My [M 24] Night At The Club

First time sharing, so go easy on me;)

I was studying abroad in East Asia over summer vacation a few years ago. Some friends and I decided to go out over the weekend and have a good time.

We went from club to club until we found one at about 1:30 that was popping. Everyone got really into it and we got separated. I was really feeling myself, still drunk enough to feel like I could do anything but coming down enough to really enjoy the scene. I ended up across the club, dancing with a group of girls and having a great time.

One of the group caught my attention. She was wearing this tight little traditional dress that ended a finger length past her waist. Her hair and make up were impeccable, her figure was stunning, and she knew just how to work it to the beat. She clearly knew the effect she had and was enjoying the attention she got. It was obvious she was feeling herself as much as I was.

Normally, I’d be nervous as hell given how hot this girl was and how she clearly enjoyed teasing and provoking the imagination of the people she was dancing with (I saw her dance up on a guy and make a huge show only to choose another and do the same a couple times in 30 minutes) but I was drunk and thirsty as a mother fucker and feeling myself.

I asked her to dance and she started to grind up on me and show off her skills. Her body control was insane and I was rock hard a minute in, which seemed to only encourage her. She threw her ass at me extra hard and dropped it low, looking back at me smugly like ‘woah, you think you can handle this? Watch me, I haven’t even started yet ?’

We (she lol) had attracted quite a bit of attention, maybe even more than when she danced up on and teased the other guys before. I’m not gonna lie, part of this may be because I’m a foreigner and it was a bit of a spectacle. I expected it to be over at any minute so I was just enjoying every bit as much as possible, waiting for her to finish with me and strut off for a drink before finding someone else to gain attention with and tease.

But we just kept going. It might’ve been my imagination and the liquor talking but it felt like forever and she seemed even more into it with me. She was really swinging her hips like nunchucks and her hands traced over her dress in a way that made me want to get out of there with her so badly. She was clearly feeling herself even more and was very conscious of her effect on me, looking right at me as she’d drop to the floor, bounce, and pop back up only to throw her ass at me again, back arched, hands on her knees.

The good music came to an end, though, and she motioned to head to the bar. I thought this was going to be it, she’d had her fun with me, now it was going to be time for her to drink, relax with her group of girls and look at the videos on her phone before getting back out and finding a new guy or going home. But I was amazed, none of her girls were around. She grabbed my hand and ran to the bar with me, ordering two drinks before I could react.

We talked a little but it was hard to hear over the music. I finished my drink and she caught up with me dramatically, taking the last of hers in a quick swig. She asked if I wanted to get out of there with her. I was kind of in shock and asked where to, imagining another club or bar or just a walk for fresh air. She made it pretty clear though, “my place.” I swear she did that seductive little look where she checked me out very obviously, then looked right back up at me a little and smiled. Y’all, I have no idea how I kept my cool, but I just nodded. She grabbed my hand again energetically, “come on, let’s go!”

I left briskly with her. We got a cab and she sent a quick message in a group chat that immediately got a couple ? replies and someone sent one of their videos of us dancing. She put the phone away.
