Megan’s Slutty Adventures: A very Texas gangbang pt. 1

“Megan, look at the size of this room!” Jasmine shrieked.

Pulling her luggage a few steps behind the taller, black-haired, cappuccino-skinned girl, Megan laughed and turned the corner into the big hotel suite. “Wow,” she said as she took it in, “You’re right! I guess what they say is true: everything is bigger in Texas. We must be doing well if the tour group can afford to put us up in this place.”

Jasmine had dropped all of her things at the door and loped over to the farther of the twin king beds, kicking off her shoes and leaping onto it. She stretched out luxuriously, her long, smooth brown legs shining in the light from the window. “We’re doing great,” she said as she stretched, the bottom of her tank riding up to expose her tight belly, “they’re just usually cheaper than this. That’s how the entertainment business goes.”

Megan set her things down on her bed and poked around the room. The room was very spacious, with an additional couch, table, and love seat in addition to the two beds, and the furnishing were tastefully modern. The bathroom was equally well done, with plenty of natural light from greyed out windows and a huge, all-glass shower stall with a rain showerhead. “Well this place is sure nice,” she said, wandering back into the common area, where Jasmine was still lounging on the bed. “But I don’t get it; why this all of the sudden?”

“I hear we have a wealthy benefactor here in Austin, and he’s the one putting us up here. So sometimes the business has its perks too.”

“Benefactor?” questioned Megan, opening up her suitcase and responsibly distributing the contents in the closet and drawers. “Is that Roy Hodges? That’s what the reservation was under, I hear. The Roy Hodges group.”

Jasmine shrugged. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. It’s bound to be some old, wealthy man that props up the theater in town and in return they give him the run of the place. Which also means there will probably be a boring cast party with him at some point that we will have to go to.”

“Oh come on, Jazz,” said Megan, playfully throwing one of the complimentary hotel chocolates at her, “A lonely, wealthy old man who’s into theater? Sounds like exactly who you need to settle down with!”

Jasmine picked up the soap and hurled it back more forcefully. “Gross! I’m never settling down.” Then she paused.

“Although, if he let me be his sugar baby and keep up my acting career and banging other guys on the side, maybe I’d consider it.”

Megan shook her head. “You’re such a little slut.”

Jasmine seemed to preen at the accusation. Jumping to her knees on the mattress, she continued with a sparkle in her eye. “It might be a tough negotiation, but I think I could pull it off. I’d just have to let the old guy sample the goods every once in a while,” she said, pushing up and jiggling her barely-covered breasts, “but he can’t be up for it that often, and the rest of the time it will just be like…” She stopped and put both hands up as if she was jacking off two guys at once, and threw her head back with eyes closed and mouth open.

“Oh. My. God.” Megan turned away from the vulgar display and resumed putting her clothes away.

“Come onnnn,” said Jasmine seductively. “Don’t you ever want to let loose, shake off that ‘good girl’ vibe that you always have going and just… be a slut?”

“No,” Megan laughed.

*Sometimes*, her thoughts shot back.

“Ugh. You’re no fun,” said Jasmine, dramatically falling on her back on the bed.

“You’d better hurry and get your things put away,” Megan chided. “We’re going to be busy all evening.”

“Okay, mom,” Jasmine retorted. Retrieving her bags, she began hanging up outfits and arranging things on her side of the room. Moments later though, she threw open the long curtain on the far wall and shrieked once again. “Megan! Balcony!”

Megan hurried over to explore the balcony with her roommate. The doors were mostly hidden behind curtains, but they were glass and had a screen. The balcony itself was open air, with solid steel and grey glass walls coming up to about waist height. Megan and Jasmine’s room was on one of the higher floors, so they had a great view of the city. Megan leaned over the rails and enjoyed the warm, Texas breeze as it caressed her face. The city spread out for miles in each direction, with a mix of high- and low-rise buildings on all around.

“Mmm, this is nice,” said Megan. “I foresee us spending a lot of time out here.”

“Looks like we’re not the only ones,” Jasmine smirked behind her.

When Megan turned with a questioning look, Jasmine gestured to a balcony a few rows over and a few floors down. Megan joined her on at the rail, shading her eyes and peering down to spot what she was looking at. Then she saw it. There was a couple on the balcony, obscured from the waist down, but definitely naked from the waist up. The man was younger and muscular, and he was behind the woman and had her by the hips and was slamming into her, making her heavy breasts quiver with each impact. Now that Megan saw them, she could hear the soft *slap, slap* of skin as he continued rhythmically.

“Mmmmm,” moaned Jasmine at her side, “I bet he’s taking her ass. Just look at her face.”

Megan glared at her friend, but then scrutinized the woman’s face. Her eyes were scrunched shut, mouth hanging open, expression twisted in something resembling both pleasure and pain. *God, that’s so hot, she thought to herself.* Something deep within her stirred at the site of the couple’s intimate moment.

“We should give them some privacy,” she said hesitantly.

“Why?” asked Jasmine, a little breathlessly. She slipped a hand into her pants. “If they wanted privacy, they would have gone inside. They want people to see them. Haven’t you ever fucked with somebody watching, Megan? I love it. It’s exhilarating.”

“No,” she said. *I’ve never had a chance*. She continued to watch as the man shifted his strokes, causing the woman to cry out softly in desire. Megan’s heart had started beating harder, and she thought she could feel a slight wetness in her panties.

“I’m going to go get changed,” she announced.

“Suit yourself,” said Jasmine.

Megan proceeded to go back inside and change into her workout clothes, during which she admired herself in the mirror. Megan had dark brown hair and eyes, light skin, and a happy, girl-next-door smile. At 5’4”, she was short, but her body was lithe and athletic. She had smaller but perky breasts with cute little nipples that she was pretty proud of, and that were definitely big enough to show off some cleavage in a nice top. Her waist nipped in a little, helping accentuate her bust and thighs, and her ass was pert but tight.

After pulling on her yoga pants, workout bra, and quarter sleeve, she looked at herself again in the mirror. *I’ve always looked good in workout clothes*, she thought to herself. *My boyfriend certainly likes it.*

“Lookin’ good, babe,” said Jasmine, closing the balcony door behind her.

“Oh, you’re finally finished?” asked Megan, attempting a scolding tone.

Jasmine winked at her. “We all finished.”

“Gross.” *Fuck.*

Jasmine then proceeded to strip down to get changed herself. Nudity was not unknown among the theater group, and the two of them had been roommates for a while, so Megan was accustomed to seeing Jasmine naked, but in her current state of arousal, she could not help but watch the darker-complexioned girl over the edge of her phone screen. Jazz was three inches taller than Megan but every bit as athletic, with think, muscular legs, arms, and abs. Jasmine’s real asset, though, was the emphasized hourglass figure that was formed by her large, supple ass, thin waist, and generous breasts.

*Stop staring, Megan.*

Megan’s eyes bounced back to her phone self-consciously, but as Jasmine continued to take her time, she found herself taking another look. After all, the girl’s ass was just ridiculous; it was the one thing that could truly make Megan jealous if she let it. Though Jasmine was facing away, Megan could see the tantalizing reflection of her bare mound and dark pussy lips in the mirror, deliciously naughty thoughts began to creep into her mind. *What would it be like to eat her out?* Megan had never been with a woman before, although she was pretty sure Jazz had, based on the boasting and generally slutty behavior in which her roommate normally engaged. The most Megan had ever done was kiss another girl in college. It was nice, but it hadn’t pulled her in like, like… *Like Jasmine is pulling me now.*

Jasmine pulled up a thong just then, hiding her mound but still displaying her gorgeous ass for another moment, before a pair of yoga pants went over those. A sports bra and t-shirt later, Jasmine turned to Megan with an expectant look on her face. “Well? You ready?”

“Y—yeah,” said Megan awkwardly, having been jolted out of her private contemplation.

“What’s up? You suddenly seem distracted.”

“Oh, just got thinking about things,” Megan said.

Jasmine’s eyes narrowed and she studied Megan’s face. “You’re blushing. I’ve seen that face before. You were thinking of your boyfriend, huh?”

Megan rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. “You got me.” *Phew, she isn’t suspicious.* Then she added, “I guess the two on the balcony got my mind going places.”

“Oh I know, right?” said Jasmine excitedly. “It’s like, just a little tease, and now you can’t think about anything else but that fat cock just working in you?” She reached out, grabbing an imaginary pair of hips and gyrated her own in the air, acting as if she were thrusting in and out of them.

“Okay, crazy,” Megan laughed, gathering her things. “Calm down, we need to get to work.”

“Mmm,” said Jasmine, breaking out of her act and following suit, “I’d like for someone to go to work on me.”

“Oh my god,” Megan said, rolling her eyes again and walking out the door. Jasmine followed her, ran ahead, and then started dancing suggestively in the hallway ahead. “Yeah, baby, come and get it,” she called to an imaginary man.

Megan watched the taller girl’s ass flex and sway ahead of her.

*I need to get off.*

The rest of that day and the one that followed were spent in rehearsals for the show, which were much too hectic to allow Megan any more time to drool over her roommate or take care of the urges which had cropped up. They had a long run in Austin, and seemingly more resources than in other cities, so there was less of a rush to get to performance. Both nights, Jasmine and Megan returned to their room late and exhausted, with no thought of anything but getting a good night’s sleep before the early morning. The third day was Friday, and during rehearsal it was announced that they would be having a cast party that night prior to their opening on Saturday afternoon, both as a reward for how well the tour had gone so far, and as a meet-and-greet for their benefactor, Roy Hodges.

When the last fact was announced, Megan met Jasmine’s eyes across the room and made kissy lips at her. Jasmine crinkled up her face and discreetly gave Megan the finger.

Because of the party, rehearsal was short that day, giving the girls and everyone else plenty of time to get back to the hotel, freshen up, and change. Megan showered first, and as she let the streams of hot water wash down her lithe body, she began to get excited about the cast party. It had been a bit since she had kicked back and enjoyed herself. *It will be nice to relax a little bit.*

Finishing her shower, Megan stepped out and dried herself one of the soft towels, enjoying how much nicer it was than the usual hotel fare.

“Move it!” said Jasmine, shedding her bra and underwear and bustling past her into the shower stall. “If I’m going to get laid tonight, I gotta shave my hairy legs!”

Megan groaned. “Oh no, you’re not going to keep me up all night are you?”

Turning, Jasmine poked her head out of the stall with a huge grin. “I don’t know! We’ll have to see!” With that, she started the water again for her shower.

Megan worked on her makeup, applying eyeliner and blush, and then considering the various colors of lipstick she had. Eventually, she decided on a deep crimson. *It’s a party; might as well look nice.*

Leaving the bathroom area, Megan went around to where he clothes were hung in the closet and next tried to decide among her various outfits. As she browsed, Megan could not help but look in the mirror at the hazy outline of Jasmine’s dark, nude body moving in the cloud of water and steam through the glass shower partition. *She’s not going to have any trouble getting laid.* *Lucky.*

She took long enough on her outfit selection that Jasmine finished her shower. Drying off and then wrapping the towel around her head, she came over and pointed out a black, strapless dress. “Oooo, wear that one.”

Megan, who had her back turned, went to reply and got an eyeful of boobs. Full, perky boobs. *Doesn’t this girl ever wear clothes?* “That one hugs me so tight though, and it makes my chest look like an ironing board.”

“Oh not it doesn’t,” Jasmine scoffed. “Try it on.” When Megan complied, she nodded with approval. “Yeah, that pops the red lips, which I like by the way. Slutty!”

“Slutty was not what I was going for!” argued Megan.

“Relax, you’re fine,” said Jasmine. “Your boobs look great, and it hugs your cute little ass REAAALLY well. Guys will be buying you drinks all night!”

“It’s not too short?”

“Nah girl, unless you’re thinking of not wearing underwear.” Then Jasmine’s face lit up. “OOOH! Should I not wear underwear?”

*Not a stitch.* *Not a stitch of clothing does this girl wear.*

The cast party was held in one of the hotel event rooms and started with a nice dinner. Megan and Jasmine sat together so that they could joke and giggle as one person after another talked about the hard work everyone had put in and how nice it was to be in Austin. Yada yada. Eventually, a white-haired, elderly gentleman got up and thanked everyone for their work, introducing himself as Roy Hodges of Hodges Enterprises. Feeling a little uninhibited by the glass of wine she had been nursing, Megan elbowed Jasmine and leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Oh yeah, baby, that’s all yours.”

Jasmine stuck her tongue out. Giggling, Megan continued. “I bet his pubes are white too.”

“Gross!” Jasmine shivered.

As Mr. Hodges went on, curiosity got a hold of Megan, and she pulled out her phone to google Hodges Enterprises. When she read the Wikipedia article on it, her eyes got big. “Jazz, look at this,” she said, passing her phone. As it turned out, Hodges Enterprises was a multinational company that had its finger in a number of markets, including meat packing, automobile parts manufacture and distribution, chemical production, and, surprise surprise, hotels, including the one they were in now. All told, the organization was worth billions.

After perusing the page, Jasmine handed the phone back. “No wonder we’re in the nice hotel. Still not enough, to make me do him, though.” she declared. “I do have some standards.” Megan smirked and rolled her eyes.

All this time, Mr. Hodges had continued to drone on about loving the arts and the importance of supporting you artists such as the people in the cast. “And of course,” he continued in his waver-y voice, “I couldn’t have done any of this without the help of my grandson, Kurt. Kurt, will you stand up and say a few words, please?”

A tall, strapping young man stood up next to Roy Hodges. Though a family resemblance was obvious, Kurt Hodges had several inches on his grandfather, and his hair was sandy brown and combed over neatly. He had the traditional Texas Jean-and-belt-buckle look, but his button-up shirt was stylish and tailored to reveal a lean, though powerfully built frame. His sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, revealing vein-wreathed muscles and a very expensive-looking watch.

“Oh… mama…” Jasmine breathed into Megan’s ear. “That’s the one. Right. There.”

“Hello everyone,” Kurt began, holding a glass of what looked like whiskey nonchalantly in one hand. “I promise I won’t talk a lot, because I’m sure we’ve all talked yall’s ears off; just wanted to say how thrilled I am to be able to have everyone here. It has truly been a joy to head up my Pap’s charitable foundation the last few years, because I get to meet so many people like yall, who are giving to the community and the arts. I swung by this morning for yall’s rehearsal, and I have to say, if yall put on a show with anything like the intensity I saw in practice, I am really excited for opening night.” Raising his glass, he cracked a charmingly crooked smile. “Cheers.”

The rest of the table clinked glasses with the toast, and Kurt sat down next to his Grandfather. Jasmine again leaned over to whisper to Megan. “You have no idea the things I would let that boy do to me.”

Megan laughed. “I think I may have some idea.”

*I know what I would let him to do me*, she thought.

The dinner ended shortly afterward, and most of the cast meandered over to the bar in the hotel’s restaurant. The atmosphere was upscale rugged, as cow horns and Native American headdresses were mounted to adorn the walls, but the dining area was formal and had a distinct cedar wood smell to it. Jasmine almost immediately wandered off to another corner of the large room, where some of the patrons were dancing to live music. Megan, though, decided she didn’t feel like dancing, and instead took up a seat at the bar with some other cast members. After about twenty minutes, somebody pulled out the open stool beside her and sat down.

“Another whiskey for me, John,” said the man in a rumbling drawl to the bartender. “And…”

Megan had turned her head when she heard the voice, and now looked into the questioning expression of Kurt Hodges.

“…And another of whatever the lady is drinking?” he offered with a smile.

Shaking off her surprise, Megan smiled back and turned to the bartender. “Another Maker’s Mark, please.”

“A bourbon girl!” Kurt exclaimed. “I see I’ve already misjudged you. In that case, if you’ll allow me; John?” He motioning the bartender over, “Forget the whisky and the cheap stuff; bring us two new glasses and a bottle of that Buffalo Trace William Larue Weller.”

The bartender nodded. “Right away, Mr. Hodges.”

Kurt turned to Megan and smiled. “Have you ever tried Buffalo Trace’s Antique Collection?”

Pursing her lips and slowly shrugging her shoulders, Megan said, “I can’t say that I have.”

“Well then you are in for a treat, miss. This, in my opinion, is the best bourbon on this side of the Atlantic.” Seeming to catch himself, he offered his hand. “Where are my manners? I’m…”

“Kurt Hodges,” Megan cut him off. “Your grandfather introduced yourself at dinner.”

“So he did,” chuckled Kurt. “And your name is…?”


“Megan,” he took her hand and lightly kissed the knuckles off her fingers, his lips just barely grazing her skin and sending a tingling up her arm that made her heart wobble. “It’s a delight to formally meet you.”

The bartender returned then with the glasses and a bottle. “Here you are, Mr. Hodges.”

“Thank you, John,” Kurt said. “I believe we will head over to my table, if the lady is agreeable?”

“Sure!” smiled Megan. *A private table?* *Where is this going?*

“Excellent,” said Kurt. He led her a short distance away to a table that was set discreetly away from the rest of the restaurant, where he deposited her glasses and pulled out her chair for her.

“Thank you,” said Megan. When he had seated himself across from her, she added, “And thank you for all this. The sponsorship, the hotel, the party… all of it.”

Kurt nodded deferentially. “All I do is sign the checks. I have a great team that helps me discover artists to bring to town.”

“Still though,” said Megan, “I just wanted you to know that we very much appreciate it.”

“Happy to help,” said Kurt. “Now, prepare to experience a new level of bourbon.” He poured a finger of bourbon into glass and handed Megan’s to her. They both drank, savoring the flavor.

“Mmm,” said Megan. “That’s delicious. Notes of caramel, right?”

“Very much so,” replied Kurt, “along with vanilla, nutmeg, and honey. It’s a wheated bourbon, like the Maker’s Mark you were drinking, but better.”

“Thank you,” said Megan, as Kurt refilled her glass. “So what does a billionaire want with an actress in a low-budget production like me?”

“I’m no billionaire,” Kurt deflected.

“I looked you up,” said Megan. “At the very least, your grandfather is a billionaire, and you are, what, second? Third in line to his fortune? You already showed me that you are on a first name basis with the bartender and that you have your own private table, so stop being modest.”

Kurt raised his hands with that adorable crooked smile. “I surrender. You caught me. The truth of it is, I was at yall’s rehearsal this morning, as I said, and I took notice of you particularly. So when I came into the bar after dinner and there you were beside an empty chair, I simply could not pass up the opportunity to meet you.”

“I suppose I should be flattered,” said Megan. “But what was it exactly that you noticed about me?”

“There’s no obfuscation with you, is there?” asked Kurt. “Well, if I must be honest…”

“You must,” Megan prodded, as he trailed off.

Kurt nodded. “Then I would have to say, I noticed the eroticism of your movement. You have a graceful and delicate body, Megan, and a very athletic routine. I very much enjoyed watching it.”

Megan colored in the cheeks, unable to think of a response. Kurt used the pause in conversation discerningly to fill their glasses again. *Oh god, this guy is smooth.*

“Now that I have been honest with you, perhaps you could return the favor,” said Kurt. “Why did you agree to drink with me?”

“Because you were pleasant and polite,” said Megan.

“I don’t think that’s true,” said Kurt, lounging back in his chair and squinting an eye at her as if he was examining her motives. “I think you agreed because you chafe at rules. Flirting with chaos and disorder are exciting to you.” As Megan opened her mouth to disagree, Kurt held up a finger. “Ah. Flirting, mind you, not actually toppling over the edge. I think that’s why you stick so closely to that one.”

Kurt had gestured across the restaurant, and Megan followed his gaze to a crowd of mostly male patrons on the dance floor, with Jasmine swaying enthusiastically along with the beat in the center. She turned back to find that Kurt had leaned in close, his gaze still fixed on Jasmine.

“Look at her. So wild and devilish. Sensual and enticing. Everyone knows that she is crazy. But what they don’t realize is that you, my tantalizing apparition, get off on toying with bedlam just inside her shadow, where you are free from discovery. You enjoy the proximity to naughtiness, but you’re careful just to dab your toes in it, not fall headlong like she does.”

Kurt slowly drew his eyes from Jasmine, and looked at Megan. His gaze locked on her eyes, then roved over the rest of her body. It swept her up and down, and she felt goosebumps rise on her skin.

“If I am at all wrong, ma’am, you may tell me to get lost right now, and I’ll take my drink and leave you alone. I’ll even leave my $800 bottle of bourbon for you as one last charitable act of the foundation for your cast.”

Megan breathed in, finding that her lungs quivered in the effort. *Come on, you have to say something.*

“I have a boyfriend.”

The corner of Kurt’s lip curled up, hinting at that crooked smile. Leaning in even closer, just inches away from Megan’s face, he said in a throaty, rumbling tone, “I don’t fucking care.”

The pronouncement caused Megan to exhale in a small, startled pant. Kurt let the words hang in the air for a moment, and he poured himself another couple fingers of bourbon. Megan had barely touched hers. Putting the bottle down and raising his glass, he looked at her intently. “Come along, Megan. Tip over the edge with me.”

With a confusing swirl of emotions, Megan slowly and subtly nodded her head. Kurt’s eyes flashed.

“Well draw me a pat hand from a stacked deck,” he said, leaning back. Raising a finger in the air, he made a signal to someone else. Moments later three other young men came strolling over, orbiting around Jasmine, who was chipper and chattering about something or other. Once she spotted Megan at the table, she dashed forward and sat down beside her, while the three guys sauntered up and stood around.

“Megan!” said Jasmine, “you’re missing out; we’re having so much fun on the dance floor.” She closed her eyes and breathed in and out. “I haven’t had this much fun for months!”

Megan, still unsteady from her and Kurt’s last exchange, forced a smile to her lips. “That’s great, Jazz.”

Jasmine nodded and was about to trail into something else, but then she looked across the table at Kurt, who raised an eyebrow at her amusedly. “Oh my god!” she shouted, unaware of her own volume, “You’re the foundation guy!”

Kurt cracked his smile and nodded. “Guilty as charged, I’m afraid. And you, my charming young lady?”


“I’m Jasmine. You can call me Jazz for short. And these are…”

“I know who they are,” broke in Kurt. “Megan, these companions of your friend are my associates, Dutch, Glenn, and my brother, Roy Jr. Boys, this delightful actress is Megan.”

*Oh, delightful.* *That’s better.* *Right?*

“You guys know him?” asked Jasmine, befuddled. “Shoot, if I had known that, I would have been plying you for drinks!”

“Never too late for a good drink,” Kurt suggested. “Dutch, get some more glasses from John.”

As the young man strode away toward the bar, Megan suddenly stood up. “Excuse me,” she said, “I need to use the restroom.”

“Oh! I’ll go with you,” stated Jasmine, jumping to her feet.

“Come on back for that drink when you’re done, Jasmine,” Kurt said, winking to her. *Why is he winking at her?*

“For sure,” Jasmine giggled. “I never pass up a free drink.”

They passed Dutch on his way back with four more glasses from the bar. He turned and looked after them, then resumed walking toward the table and sat down across from Kurt. As Kurt poured everyone a round, Dutch turned his head again to watch the two walking away. “You think they’ll be back, Kurt?” he asked.

Kurt sipped his bourbon and smiled. “I do. Drink up, boys.”
