The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 12 Part 1 (MF) (Oral) (Intense Orgasm)

Standing at the bottom of the stairs ascending to the tree house, the boss looks up at Anna.

“Are you ready for this?” he says trying to hide his own nervousness.

They’d spent the afternoon having lunch, walking around Paradise, getting massages, and having a much needed nap. Now it was time to head to the Tree House. Wyatt’s house.

Anna’s heart beats hard. She looks at her boss standing naked and wonders if choosing to wear her bra and panties was the right decision.

“I’m kind of nervous, sir. But I’ll be okay. You’ll be right there won’t you?” she says meekly.

He kisses her and says, “Don’t worry. I won’t leave you alone with Wyatt unless you ask me to.”

She relaxes a bit and lets him take her arm in his to head up the stairs.

When they reach the door he knocks and shouts, “Put your dick away, old man! We’re coming in!”

A gruff, southern tinged voice yells back, “I put my dick where I want but come in anyway!”

It’s clearly an exchange they have had many times. An inside joke between old friends.

The boss holds the door open for Anna and they step into a large room decorated in dark woods and scented candles. Leather furniture is positioned throughout. The room at once looks expensive and comfortable.

“In the kitchen,” comes the gruff voice again.

He leads Anna down a hall with a comfortable familiarity. When they enter the kitchen there Wyatt is behind a counter, the graying hair on his muscular chest catching the light like tinsel. He is chopping vegetables with a massive knife.

“Welcome home, youngblood,” he says not looking up from his chopping. Then he stops and looks directly at you. “And exceptional to take in your beauty again, Anna.”

Anna blushes and tries to hide behind her boss. He brings her back to his side, showing her off.

Not looking at either of them Wyatt says, “Don’t be rude. We have guests.”

An audible popping sound echoes off the wood that they recognize as the unmistakable sound of lips releasing suction.

“Bonjour!” calls a bodyless voice from behind the counter.

The boss chuckles. “A little service with dinner, old man?”

Wyatt looks down and says, “Good girl. Now back to work.” He makes a slight grunt of pleasure before looking back to us.

“A man should have his cock sucked every day, youngblood,” he says evenly. “Sometimes that means multitasking. That dog and pony show in the monkey suits put me a bit behind schedule today.”

“Why not just have the restaurant send something up?” the boss asks.

“That’s always been a difference between you and me, boy. You like having things done for you. I still believe in getting my hands dirty,” he says with a slight laugh.

“Come in, sit down. Get Anna a drink. Quit standing there acting like you ain’t been here before,” he motions to a table with chairs by waving the knife.

The boss leads Anna to the table and pulls out a chair for her. The change of angle allows her to see it is indeed Monique kneeling on the floor in front of Wyatt, her lips wrapped around a cock of significant girth. She catches Anna watching and winks at her.

“Finish up down there,” Wyatt says to his prone partner. “I have to get the steaks on.”

Anna sits in stunned silence, taking in everything happening around her. Wyatt being serviced by Monique. Her boss preparing her drink. The smells of food wafting from the kitchen. Everyone naked. And there she is, covering herself and sitting alone at a table. Her nervousness grows exponentially.

He brings her a drink and takes her hand, feeling it trembling a bit, her eyes asking if Monique will stay too.

She gives him a nervous smile then hears Wyatt grunt and moan loudley from the kitchen. Clearly he has just finished.

Monique stands and wipes her mouth, smiling, clearly proud of herself. Her knees and shins are red, suggesting she had been kneeling for some time. She has nothing on besides the red marks. She pours herself a drink, takes a sip to rinse her mouth, then takes a seat at the table.

“My apologies! I had hoped to finish before you arrived,” she says, her French tinged voice falling from swollen lips. “Mr. Wyatt’s cock can be as stubborn as the rest of him.”

She giggles and takes another drink.

“Stubborn, old, ornery… Just your type, you French tart,” Wyatt grunts over his shoulder.

He comes to the table with a plate of large raw steaks. He puts them in front of the boss.

“You remember how to season a steak properly?” he grunts.

“Heavy salt and pepper on both sides. Not too tough to remember,” the boss responds.

“Good. Work for your supper while I get to know Anna.”

He turns, giving Anna a full look at him. His skin is tan and weathered, like worn leather. His is muscular but not obscenely so. And even freshly drained, his cock hangs long and thick in front of him like a salami at the deli. Anna manages to suppress a gasp when she sees it fully.

He comes behind her and puts his large, rough hands on her shoulders.

“Anna, you’re far too tense,” he says, kneading his shoulders with a technique that he has clearly performed hundreds of times. “Probably because you’re overdressed.” In one smooth motion he unhooks your bra and has it down and off your arms before she knows what has happened.

He comes around and takes a seat at the table. He takes a long look at her now exposed breasts.

“Mmm that is one thing I miss about America. Big, natural, bouncy tits. They don’t seem to grow ’em the same over here,” he says, reaching a hand out to squeeze one of Monique’s small perky breasts. She giggles at him.

“There are just some things America does better. Muscle cars, good music, cola, and tits. Ain’t enough to make me want to go back but goddamn. Thank you, Anna. You make an old cowboy’s eyes happy.”

Anna bites her lip and blushes deeply, looking down at her lap, before speaking with a shaky voice.

“Thank you, sir, I appreciate the compliment. I apologize for overdressing. I’m still new to, well all of this.” she motion to the room around her and forces a small smile while Wyatt continues to stare at her.

“No need to apologize,” he says, hanging her bra from one finger. “But I’m keeping this as a souvenir.” He points a finger down. “I’m gonna get those too by the end of the night.” He smiles at her.

The boss tries to take the attention off Anna by speaking up. “Hey old timer, did you invite us over just to be a creepy fuck or are you going to cook us something?”

He stands up, taking the meat into the kitchen.

“My apologies, Anna. I’m afraid my manners ain’t what they once were,” he says getting up and leaning in to kiss her cheek, his mustache rough against her skin. He places her bra on a high shelf, displaying it like a trophy.

He joins her boss in the kitchen. “Christ sake, young blood. Do you want to burn the place down? Give me that.”

Seeing them side by side, both naked, Anna sees that not only do they talk alike and act alike, they even move alike. She feels herself getting wet wondering what else they might do alike. Maybe at the same time…

Monique brings her back to reality. “Are you enjoying Paradise, Anna?”

She turns to Monique and answers, “I am, very much, it’s just all new to me, the openness you know? When I met Bruce I did not expect to end up in a place like this surrounded by beautiful people. I can’t help but feel a little out of place. But Bruce and I have found ways to enjoy ourselves inside our room,” she smiles and winks. She realizes she has never been able to talk about her relationship with anyone. And she didn’t realize until now how much she wanted to.

Monique sighs, “I think I must be the only woman here who hasn’t had the pleasure of him. Wyatt is such a… The horse… The big horse…,” she stumbles.

Anna looks confused. Then it dawns on her. “Oh! A stud?”

“Yes! The stud horse! Wyatt is the stud horse. The one with the big cock all the women want to have sex with. But I have never had Bruce. Is he wonderful with the sex?” her eyes are wild. Clearly she has been waiting to have girl talk as well.

Anna smiles and a laugh explodes from her lips. She looks over at the men and bites her lip. “Wonderful is an understatement…” She leans in and whispers, “You wouldn’t believe what he can do with his tongue and fingers.” She giggles again.

“You haven’t been with Wyatt? Even though you’ve, well, serviced him?” She looks over at the men again and notices Wyatt staring at her, a look of lust in his eyes.

“Oh no no! You misunderstand! I have had Wyatt. Many, many times I have had Wyatt. Most days I have Wyatt, sometimes more than one time. I have never had Bruce.” She pronounces his name as “Bru-say” and Anna giggles.

“Right now I live here. I am Mr. Wyatt’s on call fuck as he says. But I like it. I like the way he fucks me. The way he touches me. The way he treats like I am the princess but fucks me like I am the whore.”

She takes another sip of her drink. “I see so many naked bodies everywhere. Naked man. Naked woman. It’s all very wonderful. But I learned so many of them are not very wonderful for fucking. It used to make me sad until Mr. Wyatt chose me as his favorite. Now even if I have the bad fuck with one of them I can still come get the wonderful fuck from him.”

Anna’s eyes widen as Monique explains what her relationship with Wyatt is. She leans in and asks her quietly, “Would you be offended if I said I wanted to have sex with Wyatt?”

Then an idea strikes her, “I’ll let you have Bruce. We can trade. If you’d like to, that is.” She sees both men smirking, wondering if they are having the same type of conversation.

“Oh happy day! That is what I want tonight to be!” Monique says, clapping. “I think that is what those two bad boys may have planned all along. Well maybe not so exactly. I don’t think Bruce knew I was going to be here. I think they both were going to fuck only you. But we can all enjoy! I do not mind if you do not mind!”

“We will have to see what they want, I guess” Anna says, remembering her place in all of this. “I don’t think either of us really have a say in what happens.” Her mind spins, confused about everything. She wants both men to fuck her but she also wants Monique to know how good she has it with her boss.

Anna stands from the table and asks Monique, “Where’s the little ladies room?” She points her down the hall. She goes and looks at herself in the mirror. She takes a deep breath and slips her panties off, placing them on the bathroom counter. She pinches her nipples to get the hard, touches her pussy and realizes she is wetter than the though. She takes another deep breath and walks out of the bathroom back into the kitchen standing in the doorway feeling like she is on display.

Monique draws everyone’s attention by squealing.

“Yes, yes! I have been waiting to see the all of you!” she says, running over to Anna. She grabs her hands and starts jumping up and down like an excited child.

“Every part of you is so wonderful!” she says gleefully! “Can I touch? Please? Yes?”

“Seems the womenfolk are getting along,” Wyatt chuckles.

“It certainly appears that way,” the boss responds. “I really thought you were just inviting us over so you and I could tag team Anna. Or so you could try to steal her from me.” He chuckles as he sees Monique squeezing and bouncing Anna’s breasts.

“Yeah that was the original plan. But the French girl has been living with me for a bit. Damn good lay. The French sure know how to fuck,” he says, not taking his eyes off the cooking steaks. “So plans adapt. We’ll probably do a good ol’ switcheroo then maybe just see what happens.”

Monique’s excitement makes Anna giggle. “You really like my body?” she asks innocently, not used to this kind of attention from another woman. She hugs Monique and whispers in her ear, “Thank you. I feel much more comfortable with another woman here. I’d be a wreck if I were alone with both of them.”

“You are a beauty! So good!” Monique pulls away and kisses Anna’s cheeks, who manages a smile in return. Then they go back to the table and continue to talk, all the while glancing back at their men. The alcohol has made Anna more comfortable her arousal has taken full control of her, her nerves replaced by a desire to be placed on the table and shared by all three of her dinner companions.

She smiles, blows a kiss and snaps her teeth playfully at her boss. He notices her comfort level has definitely changed.

“Did you leave my other souvenir for me?” Wyatt calls to her.

She smiles at Wyatt, “Yes, sir. It is on the bathroom counter for you.”

“That’s a good girl,” Wyatt says, the corners of his mustache peeking up.

The boss begins bringing the table setting over. He stops to kiss Anna quickly. “Nice outfit,” he says with a wink.

A large salad bowl full of the vegetables Wyatt had chopped is brought over. Then Wyatt places a massive steak on each of their plates before taking a seat. Even his seated posture is confident yet casual. A king in his castle.

“A man ought to know how to do two things: cook a steak and eat pussy,” Wyatt announces, making eye contact with Anna on the second part. He wants her and is making sure she knows it. “Bruce still can’t make a proper steak. For your sake I hope he has mastered the other one.”

Anna blushes and squeezes her boss’s thigh as he takes a seat next to her.

“Enjoy, everyone. May it provide us with the energy needed for tonight’s activities,” Wyatt concludes.

As they eat Anna catches Wyatt’s eyes on her often. She bites her lip. He is a predator sizing up his prey. Her pussy throbs as she thinks about him catching her.

“Alright, Emma. You must have questions. Ask me anything you’d like,” Wyatt says, breaking the silence. “I like to know me before I’m 8 inches inside of her.”

Anna gulps and blushes. She is beginning to wonder if her face will ever not be red in this place. She looks at her boss and he nods his approval. She turns to face Wyatt and asks, her eyes never leaving his, “Why did Bruce live with you for so long? Can you tell me that story?” She squeezes his thigh again.

“Well to tell you that story I have to tell you a bit of my story,” Wyatt says taking a long pull from his drink.

“I’m originally from Texas. I grew up to be kind of an outcast among outlaws. Too much of a cowboy to be a hippie, too much of a hippie to be a cowboy. Spent a lot of years as a biker but never felt like it really fit.”

“My granddaddy left me his cattle and his ranch when he died. Hoped it would force me to join the family business and quit fucking around. Pissed my daddy right the fuck off when I sold the whole damn thing. Raising cattle ain’t my life. But I took the big money I got and learned how to turn into more money. Got real good at it but I was too much of an outlaw to work in an office and wear a tie day after day. So I found a couple investors and bought this land. Used to be a vineyard until the grapes dried up. In time I built up Paradise to be just that. A place I could find the freedom I was always looking for. I damn sure wasn’t going to find it in America. And in time I bought out my investors so I own the whole deal. I have enough money to not have to work unless I feel like it for a few lifetimes.”

“Which brings us to this young buck over here. He was born rich. Always been rich. His mama is from an old money family. I met her when I was still a biker. She was looking for good times to piss her rich daddy off. A woman with money loves a bad boy. That’s just fact. But she got knocked up by some country club, Ivy League jackass. Didn’t want her baby boy growing up to be like him. Wanted her baby boy to be the best of businessman and outlaw. So when he turned twelve she brought him to me to teach him what a man ought to know. And I raised him here in Paradise.”

He chuckles, “Verdict is still out on whether my training took.”

Anna listens intently, finally understanding her boss’s background a little more. “I guess that makes sense. Bruce is very good at what he does in business. I would know. I run daily operations for him, among other things. I think what you taught him has stuck for the most part. Hell, I’ve learned from him.”

She smiles at her boss and turns back to Wyatt, “Paradise is very nice, and I am honored you invited us here to eat. It’s exciting to get to explore things that my husband might not be so happy to know. ”They both chuckle at that statement and Anna strokes his thigh up and down beneath the table. She realized she hadn’t though of her husband at all since they left. And she doesn’t want to think about him too much now.

“You brought me a married woman, young buck?” Wyatt says with a mischievous look. “Well you know what that means…”

“I didn’t doubt it for a second, old timer,” the boss responds.

The men let Anna sit with a confused look for a moment wondering what he could mean.

Wyatt takes her hand in his across the table, “Anna, you dear girl, I’m afraid that means I am going to have to fuck the living hell out of you.”

He maintains a serious look as long as he can before busting into a loud, uproarious laugh.

“I’m just playing with you. Doesn’t matter to me if you’re married. Hell, wouldn’t matter to me if you were a nun. I knew I was going to give you a good fucking as soon as youngbuck here brought you to meet me. When I see something I want, I get it.”

He leans down and kisses her hand before standing and bringing her out of her seat, almost as if in a trance.

“And I want you. Now.”

She can’t resist Wyatt. His firm nature makes her quiver in her seat. As she stands she finds her legs are shaking already. One hand in her boss’s, the other in Wyatt’s. Torn between two men she desires. She looks over to him. He releases her hand to signify his permission being granted.

“Then you must have me, sir” Anna says obediently, internally doing backflips with excitement. Wyatt leads her down a hallway and opens the door to a massive room with a large bed in the center.

He doesn’t bother to close the door before grabbing her, pulling her into a deep kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth and his thick fingers between her thighs. Squeezing her inner high, just brushing against her slit. His arms pressing her to his muscled chest.

He moans into her ear. “Anna, how did you know that soaked married pussy is my favorite dessert?”

He barely leaves time for his joke to land before wrapping his arm around her waist, lifting her off the floor, and tossing her onto the bed as if she weighed nothing.

At once he has positioned himself between her legs, his tongue eagerly entering her pussy. He moans as he begins to vigorously tongue fuck her.

My head spins, his raw power and naked desire like nothing she has experienced before. She gasps as his tongue enters her pussy with wild abandon. Her head leans back and she moans loudly, knowing her boss and Monique will hear her just adds to her pleasure. She groans as Wyatt’s hands grip her thighs where bruises from the night before still show on her skin. She hopes the marks encourage Wyatt to play rough with her.

He takes his tongue out and spreads her lips with his fingers. He takes fast licks, flicking his tongue up and down her spread pussy. He sinks two fingers inside of her. His fingers are thicker than her boss’s, his two feeling like three.

He moans, “Oh fuck you are a tight one.”

He starts to slowly move his fingers in and out. He places his lips against her clit and starts making a V sound. Short, quick V’s. At first Anna wonders what he is doing until he presses harder and she realizes every V is make his lips vibrate against her.

She arches her back, her breasts pushing upwards, her breath catching in her throat. She can feel his fingers stretching her as her pussy grips them tightly.

“Ohhhh fuck,” she moans but she is so lost in pleasure it almost sounds like someone else. She moves her hands and runs her fingers through Wyatt’s long hair, holding him against her clit, wondering if he will let her do this for long. Her thighs start to shake, the intensity is driving her crazy.

“Grab on. I’m just getting warmed up,” he says in the low growl which seems so much more intense coming from the originator of it.

He wraps his lips around her clit and starts to suck. Slipping her clit back and forth between his lips. Pushing his fingers deeper into her. Stretching her. Pushing her. Determined to show her why he’s the master.

“Oh. My. God!” she yells, her toes curling, her fingers gripping his hair tighter, groaning through each thrust of his fingers. Her boss is good at pleasing her but Wyatt has taken her to another level completely.

And he’s just getting started.

His breath hits her clit and his tongue continues to work its magic. Her body trembles with each sigh and moan.

Wyatt’s mind races trying to think of things he can do to you that Bruce can’t. He takes advantage of his long arms. He reaches his free hand up and places it on her throat gently. He squeezes slightly to see if she’ll allow it. Seeing you doesn’t object he squeezes harder and simultaneously sucks hard on your clit.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. And release.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. And release.

He aims to conquer her entire body before he fucks you.

Anna’s face flushes and she moans and gasps for air. My orgasm is already growing inside of her. Wasn’t she just eating dinner a minute ago? She has lost all concept of time. He could have been ravaging her for thirty seconds or hours already and she wouldn’t know. She only knows she doesn’t want him to stop.

Her gasps turn to wheezes as his hand tightens and releases her throat and she loves every second of it. She releases her hold on his hair and takes her fingers to my hard nipples, squeezing and twisting them, her back arching more.

“You really are a good little slut, aren’t you?” he growls. He pops his lips on and off her clit several times rapidly. “And you taste exquisite.”

He takes his hand away from her throat and puts his thumb in her mouth.

“Be a good girl and suck that,” he commands.

Then he takes his spit covered thumb and rubs her ass hole.

“Are you a three hole kind of girl?” he asks. He pushes his thick thumb slowly into her ass before she can answer. “You are now.”

Working his thumb in her ass, fingers inside her pussy, and lips on her clit, he has rendered Anna speechless. If he thought she was trembling and shaking before, that was just his imagination. A massive scream bursts from her throat and she feels her eyes start to water as the pleasure of his fingers and tongue take her over again.

“Cum for me you little whore,” he growls.

His control is addictive. She is powerless to resist him. She tries to hold off but he doesn’t let her. Her orgasm peaks with another scream that leaves her throat feeling raw. Her hips buck, her eyes start to cry from the intense pleasure washing over her body. My toes curl and uncurl rapidly, her thighs shake, and her breath gets faster and faster.

When she starts to come down she opens her eyes and sees her boss standing in the doorway, Monique by his side. His cock stands erect in front of him, undoubtedly from her sounds and body. His face is hard to read and she hopes he isn’t upset with her.

“Sounds like you two found something to talk about,” he chuckles.

“Yes indeed. We’ve been in here having a real nice conversation,” Wyatt chuckles back, his mustache brushing against Anna’s thighs. “How about you two?”

“We found one or two things to chat about,” he responds, smacking Monique’s ass. She giggles and grabs his cock.

“Bruce, your cock gets so hard when you hear Miss Anna making the nice sounds. I could not resist.”

Wyatt looks Anna in the eye, his mustache visibly damp with her juices. “You, my girl, cum as violently as the best women I’ve been with. I can tell by your reactions you ain’t used to being touched like that. Your husband, Bruce, and any other man you choose need to step up their game. A wild orgasm like that is a goddamn gift to the universe.”

Anna starts to giggle at the compliment but stops herself when she thinks Wyatt may have offended her boss. As much as she wants Wyatt to fulfill her every fantasy, she still belongs to her boss.

He leans in and puts his tongue into her mouth. She savors the taste of herself on his mouth. He pulls back and says loudly. “Are we all done with the preliminaries and ready to get down to some real fucking?”
