Living The Fantasy [bdsm]

Short Synopsis: Lexi is the nerdy college coed hoping to start over in college after a brutal high school life. She’s always had a love for literature and it showed it proudly. Her secret passion, however, lay in her erotic stories and BDSM. Everything is going relatively well for Lexi until one day she loses her laptop. Panicking she tosses her room in search of the electronic device till a knock at the door stirs her. It’s no other than Tyler, Lexi’s High School bully and he has under his arm, Lexi’s Laptop.

Tags: Minor Reluctance, Bondage, BDSM

* * *

“I knew I left it around here somewhere!” I shouted to myself, desperately searching for my laptop.

I huffed, angered I couldn’t find my stupid laptop. I just got some great fucking inspiration for another bondage erotica story too. I searched my bed, my dresser, and my closet but it was nowhere to be found. I let out a loud groan of frustration, flopping backward into my bed. I shot back up when a realization popped into my head.

“Oh no. If I left it somewhere and someone found all my writing, I’d be so fucked.”

I couldn’t help but hyperventilate at the idea of some random guy finding all the smut I wrote. This couldn’t be happening. No, I refused to believe it was happening. I darted to my feet and began my search again, tearing apart my room. Only when I found nothing did the horror really sink in. I had left it behind at a class or at lunch or somewhere and it was probably in the hands of some perverted creep.

I let out an angry groan followed by a whimper of despair. I was so screwed. If someone from this school found out about my secret, I would never hear the end of it.

“Look it’s the nerd slut who likes being tied up,” I heard an imagined voice.

“Yeah, the nerd act is all a show. She’s just a fucking slut,” another voice mocked.

I shook my head desperately to drown out my mind’s imaginary scenarios. Then, I heard a knock on the door.

I didn’t have it in me to deal with a guest, especially since I had no real friends here other than my online writing group. Not that a group of horny guys vying for my attention is what I’d call much of a friend circle. There were a couple of guys that were interested more in my writing than getting in my pants, so it wasn’t completely awful. Honestly, it gave me a semblance of normality.

The knocks were becoming more insistent. I guess I couldn’t ignore them forever. Bouncing to my feet, I slowly approached the door. I stopped dead in my tracks when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I wore a tight light blue shirt that barely left anything to the imagination when it came to my perky, B cup breasts, especially with no bra on. The shirt clung to me like a second skin of polyester. My flat stomach was as on display as the rest of my body. And to top it all off, I had a pair of tight black short shorts that cupped my round ass just perfectly.

I never wore this kind of attire outside. It was just something to wear when I was home playing late-night video games. My comfy outfit, if I’d have to call it something. My eyes darted around the room scanning for something less revealing. My floor was a mess of clothes, bedsheets, and my undergarments. Fucking god, this was such a bad time for a guest in my dorm. I’d have to shoo them off without letting them in.

“Hey um, I’m a little busy. Can you come back later?” I asked the mystery guest.

“I guess I could go. But I’ll be leaving your erotica collection for all the school to see, Lexi,” a man’s voice replied.

There was one level of bad, like people finding out my turn-ons. Even worse, there was people finding out what I wrote; then there was this. He didn’t just know I wrote erotica but was threatening to reveal my secret to the whole college. While it wasn’t against college rules nor was it something I’d get in trouble for, I’d totally be the laughing stock of the school. I had no choice; I had to let him in. After an uncomfortable silence, I replied, hoping he was still there.

“Let me get something on,” I stated.

“I bet you look good naked. Even with all the loose clothing, I know you got a cute bod.”

I cringed at his every word. This was an absolute fucking nightmare. I spotted a hoodie on the floor, grudgingly picking it up. I slipped under it, almost knocking off my thick-rimmed glasses and poked my arms out their respective sleeves. At the very least, I wasn’t going to give this guy the pleasure of seeing my chest.

I turned the deadbolt lock on my door and took a deep breath. Fuck me sideways while I was bound and gagged, I knew the guy. We had gone to the same high school together. He used to torment me all the time for my nerdy sweaters and “quick to answer the teacher” attitude. His name was Tyler and he was reasonably attractive for a college guy. His short black hair, neatly trimmed and well kept, reminded me a lot of the void of space, oddly. His dark green eyes were dull and almost jade-like, hard at work feasting on my body. I felt my skin crawl at his lingering gazes at my chest.

Tucked under his left arm was none other than my laptop. I tried hard to swallow the lump in my throat as I fixed my gaze on the device that had gotten me in this shitty predicament. I had to think of a way to get it back. I prayed he hadn’t downloaded any of the incriminating evidence.

“Going to invite me inside, Lexi?” Tyler said smugly. I hated every second of this but ultimately I stood aside, allowing him into my very compact dorm room. “Looks like a hurricane went off in here, cutie.”

“Don’t call me that you ass. And I was looking for that thing you have tucked under your arm.”

“Oh yeah,” he started, pulling out my laptop “You left this in class yesterday. I swiped up looking for something nice to embarrass your nerdy ass. It was a good thing you left open your laptop. Left it on your social media too. I did not expect to find what I found though. You’re a naughty girl, cutie.”

“I said stop calling me that! And give me back my laptop you thief!” I snapped, reaching out for my laptop. He dodged my lunge and I fell face-first on my bed. I rolled over and growled at him. Tyler was staring lecherously reminding me that my ass was now perfectly displayed for him. My face blushed as embarrassment washed over me. That just made me even angrier. Before I could charge him again he put a hand up, like a signal to stop.

“Don’t. I have plenty of copies of your stories for personal reasons if you catch my drift. No, I’m here to return your laptop and make a deal with you.” He arched an eyebrow, a challenge for me to attack him again.

“What kind of deal?”

“I think the things I have in mind will be beneficial for both of us.”

I sat up and listened intently. While this felt like the start to an awful blackmail plot, he hadn’t outed me and he could very well be telling the truth. I guess I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. Hearing the deal and then sending him on his way worked just fine for me. And of course, there was the off chance that this ‘deal’ of his was beneficial for me.

“I return your laptop to you. No harm, no foul, and I’ll even help keep your secret.”

“And what am I giving you in return?” I asked quizzically.

“Well after reading your story about precious little Brittany, I realized exactly what you’re into. You want to be dominated. So you ask what I want? Well, I want you to be my submissive.”

He has to be joking. There was no way that he was just going to waltz in here and bargain me into being his submissive. The idea was ridiculous and I was ready to spit in his face.

But then again, I thought, it would be kind of fun to live out some of my fantasies. Self-bondage only really gets so enjoyable before getting old and stale. On top of that, I’d have someone to confide in, trust, and look after me. I mulled over the idea more and more even though I knew he was watching me intently, waiting for an answer.

“And if I say no?”

“Well, then you won’t hear from me again.”

“Just like that, you’d give up and not use your bargaining chip?”

“Of course. I’m not a monster or a freak,” he chuckled, “I used the threat to get my foot in the door. If you say no, I’m not going to force you.”

He seemed sincere but there was only one way to be sure. I lowered my head as if to signal him that I was going to say no. If he really let it go, I could trust him. But if he didn’t, I’d never be able to hand myself over to him like that.

“No,” I whispered.

“Ok,” he said blandly.

I heard the thump of my laptop landing on my bed next to me. When I looked up I was alone in my room; he’d vanished as quickly as he came. I took a deep breath. I hoped this wasn’t the worst mistake of my life but I just had to be sure. That was the point of the whole concept right? To be able to trust the person you’re giving yourself to.

The next day in class, I was acutely aware of Tyler. I never saw him glance my way nor did his friends. He either was very good at hiding it or he really had let me go. If it was the latter I knew I would have to do some grand gesture to get his forgiveness.

I already had a few ideas in mind. I could come to him, on my knees in a public space like in the story he mentioned. I’d have to find a leash to put around my neck like in the story. Tyler must have liked it if he brought it up. I wondered how many stories he kept. I wonder if he got off to all of them, or if he imagined me in place of the submissives of my stories.

Another thing I could try was a more direct approach. I could tell him the truth and apologize for deceiving him, then accept any punishment he deemed fit. Relationships, especially BDSM relationships, required trust. If he ever found out later, I would be in colossal trouble. I’d give it a few more days before I’d approach him. That way I’d be extra sure and I would feel safe in his care.

My plan to wait for the next few days wasn’t appearing to be worth it. Each day I thought more and more about it. Maybe he knew my real answer and when I sent him away, he only complied to give me peace of mind.

The latter would turn out to be true. At the end of the week, he snatched my arm from behind after all the other students left. He was wearing a band tee shirt with a big logo, a pair of washed denim jeans and his usual sneakers. I couldn’t help but be hyper-focused on him and everything he wore and did and said.

The stillness in the both of us was something neither of us wanted to be the first to break. I didn’t want to move just yet. I figured he was waiting for me to pull away, to screech, or tug myself free. Oddly, I didn’t do anything. I was still as him, looking into his eyes, admiring the softness of the green.

“I should get to my next class,” I said meekly.

It was almost like I was asking permission. Why did I need his permission? Oh no, I was already ensnared. It was his damn eyes. No no no! I needed just a little bit longer. I really wanted to do this right.

He was being as still and silent as a statue. I was starting to fear him a bit and thought maybe I should pull myself loose. I didn’t realize my heart had started to race. My whole body tensed up and I tried to swallow a lump in my throat that would not budge. Suddenly his grip softened and his lips twitched into a smile. Not a sadistic one or a scary grin, but a warm comforting smile.

“Reconsidered my offer?” He started and then there was that smug look he had when he first barged into my life, “Or are you still waiting to see if I can be trusted?”

I never understood the phrase ‘my jaw dropped’ but right now I was feeling that. He knew. He fucking knew. I barely registered that I had stopped breathing or the heat in my face. I felt paralyzed, shocked.

I snapped out of it as he leaned and grazed my cheek with his lips. A light rub of his nose on my skin before he backed up. When his facial expression returned into my view, my breath returned. I looked down to notice his hand withdrew and let out a sigh of relief.

“The latter,” I whispered. Tyler owned me and he knew it.

“I guessed as much. Now get to your class cutie. I’ll wait as long as you need.”

And with his last remark, he gave me another warm smile and walked past me to the door. I couldn’t process everything that just happened. It took me another few moments to shake off paralysis. I left for my next class that I was sure to be late for. Not that it mattered much.

I got there and I couldn’t register a word the professor said. That moment played back in my head over and over. The feeling of his lips, the smell of citrus from his body wash, the sound of his lips pressing against my cheek. I was acutely aware of every feeling still lingering in my senses. Even my mental image was still picture perfect. I couldn’t get away from him.

On my way home I tried hard to push the thoughts of him away. I needed some clarity of mind to process everything that was buzzing all day. I pushed the rim of my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I paused, took in a deep breath like I was trying to exhale my troubles.

This wasn’t a bad thing, right? I mean he basically blackmailed his way into my life and stole my laptop. On the other hand, he has been completely trustable otherwise and no one found about my secret. Unless they were all keeping quiet on the topic.

I made it back to my cozy little room just after sunset. I had picked up some crappy fast food for my dinner. I didn’t have it in me to prepare a real meal like I normally do. No matter how hard I tried, there was a large part of me that wanted this, wanted him. I wanted to be his submissive, to give him his every desire, to be owned by him.

Sleep was hard that night and I was more sexually riled up than usual. I wasn’t able to get anywhere with my writing. Tyler never once left my thoughts. My memories dragged me back to that moment, his lips on my cheek. My core started to heat up when I thought how much I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted his lips on mine, I wanted to taste him.

My whole body was heated now. I had realized that my fingers had tickled their way down my stomach, down to the waistband of my shorts. I didn’t bother diving into my panties just yet. I gently teased myself, barely parting my labia. Long drawn-out breaths kept me aware of where I was. I had to be very careful not to get too loud. While I didn’t have anyone in the room with me, there were plenty of people in the dorm building. And with the walls being paper thin, half the dorm would hear me moan.

I cursed myself for at least not taking his number after he pecked my cheek. I cursed myself for letting another chance slip me by. Worst of all, I cursed myself for not allowing him to be here. I wanted his control, I wanted him on top of me. He was absolutely right; I desired to be dominated, and it drove me crazy.

There was light wetness now in the cotton of my panties. A small little speck, forming the beginnings of my arousal. I had to stop. If I kept going I wouldn’t be able to contain myself. Unfortunately, I kept thinking of Tyler, of all the things I wanted him to do to me. I huffed and puffed trying my best to at least resist this but I couldn’t manage it.

A ding noise came from my still active laptop. Saved by the bell so to speak, I was snapped out of my lust-fueled desire and grabbed at my laptop. The only people who messaged me were my ma and pa or a teacher looking for an assignment. I pulled up my email and there was nothing. I was so certain that the noise I heard was my email. Then I saw it, an alert on my Twitter; Tyler.

He left me a private message with two things. The first was him apologizing for not giving me his number with the tail end of the first part leaving his number with a wink. The second half, made my heart stop or my chest suddenly became so tight it felt like it stopped. There, in the ink of the internet, was my first command.

*“Btw no cumming without my say so cutie or ELSE. Your body and your orgasms are my property now.”*

I quickly drafted up my response, erased it, and then rewrote it. I did this a couple of times until my response was a playful tease but not too desperate. I didn’t want him to think I was being too needy, at least not yet.

“*What does the ELSE contain? Cause I’m pretty horny and you’re not here to stop me.”*

It was maybe a minute when he replied again. Although, staring at your screen blankly in the middle of the night while waiting for a message every second feels like forever. And when he did reply it sent jitters through my system. I almost forgot that I was horny to begin with.

*“It means to behave or I’ll have to tie you up. I won’t let you come for hours, constantly keeping you on edge as a horny slave should be. Maybe before I leave you to go to bed will I let you orgasm. We’ll see how my mood is.”*

*“You would leave me tied all night? After torturing me all day? I can’t have been that much of a bad girl already.”*

*“I can give you a list of all the times you’ve been bad so far. So best to behave now and lessen your punishments later.”*

I thought about what situations he could be referring to. I didn’t recall misbehaving, well excluding this time. I’d been pretty normal about this whole ordeal honestly. I think a normal girl would have called the cops or gotten a restraining order. Yet here I was, throwing myself at him happily because I felt like I’m living in one of my stories. Oh and it felt absolutely fucking amazing.

Tyler and I exchanged messages back and forth, mostly banter until he had to sleep. He had a test tomorrow in his criminology class. I never formally accepted being his submissive but we still acted as if that dynamic was already in place. I had a momentary thought just before I succumbed to sleep that I should be a brat and disobey. It would be fun to see how I’d get punished for orgasming without his consent. But my body was too tired and my arousal was quickly fleeting into exhaustion.

It was finally the weekend again, a little over a week had passed since this all had begun. I was getting more and more comfortable with Tyler. Today would be the big test, however. Tyler was taking me out to dinner later tonight at a mediocre restaurant. He claimed the food was good despite the rundown look of the place.

We didn’t talk much in person. We sent tons of messages via texts and Twitter messages. But during the day, we kept a respectable distance from each other. I watched him from the corner of my eye secretly hoping that he’d come over to me. Flashbacks of that peck still tingled on my cheek. I desperately wanted more but I wasn’t going to be the one to cave.

Now he was taking me out, to what I assume was my first real test as a submissive. Especially when his invitation came with conditions. The first was to be showered and ready, except for my clothing. I was to wait in a towel until he arrived where he’d pick out my attire. It was a simple enough request that I didn’t mind accommodating. It was the second condition that was making my stomach turn in knots. After dinner was done, he wanted to dole out the punishments I owed him.

I checked my make up for the millionth time and cleaned my glasses again. I straightened my hair and left it down. The often tied up bundle of mocha hair was now flowing in a curtain around the sides of my face. Figured it would be best to wait to style my hair until after Tyler arrived. He was arriving two hours ahead of our reservation so I should have the time.

Finally the knock I’d been waiting two hours for had come. I stood up in my towel, still clinging tightly to my body. The cotton fabric brushed against my nipples that I didn’t realize were hardening. The minor sexual sensation caused me to stutter for a moment. Tyler knocked again more impatiently and I rushed to open the door.

I swung back the door, bowing my head a little. I knew I would be embarrassed but I felt really meek in his presence right now. One swipe and I’d be completely naked for him. I wouldn’t put it past someone like him to do that. I clutched the towel tighter and backed away slowly, never once raising my head.

Tyler smelled of citrus-like shampoo or body soap scented with oranges. I could see from my downward gaze that he was wearing jeans and sneakers, looking like this would be a more casual excursion. Then there was the feeling of his soft, smooth finger lifting my chin. I found myself locked in a staring contest with his dark green eyes. They felt inviting, warm, almost as if luring me further in. I felt my breath hitch as his lips parted and I wasn’t sure if he was going to kiss me, bite me or just talk.

“No need to be embarrassed, my little cutie. You’ll be naked for me soon enough.” Tyler said softly, barely a whisper. But I registered every word.

“All the same, I think I’d like to keep my embarrassment to a minimum until then.”

“I’m sorry were you just giving me an order cutie?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, challenging me to defy him again.

“No, I’m sorry sir. May I please keep my towel on?”

“If you want my little cutie.”

I clutched my towel tighter and stepped back allowing him into the room. I made sure it was much cleaner this time. Everything had been organized and tidy to the extent where it looked like I might have just moved in. Tyler however, wouldn’t notice if there was a tentacle monster wreaking havoc in my room. His eyes were fixed to me. I felt a flush rising under the intensity of his gaze.

“Sir?” I asked timidly. Tyler snapped out of it and just gave me a warm smile.

“It’s just odd to see the body underneath all that ugly geek clothing. You’re far sexier than I could have ever thought, my little cutie.”

“I disagree,” I said, my gaze downcast to the floor. My tone was sad, lacking confidence. Even though I knew my body was perfectly fine but I was still self-conscious about it. Maybe it’s cause I don’t view my own body as special. I just looked normal. Nothing about me stood out and for the longest time, I didn’t care. With Tyler it’s different. I want to look good for him but I feel like I could never live up to it.

Tyler didn’t say anything but his eyes had gone back to roving all over me. My mind fought itself, with one side saying he was just a guy looking at a near-naked girl, with the other side saying he really found me attractive. I prayed it was the latter but I knew that it was most likely the first.

I hadn’t noticed in my internal dialogue that he had gotten closer to me. So close, in fact, my breathing brushed my chest against his. Tyler interlaced his right hand into my left. His right hand was back to my chin, forcing my eyes to his. There was a dark look. Was he already disappointed in me? Did I do something so unforgivable that this would be the end of it before we started?

“Bend over,” he ordered.

“Huh?” I asked quizzically as if his question was the outlandish thing I’d ever heard.

Tyler didn’t repeat himself. His hand clamped around my neck like a vice. I yelped out in pain as he pressed me into my desk. I felt the fabric of my towel being lifted, followed by a cold breeze on my bare ass. Then his hand was on my cheek. At first gentle squeezes and then when I least expected, he slapped my ass hard.

“Ahhhhh! What the hell Tyler!? I screeched. He spanked me again, this time twice as hard.

“Owwww! Stop it!” I begged. Tyler struck me one more time before returning to massaging the assaulted cheek.

“Now have you learned your lesson?” Tyler asked coldly.

“What fucking lesson!?” I barked trying to push myself up but his grip on my neck had me pinned in this exposed position. He struck my ass again.

“Owww! You’re hurting me Tyler,” I cried.

“One you don’t talk back to me like that. Two, you’re beautiful. I don’t care if you agree or not. What I think of your appearance is a fact. Dispute it again and I’ll do this,” he paused to spank my tender stinging ass again.

“Okay okay, I got it. I’m sorry.”

His grip on my neck loosened but he didn’t release me. I could feel the denim of his jeans against my thighs. He had to be directly behind me with how I was feeling the denim on both of my legs. Then I felt his weight on my back and his hand slid down my body. I felt him graze by my shoulders down to the towel line where he pulled it off me. I didn’t move an inch.

“I mean it Lexi. You’re absolutely breathtaking, even more so like this,” he whispered into my ear.

His hands ran down my back, brushing over my shoulder blades. Sliding them down to my waist his hands felt sensual, I could feel the growing arousal and need between my legs. I wasn’t sure at this rate if I was going to make it to dinner. This felt so cliche; like it was straight out of a movie. I wanted, no needed, Tyler inside me.

His hands slung around my midriff, hugging me, holding my back against his chest. It was warm, strong, welcoming. Tyler’s head rested in the nook of my neck, his face pressed on my hair as he leaned into me. I was acutely aware of his light breathing; the rise and fall of his chest. It soothed me to be held like this. I think there’s some subconscious thing for women to desire this feeling of safeness in another man’s arms.

His hands continued to roam downward. Tyler avoided my pussy, sticking to caressing my thighs. When he came back upward his hands rested on my waist again. It was so soothing.

“We’ve been like this for a while now but you’ve not yet told me you’re ready to be my submissive. Are you still scared of me Lexi?”

“N-No,” I choked.

“Then why do you hesitate? Don’t you want this?”

The trillion-dollar question. There it was. In my whole time watching Tyler, to see if he was trustworthy I hadn’t thought about what I wanted. Did I want this? To submit to his every whim and desire. To live the fantasies I’ve written about for months? The translation for fantasy and fiction to reality wasn’t always perfect.

I was a nerd, a social outcast that clings to invisibility and academics. I never once had a boyfriend or any friends, except for my writing group. I wouldn’t know how to be a real submissive. I wouldn’t know how to be what he wanted. Or was I overthinking this? Did he just want me?

“I’m scared,” I whispered lightly, momentarily sure I only said it inside my thoughts.

“Not of me but of us.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement that I didn’t know how to respond to. He turned me around, my bare front exposed to still was now available for his eyes to feast on. Tyler’s jaw dropped as the sight of my body entranced him. Ok, maybe Tyler did think I was attractive. He collected himself, pushing himself back a step. Whether it was to get some distance from his urges or to take in a grander view I didn’t know.

“You have no idea how much I want you, Lexi. I thought so little of you two weeks ago and now, all I think about is having you. Not just in my bed either. I want you entirely. So be mine? Be my little cutie Lexi.”

How the hell was I supposed to say no to that? I nodded lightly, my lips forming a smile. He wrapped his arms around the small of my back and held me close. Neither of us really cared about my nudity. It wasn’t until he broke our contact that my embarrassment returned. And boy did it return.

I snatched up the towel and covered myself, my entire face burning red. Tyler just laughed as he walked over to my closet. I whined a little, falling back into my bed. Tyler returned to my view with a dress, well, my best dress.

It was a sleek black dress that stretched down to my knees. It clung to my every inch and curve, leaving nothing to the imagination. It showed a generous amount of cleavage and plunged down just above the fall of my breasts. The skirt loosened its tight grip at my waist with lace flower designs circling around all the way down to the hem.

“You want me to wear that?” I asked skeptically. He nodded.

I stood up and looked it over. I would need some black lingerie to go with this and having my hair down was perfectly fine. A pair of one-inch heels and matching clutch would complete the look. I’d feel like a popstar but if that’s what he wanted then I would oblige.

He let me change in peace, waiting outside the door. I slipped into a pair of light beige stockings, following up with my black lace bra and the matching panties. I touched up my makeup a tad before putting on the dress. When I was set and my dress on, I applied some pink lipstick and strawberry gloss before looking at myself in the mirror.

My cerulean blue eyes were my first notice followed closely by the glasses they hid behind. I felt so sexy in this dress. More importantly, I felt sexy for him. I strutted to the door, took in a deep breath, and left my room.

“So, how do I look?” I asked bashfully. This was way more revealing than my usual attire. Tyler’s eyes gave me a once over and then another and another. After his eyes feasted enough, he came up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. The closeness made my heart skip beats as I tried to overcome my nerves.

“Perfect my little cutie.”

Hearing him say it brought me a heart-wrenching smile. I had to make this work, I had to live the fantasy I’d always secretly wanted.

Tyler tugs me along out to his waiting car. The drive was mostly quiet but I glance over at him occasionally. I haven’t caught him peeking over at me but I still wonder if he has. Then my mind drifted to his friends and a realization hits me.

I never thought to ask about how his friends feel about this. There was no obvious indication that they were pulling some prank on me. The thought claws at my mind as I think back. The after classroom kiss he gave me on the cheek surges forward as the only thing out of place. His friends didn’t turn back to see where their missing friend was?: Did they hear us? Was it planned?

The pit forms at the bottom of my stomach. Worry must be painted all over my face. I try to calm my nerves and prevent him from noticing. How could I have been so stupid as to fall for this? Of course, the person who cared and was genuine was just a cover. Tyler tormented me for the past year and there was no way that person suddenly craved me and my heart.

We arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before our reservation, or I should say our supposed reservation. I was keeping a keen eye out for his friends to start the prank. I noticed nothing strange but I know they have to be out there.

I don’t at first notice Tyler’s hands snaking around my wrist until he pulls me in close again. The citrus smell surrounds me and I suddenly feel safe. The feelings of worry and malice fade, replaced by the warmth of his embrace. My confliction arises and I’m barely able to mask it. He doesn’t say anything about my look so he either didn’t notice or doesn’t care.

The host at the door is a small man with a crew cut. His black hair combed to the left side of his scalp. He’s actually quite handsome. The man escorts us to our table by a window overlooking the river. I didn’t realize that this restaurant was so close to the river.

Tyler pulled out a chair and tossed me a warm smile. How am I supposed to be on guard when he just disarms me like this over and over? I take a breath to make my hesitation look like nerves. After I finish the appearance, I sit down to which he pushes my chair slightly forward. Tyler takes the seat across from me. The host hands us a menu and tells us the waiter will be with us shortly.

“Lexi,” I look up from the menu to find Tyler’s intense gaze. If I wasn’t in a chair I’d collapse under the weight of his gaze.

“Yes?” I replied meekly.

“What’s worrying you?”

“Nothing. Just nervous I guess. I don’t normally wear these kinds of outfits.” I made a gesture to my dress.

“You’re lying.” My body flinches as he so bluntly says it.

“W-What do you mean?” I stutter.

“You’ve been tense since we started the drive here. You’ve been on guard from everything as if you’re expecting to get attacked. So talk to me, what’s on your mind little cutie?”


“Me?” Tyler asks quizzically.

“You tormented me,” I start with a whisper, “You mocked me, hurt me, laughed at crass jokes with your friends… How am I supposed to believe you suddenly care?” I lift my face and I can feel the tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

Tyler looks genuinely hurt. Then he casts his gaze down to the table.

“We’ll enjoy this meal then I’ll take you home.” His voice is pained. “I should have known better that I couldn’t make this work, not with what I’ve done to you.”

Tyler flashes a warm smile. I know it’s just a cover. I hurt him just as much as he hurt me all those times before. Uncertainty grips me. He couldn’t possibly be faking this right? It takes me all of but one second to make a decision. I’m going to trust him, trust in him completely. He can make up for all the pain with all the happiness we can have together. Yeah, there’s a risk but that’s love. It’s always a risk.

“No,” I blurt out. Tyler is obviously surprised.


“Don’t take me home. Take me home with you.”

“Lexi…” The concern in his voice only steels my resolve.

“Take me home with you,” I demand more adamantly.

His signature warm smile is followed by a quick nod. Our meal gets us slowly back into the relationship we had over the past few days. He asks me questions about my past and about how I feel about telling his friends about us. The latter being the harder to answer of the two.

I’m not sure if I want them to know. Even if Tyler’s remorseful and wants to make us work, I don’t think his friends will be approving. I answer him with an unsure shrug.

“So you want me to take you back to my place?” Tyler prods with a curious look. I can almost see the smirk growing on his face with the thousands of fantasies going through his mind.

“Yes sir.”

“And what do you want to do when we get there?”

“You said you wanted me so badly in my apartment earlier. Now I want you badly sir.”

His smirk fully forms on his face now. He seems giddy and it makes my stomach do flips. We pay for the meal and Tyler escorts me to the car. As soon as we’re both inside, he grabs my hair and pulls me to him. I don’t have time to notice the pain of his tug as his lips press to mine. Tyler’s hungry and forceful kiss heats up my whole body. He pulls away reluctantly with a triumphant smile.

It was a decent drive before we reached the dorm room. The entire ride I was anxious about what was going to happen. Tyler had promised to tally up all the punishments I’d incurred but also I knew he wanted to enjoy this night with me. I’m sure he wanted to prove to me that this could work.

Continuing his gentlemanly act, he opened the passenger side door letting me out. I was quick to cling to his side. Tyler wrapped his arm around my waist and left a tender kiss on my forehead before leading me inside.

Went over character limit but full story. [](


1 comment

  1. just finished the full thing of DA that was spectacular and great writing too!

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