Post-Baby Blue Part II/III [FM][Female Protagonist][Cheating][Lactating]

“She is cute.” I told Chris with a wink as we were walking out of the meeting.

“Who? Laurie? Yeah, she is.” He said almost looking unimpressed. Laurie had been one of the sales reps in my department. She was giving a presentation to the department heads about a new company wide initiative..blah blah. She was a relatively new hire. Fresh out of college and has been at the company for maybe 9 or 10 months. She was my last hire before maternity leave. Tall, and slim with a real sweet country girl look, blonde straight hair with blue eyes. She dressed modestly and had good work ethic. She had done well in my absence and was liked by most people.

“You should ask her out.”

He smiled and kept walking.

“What? She is in my department so you are not technically her boss. And you agree she is cute” We were heading to my office now to go over a few things.

“It’s not that.” He paused. “She is like 10 years younger than me.”

“She is not. Seven at the most. Besides, who care? She is cute, you are cute. She is single, you are single.”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t sound like a good idea.” He said dismissively.

“Chris.” I said defeatedly. “It’s been 3 years.” We were back in my office now. I didn’t know why I was pushing so hard. I knew he hadn’t really dated anyone since his wife passed away. If he did, he never mentioned it. We never really discussed it openly.

“I couldn’t open the spreadsheet you sent me by the way. Kept giving me an error message.” He looked embarrassed.

“I am sorry I brought it up. I just want you to be happy.” He was a nice guy, and a friend, and I liked him. I did want him to be happy.

“I am happy… Look, you are right, it has been a while. But I am very busy here. I am doing my best to take care of Maddie. My mom has this medical thing that we are taking care of. There is just a lot going on in my personal life right now. You know? It’s not like a completely swore off dating or anything, and I am still straight, I swear. I just can’t imagine adding one more things to my plate right now.”

“Yeah but finding someone shouldn’t be ‘adding one more thing to your plate’. It’s about finding someone whose company you enjoy and who helps you get through the day.”

“Yes, Maya. But you don’t get to that stage before going through months of ‘getting to know each other’ and ‘going out on dates’ and ‘courting’ and I really don’t have the time or the wherewithal for all of that”.

“Courting…Damn, Chris, it *has* been a while.” We both laughed. “You are right. I am sorry I brought it up. And I am sorry about your mom. If you ever need a babysitter for Maddie or really anything at all. I am here for you.”

“Thank you. If I need anything I will let you know. But for now, can you resend me this excel spreadsheet? I need to transfer the numbers over.”



On Wednesday, my mother-in-law asked if she can take the baby and go visit my sister-in-law (her daughter) on Saturday. She said that she has been bugging her to bring the baby over. They were about an hour and 15 mins away and she had 3 kids. I really wasn’t a huge fan of the idea of my mother-in-law driving an 1:15 with the baby in back seat but she promised that she would stop over and feed the baby if needed. She insisted, which was unusual. I think she saw me and Larry and we knew that we needed some “alone time”. It was sweet of her to take on the responsibility. With much coaxing I agreed. I told Larry later that night and he said “ok” unceremoniously.

I must admit the prospect of “alone time” with Larry was exciting. I had gotten some of my confidence back. I had even been to the gym once the week before. I knew I had some of my sex drive back after that night. Maybe this would be good for us.

On Saturday morning, I woke up at 7. Larry’s mom had planned to leave by 9. Larry wouldn’t wake up until 11 or 12. I reviewed the plans with Larry’s mom and helped her pack everything. We both left the house at 9, her to her daughter with the baby and me to the salon. I had set up and appointment for a mani and pedi and then another appointment for my hair and another appointment for a Brazilian wax. I had grown kind of fond of my unruly bush to tell you the truth but I knew Larry wouldn’t be as fond of it, especially if he was to do what I wanted him to do. By 11:00 Larry texted me.

Larry: Good morning. Where are you? Are you home?

Me: Good morning sleepy head. No. Ran out for a few errands.

Larry: Mom and the baby leave.

Me: Yeah. They left about 9. I called and checked on them. They got to Lisa’s.

Larry: Good. When are you coming home?

Me: IDK. Got a couple spots to stop at first. Maybe in a couple of hours. I will bring us lunch from TJ’s. You want your regular?

Larry: Yeah, that’s fine. See you when you get home.

I went on with the rest of my day. The Brazilian was painful, but surprisingly quick. I picked up lunch and was home by 12:00. I parked outside of the garage. I was in a mischievous mood and wanted to sneak up on Larry with his favorite sandwich and a cleanly shaved pussy. Two things to eat.

I slowly opened the house door, took my shows off and tip toed into the kitchen. He wasn’t in the kitchen. I looked in the living room, he wasn’t there either. I climbed up the stairs slowly and made it to the bedroom. The bed wasn’t made but Larry wasn’t in it. The last place to look was his office in the basement. I climbed down the two set of stairs. The office door was closed, that meant he was in there, he always liked it closed when he was working. At the point, I felt giddy with excitement. The sneaking around the house turned me on a little. I reached over to the door knob to slowly turn it. I pushed the door back a sliver, only a sliver to see if he was in there. The light was on. He was sitting on at his desk, back to me and headphones on. On the screen a movie was playing. Clearly not working very hard. I opened the door a little more to get a better look. On the screen the movie had a girl talking, she was naked. With big clearly-fake tits. She sat on a bed or a couch or something. Her legs were spread open and she had a vibrator wand in her hand that she was fucking herself with. A diamond buttplug in her asshole. Larry sat in his chair, his pants were off, he was hard, lubed and jerking off watching the screen.


He didn’t hear me. The girl on the screen stopped and sat up, she put her legs down. She pointed and he turned around to see me. He took his headphones off “Maya”.

I ran upstairs. He didn’t follow. I grabbed my shoes and got in the car and left. I drove off to an empty parking lot and cried. He called. I didn’t pick up.



I didn’t quite recover from that day. The worst part was that I had to go back home before my mother-in-law came back with the baby so she wouldn’t get suspicious. I had to sleep in the same bed with him. He apologized. We talked.. a lot. I guess I knew he was watching porn. I didn’t really know definitively but I figured a man can’t go 9 or 10 months without having sex like that. I just figured he would hide in the bathroom and look at pictures of the sports illustrated swimsuit edition. I guess that was naive. I never imagined the extent of what I saw.

When we talked, he admitted everything. He told me the girls meant nothing. “Girls? There is more than one?” Turns out he subscribed to three different girls and to used to chat with them and sometimes video chat. He was paying these whores. I am not sure if that made it worse or better. When did he have the time for all this? “It’s not like I am cheating on you.” To him cheating meant putting his dick in someone else. By that definition he wasn’t cheating. I didn’t know how I felt.

He swore he would stop. He swore he would show me the credit card charges every months. He was willing to go to couples counselling. He actually suggested it. We went. We talked more. We said more of the same stuff. We paid and booked a follow up appointment in 1 week.

My solace continued to be my work…

In late January, we announced opening a second branch for the company. For a small company like ours, a second branch would open new possibilities and opportunities. Maybe one day we can go public. I got in on the ground floor. This was a huge opportunity. The soft opening was on February 1st but the grand opening was set for March 3rd. Until the new branch could operate in full swing, management would be running both branches. Some of it could be done remotely but there were things that had to be done in person. The distance between the two branches was about 2.5 hours, close, but not close enough. Between the soft opening and the grand opening, I was making the trip at least once a week. Sometimes alone, but sometimes with other employees, but most of the times it was with Chris.

We had a good system. We would meet in the office very early, I would drive there while he slept and he would drive back while I napped. We both needed to be home for the kids. It was exhausting and worse than that it was awkward. I had to pump in the car. He was a gentleman about it, he really was. In fact he used to joke about it just to make me feel comfortable. He would sing or tap the steering wheel to the tempo set by the pump.

Although we planned to sleep, we spent a lot of the time talking. At first we talked about work, but that got boring real quick. We wasted time talking about retirement savings, cars, day care…etc.

But then on one of our rides, he uncharacteristically opened up to me a little. He told me about his wife, how they met and how he proposed. The way he spoke about her was very romantic. He adored her, and she adored him. It made me sad for myself. We then talked about her illness and death. It was more tragic than I thought. He had stood by her every minute. I teared up. He did too.

I was touched that he trusted me. He was a private guy. When it was all happening, no one knew that his wife was even sick until maybe 2-3 weeks into his leave of absence. He didn’t tell anyone about her death either. No one from work attended the funeral. And when he came back to work no one knew until his 3rd day back. He was just that kind of guy. The kind of guy who just kept his head down and did his work. Quite, but diligent, a stand up guy.

As he told me the story I was bewildered. I was too scared to ask questions or even talk because I didn’t want him to stop. I enjoyed the confidence and trust that he had placed in me. The thing that struck me the most wasn’t that he was telling me this because he had no one to talk to. He wasn’t looking to let off some steam about something that had been bothering him. He spoke about his wife, her death and his personal life in a way that showed that he had fully processed his problems. He had maybe struggled with all this in the past but now, the Chris sitting the car with me, had fully dealt with his demons. He was telling me this because he wanted me to know it. He was just opening up. He enjoyed the conversation and so did I.

On another ride back from the second branch, we were running late (we never got back before 8 PM). I had to call Larry and tell him to cancel our “appointment”. I tried to be cryptic and not outright say “couple’s counselling”. After a few hints, Larry got the point. We hung up. I looked over at Chris. He broke his gaze from the road and looked over to me for a split second and gave me a quick smile.

“Have you ever gone to couples counseling?” I found myself saying.

He paused. “No” it was a little awkward now. I wished I had never asked. I started to think of ways to change the conversation. Who should I lie and say is going through couples counseling? I started listing couples that we both knew. But to my relief he continued “I was never the therapy type. I just can’t talk about myself for that long with someone unless I know and trust them. I must admit there are times in my life that wished I had to the courage to find someone to talk to and open up with like that”. The second part of his answer made me feel better. He stopped. He didn’t ask any questions about why I asked him. He was respectful like that.

“Larry and I are in couples counseling.” He nodded to show me he was listening. “Things between us aren’t what they used to be.” I paused after every sentence thinking about what to say next. “It’s been since before the baby too. There has been this growing void that’s been slowly opening up between us. When I got pregnant I hoped that the baby would bring us back together. But it’s almost like that made the void bigger. We are not us anymore. He comes home late tired and I am tired for work and taking care of the baby. We don’t get any time alone. We don’t spend time together. We don’t even have sex anymore.” Jesus! What was I saying? He didn’t want to hear this. I all of a sudden noticed that I was crying.

I looked over at Chris. He was looking at the road, driving and listening. “I am sorry I am dumping all of this on you. I guess that’s what couples counseling is for.” He didn’t say anything. Just listened attentively. “We go almost every week. We talk, he listens. But I feel that we take one step forward in therapy and then we go home and it all just gets undone. Like take this one session…” I am not sure how much longer I kept going. I opened up to him and laid it all out. He listened. He was engaged. Not just with nodding, he actually responded, and answered and asked questions, not in intrusive way, but rather questions that challenged the way I thought of and perceived the situation. I even told him about the girls and the webcamming with Larry, and about how I felt inadequate as a wife and a mom.

When we were done talking it was about 10 PM and we had been parked for at least an hours. I dried my tears, said good night and got out. He got out too. He hugged me. I felt his warmth against the cold February night. “Thank you for listening.”

“It’s what friends are for.”

I got into my car and drove home.
