her husband put them both over one shoulder. A glance in the mirror showed her what she was displaying to dark-haired young man, with the silicone phallus inching into her butt and her delicate pussy lips peeking out from the folds of her legs. It felt so good, especially with someone watching her. What are you doing? Don’t let him look at you like this!
“Let me guess,” said Megan. “You’re Brandon.”
The guy nodded wordlessly. So this was Brenda’s “we’re not too serious,” huh? Interesting.
“Tell you what, Brandon,” Megan heard herself say. “I’m not finished and you’re not finished. So how about you take off those clothes and come a little closer, and we’ll both try to finish.” What was that? Where is this coming from?

“Okay,” he said. In seconds, the young man had stripped off his shirt, shorts, and boxers and had walked up beside the bed with his firm, uncut cock in his hands. Megan once again began working the dildo in her ass, groaning and reaching her other hand between her legs to work her clit. The thrill of being watched made the feeling of being fucked in the ass so extraordinary. Her clit was on fire, and she rubbed it furiously as she watched Brandon look down on her and stroke his long shaft.

“How does it feel, big guy?” she asked. “How does it feel to walk in on a beautiful, naked woman playing with herself?”
“Amazing,” Brandon said, his eyes roving all over her body. She watched him take in who hold nude form, from her hard nipples, to her supple ass, to the toy that was moving in and out of her. “You’re so hot. So beautiful.”
“Mmmm,” Megan purred, “what do you like about me?” Megan! Stop egging the guy on!
Brandon stammered a little incoherently, and then he said, “I… I really like your tits. And your ass. I want to grab your ass.”
Megan looked him in the eye as she worked the dildo. “I love getting pounded in the ass while you jerk of to me,” she breathed.
“Fuck,” said Brandon, his hand flying up and down his shaft, working his foreskin back and forth across the head. “It’s so hot to watch you.”

Megan paused to change her position. Swinging her legs toward Brandon, she laid on her back lined up her pussy in front of his cock, with her heels just barely balancing on the edge of the mattress. She reached between her legs with both hands, one to keep working her dildo, and one to keep touching her clit. The pressure from her upper arms pushed her tits out sensually, and Brandon moaned when his eyes were drawn there. With less pressure in this position, Megan began insert the black cock deeper, all the while having a front row seat to the hard-bodied young man stroking himself in front of her. Oh yeah, this is going to send me over the edge.

“You like watching a woman touch herself and play with her ass Brandon? Does that turn you on?”
“Yes,” Brandon panted.
“Does Brenda ever do this for you, Brandon? Does she ever let you jerk off over her?”
“No, we’ve never done that.”
Megan began shoving the dildo all the way inside of her, reveling in the feeling of the balls striking her ass and the shaft filling her bowels, all the while strumming on her clit. The pleasure coming from her body was growing and becoming more intense, like the momentum of a symphony going into the final act.
“Oh God,” gasped Brandon. His face was all red, even with his darks skin, and his breathing was coming in gulps.

“Are you going to cum for me, Brandon?” Megan prodded eagerly as waves of ecstasy began to grow in intensity. “Are you going to cum on me?”
“H—yes, yes”
“Are you going to shoot that load all over me?”
Yesssss, Oh fuck!”
The Polynesian had edged closer to the bed, and he suddenly stiffened and cried out, a wordless, high-pitched, impassioned cry, and then his whole body began to spasm. He humped the air above Megan for two thrusts, every muscle tensed and shoving his cock forward, as if it was buried inside an imaginary pussy. The veins on his arms and the side of his head stood out. Then his cock, with the foreskin pulled all the way back to expose the angry purple head, began to spray huge, voluminous squirts of semen all over Megan. Warm spurts of cum splashed onto her upturned pussy, the backs of her raised legs, her belly and her breasts. The pressure of Brandon’s ejaculation seemed to increase with each thrust, and Megan closed her eyes and felt his seed splash all the way up her body until he coated her face with jet after jet of the hot, musky liquid. As she felt the hot, wet yield of Brandon’s desire run down her face, she tipped over the edge. Jamming her dildo all the way up her asshole and holding down her clit with the other hand, Megan’s knees shot up by her ears, and she had the most powerful orgasm of recent memory. Her mind was overwhelmed with writhing sensations of pleasure, and her whole body shook as she rocked around the fantastic sensation of being covered in cum with a full ass. She stayed like that, curled up into a ball with her legs bent over her body and her dildo lewdly displayed in her butt, for several minutes. When she was finally able to move again, she lowered her legs, letting her feet dangle over the edge of the high bed, and looked at Brandon, who still stood there, panting and bug-eyed.

“Okay, Brandon,” she said. “I think you need to grab your clothes and go back to the other room now.”
Brandon looked at her dumbly for a second, and then her words seemed to finally register in his brain. “Oh yeah. Okay.”

She watched his bronze skin ripple muscularly as he gathered up his shirt, shorts, and boxers. Her insides still burned with searing delight, and she felt her asshole slowly pushing out the dildo.
“Hey Brandon,” Megan said.
“Yeah?” he asked. The poor boy was hanging on her every word.
“Two things. First, this was like porn, okay? You didn’t touch me, so it’s not cheating.”
“Okay understood,” he nodded ardently. “And second?”
“You have no idea who I am, got it? You’ve never seen me before.”
He nodded again. “Got it.”

Turning, he walked out of Megan’s room back into Brenda’s, closing the door behind him. Megan swung both legs up back onto the bed, and laid there for a moment, panting and still very much recovering from the power of her orgasm. When she finally caught her breath, she raised up on her elbows and turned to her alter ego in the mirror. The woman lying there in bed was flushed, one leg propped up, haughtily displaying the vulgar toy still halfway up her ass. Her pussy was drenched with arousal and she was covered in cum.
Yup. That’s definitely what I needed.
