A Fancy Dinner – Pet Play for Lovers [mf]

This place really is the best. Locally sourced organic ingredients prepared by the most skilled chefs in the region means nobody else comes close. Four stars. James looks dashing in his fancy rented tuxedo, top hat, and monocle. Like a sexy Monopoly Man without the mustache. Maggie is absolutely stunning in her new dress. It’s perfect. Elegant and flowing with plenty of room to hide her tail taped to her leg, it is just the right amount of revealing on top. Any more so and the effect would be ruined. With a fancy hat and mesh veil to hide her ears, it’s the perfect disguise. Nobody would ever guess she is a pet. The disguises would be more effective if they were more subtle but where’s the fun in that? They own this room.

Maggie vibrates with excitement as dinner is served. Caviar and escargot with champagne doesn’t appeal to James but Maggie loves it and that makes it worth the exorbitant cost. These things don’t even occur around here. They probably come from a can. Pet tastes; go figure. Smiling widely, James cuts into his steak while Maggie chows down with perfect manners. It’s not often they get to share a night like this so they savor the time even more than the food.

Dessert is angel-food cake with strawberries and ice cream. As the waiter serves, the tape restraining Maggie’s tail gives way resulting in her excited fluttering becoming apparent under her dress. The waiter gets a strange look on his face and quickly takes his leave. James and Maggie share a serious look. “Be cool, My Sweet Girl. We’ve not been discovered just yet.” James watches the waiter disappear into the kitchen and a moment later, a very angry chef comes out. James understands his anger. If the health inspector found out pets were in here, the place could be shut down. What a stupid rule! Maggie has better hygiene and more class than most humans. The angry chef makes a phone call, surely to mobilize security. “Okay, Maggie. It’s time to go in three, two, one, GO.”

Maggie dumps the dessert in her purse and kicks off her shoes as James clears a path to the door. With shoes in one hand, Maggie grabs a chicken leg from another customer’s plate -Yoink- and hurries to catch up. James holds the door for his Sweet Girl and tips the hostess’s podium to cover their escape. Together, they run down the street and around the corner before darting into an alley way and hiding behind a dumpster. Security runs right past the alley, completely clueless of the pair’s location.

Crouching down with their backs to the wall, Maggie and James catch their breath and struggle to contain their laughter. They haven’t had this much fun since they crashed a fancy wedding several years ago. Turning their heads to face one another, they lock eyes and in that moment, there’s only one thing they can think of. All the excitement of the evening erupts as they kiss passionately, holding each other’s faces, still panting. Now both standing, Maggie eagerly frees James from the confines of his trousers before jumping onto him, wrapping her legs around his hips. James leans her up against the wall and finds his way under her dress and into her warmth. Still making intense love with their mouths, Maggie grinds herself against James’ pubic bone while he thrusts slow and hard from below. The energy between them is so intense, Maggie loses control and bites down hard on James’ lip and claws at his neck as she cums, convulsing reflexively before falling limp. The taste of blood in James’ mouth together with the pain awakens his inner beast, renewing his strength. James holds Maggie firmly in place against the wall while he pounds her hard and fast with the vigor of an animal fighting for it’s life, gripping her tightly enough to leave marks. James too, cums fast, pumping her full of his seed, highlighting this wonderful night out.

Now even more winded than before and still inside her, James holds Maggie in his arms as they one again try to catch their breath while kissing gently and grinning like fools. “THERE THEY ARE. HEY YOU.” They’ve been discovered. James sets Maggie down and rolls the dumpster toward their pursuers before boosting her up and over the chain link fence blocking their escape. As James buttons his pants to make the climb for himself, Maggie produces the melted ice cream dessert from her purse and hurls it at the security personnel, hitting the first one square in the face causing them to trip and fall over each other like The Three Stooges. At the top of the fence, Maggie waves goodbye to the guards before escaping for good together with Her Greatest Love.

— A short while later… —

“Uh, Mag, My Sweet Girl? Where’d you get the chicken?” Maggie makes a guilty face and offers James a bite. James happily accepts. Mmmm. Best chicken ever.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hiprzb/a_fancy_dinner_pet_play_for_lovers_mf