Your Home Is Lovely [MF] [Forced] [Fiction]

Your home is quite lovely. Truly. The outside is so inviting with the grey siding accented by the red shutters, complimented by the red door. I love how well you keep the lawn maintained and what you’ve done to make the bushes perfectly rounded under the bay window. This is truly a single story suburban Chicago home tucked away in a quiet middle class neighborhood if I’ve ever seen one.

The inside of your home is also very beautiful. You keep everything so neat and clean. No dishes in the sink. No clothes left strewn about. Your hardwood floors in the living room and dining room are elegant. What type of wood is that? Mahogany? Oak? I must admit, I’m not familiar with the various types of wood used in hardwood flooring. Your kitchen has beautiful black granite countertops which contrast the white tiling of the floor. And your bedroom…Your bedroom is picture perfect. Beautiful white carpet that looks brand new beneath your neatly made king sized bed with its grey comforter and pillows. The inside of your home is quite beautiful, indeed; and I should know because I’m in it.

I check the back door that leads into your bedroom which you so carelessly left unlocked. You really should be more careful. You’re far too trusting of your neighbors. I open the back door and cross to your walk-in closet. Pulling the door to be barely open, all I have to do now is wait. It won’t be long now. I know your schedule. I’ve waited and I’ve watched. I know you’ve noticed the comments I’ve made around you. I think you really have been wanting this night to happen for a long time. You should be home in about ten minutes, and then our date can commence.

I sit on the floor on your closet, enclosed in darkness, as I wait to hear your garage door open. Finally, I hear the hum of the garage door lifting and the sound of your car pulling in before I hear it hum to a close again. I immediately stand to my feet, my heart racing, feeling as though it may beat straight out of my chest.

*Am I really about to do this?*

My thoughts begin to move a million miles a minute as I pull a bandana from my back pocket and tie it around the bridge of my nose and over my mouth. It is 2020 after all, so safety is a priority. Can’t forget my mask.

I hear the door from the garage to your kitchen open and then shut. Your heels click against the floor and then suddenly go silent before I hear them get tossed back next to the door. Your refrigerator opens and then shuts before I hear you pouring yourself a drink, probably orange juice. I know how much you love orange juice. The glass you’re drinking from makes a light sound as you set it back against the granite countertop. It won’t be long now.

Your feet shuffle across the floor and I hear sound coming from your living room. You’ve turned your TV on. Will you be staying in there long? No. You just like the background noise. You’ll want to change out of your work clothes and get comfortable. The light flips on in the hallway leading to your bedroom and my chest begins to tighten. I try to control my breath as I hear your feet shuffle closer. Closer. Closer. The light to your bedroom flips on, catching my eyes that have adjusted to the darkness off guard. I squint, but don’t dare to close them. I see your hand reach for the closet door and I ready myself for what comes next. But then…you notice. Your hand slowly lowers away from the door as your eyes settle on the open back door. I hear your breathing pick up slightly as you cautiously make your way toward it.

“Hello?” You speak into the silence of the home. Your body moves closer and closer to the door and finally I get a full glimpse of you. You’re dressed like a true professional business woman. Your grey blazer and blouse top and your skirt truly compliment your figure. Your brown hair is pulled back into a low ponytail. Your black tights running up your legs. Perfect.

You reach the door and peek out before pulling it shut and locking it, first the handle lock and then the deadbolt. You freeze for a moment with your hand still clutching the deadbolt. Perhaps you’re convincing yourself that you left it open by accident. Then you straighten up and turn back toward the closet. And now it’s my turn to give you what you’ve been asking for for so long.

You take two steps back toward the closet before my right hand pushes hard against the door and my left hand flips down the light switch. Your scream is loud and piercing but it doesn’t stop me from lunging at you and grabbing hold of your body from the waist. I spin you and throw you toward the bed. You’re fighting hard to break free of my grip and continuing to scream as loud as you can. You’re facing the bed as I crawl on top of you and hold you down with the weight of my body. My hand presses your face into the comforter so you can scream all you want and nobody will hear you. I hope nobody heard your first screams. But this won’t take long.

My other hand grabs the bottom of your skirt, causing you to buck against me and trying to wiggle free again.

“Hold still or I’m going to hurt you,” I say in a voice deeper than my actual voice.

You don’t stop bucking against me, though. I turn you over and place my hand over your mouth. It’s hard to see anything in the dark with only the little light shining in from the hallway, but I can see tears streaming down your eyes. You’re not just crying, though, you’re angry. Fierce. You’re not going to take me without a fight. Suddenly, you jolt your head to one side, causing my hand to slip, and your teeth sink deep into my arm.

“Ahhh!! Fucking Bitch!” I cry out as I wrestle my arm out of your teeth, which have no doubt drawn blood.

“Fuck you!” You shout and then spit at me.

It’s almost second nature to me the way my hand draws back and then comes down smacking you hard, clear across your face. We’re both shocked. Even in the relative dark, I can see your lip quiver and hear the faint whimper escape your lips.

My hands then proceed back to your blouse and pull it in opposite directions, revealing what you’ve been hiding underneath all day. You’re still stunned and won’t look back up at me. You now understand that my threat to hurt you was not empty. My hands proceed to grab the waist of your skirt and give it a sharp yank down. Panties to match your bra. Of course. Your red, lacy underwear is quite lovely. Truly. It’s so inviting. I undo my belt with one hand, holding your body down by your chest.

“Please don’t,” you beg. There’s no use. You’ve asked for this. It’s happening.

My pants come loose and I drop them to my ankles. I turn you back over on your stomach, revealing your beautiful round ass. My hand runs over it before my thumb hooks into your thong and pulls it down to your knees. My hard cock slides from my boxers as they too drop to my ankles. I run it over your ass back and forth.

“Please,” your begging turns into sobbing.

My dick slides down your ass and to your pussy which, to my surprise, is quite wet.

“You must really want this. Your pussy is eager,” I whisper.

“No. No. Please. No.” You begin to struggle at the feeling of my dick and start to crawl up the bed. There’s no getting away from it, though. I’m taking what I want.

I straddle over you and give my hips a strong forward push. My dick meets no resistance as it penetrates deep inside of you. You let out a sobbing moan and bury your face in the comforter. My hips draw back and then slam back against you, driving my dick as deep as it can go. Your screams travel deep into your bed. Your hands take hold of the comforter like you might fly away if you let go. I lay myself on top of you, my cock now traveling back and forth inside of your tight, wet pussy. My left hand reaches up and wraps tight around your neck. I can hear your choking your sobs through. My pace quickens as I become more aroused by the sounds you’re making.

“Please…stop.” You manage to choke out. But I have no intention of stopping until I’m finished.

But then it happens. You let out a desperate “Oh no!” as your whole body tenses and your ass pushes back against my dick. You let out a moaning cry and freeze in position until your body then loosens and collapses back into the bed. Your face turns back into the comforter as you realize you just came on my dick.

My dick slides out of you and I pull you by your hair to the floor. You won’t look up at me from your knees until I pull your hair backward and force your face up only to be met by my cock being forced into your throat.

“Clean your pussy off my dick, whore,” I growl. You get no control. My hand is holding the back of your head and I decided how deep my dick will travel into your throat and I decide how fast or slow you go. Drool runs from your mouth and down your chin as you gag down my dick. Your eyes look dazed.

It doesn’t take my longer before I know that our time together is coming to an end. I pull my cock from your mouth and push you onto your back. You’re going to look at me while I cum. I lift your legs and spread them far apart. Your trimmed pussy is clearly ready for more. Your hands dig deep into the carpet as my dick drills deep inside of you again. I push as deep as I can go inside of you. You let out moaning wails and turn your head away from me.

“Look at me,” I demand. But you don’t. You won’t. “Look at me now!”

Your face slowly turns back toward me as I make eye contact with you in the exact moment that my body tenses and releases a flood of cum deep inside of you. Your eyes then squeeze tightly shut as I push deeper and then slide back. My dick slides out of you and I drop back to a seated position opposite you. Your shuddering breaths are the only noise filling the room now.

I stand to my feet and pull my pants up and re-fasten my belt. Looking down at you, you’ve curled up into a ball and I can tell you’re trying hard not to sob. I then take off the bandana covering my face and let it drop beside your body. I step past you, out of the bedroom. I walk into the light of the hallway and enter the kitchen. The first thing I do is run my wrist under water to wash away the blood you drew.

There’s a glass on the counter half filled with orange juice. I open the fridge and grab the jug of orange juice and fill the glass almost full. Then I put the jug away and open the pantry. I grab a plastic sandwich bag and return to the refrigerator, only this time I open the freezer. I reach inside and fill the bag with a handful of ice and then seal the bag.

I grab the glass of orange juice into the same hand as the bag of ice and make my way back to the bedroom. You’ve moved from the floor to the bed and you’re completed naked now. You’re laying on your side of the bed, head resting on your pillow, with your eyes closed. I walk to you and set the glass of orange juice down on the nightstand.

“Here, put this on your cheek,” I offer you the bag of ice. Your eyes open as you look up at me and give a little smile. You take the bag and press it against where my hand impacted your cheek.

“I brought you some orange juice. I’ll go get you some Advil.” When I came back from the bathroom, you had already drank half her glass of orange juice. I set the Advil down next to the glass and then walked around the bed and crawled onto my side.

“You were great,” You finally say very matter of factly.

“Yeah? Not too intense?” I asked, concerned of any and all lines I may have crossed.

“It was exactly what I hoped for when I brought this up to you. Thank you for being willing to try it,” You say as your head rests against my chest.

“I enjoyed it. It just took a while to get over my reservations that I had with it.”

“I know, but I’m glad you did.”

“When did you figure out it was me?”

“When you decided to use your stupid Batman voice to tell me you’d hurt me.”

I settle in as I put my arm around you, “I can’t wait to explain this to the neighbors tomorrow.”

You lift your head and smile at me, “Tomorrow? Ten bucks says the police are on their way right now.”


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