Girl has an orgasm in spin class

Kayla was headed to her first spin class, trying to get in shape for the summer. Lots of her friends had done the class and had told her what a great workout it is and how they play fun music. It was Friday after work and she was ready to get some stress out from the week. The 23 year old blonde was wearing skin tight white leggings and a black tank top that came just above her waist, allowing a glimpse of her flat stomach. She had a gray nike sports bra underneath her top and she wasn’t sure what to wear under her pants for a bike workout, she didn’t want to go commando but didn’t want panty lines either. She settled on a tiny little white thong that made it feel close to wearing nothing. As she drove to the fitness center, she thought about her ex boyfriend and how she missed him and maybe even more so, the sex. He knew exactly what she liked. She suddenly realized she hadn’t gotten laid since they broke up 3 months ago and with how busy she’s been with work and living a new adult life filled with responsibilities, she hadn’t even had a chance to rub one out herself in weeks. Her pussy clenched at the thought, almost as a signal from between her legs that it soon needs attention.

As she drove over part of the road that had rumble strips to slow down cars before a stop sign, she felt the vibrations through her vehicle and through her thin pants and it made her clit tingle for just a second. Damn! She thought, surprised by the sensation. What is going on with me today? She thought back to this afternoon at her desk at work, as she was replying to emails she kept feeling random tingles in her clit. She wore her tight light blue skinny jeans for casual Friday and the way she was sitting the seam in the crotch was bumping up against her clit. It rubbed against her black lace thong and it was an interesting and pleasant sensation. Kayla felt awkward experiencing these feelings while working so she shaked them out of her head, readjusted her position so her jeans weren’t so snug against her pussy, and buckled down to finish her work. Driving to class now she felt tingles stirring again but she parked her car and put any boys, sex, sensations, and dirty thoughts out of her mind and was excited for her first spin class!

She grabbed her water bottle, threw her hair in a ponytail. and hopped into the fitness center. She checked in at the front desk and gave her name and she was directed into the bike room for the class. As she walked away from the desk she wondered if the young man who checked her in was staring at her ass. She knew her ass looked damn good in these leggings and she smirked to herself as she entered the spin class set up. There was 30 bikes set up, 6 rows of 5 and then one bike in front for the instructor. She found an open bike in the second last row, two in from the left. It was mostly girls but a few guys were there too. She noticed a tall cute guy with a sexy beard and gleaming strong arms just a few bikes over. She gazed at him for a few moments and thought about how she would love for him to break her three month long dry spell. She quickly snapped out of it, tied her shoes tight, tried to adjust the seat as best she thought would work but wasn’t totally sure, and hopped on. She joked to herself hey it’s nice to have something between my legs again! A gorgeous brunette woman who looked around 30 came in to lead the class. Kayla was totally straight but even she could admire her fit body and how great her boobs looked in a sports bra. Kayla compared her curves and ass to hers and thought she’d win that competition. Ok class, the teacher shouted, we are gonna start with a warm up, so just start pedaling at a steady pace. Kayla took a deep breath said to herself, here we go and began churning her legs.

The bike seat was comfy but after a minute she noticed two things, the pointed front part of the seat fit perfectly between her legs and that her pants were very thin and her little thong wasnt much either so her pussy could pretty much feel every sensation. But she didn’t think it would be a big deal and focused on the teachers instructions. After 5 minutes though, the sensation was getting to her. It had been so long since her pussy had been touched that even gentle friction against the seat felt amazing. She bit her lower lip and thought about her old boyfriend and how great he fucked her. How amazing his cock felt inside her. Then she looked at the cute boy she noticed earlier and thought about him going down on her and licking her pussy. His beard brushing against her inner thighs and his tongue flicking her sweet spot. Her clit was now starting to pulse and beg for attention. The way she was sitting it was just her lips that were rubbing on the seat. It felt nice and Kayla could just enjoy the sensation, finish the class and then run home and masturbate. Or maybe even in the car.

Class was halfway over and Kayla was sweating and her legs were burning. But her pussy was also aching to be touched. She could definitely feel her thong getting wet and it wasn’t just sweat. She adjusted in her seat as she was squirming and in doing so her pussy lips opened a bit and a sploosh of wetness seeped out. She could tell the patch of her thong was now soaked and her pussy was slick and swollen. The constantly pedaling made her labia slip and slide against each other. She was now beyond horny tingles and full on aching. She had to play it off like she was just groaning through the tough class and focusing on her workout. Little did anyone know the fire that was burning between her legs. For a quick moment she praised that she wasn’t a man and didn’t have a boner showing and that her arousal was much easier hidden.

As her pussy throbbed she thought to herself, wow so this is how my body reacts when I don’t orgasm for a while. Holy shit. I must really need to cum! She was ready to end the class, let this fire calm down a bit, and go home and rub her clit to a powerful O. Then the instructor shouted out, okay last 5 minutes we are gonna do a power sprint. Go as fast and hard as you can. Everyone lean forward on the handle bars, push yourself forward and pedal hard! Kayla did as she said, leaned forward and down for the final sprint. As she adjusted her position and tilt her hips forward she realized her clit was now in contact with the seat. As she started pedaling it sent lightning bolts through her body. It had been too long since her clit had any contact. The friction felt so damn good, she bit her lip and pedaled harder. Her pussy was soaking wet, she could feel it pouring out of her pussy. She worried her pants may show a wet spot but was glad white doesn’t show much and she could play it off as sweat anyway. Her clit was throbbing and the steady rhythm of pedaling was hitting just the right spot. But she suddenly felt a feeling low in her stomach and deep in her pussy. She hadn’t cum in so long and everything was so sensitive down there and the constant friction, oh fuck she realized- I might cum. In the middle of spin class. With 30 other people around. She thought about stopping and leaving. Or slowing down and sitting back. But there was only two minutes and she didn’t want to be the only quitter. And at this point, she didn’t want to stop. The feeling against her clit felt too good. Like her body had been trying to tell her, she needed to cum. She gripped the handle bars tight, and started to really grind into the seat. If anyone looked at her, it seemed like she was just finishing her workout strong. She subtly positioned herself on the seat to rub her clit perfectly, a steady grind with her hips and she was gonna cum. She closed her eyes, and bit her lip as she felt her pussy begin to pulse and squeeze and contract. Her clit pulsated and throbbed and hardened. A gush of wetness poured out of her pussy into her little tiny thong. She softly moaned and breathed in short, hard breaths. Her face and hair sweaty. Her whole body tingling and her legs shaking a little bit. What a god damn release she thought. Her jaw dropped, stunned at the fact she just came from riding a bike in a room full of people.

The class ended and everyone clapped and thanked the instructor. Kayla needed a moment to gather herself. Her pussy was still on fire. Most of the class was walking out and she finally slowly climbed off her bike. The seat was glistening with wetness. Embarrassed she wiped it away with her shirt. She grabbed her water, took and swig and looked down. All the sticky wetness between her legs had caused her thong and leggings to ride up and stick to her pussy giving her quite the camel toe. Omg she said to herself and covered her eyes. I better get out of here. She checked the schedule for the next classes. She thought about definitely wearing thicker pants next time, I mean I can’t orgasm every class can I?!

The drive home she was in shock over what happened but satisfied and relaxed and felt relieved of her stress. She giggled to herself about her secret fun and wondered if her friends had experienced any of the same sensations in their spin class. She got home and could still feel her clit was out from it’s hood, hard and swollen. She went up to the bathroom for a shower and peeled her leggings and thong off. She checked her thong, literally soaked through and in the gusset was all her creamy sticky juices. It looked like someone dumped a bottle of glue in her panties. Holy cow I musta been some kind of horny! She admired how hot her naked body looked in the mirror, stepped into the shower and thought hmm maybe my pussy needs a round 2.


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