It was my first day on the job at The Glenn apartments. My job included cleaning apartments and helping with remodeling. I didn’t have much construction experience but The Glenn’s owner, Gary, didn’t mind too much. I was to be on a two person team, mostly cleaning up vacant apartments and assisting my coworker. I didn’t just need this job for money, I needed to build myself up again.
Three months ago, a friend texted me a picture of my (ex)boyfriend, Josh, making out with a girl at a party, the text continued saying he went into a bedroom with the girl and had been in there for awhile. I was crushed. We had been together just over a year and everything was great between us. We hardly ever argued, our sex life was great and we were planning on moving in together. I ended it with Josh because I couldn’t get past the cheating. I knew even if I could find a way to forgive him I just couldn’t get over his betrayal. I knew it would seep into our relationship and poison it. Though Josh was still texting me and occasionally showing up at my townhouse trying to win me back.
Gary drove his golf cart around the apartment complex showing me the different buildings. He explained I can park at the maintenance building from now on since all the supplies and tools were in there. Gary walked me into the shop and introduced me to Dean, my coworker. Dean was 25, tall and hot. At the time though I was more concerned with learning the job than how hot Dean was.
Gary asked Dean to show me around the shop. He was friendly but also reserved. Dean explained how the shop was organized and said just ask if I couldn’t find what I needed. After giving me a quick tour of the front of the shop he led me to a hallway and through the door at the end. There was a small break room with a table and a few chairs, a small kitchenette with a fridge, sink and microwave. At the back of the room was another door I assumed was the bathroom but quickly saw it was a small locker room. There were only 5 lockers, to the right was the bathroom with a sink. There was a bare counter with a mirror at the far end of the room leading a path to the shower stalls. Only two stalls. Both stalls had doors, a shower curtain separating the actual shower and a place to dress within the stall.
Dean explained many of the apartments had been filled with hoarders so showering after work was almost a must just to feel clean again.
Dean and I got started on the first apartment. It fucking stunk! Thankfully I was given a mask and work gloves because it was filled with trash. We spent the day filling garbage cans and dragging them outside to the dumpster.
By the end of the day I was ready for that shower, thankful to have an extra pair of clothes and shoes in my car. Dean went to the shop first since I had to retrieve my clothes from my car. When I headed towards the showers I could see Dean’s head. I hadn’t thought about the height of the stalls when I first saw them. Dean was a bit taller than me, I’m 5’9 and Dean has to be around 6’1. I mustered the courage and went into my stall beside Dean’s. As I entered the shower I could only see him from the neck up and hoped that was all he could see on my side as well. There were three dispensers on the shower wall, shampoo, conditioner and soap. I did my best not to look over at Dean while showering but couldn’t help myself from looking over a few times.
For almost two months every work day went just about the same. We Worked our asses off cleaning vile and gross apartments then heading to the showers. Dean was an easy person to get along with. We chatted sometimes during lunch in the break room but always kept our conversations pretty light. While we worked we played music to help the time go by.
It was Friday and I had plans to go out with a group of friends to a local bar. As Dean and I entered our showers I invited him to come along. I told him it would be fun, just food and drinks with easygoing people. He seemed hesitant at first but finally accepted my invitation.
We drove to the bar separately. When we got there my friends already had a table. We joined in and were enjoying ourselves. I was pretty impressed how cool Dean was playing it since it was his first time around my friends. We all talked and laughed together like he’d been in the group for years. Towards the end of the night we all had a good buzz if not better. And that’s when I saw Josh and my face fell. My best friend Ashley noticed it immediately and followed my eyes till she saw him too. Josh saw me and headed over. Fuck. Just Fuck. I hadn’t seen him in over a month. I felt like I was finally moving on from him and now here he is. I stared straight ahead at Ashley from across the table, Dean on my left and Josh put himself to my right. I just lit a cigarette and didn’t look at him. Josh grabbed my arm, not firmly, asking me to come talk with him. Without looking at him I shook my head no. After a few minutes of pleading at my side he got angry, slammed his beer bottle down on the table and walked away.
I gave Dean a ‘I’m sorry you had to see that’ look but he was still cool as a cucumber. I told Dean I was getting an Uber to my house and he could spend the night on my couch or guest bedroom since I didn’t live that far away. I was relieved when he agreed to come over in case Josh showed up at my house later.
The driver dropped us off at my townhome and we headed in. My two dogs greeted us at the door ready to be let out back to use the bathroom. I pointed out the guest room to Dean and said there’s a bathroom in there but also a half bath by the front door. After seeing Josh I was in no mood to sober up and grabbed two shot glasses and a bottle of jager from the freezer. After we took our shots the door bell rang, my heart sank for a minute before remembering I ordered food in the Uber. Entering the kitchen with the goods, I told Dean I had ordered us a club sandwich and chili cheese fries to share and his eyes lit up. So there was the two of us, in my kitchen going to town on the food. After we ate we had another shot we headed to my back porch. The dogs laid around us on the porch as we smoked cigarettes and talked a bit. I rolled a joint and took a hit before handing it to Dean. I got us another round of shots and we chilled on the back porch for awhile when Dean asked about Josh. I gave him a quick run down on how everything went down but didn’t really get into our relationship. I just stated the facts, Josh cheated and we’re over.
We were both worn out from the day so I showed Dean the tv setup in the guest room, explaining how he could watch cable or Netflix and headed up stairs to my room.
The next morning I woke up around 9 starving. I got started making my favorite breakfast, maple bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs with cheese and toast. Dean walked in just as I finished cooking. I told him to have a seat at the bar and proceed to load his plate down with two meals worth of food. After eating he mentioned his brother should be here soon to give him a ride back to his car so I got ready for my usual walk with the dogs. Just before I was about to leash the dogs Dean thanked me for last night and left.
Things continued as usual at work except Dean and I talking and joking around more. His favorite was when any ballad would come on while working and I would pretend to perform them while holding up whatever I had in my hands like it was a microphone. The following weekend Dean invited me to a party at his house. His brother was going to cook out and since I never turn down food I accepted.
That Friday we showered quickly and I rode with Dean to his house. I wasn’t sure if I was going to crash there or not but figured I could always Uber home if need be. Their house was pushed back off a dirt road and it was nice not to be able to see any neighbors around. They had a large yard and a medium size ranch home. Walking in I was surprised by how well kept it was and not a complete bachelor bad with bare minimum furniture. Instead it was cozy and felt like a real home. There were about 20 people there already, the back French door were open and I could see a few more people hanging outside around the grill. Dean introduced me to a few people as he led me out back. His brother, Jay and his girlfriend Trish were debating if the burgers were done yet. Dean introduced me and they were friendly as if I already had known them for years.
It was nice not to feel so out of place with people I had never met before. The food was delicious, the music was loud and the shots never ending. By the end of the night, more than a few people had crashed around the house. The recliner and sectional were full of sleeping people when Dean and I came back inside from a smoke. Dean said I could just sleep in his room with him. His room was neat and cozy. I teased Dean I would have to wear one of his shirts to sleep in and he pulled one out the the closet. I put it on over my clothes and took my clothes off underneath saving my bra for last. I climbed in Deans bed as he took his jeans and shirt off leaving only his boxers and laid beside me. It was a queen size bed and plenty of room for the both of us. We smoked a joint before falling asleep as a wildlife documentary played on tv.
When I woke up Deans arm was around me, his hand around mine that was curled up by my face. I laid like that for awhile not wanting to wake him up. When Dean woke up he slowly withdrew his hand not knowing I was awake so I pretended to still be asleep. He walked out the room and I laid there for a few minutes just thinking about Dean and his hand around mine. I started to sit up and Dean walked in with two plates and water bottles. Bacon egg and cheese biscuits, my favorite!! He joked that Trish was the chef instead of himself but I didn’t care. After eating I got dressed. When I came out of Dean’s room he asked if I wanted to go fishing. They had a pond at the back of their property with a small boat. I agreed and we road a four wheeler to the pond. Everything was so light and easy between us still. We talked but never about anything heavy. We laughed a lot together and had fun teasing of each other. After fishing Dean drove me back to my car at the shop. I said a quick goodbye and thanked him for a good time.
When I got back to my townhome Josh was outside. I told Josh to leave and just walked straight inside refusing to engage anymore. After he just sat in his car in my driveway. Dean called me about an hour after I got home and I filled him in about Josh showing up. Dean asked if I wanted him to come over but I explained I had already texted Josh’s best friend and he was coming over to deal with him. Finally Josh did leave and I hoped that would be the last time I’d have to see him.
The following Thursday Dean and I were doing our usual gutting a dirty ass apartment fully engrossed in our separate tasks when Dean turns down the music and calls me to come out of the kitchen. There in the doorway was a man holding 2 dozen yellow roses in a vase. Yellow roses are my favorite but my heart sank when I saw them. I thanked the delivery man and headed back inside. There was a note and Dean watched me carefully as I read it. It was from Josh, which I already knew, the note read “I’m so sorry. I love and miss you endlessly. Please forgive me. I need you. I need you.” Without reading it a second time I took the note and roses and threw them in the trash can. Dean asked if I was ok and I just shook my head yes and headed into the kitchen turning the music back up on the way.
I tried to engross myself once again with tearing down the kitchen cabinets but before I knew it I was silently crying. I was pissed. I was so mad I cried. I was thankful Dean was in the other room and the music was on but a couple minutes later I felt Dean’s hand my shoulder as if he knew I was upset. I sat on the floor and Dean turned the music down. I took my gloves off and Dean sat down beside me handing me a paper towel. I wiped my face and Dean asked if I was ok. Through even more tears and a shaky voice I told him “I’m not sad I’m mad as fuck. Mad Josh won’t let me go. Won’t let me move on. It has been months of calls, texts and showing up at my house. Josh did this. He chose to cheat and I could spend my time picking myself apart on why he cheated but instead I just wanted to move on but Josh constantly appearing and pleading makes it almost impossible. And now when I get off work I have to worry if Josh is going to be waiting at my house again”. Dean was sympathetic and tried to lighten the mood, a ballad came on the radio and this time Dean was the one singing. The song was I will survive. Within a few seconds Dean was up off the floor dancing goofily to the song singing into an invisible microphone. I seriously was about to cry from laughter when the song ended. Dean offered his hand and helped me up off the floor, smiling at me without saying anything and we got back to work.
As we headed into our stalls I couldn’t help but think about how sweet Dean was and how goofy he had been just to cheer me up. During our shower I glanced over a few more times than usual. I swear a couple of times he had been looking at me too but quickly turned his head when I would glance at him.
The next day, I was feeling a lot better. The fact that Josh hadn’t shown up to my house the day before definitely played apart but another reason was thinking about Dean. Of course I was attracted to him. But if I went for it and he didn’t feel the same it would be pretty awkward working alone with him. I replayed the memory of his arm around me with his hand on mine when I spent the night at his house and other small memories of us together. I tried to work and not focus on how all of my feelings for Dean were waging war on me. I did my best to put him out of my mind but it didn’t help working beside him all day. All I could do was remind myself over and over not to stare at him. Of course I couldn’t help notice when a piece of his light brown hair fell in front of his blue eyes. Or how his muscles tensed when lifting the garbage can to empty it in the dumpster. And yes, it was distracting how he kept lifting the bottom of his shirt to wipe away the sweat from his forehead with it. Do you know how hard it is not to stare at tan abs? After the third time of him lifting his shirt I wondered if he was doing it on purpose. Usually he’ll just grab a shop rag and douse it in cold water from the cooler to wipe away sweat.
And with that possible revelation it was game on. Oh whoops, didn’t mean to drop the dustpan, better bend over in front of you to pick it up. And did my tank top pull itself down just to my bra line letting my cleavage show? Of course that happened while we were on our hands and knees facing one another scrapping the old tile off the kitchen floor. And did I just catch you looking? Why yes I did indeed. This went on for hours. Working together, testing and silently teasing each other and locking eyes for more than a few seconds. By the end of the day, I was so turned on I could almost explode. So damn horny in fact I thought if I’m going to shoot my shot I might as well make it a three pointer. Luckily for me I already had what I needed in my bag.
Going into our separate stalls, I typically turn my back to undress as to not meet his gaze as I’m taking my clothes off. The stalls are just tall enough neither of us can see each others bodies, just the neck up. This time however when I started to undress I faced towards his shower head, not facing him directly but enough to see his face while he undresses. I saw a smirk grow across his face while he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. I hopped in the shower first and immediately got to work cleaning the day off of me but again, still facing towards his way. I’m almost done, just trying to get the last of the conditioner out of my hair when I see him watching me. Usually he won’t hold his gaze once I’ve noticed but this time he holds his gaze to mine with the sexiest look on his face like he’s up to no good.
And now it’s my moment. I reach down to the bench in the shower and grab the lube I brought with me. Of course he can’t see what I have, but that doesn’t stop me from plying my hand with a generous amount and rubbing it on my boobs and pussy. I lift my head back up and find his gaze again. I know he can tell I’m up to something but his eyes look hopefully into mine. Slowly I walk up to the shared stall wall and look up at him. He still can’t see but behind the wall I’m touching myself all over. My hands running over my nipples then plunging my hand between my thighs while pinching my nipples with the other. He might not of been able to see what I was doing but I could tell he knew. He met me at the wall and put his forehead to mine. I could see the top of his chest now. I reached back for the lube and told him to hold out his hand. When he did I poured the lube in his palm and he grinned a devilish smile. His hand went back behind the stall wall. Our faces were touching, not kissing but almost as close and our eyes locked together as we touched ourselves. Knowing he was touching himself on the other side was almost enough to make me cum but I wanted to see him. I locked eyes with him again and gave him my naughtiest smirk. I stood on my tippy toes and peered over the stall letting my eyes follow his body down to the show. I could tell he was rock hard. His hand slowly sliding down his cock and over his head and back again. His cock was quite a thing to behold. Very nice looking, well above average thickness and above average length. The head of his cock was plump and round. I couldn’t of imagined a more perfect cock. I stared for a moment before looking back up at him, still touching myself on my side. With one eyebrow raised he asked “Do you like to watch?” I smiled back and replied “I think it’s hot to watch” letting my gaze travel back down to his stroking. He brought his head closer to mine. Both of our breaths got quicker as we closed in on our orgasms. What sent me over the edge was his groan almost a growl as he shot cum out. After I returned to the water in my shower to wash the lube off. Little did I know this was only the beginning.
I looked back over to his stall and I didn’t see him when my shower curtain opened he walked right in still naked. He met my eyes immediately and walked up to me and kissed me more passionately then I have ever been kissed before. His hands cupping my face before wrapping me in his arms pressing our bodies together. His hands trailed up my back and into my hair, clenching his fists holding me to his mouth. His tongue finding mine and teasing it. He withdrew his kiss only to meet my gaze again as if he was checking for approval to continue before kissing my cheek then slowly moving his mouth to my ear. He nibbled my lobe and kissed down to my neck. It was all I could do to hinder my moans into small breaths of excitement and pleasure. I traced my hands along his sides to the lines running to his perfect cock. He pulled my towel off of the hook and kissed my lips again before setting the towel on the bench in the shower.
He guided me to sit down and knelt in front of me. He hesitated looking at my body, his eyes tracing to each nipple, down my stomach and to my pussy. I hoped he liked my landing strip was all that I could think of before his lips met mine again. His kisses teased my lips, then biting my lower lip before taking my breasts in his hands. He rubbed and squeezed them. Letting my nipples free themselves in between his fingers before pinching them so sweetly. I moaned in sheer pleasure. My mind was over come with his slow seduction that he had placed me in. Finally his mouth reached my nipples, he licked then sucked before taking turns nibbling on each one. I was gearing up for what was next just waiting to feel his hands on my pussy when he stood up and grabbed the shower head from its place. He knelt back in front of me, changing the settings on the shower head before pinching each nipple softly again and spreading my legs apart. Oh Fuck I instantly knew what he was about to do. I watched as his eyes locked on to my pussy. He took the shower head and ran water over my stomach, his free hand sliding down my side to my thigh. He kissed the inside of my thigh for a moment but kept his eyes on my pussy. Slowly his hand slid to my pussy. Tracing my lips, from the top of one pussy lip and down, changing sides while gliding his thumb over my opening where I desperately awaited his cock and slid his thumb up the other pussy lip. His thumb hovered at the top of my clit and he lightly ran his fingers over my pussy. He then spread my pussy with his fingers while he brought up the shower head with his other hand. He traced the jets shooting water in circles around my clit. I’ve never seen a man look more pleased with himself when I started to moan again. I was so turned on by how this entire thing had transpired so quickly. Since I hadn’t been with anyone in almost 6 months, my body was more than responsive to Dean.
He set the shower head down and started kissing inside of my thigh again slowly easing between my legs till his mouth finally met my pussy. At first he slowly and sensually kissed around my clit. So fucking slow. Then licking the full length of my pussy, starting by placing his tongue a little bit inside me and slurping his way up, still moving very very slowly. I cannot begin to tell you how good this felt. He then spread my pussy apart with his fingers and began slowly sucking on my clit making the hottest slurping sounds on earth. He slowly sped up his pace till he was sucking my clit hard and pulling his mouth back enough my clit came out his mouth with a smacking sound and went right back at it again. I knew I was about to cum so I held the back of his head, my hand clenching his hair refusing to let him move. And oh my fuck did I cum. I moaned “Oh fuck Dean! Don’t stop, oh fuck, oh fuck!” as I came. The relief of the orgasm washed over me and Dean kissed me again.
He pulled his face back from mine, staring into my eyes as he lined his cock up with my pussy. He wrapped one arm around my waist and held my throat with the other hand. I was more than enjoying getting to experience this side of Dean. I don’t know if it was nerves or what but it took a few minutes to get his cock all the way inside me. I had never felt so full as he slowly pumped inside me. He kept his eyes on me the whole time. It was a little intimidating because he was so serious looking. Once he was all the way inside me he brought his lips to mine and brought both of his forearms under my knees so my legs were bent. He fucked me slowly, pausing every few thrusts when he was all the way inside of me. I really enjoyed this and would tighten my pussy muscles every time he held himself inside me. Dean smirked when he felt it and told me how good I felt. He continued slowly and sensually pausing inside of me and kissing me then thrusting slowly while sucking and nibbling my nipples. The build up of this left me a panting moaning mess. He stared into my eyes and asked “Are you ready to be fucked now?” I knew what he meant, he had been making love to me but he now wanted to wreak havoc on my pussy. I looked him in the eyes and said “Fuck Me”. And he did. He fucked me so good and hard my entire body was tingling. I could tell he was close because I was close. That feeling of a man’s cock getting bigger inside of you when he’s about to cum is sheer joy. He grabbed my throat with one hand and pinned my hip with the other mercilessly fucking me as we came. The warmth from his cum inside me was fucking delicious. Sexually there is not better feeling than a man cumming inside you. He stayed inside me after kissing my neck and lips, grazing his hands over my nipples. My body hadn’t stopped tingling and I was grateful he stayed inside me, I wasn’t sure if I could trust my legs to stand just yet. He pressed his chest to mine, kissing my lips and whispered “Finally”.
Damn you can write… That was an awesome story. Made me feel like I was there. I want to be Dean!
Nice job.