Post Baby Blue Part III/III [FM][Female Protagonist][Cheating][Lactating]

March came and with it came the excitement and trepidation of the grand opening of the second branch. We had all put in a lot of work.. and driving.

The day of the grand opening, Tuesday March 3rd, was basically a big party. We started they day at 9, making the final touches. At 5, the party started, alcohol, hors d’oeuvres, board members, investors, fancy dinners, a local band and lot of alcohol. It was organized chaos and it was kind of fun. It was a time to let loose and celebrate all the hard work we had put in over the past few weeks, and even the past few years.

“What’s your drink?” I found Chris.

“Coffee with a pinch of Xanax.”

“Very fashionable” I said. “I am more of a Prozac girl myself”.

“Yeah, I don’t know. I can’t really drink at a company event. I feel like I am still on the clock. You look very pretty tonight.” The complement blindsided me. The event was black tie optional. I bought a new dress for it. It was dark blue above-the-knee dress with lace sleeves. It showed some cleavage (and I had a lot of that). It was elegant I thought and the dark fabric hid some of my unseemly curves. I wore beige heels that served to elongate my figure a little.

Chris was dressed up too. Not a tux but he was wearing a dark grey suit with a white shirt and a black tie with a skinny silver and black tie-bar that matched his watch. He had a white pocket square. He was a tall guy, 6’ 1” or maybe even 6’ 2”. He had a little bit of belly but it was hidden in his slimming suit. His hair was peppered with a few white hairs on the sides that outlined his long but kind face and sharp jaw line. He was always clean shaved. In fact, I was sure he shaved before the night started. He was attractive. I knew that. That wasn’t new. What’s new was that I felt attracted to him.

“You don’t look too bad yourself” he gave an embarrassed smile. “In fact if you are ever gonna make that movie with Laurie, I would say tonight is your night.”

“You know, I was going to.” *What?* “But I think she left already, said something about a book report due next next week.” Oh sarcasm.

“Too bad” I had nothing witty to say back right away but I regained my composure. “Maybe next time you can ask her parents permission to let her stay out a little later.”

“I was going to but I couldn’t print out the permission slip in time” He chuckled. “Oh by the way, if you are not too hung over tomorrow, there is a breakfast diner that Sean was telling me about that I want to try tomorrow.”

“Oh well, come one Chris, buy a girl dinner first before you go on planning breakfast.” It was cheesy joke. I felt awkward after I made it. The party was set to go until midnight (maybe later) and we got the company to pay our rooms. I was excited for a night alone in a hotel room with uninterrupted sleep and to maybe sleep-in a little. But now I was looking forward to waking up and and having breakfast with Chris.

By 11 PM thing started to get a little wild. One of the investors got drunk and got in a fight with her husband because he was flirting with the bartender. Some other guy fell and ripped his pants and just kept going on like nothing had happened, his boxers hanging out from the rip. Overall I think everyone was having fun, most importantly, my bosses.

I had lost Chris in the craziness but found him again, he was chatting with none other but Laurie. I walked over. I think I felt a little jealous. When I got to them they were talking about a the website interface, how erotic. ”Laurie has a couple very good ideas for the website. I was telling her we can talk to IT about them.”

“Oh come on guys, enough work talk. This is a party. Are you still not drinking?” I was clearly only talking to Chris now.

“Um. I had a beer earlier”

“Alright, if you get something stronger then I will have something too.”

“Oh” he was surprised. “You are not a…”

“It’s a fun night, let’s live a little.” I grabbed him by the hand and walked him over to the bar. “Vodka and cranberry for me please, and for the gentleman…”

“A bud light please”

“No no. If I am drinking then you are gonna get something real. Vodka and cranberry for him too.”

We grabbed our drinks and walked out of the hallway to the hotel hall. It was a long corridor with ballrooms on either side and ending in hotel front desk. We leisurely walked down the hallway and away from the party.

“Are you having fun?” He broke the silence first as I took the first sip of my first alcoholic drink in nearly a year.

“Oh yeah. Its a great night.” It really was. “And I really needed it. Are you?” There seemed to be an air of awkwardness that our conversations never had. To break the awkwardness I grabbed his shoulder and bent down to take my heels off. I held them in my hand as I walked down the hotel hallway barefoot in my tights.

“I am a little tired to be honest. Usually in bed for a couple of hours by now. But overall, I think the night went well. The investors are happy, the overlords are happy, and drunk. We did a good job. Can’t wait till the next JSOK meeting when they announce the location of the third branch.”

“Yeah someone else can prep that one. I am tired of the traveling back and forth.. Although I did enjoy our rides.”

“Oh yeah, speaking of that. I have been thinking about some of the things you said.” I said too much, what could he have been thinking about? I was scared of what’s to follow. “I think I am not being fair to myself. Elena had been gone now for 4 years and I think I am finally ready to move on. Not necessarily to start dating again but I haven’t had my own life in years. Even before she passed away. I think I want to try new things, maybe travel a little, buy a new car even, do you know what I mean?”

“Oh Chris.” I stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned to him. I raised my arm to his shoulder and rubbed his bicep. “You deserve it. You really do.” I let my arm drop to my side. “You were such a dedicated husband and such a loving dad. And on top of that you are carrying so much of the work load at work. You really deserve a break.”

“Thank you.” he enjoyed the complement. We turned our bodies and kept walking. We had reached the end of the corridor and we had to decide if we were going to turn around and walk back for go up the escalators to the next floor or out the door that led to an outdoor patio with a fountain that was off now due to the freezing cold. He let me lead. I went up the escalator. “So what car are you going to buy?” I asked jokingly.

His sarcasm kicked in “Oh I was thinking a Hummer. Or maybe a yellow Camaro, something that really highlights the magnitude of the mid life crisis.”

“Oh well I am sure Laurie is gonna love that.”

He searched his brain for which Laurie I was talking about. It gave me a sense of relief, maybe he didn’t like her. “Oh no no no. Laurie is far too old. I need someone in their early 20’s, college age, but not smart enough for college. I need her daddy issues to match the magnitude of my mid life crisis. Come one, Maya.”

“Of course. Of course.” At that point we were standing at the top of the escalator. On the right there was small hotel restaurant which looked like it was closing and on the left were the elevators. I pressed the button to the elevator. We both got in. I pressed 8 for my floor. He pressed 11 for his.

“Turning in?” he asked.

“I think so.” The door slowly closed.

“Yeah I think that’s enough for me too. Until the next branch.” He raised his cup. It was still full. I tuned to face him and to cheer. At the moment, I wasn’t sure what overcame me. I grabbed the left lapel of his coat, pulled him closer and kissed him. For a split second he kissed me back and then he pulled back.

“I am sorry.” I said catching my breath.

“I am sorry too.” What was he apologizing for? We both stood in the elevator dumbfounded and staring at the door until it opened. I rushed out and turned the corner. The guilt hadn’t set in yet, just confusion and a little bit of excitement. I heard the elevator door start to close behind me.

I fumbled in my clutch for the room key. I was shaking from an unspecified emotion. It was a little bit of fear, excitement, regret and horror. I closed the door to my room. Before I sat down on the bed, I grabbed the bottle of vodka and orange juice out of the mini-bar and mixed them and took a sip. I sat on the uncomfortable couch in the room and tried to collect my nerves.

When I was halfway though my drink and my emotions had calmed down a little bit I felt a familiar pain in my chest that had been there for hours.. I needed to pump. I got up from the couch and felt a little whoozy, I guess pregnancy makes you a light weight. I struggled to find the zipper of my dress and took it off. I unclasped my bra and released the puppies. The pads were stained with milk. I had purchased a new bra for this special occasion and I opted for a push up which was clearly a mistake. My boobs had gotten too big too need any pushing. It was a relief to breath unimpeded.

I took my panties off and went fumbling in my bag for clothes but I found the pump first. I put on the pumping bra, sat in bed, and turned it on. I sat back in the bed and started to think about what had happened. Chris was my ride back, how was I supposed to face him after today. Should I just say that I was drunk? I could just apologize and say it was a moment of weakness. He is a gentleman. He will understand. We certainly can’t be friends anymore. We shouldn’t go to breakfast tomorrow. I could just tell him that I like him and that I want to jump his bones. He can keep the suit on as long as he can sneak his cock out of his pants and ram me like a 2-dollar whore. *Where the fuck did this just come from?* Many thought coursed through my head. And as I chased after them down one by one until I saw Chris walk in through the door of my room. He was still wearing the suit, but I was wearing a long red ball gown. He reached out to me and I stood up. He kissed me passionately and we danced.

A shiver woke me up from the dream. The rhythmic pulsing of the pump lulled me to sleep. I was still naked except for the pumping bra. I needed to get dressed but as I stood up I felt a drip down my left thigh. I was wet..I was literally dripping.

I sat back down on the bed and crawled under the cover. I lay down with my back propped against the back of the bed and my legs spread out. I wished my dream was true. I wished Chris would just burst through the door and pick me up off the bed and kiss me passionately. That kiss in the elevator had been the most sexually exciting thing that had happened to me in year. I relived the moment over and over. Chris was a great guy and I liked him, that much was clear. I didn’t care to admit that. I wanted him. I wanted his friendship, I wanted his company, I wanted him to fill every part of me. I wanted to feel his lips pressed to mine. I wanted to feel the warmth from his broad shoulders to feel his closeness as he penetrated me. I didn’t care to admit that either.

My left hand was fondling my left nipple. Drops of milk had dripped down on my stomach on the bed. With my right hand I searched the folds of the bed sheets for my phone. Almost without a conscious will, I opened the text thread between me and Chris. The screen smudged with my juices.

What was I going to say to him? “Come over now and fuck me like I have never been fucked before.” That’s what I wanted to say but I wasn’t drunk enough unfortunately.

Me: Hey, Chris. I am really really sorry about what just happened. It was a lapse of judgment on my part because I have been having so much fun with you recently. I want us to continue to do that.

What I ended up typing was a lot more reasonable and mature than what I wanted to say. But regardless, I was typing with one hand and lightly fondling my clit with the other.

Chris: No, its not just you. The blame is partly mine to share. We just were having fun and got a little carried away. But you are right, we are having a lot of fun together and I would like to keep that relationship strong, barring any other inebriated tongue interactions. LOL.

*What a dork?*

Me: Good. I am glad we are on the same page.

*We clearly weren’t because I wanted to jump his bones.*

Me: Sorry for the late text. I just couldn’t sleep.

*Because I have been finger fucking my pussy hoping that you would come and do it yourself.*

Chris: Yeah, me neither. I actually went back down to the party. Tim said he was losing the guy from Adonis so I came down to see what was going on. They are both shit-faced, everything is alright, don’t worry.

Me: Oh cool. Don’t scare me like that. I didn’t think anyone would still be down there TBH.

*It was 12:30 AM*

Chris: Well everyone is gone now. I heading up.

Me: Hey, is there anymore of that wine left? Can you grab a couple of bottles?

Chris: Let me see.

Chris: Yeah, I got a whole carton, 9 bottles, just for you.

Me: Oh well then, lets keep the party going.

Chris: Oh you want it tonight? I thought this was to take home. I was taking it out to the car.

Me: Well, I might need a sip to help me fall asleep. The coffee I had before the party is keeping me up. Can you bring it to my room please? I already took off my dress and got comfy.

Chris: Sure, what room?

Me: 823

Chris: Coming up.

*Shit I need to get dressed*

I got up real quick and tried to figure out what to wear. I wasn’t really prepared. I washed my hands. Put away the pump. Grabbed the robe out of the bathroom. It was short, or I was rather tall, it went down only to the middle of my thigh. It made my legs look long. I had taken my stockings off and had no time to put them on. I hoped Chris wouldn’t see the varicose vein on my left leg. I ran a comb through my hair. My make up looked old but not terrible. I put on some perfume. Hoping that wasn’t too obvious. Overall I thought I looked ok.

I didn’t dare to think about where the night was going. I unconsciously decided to just go with it.

He knocked. I opened.

“Wine delivery”. He stood at the door. He had taken off his coat and placed it folded on top of the box of wine he was carrying with both arms. For a split second we looked at each other. I looked at him and he looked at me.

“Come on in” I moved out of the way. “Just set it down anywhere.” After he walked in I peaked my head out into the hallway to see if anyone saw him walk in. There was no one. I went back in and closed the door.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cork screw. “I went back and got you this when you said you wanted some tonight”.

“Oh yeah, can you please open it.” I ran back into the bathroom and grabbed two of those plastic cups.

“Oh, I am ok.” He said holding his hand out.

“Non-sense.” I took the opened bottle and poured two cups.

“Maya, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Especially after what happened earlier tonight.”

“Nothing happened.” I looked at him and smiled nervously. “Look Chris, you are a good man and a wonderful friend and I think very highly of you. You have been here for me and I appreciate that and admire and respect you for it.” I stepped closer and grabbed his forearm. He looked down, he was blushing a little bit. “You know I have been having a little bit of a rough time with everything going on and I looked to you for support. And you are here for me. You listened and you were attentive and supportive. And I just feel very close to you.” My hand had now trailed down to hold his.

“I feel very close to you too.” He looked at my hand sitting on top of his then he looked up at me and we made eye contact. I took a deep breath and jumped up and kissed him again. This time I had to stand on my top toes without my heels.

“Maya” he said as he let go of my lips.

“I want you, Chris” I grabbed his tie and pulled him down toward me.

He wrapped his arms around me and looked at me, “ I want you too.”

With our lips locked we moved to the bed. I pulled his tie off. His tie bar fell to the ground. We sat down on the bed and I started to unbutton his shirt. His hairy chest peered out as every button became undone. He finally pulled off his shirt. His sleeve got caught on his watch. He tried to put the shirt back on to take off the watch but I grabbed the shirt and yanked it off. It ripped. He looked at me a laughed. I wanted him. I didn’t want to wait. “Take your pants off”. He stood up and undid his belt and then pulled down his pants. He wore grey boxer briefs underneath.

“Now it’s your turn.” That statement filled me with some trepidation. Did he really want to see me naked? I was scared to show him my flawed body. He sat back on the bed and looked at me as I hesitated. He slowly reached over to the belt that kept the robe together. He pulled slowly. When it was undone, he grabbed the collar of the robe and pulled it back. My hairy Bush was the first to peak it’s head out. In a second I stood exposed. He looked at me. He really saw me and he said “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to have you.” He reached up and grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him and down on his lap. We locked lips once more. As I sat down I felt his cock push against my thigh. He was ready and so was I.

He continued to kiss me.. passionately. His lips trailed down to my cheeks and neck. With his left hand he reached up and grabbed my boobs. His touch was gentle but manly. He caressed my right boob and lightly fondled the nipple. As he continued to kiss my neck, he grabbed my whole breast, gently at first, his hand was big, it fit around my enlarged breast. He then gently began to squeeze, I dripped milk on my naked thigh and on his hand. “I am sorry.” I chuckled nervously.

He looked up surprised. He was focused on my body and I broke his focus with my apology. “For what? What’s wrong?” I looked nervously down at the few drops on the back of his hairy hand. “Oh” he understood. “Don’t apologize. It’s natural. Doesn’t bother me in the least. To be honest, I actually think it’s kind of sexy.”

“You do?” That surprised me a little.

“Yeah. All those times in the car when you pumped next to me. It’s just very… you are very sexy.” He reached up with his left hand and grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer to his and we started to kiss again.

I was lost for words, lost in his arms, lost in his world, the moment went on eternally. He kissed every inch of my body starting with my lips and cheeks, neck, he nibbled on my ear lobe and then again back down to my neck, down to my chest. His head rested in the middle of my breasts and kissed them both.

His hands also moved. With his right hand he traced every inch of my back. His touch was warm against the air conditioned room. He other hand had slipped from my breast, down to my stomach. When I felt his touch on my stomach, I slipped my right leg off of his lap and down on the ground. My hairy pussy was in full display. I wanted him to finish the job I had started earlier. I was dripping wet, I could feel it, and when he touched me, he could feel it too.

I tried to reach with my hands for his cock in his boxer briefs but as soon as he started to fondle my clit I was in a different world. My hand lost its way and I just sat back, shallow breathing in ecstasy. The hand he had on my back supported me as leaned back. His tongue continued to trace my nipples. In minutes I felt my body tense and relax at the same time. Jolts of electricity soared through my body which had come a malleable toy in Chris’s strong hands. All my muscles tensed all at once and my head jerked forward. “Oh God. Oh God” was all I could say.

The orgasm itself lasted for what felt like hours. When I was done I closed my legs and curled up inside Chris’s lap and kissed him one more time. He used both his arms to hold my tighter into him. I felt safe and happy in his embrace.

When I had caught my breath and regained some of my composure, I felt his left hand move. He scooped his hand under my knees while I was on his lap. I wasn’t sure what he was about to do next. With his right hand still behind my back, he started to move. I reached my left arm around his neck for support. He stood up and carried me in his arm. I couldn’t help but let out a childish giggle. He looked at me and laughed too. He had me fully supported in his embrace and I felt safe.

When he stood up, he turned and walked over to the side of the bed. He then knelt on the side of bed and put me down safely. After that he stood up and walked around to the other side. As he walked I could see his erection bulging his boxer briefs. He came and sat down next to me on the bed and started to make out once more.

This time I was in the driver’s seat. I reached my hand down and grabbed his cock over his underwear. He let out a small moan. I pulled the shorts down and started to play with it with my hands. It was girthy.

“I don’t have condoms.”

“That’s ok. I am still breastfeeding. Just pull out.” In hind sight that was probably stupid but I didn’t care. I just wanted him in me. I pulled his shorts off and climbed on top of him. I didn’t need much lube. I was still dripping wet. If there is one welcomed change in my body after my pregnancy, it was how wet I get when I get turned on. I rubbed the head of his cock on my pussy a few times to get it all lubed up and I slowly pushed down on it. It hurt as it went in. I had gotten tighter, partly because of how long it has been since I got fucked.

I slowly descended down on his cock and I felt his full girth inside me. I let out a little scream.

“Are you ok?” I looked down. He looked genuinely concerned. It was sweet.

“You are so big. And it has been a while.”

“I am sorry.” He looked genuinely apologetic.

“Don’t be sorry. We are gonna have lots of fun with this.” I said with a mischievous smile on my face. As I said this I pulled him out of me as slowly as he went in. I felt my pussy relax as he fell out of me. I let out my breath. I didn’t wait long. I grabbed it again and positioned it and pushed down on it. The second entry was easier, then the third and the forth, easier with every thrust. In a few seconds I was relaxed and opened. I let my body relax and drop down on his. I leaned on my hand on either side of his arms and started to rock. My tits swung and hit him in the chest as I rode his cock. He filled me up.

In the same moment, he reached up and grabbed my boobs again. I could tell he liked them. He began to handle and squeeze them and milk dripped on his chest hair. He looked like he enjoyed that. He continued to do it. He then raised up his head and lick my nipples. I moaned, it felt amazing.

After a few minutes I stopped to catch my breath and he used that as an opportunity. He turned me over on my back and swiftly climbed on top of me. He didn’t say any thing but by that point we were both in sync and responsive to each other’s movements. As he climbed on top of me, I spread my legs open for him. “Fuck me, Chris.” I let that out as I struggled to catch my breath.

He was determined. He quickly entered me with a thrust. “Oh God.” I let out another moan. “Your cock is so fucking big” The different angle of entry felt better this time. It also felt better that he was in control. He started to thrust. He was slow and deliberate to start. It took him little time to get his rhythm. “Fuck me harder. God I need it.” His cock felt amazing inside me. I wasn’t going to cum but every thrust brought us closer.

He was leaning on his arms at my side and kissing my neck and chest, all while pumping his cock deep inside me. He was getting deep and I was enjoying every thrust. Every time he entered me I gasped for air from the pleasure.

“I am close.”

“Fuck me harder, keep going. Cum for me” He continued to pump for a few seconds then he stood up and pulled out. I sat up and started to kiss his lips and chest as he cam over my stomach and tits.

After he had cum, he kissed me on the lips. We continued to kiss as we fell down on the bed, both exhausted. With a towel I had bedside I wiped his cum off of me and we embraced each other in bed under the covers. We didn’t say any more words to each other that night. We were in a different world that was separate from reality. The next day would come and bring it’s own issues but for now, I like lay in bed, naked, next to a man that I liked and knew liked me. I lay in bed with a man who found me desirable despite my flaws. I couldn’t see any flaws in him. He held me and kept me safe and warm.

I drifted into a dreamless sleep.
