An average futanari’s adventures Ch.1

Transitioning from the dark street to the well lit interior of the hotel was a shock for Haley’s eyes, but they adjusted quickly. After she’d taken a few steps across the lobby, the attendant behind the desk looked up at her. Likely only to confirm that he had in fact heard someone enter. It was too late for anyone to care about her intentions, even if the timing of her arrival didn’t make them immediately obvious.

Punching 13 on the elevator, she felt herself ascend gently. A slight wave of nerves washed over her. She’d never hooked up like this before. It was always at her’s or her partner’s house, and also never with a stranger. She’d been getting desperate however. Having just made it past a month with no sexual satisfaction outside of her own hand caused her to download multiple dating apps. One of which led her to Rhonda.

According to the messages they’d sent that day, Rhonda was in town for work, and wanted to have some fun before heading home. Haley didn’t care about the reason, she just cared about having sex. Now though, halfway down a hallway, staring at a door numbered 1312 she was starting to have second thoughts. As she was about to knock, Haley noticed that the door was cracked open just slightly. Pushing her way in, she was met with darkness, the only source of light coming from the tv. As it flashed the start of a new show, a woman’s body was silhouetted on the bed. She was lying face down, and naked.

Now Haley was questioning what she should even do. Rhonda had said in her last text that Haley could do anything she wanted as long as it didn’t involve moving too much. Did that mean she wanted to be fucked in her sleep? The idea was a small fantasy of Haley’s but she had no idea how to go about it. Would waking her partner up be a failure on her part? A soft voice coming from the centre of the room brought her back to her senses.

“Part of me wasn’t sure you’d come.”

“Part of me wasn’t sure I would either.”

“Mmmm, well. I’m all yours.”

Having heard Rhonda’s voice breathed calmness and confidence into Haley. Her hoodie and shirt were tossed aside quickly, and her jeans weren’t far behind as they fell to the floor. Rhonda spread her legs as Haley stepped onto the bed and positioned herself. Haley spread the larger woman’s ass cheeks as she guided her cock towards the waiting pussy. She was grateful that sheer anticipation had kept her hard for the past several minutes, not wanting to imagine how awkward she’d feel trying to warm herself up for this.

As her tip pushed against Rhonda’s lips, Haley felt her entire body shiver and scream to fuck this woman senseless. Somehow she kept her composure and pushed herself in slowly. Rhonda felt amazing. Not the tightest pussy Haley had ever had, but she was warm, and soaking wet.

“Mmmm, I expected girl dick to feel different, but you’re just as good as the real thing.”

“Glad you like it.” As she reached as deep as she could, Haley took a moment to treasure what she was doing. There really wasn’t a better feeling than having a pussy wrapped around her. After pulling back to the tip, Haley pushed herself in again, more forcefully this time, and again, and again. With her hands still on Rhonda’s ass, Haley found she was almost driving herself down more than forward. It was position she’d never thought of before and it felt incredible.

“Fuuuuuck girl. Keep giving it to me like that.” The low moan coming from Rhonda pushed Haley even further. Quickening her pace, she felt Rhonda’s juices start to flow out and create a wet slapping noise as their hips collided. It started to splash back onto Haley’s pelvis, and she could smell it too.
The aroma went straight to Haley’s brain and a more primal instinct began to take over. Wrapping her hands around Rhonda’s hips, Haley started trying to push farther in that she could, lingering inside for a second before pulling back and shoving her way in again. Normally Haley believed in making sure both partners had an orgasm. She didn’t care now though. Everything was about letting her dick have release. It came way too soon though. Only minutes later, she felt her pelvis tightening, and her cock twitching.

“Fuck, fuck! I don’t think I’m going to last.”

“Inside me babe, I want it all. I want my husband to fuck me when I get home tomorrow with your cum still inside me!”

Hearing that she was fucking a married woman was the final straw. One last powerful thrust sent streams of Haley’s cum deep into Rhonda’s pussy. A groan crawled out of Haley’s throat and she wished she could stay in that moment of ecstasy forever. It ended of course, and soon Haley pulled her softening cock back. Her breathing was deep now, and a thin layer of sweat had started form on her body.

“You were amazing.” Haley managed to pant from the edge of the bed.

“Thanks babe, so were you.” Rhonda shifted on the bed enough to turn and look back. Haley had seen her face on the app, but it was somehow comforting to see it now in person. “If you thought that was amazing though, next time I might just have to participate.”

“Next time?”

“Yea. I don’t live far out of town and I have to make this trip a few times a month to meet with clients. You’re the first fuck I’ve ever wanted a second from.”

“I can go again in a few minutes.”

“Mmmm, tempting, but I need some sleep. Checkout here is early as fuck, just keep that app on your phone.”

“Will do.”

Re-dressed and heading for the door, Haley felt herself stop for a second.

“It was nice meeting you Rhonda.” She chuckled, and Rhonda quietly laughed back.

“Mhmm, you too Haley, real nice.”

As she exited the elevator, Haley expected the desk clerk to be watching for her, and he was. As he recognised her, he checked his watch before glancing back in her direction. Haley didn’t care, she felt a million times better now and just shrugged her shoulders and smirked before walking back outside.


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