Fuck School: Episode 1: A Day In the Life [fM Fm Tm, exh, drugs, fdom, nc]

Standing in the middle of the hallway, I suddenly see where I went wrong. Just like I’d feared, I had drastically misunderstood the school’s dress code. Every student in view, stretching hundreds of feet down the main hall on either side, is staring at me coldly. All of them are naked, or mostly naked, to some degree. And here I stand, elaborately dressed in a frock coat, tunic, and feathered hat, as if I just came back from 1850. Looks like Jimmy wasn’t joking. They really don’t care about how you dress. Unless you actually wear something, that is. I dreadfully begin to walk further down the gauntlet of a hallway, the deadpan stares and silence almost deadly. All I can think about is that scene in the Walking Dead where they have to walk through a hoard while they pretend to be zombies. I try to force my thoughts to the Shaun of the Dead version – at least that one was funny. It isn’t working. Their stares almost look – hungry – now? I decide to stare back at some of them, show them how it feels. One girl with purple and blue hair stands at her locker, stark naked and carrying her school books under her arm casually as if it’s any other morning. The words Teacher’s Pet are tattooed decoratively on her pale skin, above her clean shaven cooch. A wide, well built jock guy (with a face oddly similar to that dude from Subway Surf), seemingly the only one not to notice me, is shaving his pubes, using a rather low mirror in his locker door for reference. I notice faint scar lines below his pecks. Further down the hall, two girls in skimpy cheerleading outfits are each holding a 4DS, staring into my soul, game completely forgotten. One of them is using the cardboard vibrator attachment. I can see her face twitch a little every time her character dies, on repeat. Suddenly, out of the mass of students, a brutish, uh, person, steps in front of me, blocking my path. “What do we have here,” the hulking figure sneers, “Another cishet?” I examine the hunk wearily. I can’t tell what gender they are at all, but that’s pretty common these days, you get used to it. Whoever they are, they’re quite fascinating, if not repulsive. Pale, grey green skin covered in tribal tattoos on a wide-set, chunky naked body. They’re completely bald, besides some random tufts of dirt-caked blond here and there, which makes their ears look rather prominent. Their tufts seem to contain the only hair on their entire body, besides their dangerous mess of pubes, which still can’t indicate their sex. And their nose, oh the bulbous thing, is rounder than the rest of them. The overpowering stench of feet fills my nostrils. “Yup, that’s me,” I say cheerily, extending my hand to shake. “I’m Shaggy.” The brute cackles, seeming to find my name hilarious. “You are? I bet you’re a prude.” I close my eyes mock-humbly and bow elaborately. “Actually, I’m the Shaggiest Shaggster around.” The bully grins devilishly. “Prove it then,” they say, flapping their remarkably small chode out of their bush with their square, calloused hand. “Suck my dick.” I stare down at the mangled thing, as if upon losing eye contact it’ll attack me. “I’d rather not,” my voice cracks, “No offence, but there’s not much there to suck.” A flash of fire roars in the goblin-kin’s eyes. “What are you, transphobic?” “I’m afraid of everyone, but somehow not really threatened by your tantrum, so I don’t think I am.” Their beefy chest puffs out in rage and they begin to barrel towards me. Before I know it, a figure steps between us, blocking the behemoth. “Stop it Korn,” the figure says, in a low but sultry feminine voice. It’s a girl, it seems, with long blue hair and — clothes? Perhaps the oddest thing yet, she’s wearing a baggy t-shirt over black skinny jeans, a satchel draped over her shoulder. “Why should I?” The brute, seemingly named Korn, growls. “You heard the whitey.” “Obviously he’s a foreigner,” the girl remarks matter-of-factly, “He doesn’t know our customs and culture. Would you really show such inhospitaly to an immigrant?” Korn stands silent, looking down guiltily. Their cheeks have turned a familiar human shade of rosy. “You should be ashamed of your ignorance. I’m taking him to Student Services.” Korn hesitates, then mutters, “He’s still gotta suck me.” The girl sighs. “Also he’s got corona.” Everyone starts screaming and running down the hall to the nearest exits, scrambling over each other. With that, and without a single word to me, the girl grabs me by the hand and begins to lead me down the hall at a brisk speedwalk, a look of frustration, or determination, dotting her face. She doesn’t speak until we’re past a heavy door and in the massive, echoing stairwell. “That was pretty foolish, what you did back there,” the girl says, turning to me for the first time. I notice her pretty grey-green eyes are framed with boxy glasses and rather impressive yet minimal makeup. “What?” I ask, “I was just replying logically.” The girl shakes her head, frustrated. “You’re not supposed to reply logically, you’re supposed to pardon yourself, or obey.” “I was just supposed to suck that… person’s crotchworm?” I wave my hands heatedly. “If you were humble from the start, you wouldn’t have gotten into that situation from the first place.” I gulp. “That’s not right.” “I know it isn’t, but it’s what people like us have to do to get by in this world.” I pause, confused. “People like -” The sound of a bird chirping echoes throughout the stairwell, robotically repeating. The girl looks up. “Shoot. It’s the alarm.” She begins to scurry up the stairs. “Follow me, we don’t have much time.” More confused by the second, I call out “Time for what? Where are we going?” “The crowds are going to come soon.” She expresses the deepest form of fear and revulsion with those words. “Wait,” I call up, trying to catch up. “What’s your name?” We reach the heavy doors of the third floor. She turns back to me. “My name’s Mila, by the way.” “It’s a pleasure to meet ya.” “It’s nice to meet you too, Shaggy.” “You can call me Eryn.” She smiles. Suddenly, the doors slam open and a mass of skin bursts through them like a bullet. Mila looks at me desperately. “We’re too late!” her faint voice yells. The stampede of students push us here and there, seemingly unaware of our attempts to stay in the same spot. Before I know it, I’m being herded along with the rest of them, Mila’s head poking above the viscous wave of the crowd as she somehow swims through the opposite direction of the riptide. “Warning: There is an alleged carrier of COVID-19 in the establishment, last seen on second floor.” A soft, robotic voice pleasantly announces, “Please calmly make your ways to the nearest rendezvous.” By the time I find a corner to hold ground in, Mila is nowhere to be seen. I’d call her name but I highly doubt she’d hear me over all the noise. Admittedly disappointed, but also glad to have some time to myself, I head off in a random direction, hoping my next excursion ends up less weird. At that thought, I’m abruptly pulled out of the hallway from behind and I fall to my ass. . . . “The suspect is said to wear a -” The door closes. Laying on my back, my vision is a blurry mess. I think I hit my head on the floor. It feels cold. “Is that him?” a voice asks, to the left of me. “It’s gotta be,” affirms another, standing behind me. I glance around frantically, trying to make sense of my surroundings in the hazy opiatic light. A small crowd hovers around me. “And such a handsome one at that,” one remarks, standing with their arms crossed. Their bountiful body is barely concealed by a super short skirt and lingerie, yet their hair is short, cropped in a masculine pullover, as is the fashion these days. “Can we keep him?” a short and extremely cute girl in overalls asks. Her kiddy aesthetic is contrasted by her curvy figure, which only makes it more interesting. “We may have to,” remarks a dude with shoulder length hair and lennon glasses. He holds a mug in his hand labelled Coffee. “He did find our hideout after all.” I finally come to my senses, shaking my head back into reality. “I didn’t find anything! I don’t remember getting here.” “That’s cause we had to pull you in to save you from the stampede out there,” the short haired one remarks, nodding to the door. “They would’ve trampled ya.” “Plus,” the guy with the coffee chimes, “The whole school’s on the hunt for you right now. Everyone thinks you have the Virus.” I wince. “If I had the ‘rona why would you grab me?” The short haired one laughs. “We know you’re clean silly. I saw what happened with Mila and you. She used to pull the same shit back in the day, till it got old.” I frown. “What do you mean?” “Whenever she found herself in danger of fun,” the coffee guy deepens his voice in a peculiarly humorous tone, “she’d pull the Corona Card. Worked every time.” “So we knew it couldn’t be true!” The overall girl smiles cheerfully. I pause. They do seem kinda fishy, but they weren’t wrong about Mila using the virus as a scapegoat. I suppose I’ll give them a chance. “My names Eryn,” I say, outstretching my hand to shake, “But you can call me Shaggy.” The coffee guy stares at the hand as if it truly does have the virus. The overalls girl takes my hand and innocently holds it, seemingly getting the wrong idea. I don’t wish to ruin it for her, so I let her. “I’m Kiwi,” the short haired girl in lingerie says, elegantly. “Coffee,” says the guy with the coffee, holding his mug up as if it’s self explanatory. “I’m Chai!” the short girl in the overalls smirks. “That’s Walnut over there,” Kiwi grunts at the wall, which is more a giant window overlooking the school’s inner plaza. A pale, soft-skinned girl lays along the window ledge, completely bare. Her eyes closed, and ears covered by large headphones, she holds a joint in one hand and rubs her rather wet looking pussy with the other. She doesn’t seem to notice us, but we definitely notice her whimpers. I look out the window and notice a small crowd from the plaza grounds is eagerly watching and filming her, not ten feet away. “And that’s Bean and Yam over there,” Coffee motions to the corner, where a large alcove nestles in, and two younger dudes are having fun. Both naked, one stands over the other with a whip, wearing a strap-on, while their partner sits on the floor, obediently looking up at them. “What classroom is this?” I gasp, astonished. “This is Club Amora,” Kiwi replies. “We’re the Body Buddies. You might have heard of us.” “I’m sorry to say,” I look around the room, for the first time noticing how cool it is, “I’m completely new here.” The room makes up a corner of the inner walls which line the plaza. The floor is soft, and covered in pillows and wedge shaped velvet couches. Ropes hang from the high ceiling, holding saucer-shaped chairs and strange harnesses. Most of the walls are padded, but some are lined with shelves filled to the brim with toys, or cuffs and chains, bolted menacingly to cobblestone. A fireplace sits in one end, flickering innocently next to a minibar. “That’s ok,” chimes Chai, “You’re one of us now!.” “What’s that mean? What’s Amora?” “A lot of questions from this one,” Coffee scoffs. “He really is new.” Kiwi smirks. “Why don’t we show you. Chai.” She makes eye contact with the apron girl, and nearly in sync, they lower down to their knees, looking up at me. “Woah, what are you-” I attempt to talk things through but it’s too late, they’ve pulled my dick out from my jeans. It springs up, admittedly hard from all this confusion. Kiwi wraps her small hand around it, not quite getting it all, and starts tugging up and down the base of my shaft as Chai begins to lick the head of my cock like it’s a lolipop. “Wait -” She fits her slobbery mouth over my tip, stroking it with her tongue. “What are you… doing?” My eyes roll over in my head. “Woah…” Coffee just stands there, sipping from his mug, as if this is an everyday occurance. “This is what Amora does,” he says between sips. “We fuck!” Chai exclaims, grinning ear to ear at me before finally managing to enclose her mouth over my dick head. I moan as I slide deep into her warm throat. “We’re a host club,” Kiwi says, cupping my balls in her hand and squeezing. I had never really been interested in that, but the pain was surprisingly thrilling. “We fuck for fun, but also for entertainment.” “I guess you could say we’re the modern day cross between superheroes and celebrities,” Coffee says, stroking his chin hairs contemplatively. “So you guys, ah,” I try to formulate sentences over all the pleasure, “You’re like strippers?” Kiwi sighs. “You don’t have to be polite. I know what you’re thinking. Whores. Escorts. But no, not really. We don’t do this for money. It’s a school club like the rest of em. It’s just nice to please people who sometimes don’t get enough attention on their own.” Chai coughs, sputtering up drool all over my dick. “Plus, it’s fun!” she says. I grab hold of her messy half-bun and pull her head close, my dick hitting the back of her throat and sliding down it. I’ve lost control of myself. The wang has taken over. “Hell yes it is,” I mutter under my breath. I slam back and forth, prompting some cute, wet gagging noises as my base slams into her face. “As you can see, it’s not all about pleasing clients. We like to have fun together as well. It’s good to keep a strong team dynamic,” Coffee mentions casually. I can hear Chai moaning softly through her full mouth. The vibrations of her voice sends shivers down my spine. Gasping heavily, I wrap my other hand behind her neck and thrust even harder. After several thundering pounds, I instinctively pull out and jizz all over Chai’s face. Her eyes light up with excitement and she licks up as much as she can. Kiwi pulls her tits out, so I turn and let the rest loose on them. She begins to smear the cum around her impressively large breasts, groping and rubbing her nips. I hadn’t noticed how big the crowd had gotten. I realize with a rush of panic that those are all the students lined up for the red alert. The dark, piercing eyes of a girl with messy hair catches my gaze. They’re so… familiar. I begin to feel rather embarrassed, the heat of the moment ending. I just had an orgasm in front of a bunch of complete strangers. What the fuck was I thinking? “Not bad,” Coffee remarks. “You’ve got some drive in you after all.” Chai grabs my tired dick and swallows it hungrily, cleaning it off. “I don’t know about you, but I think he’s worthy,” Kiwi says brightly, raising an eyebrow. “Mmmhf mhhm mh – mmhuhh.” “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Chai,” Coffee chides, amused. She lets my dick slip out of her mouth. “We should see how he performs!” she suggests excitedly. “Good idea, let’s get ya roped up.” “Wait.” I let out, so abruptly that even I’m taken aback. Kiwi frowns. “What is it?” Chai’s eyes go puppy-dog. “Don’t you wanna fuck me?” “I’m sorry,” I manage, rubbing my eyes and pulling my member back into my jeans, “I just met you guys. This is all wrong.” Kiwi glares at me heatedly. The bird sound I heard earlier begins to chime on the overhead speakers again, and the calm, soothing robot voice calls out. “False alarm. Alert closed. There are no positive tester’s of COVID-19 aboard. Everything is ok. You may return to your studies.” I notice the crowds of kids out in the plaza begin to flood back towards the doors. If I’m to beat the rush, I’ll have to leave now. I take the opportunity and head back out into the hall, leaving glares of disappointment behind. . . . Speed-walking down the hall, in no particular direction seeing as I don’t know the school at all, I can’t help but feel guilty. Embarrassed. I’ve made a fool of myself in front of half the school, going primal over a couple girls I had never met before today. Hopefully my face wasn’t seen by many. Wandering around the endless halls, an infinite sea of faces pass by me like fish. I’d swear some are staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I’m just not sure if it’s ‘cause of the hall incident in the morning, or this. I wonder if I’ll be able to find Mila again, or possibly Jimmy. Doubt it. There’s so many unfamiliar faces here. “Eryn?” My eyes dart up. It isn’t Mila. In fact, it’s someone far more familiar, and unexpected. “Calypso,” I mutter under my breath. For a second, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be happy to see her. Did we leave on good or bad terms last time? Her expectant gaze captures me and I forget all of that. “Hey,” I say, this time audibly, “Funny meeting you here.” “Yeah,” she grins, brushing a pink strand of hair from her eyes. “I thought you hated schools.” The crowds pass by at light speed, but they feel silent and in the background now. I notice rather surreally that she’s barely wearing anything. It seems to be the fashion these days. Leather boots, fishnet stockings, a short black skirt held up by a spiked belt and some steel chains and clamps. A high bellied black top barely covers her sultry bosom, outlined in an elegant heart shape and trying to escape their cloth prison. Her narrow throat is restrained with a layered, e-girl looking choker, a heart shaped dog-tag hanging off of it. What’s it say? I realize I’m staring. I snap out of it. “Yeah,” I chuckle awkwardly, “I must have finally lost my marbles. I decided to start learning again.” Cal’s eyes light up. “What are you majoring in?” I huff. “I didn’t even know you were supposed to major in something.” She giggles amusedly. “Well do you have any classes to go to?” “Uh, not yet.” “You can come to my Creative Writing class in the meantime, if you’d like. “Yeah,” I smile, “I’d like that.” . . . The class isn’t any less weird than the halls, but at least I can breathe again. No stampedes here. Calypso and I sit in the back, chattering and catching up on times past, while the teacher attempts to convey the prospect of paradigm shifts in a character’s arc. Near the front of the class, a student crushes some form of tablet with his pencil, and snorts a line off his desk. His eyes light up and he suddenly appears to be paying attention, perhaps to too many things at once. In the far corner, a girl in black stockings takes notes, perhaps the only one doing so. Except she’s not. With one hand, she doodles hearts around the teacher’s name, Mr. Rivers, scrawled across the page maniacally. With the other, she’s… Well, she’s touching herself. As if it weren’t already weird enough, she’s looking directly into his eyes. “And that, my young authors,” Rivers wheezes, his voice stuttering nervously when he sees the girl in stockings, “Is how you write a third dimensional character.” At the exact same time, Cal is catching me up on her various friends and enemies made over the past few years. She cracks up, “I know right! What a slut.” Rivers furrows his brows, seemingly making a roll for intimidation with those square brimmed glasses. “Calypso, if you’re going to talk so loudly, could you please do it somewhere else?” Cal turns to him, sneering, “Could you?” She motions her hand sassily. Mr. Rivers’ hands begin to shake. “Some people are trying to learn here…” Calypso rolls her eyes. “The only one trying to learn something is Kieren there tryina learn what your dick tastes like.” She turns to face the girl in the stockings, Kieren, and retorts “It’s not as good as you’d think, trust me.” Kieren stops masterbating and awkwardly closes her book of doodles, flustered. Rivers remains silent. “Anyways,” Cal turns back to me and smiles as if nothing happened, “Yeah we don’t talk to Kalvin anymore.” A tall, thin girl and a short, chubby girl enter the class, completely naked and chattering brightly. Is that… Anna and Jenna? Their discussion ceases when they glance over in our direction, and they deliberately move to the furthest wall from us as possible, obviously trying to avoid our gaze. I lean in to whisper to Cal. “What’s up with them?” I ask. “Long story,” she whispers to me, “C’mon, let’s get out of here. We awkwardly attempt to sneak past them to the exit, but fail miserably. “Nice pet,” the short one remarks. “Where’d you buy it?” I’m not sure if she’s talking to Cal or me. “Same place you got yours,” Cal jabs, not even stopping to wait for a reply. I follow her out the classroom. “Jeez, what happened between you two?” I ask as we head down the hall, destination unknown. “You two used to be so tight.” Cal shrugs. “And then she fucked my boyfriend.” I gasp. “What? Why?” “Cause she was jealous that I had Kalvin.” “Sheesh.” I certainly hadn’t missed the drama. I look out the window. Odd. Is it snowing? “Did I mention she then accused him of rape? He lost his job, even after he was proven innocent.” “Cal, check it.” She pauses, confused, and I motion to the window. “Woah!” she walks up to the pane, pressing her hands against the glass. “Is that snow!” “Either that or the gods are having a bad hair day.” “Or an orgy,” she snorts. Cal brushes a strand of magenta hair from her eye. “It really is a strange day. First, you show up at a school, and then it snows in the summer. I’m not sure which one is less likely. Next thing pigs will learn to fly.” “Yeah for reals,” I grin, glad to have something familiar. The snow may just be the least weird part of the day. “Speaking of…” she begins. “Yeah?” “I think I saw you in the Library during the drill. You in Amora now?” “What?” I squint, confused. “Oh, yeah, no. They were just, uh… Well I don’t know what they were doing honestly.” “I pretty killer blowjob, it looked like,” she sticks her tongue at me teasingly. “Hey! It wasn’t my choice -” “I know, I know… Look, that’s not really what I wanted to say…” “Hey!” a voice calls from behind me. I spin around, frightened. Are we not allowed to be in the halls? It’s the green beast from earlier, Korn, with their posse and followers behind them. They glare at me menacingly. “Me?” I point at myself, exaggerating. Korn sighs. “No, the other one.” I turn around, but Cal’s gone. I realize Korn was being sarcastic. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath. My phone vibrates and lights up. ‘Sorry’ the text says, ‘I’d help but there’s nothing I can do. Korn is top of the food chain.’ I don’t need to ponder on who that’s from. I sigh into my hands, and walk towards the greyish hulk. “What do you want?” I ask, secretly proud of my bluntness. “No no no,” Korn puts their hands up, as if to show that they came in peace. “You’ve got the wrong idea. I want to apologize to you.” I frown. “Really?” “Yes! I’m very sorry! I didn’t know that you were a foreigner, and thus unaware of our social customs.” They hold out their hand to me. I shake it, hesitantly. “Allow me to explain them to you,” Korn sneers, their grip on my hand tightening. “When you refuse to get with someone due to what they have below, it’s transphobic.” “The problem isn’t that you have a dick,” I scowl, “It’s that yours is just a mutilated mess.” This seems to anger Korn more than I had anticipated for. They pull me toward them, fiery eyes gazing deep into me. “If you choose to be transphobic, I’ll just have to punish you,” they say, pushing me down to my knees. “What is this ruckus?” an aged, bitchy sounding voice calls from behind. Standing with her arms crossed under her massive jugs, which are pushed up in a tight leather outfit, is a middle aged woman with dirty blond hair and the speckled skin of a heavy smoker, or perhaps alcoholic. In one hand she holds a whip, in the other, a chain, attached to which is a student, naked and on all fours, licking her tall leather boots with nothing but pleasure in their eyes. This must be a teacher. “This cishet was being transphobic,” Korn growls, jabbing a thick finger at me venomously. “He needs to learn his place.” The teacher squints at me. “And I’m guessing that’s why you decided to punish this new student?” Korn shrugs. “Well… yeah.” With a whistle and a crack, near imperceivable to the eye, the whip strikes Korn upon the arm. “Only I say when it’s time to punish a student,” the woman scolds simply, “I’m the teacher. Therefore, I’m the one to choose when and how to teach a student a lesson.” Her heavy glare penetrates Korn’s, causing their eyes to melt into submission. “Yes Ms. Valentina.” Ms. Valentina turns to me, raising her eyebrow. “And who are you darling, a new student?” “I am,” I gulp, scared shitless. She extends a bony, dagger-nailed hand, caressing my cheek with her palm. “Such a fresh face,” she admires, her eyes glowing alarmingly. “Is what Korn says true?” I shake my head. “I had no intention of offending Korn, I merely didn’t understand the school’s rules. I kind of haven’t had a -” “Shh…” She places a pale finger against my lips. “Korn?” Korn sighs. “He’s right.” “Then -” “But he’s the Covid kid,” Korn grins pettily at me, evoking a warning scowl from Valentina for interrupting. “H-he was the false alarm today.” Miss. Valentina’s scowl turns into a sadistic grin. She looks to me and I suddenly feel in danger. “That false alarm caused several panic attacks for some of our students. I know you’re new here, but deliberately putting our student’s in danger won’t go unpunished.” “Wait!” I interject desperately, “It wasn’t me.” “I’m sorry…” “Eryn.” “… Eryn, but didn’t you just say that you were that student? Are you going back on that now?” “No, Mrs. Valentina -” “It’s Miss!” “Ms. Valentina. I was the one reported to be infected with the virus, but I wasn’t the one to make that accusation.” “I see,” Valentina sneers at me, “Who was it then?” I hadn’t realized the situation this put me in. I can’t throw Mila under the bus. She was so nice to me. I could always throw the blame on Korn… They stare up at me from the floor, the fire in their eyes replaced with watery terror. No, I have to be the bigger person. That won’t do. “I’m sorry Miss,” I say, looking down. “It was me. I have no excuse.” She smiles, tapping her foot. “Very well. Get on your knees.” “What?” “You heard me. Get down.” I suddenly find it hard to breathe. Everything’s cold. A chirping sound emits from the softspeakers and students slowly start trickling out of the classrooms. “No,” I manage, my voice faltering, but my expression firm. The hall goes silent. Everyone stares at me. Ms. Valentina scoffs. “Pardon me?” It’s too late to back out now. “I said no.” “This is not optional, sir. This is discipline, legally bound to the school code.” I furrow my brows. “I don’t care. I’m not bowing down to you for something that wasn’t my fault.” Another snap, and she’s whips me across the arms. I keel over in shock, and suddenly I’m pushed down, catching myself with my hands. Before I know what’s happening, my pants are down to my ankles. The crowd in the hall whistles and hoots. “Hey!” I shout, trying to push myself to a stand, but a leather glove holds me down, while the other grips my arm. I try to escape her grip but it’s no use. As Valentina wrecklessly strips me of every article of clothing on my body, I glance up to the crowd above. Hundreds of eyes, watching, waiting expectedly for amusement. This is just another event to them, like a school fight or public breakup. I notice many of the students staring hungrily at my bare ass and lower parts. Cold air hits my exposed skin, just reminding me of my predicament. I can’t help but blush, but I want to throw up. Korn sneers up at me pettily, no longer so upset about being hit. Without any warning, a cold, smooth thing penetrates my mostly virgin asshole, sliding it’s way up, further and further. I gasp out loud impulsively. It feels like my insides are being mushed around. This thick, solid thing doesn’t seem to stop. 6”, 7”, 8”, 9? Finally, hips slap against my ass, pounding into me hard. I let out a yell. What feels like my entire body is filled up with… rubber? Almost as fast is she entered, Ms. Valentina pulls out, creating a loud squelching sound as it slips out of me. Almost like taking a huge, painful shit, my body feels hollow. My arms give in and I collapse under the weight of my body, my face planting hard into the cold tile floor. She thrusts in again. “How’s it like to feel endangered, huh?” She pulls out. I groan in pain. “P-please miss. I didn’t do anything.” She smacks me on the ass with her leather glove, hard. “You dirty fucking liar,” she mutters, slamming back into me and causing me to let out a pained whimper. This is so embarrassing. People have their phones out now, filming it and most likely putting me on their story. One scrawny looking buck toothed kid jerks off while filming. I notice a couple familiar faces among the crowd. Kiwi? Chai? Bean? And that girl who I saw through the window earlier. They’re all just – watching. “Somebody help!” I beg desperately, but Valentina gags my mouth with one leather glove’d hand. The crowd just stares. Not one with an ounce of pity in their eyes. “That’s – what you – get – for leaving – huff – me for that – huff – whore!” Valentina grunts heatedly. I begin to wonder if this rage isn’t about me. Those thoughts are fucked out of me however as Ms. Valentina rams her massive ridged strap-on further and further into me. It feels like she’s literally fucking my brains out. My eyes begin to roll over in my head. Don’t moan, don’t moan, don’t moan. I try to break free from her grip, but my struggles only earn me another sharp slap across the back. “That’s right! Give it to ‘em!” someone in the crowd yells. I cry out in pain. I’m not gonna be able to sit for weeks. The kids begin calling out a chant, gradually getting louder. “Sub space! Sub space! Sub space! Sub space!” They’re trying to urge me into giving in to her punishment. I won’t allow myself to be disgraced so hard. As if reading my mind, Miss Valentina pulls my head back by the air, catching me by surprise and provoking a moan from within. The crowd cheers. Fuck. It’s too late. She’s got me. Now I’m under her control. Her pounds pick up in speed, and each thrust is a thundering shock throughout my body. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to take it. I can’t resist any longer. With a sudden surge of pressure, Valentina’s dildo begins pumping some sort of fluid up inside my gut, filling me up to the brim. My eyes roll back in my skull and my mouth hangs open limply as my body becomes a ragdoll. I can hear slurping noises with each slam. “Fucckkkk,” I let out without any thought. The pounding gets faster and more rhythmic, as the cum lubricates me. I’m just her condom. A dick sleeve. I begin to let out a mindless wail of pleasure as the crowd hoots and hollers. Without warning, I begin ejaculating all over the floor and myself. Some of it gets on an onlooker, who laughs excitedly and gets her friend to lick it off her tits. Several pumps later, Valentina realizes I’m gone for and lets go of me. I slide off of her false dick and drop to the floor, falling onto my back. “You can have your clothes back at the end of the school day,” she mutters and twists around sharply, boots clacking down the hall. Still a little mindfucked and in shock, I just lay there, in my own mess, jizz still slowly streaming out of me and onto my belly as hundreds of students stare, take pictures, and eventually go on about their daily routine. I feel so shameful. So empty. . . . I’m snapped out of my daze when I feel something wet touch my skin. I spring up with adrenline to find a man kneeling over me, rubbing a damp cloth on my stomach. I glare at him with the heat of hours of built up frustration. The man raises his hands apologetically. “I’m just the janitor, don’t mean no harm. Just doin’ my duty and cleanin’ you up.” I sigh. I suppose I need it. “Sorry.” “I’m Jeffers,” he says as he wraps the cloth around my flacid penis and scrubs the fluids off, “You?” My face hints towards the slightest trace of a smile. Someone’s being nice to me. “I’m Eryn,” I manage, shivering. It feels cold. Is it cause I’m naked, or cause I feel so deteriorized? “Here ya go,” he says, helping me get onto my knees as he dabs the cloth against my sore ass. I gasp in pain as the cold water touches me. “Ooh that’s a doozy,” he remarks. “You could fit a bowlin’ ball in there. Try not to do too much bike ridin’ for a while.” It hurts like hell, but I manage a smile. “Thanks, uh, Jeffers.” He stands up, patting his hands together. “Welp, that should be all for now. Just apply some ice and if it still hurts next week go see a doctor kay?” “Thank you so much,” I say, bowing my head nervously. He chuckles, adjusting his blue cap humbly. “No need to bow. Now where’s your classroom there located?” I shiver. “I- I don’t know.” “You don’t know? Sheesh, these systems get more and more complicated every day, I don’t blame ya. Here,” he pats me on the shoulder, “I’ll take ya to a class you can rest yer ass at and not have to think too much. It’s ma favourite.” Jeffers leads me down the hall and to the right, towards a room labelled ‘Literature.’ Inside, a movie plays on the projector. The classroom is dark, and the students all seem to be either transfixed to the movie or playing on their phones, bored. Maybe I’ll be able to sneak in without getting noticed. “That’ll be it,” Jeffers smiles, patting my shoulder again, a little harder than he may have been aware, “Just remember to come to me if you ever need patchin’ up again.” As he leaves, the whole class turns to me and stares ominously. I blush, and slowly walk towards an empty seat, trying to casually cover my genitals with my hands. Their gazes gollow me as I make it to a desk and sit down. The chair doesn’t meet my ass. Rather, I fall through the air and onto my back, slamming hard against the cold tile floor. I groan. Someone pulled the chair from under me. Some students chuckle. I slowly push myself onto my hands and knees, and find my chair, glaring at the person behind me. I try to sink into the movie and distract myself from recent events, but I can hear the whispers, and feel everyone’s cold stares, making the air on my bare back even colder. It feels like there’s a hole inside of me. A ball of paper hits my head. What is this, a 90’s romcom? I bend over and grab the wad of paper, flattening it on my desk. There’s just one word. Manbaby. I hold back tears, clenching my fists. “Who’s the victim now, fuckboy,” the person behind me whispers. I clench my fists. They lean in, speaking right next to my ear. “How’s it feel to finally get what you deserve?” “Shut UP!” I yell, standing up to face them. My eyes are full of tears. The student behind me, a buzzcut head lined with sharp eyebrows, sneers. “Check your privelage, cishet. That’s hate speech.” Furious, I flip my desk over and storm out the room, trying to get out before anyone sees me cry. “Incel!” people call behind me. “Flour bag!” I begin to run so I don’t have to hear them anymore, sobbing. Luckily, the hall’s mostly empty. I stop for air, hands on my knees. I never cry at school. In fact, until this day, I don’t think I ever have, even in Kindergarten. The embarassment of this just makes me want to cry more. I collapse to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Not two hours in and I’ve already completely destroyed my reputation at this school. Just like I always do. Even when the rules are flipped around and inside out, I still manage to fuck it all up. I can’t ever show my face around here again. The shame is just too much. My cries echo in the empty hall, unanswered. A while later, the bell tweets once more, so I get to my feet and run out of the school as fast as I can before the halls fill up. The students trickling out of their classrooms stare, confused as I run by. I make it out the door into the hot summer air, and silently vow never to return again. . . . Jimmy takes a long hit from our blunt. “Man,” he exclaims, “I can’t believe you got pounded from Valentina. Lucky bastard.” “Lucky?” I shudder, “Dude it was the most embarrassing moment of my life.” Jim shrugs. “Not gonna lie dude, I’d love to get my ass rammed by that MILF.” “Sure, but personally I’d prefer an asshole that’s not destroyed.” I grab the cig and have a toke. “I’m honestly not gonna be able to have a shit without wanting to scream for weeks.” “I think it’ll just fall out right away.” “Yuck.” “Pass that doobie man.” I hand it to him and sink deeper into the couch. “How could she do that?” I rant, waving my hand angrily. “How could she stroll on up to me and decide I had to be raped for something I didn’t even do, while everyone watched? Do you know how humiliating that was? And no one did anything! They just cheered and filmed me! And then they blamed me for it. Called me a ff… fff….” Jim puts his hand on my shoulder. “It sucks man. But I told ya to read the rules. Maybe if you knew that was a punishment, you would have been more cautious about -” “That’s the thing. I didn’t do anything wrong. Jim sighs. “It’s a tough maze to navigate, dude. The walls are always shifting. The only way out is within. Instead of trying to fight it, learn to live with it. Like in the Maze Runner when they live in the middle and build all those houses. Whole thing goes to shit when he tries to escape.” A maze. Not a terrible metaphor. I stare at the wall. “I’m ashamed to admit it but it honestly wasn’t so bad when I stopped trying to escape. Is that bad?” “Nah man. That’s totally up to you. But moral of the story: don’t fight back. Those teachers are allowed to punish you the way they see fit. It’s just like the oldworld, resisting a teacher just digs you into deeper shit.” I shrug. “That doesn’t really sound like a great lesson. Even if it was enjoyable, humans have the innate need for freedom, right? Taking away something so important to someone without their compliance just seems… wrong.” “I suppose,” Jimmy coughs, “But hasn’t it always been like that? You can’t choose where you’re born in this world but you’re expected to follow a country’s rules. And sure, you can leave, but is any other country any less bullshit? I’ve just learned to live with it.” It’s kinda bleak, but he’s not wrong. “I guess, man, I guess.” “Hey, wanna hear a rape joke?” “Not really in the mood man.” “THAT’S THE SPIRIT!” I can’t help but chuckle. “Shit, is it ok for me to laugh at that?” “Nah man. I’d say it’s brave. Jokes make light of dark realities. If you can’t joke about something, I’d say it’s won.” “No, I mean, is it legally OK. Like will I get arrested?” He frowns. “Oh, no I wouldn’t make any of those jokes in public or you might end up exiled.” I shudder, but manage to laugh. I suppose there’s always a bright side; the world is ridiculous enough to be entertaining at least. We both lie back and relax, taking long drags and just vibing. “Man what a wild day you had,” Jimmy remarks. “Yeah,” I let out a sigh, “I’m just glad it’s over. I had no clue what was going on for basically every moment of it. Nothing was familiar, and I barely knew anyone there.” “That’ll have to change,” he says. “I’m… I’m not so sure I want to go anymore.” “Well, it’s your choice. But like I’ve said, feel free to come down to the band room any time.” “I might have to,” I raise my brows, “You guys might be the only ones who weren’t there for my ‘punishment’. One day in and my reputation is already ruined.” Jimmy giggles. “Classic Shaggy.” “By the way, I have no clue where the music room is, or I would have hung out with you guys. I was basically just wandering the entire day.” “It’s ok dude,” Jimmy smiles. “I’ll show ya around tomorrow. I won’t let ya get lost.” I can’t help but smile. “Sounds good.” “Anyway, how was your day?” I ask, taking another drag. He sighs. “Well I’m still the only fuckin virgin in the land.” We break out into laughter. I can feel the high start to kick in, drowning out my frustration and pain with childlike giddiness.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/hh6wa2/fuck_school_episode_1_a_day_in_the_life_fm_fm_tm

1 comment

  1. Sorry about the lack of paragraph indents, for some reason every time I try to upload the exact same text but with indents, it says it’s too many characters, even when I tried splitting it into two parts. If you’ like to read it in a somewhat visually pleasing manner: I have the whole story hosted here: [https://clubamora.wordpress.com/fuckschool/episode1/](https://clubamora.wordpress.com/fuckschool/episode1/)

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