Caesar and Cleopatra [MF] [First time] [Older Man/Younger Woman] [Oral] [hint of impreg]

“Thank you. You may leave now.”

Gaius Julius Caesar watched as the man called Apollodorus bowed and left. Earlier that evening, he had arrived in Caesar’s room in this wing of the palace and presented a gift “from a generous friend in Egypt”. No idea who it was, he thought, but the gift in question was a large, ornate rug, possibly local craftsmen, but more likely from the Parthian Empire or beyond.

Caesar examined the intricate designs and many colors on the rolled up rug. His time in Egypt so far yielded mixed results. Chasing Pompey, who he’d beaten for total control of Rome, Caesar had arrived to find that Pompey was dead – killed on the orders of Ptolemy XIII, Pharaoh of Egypt. Apparently the boy king’s advisers thought this would win favor with Caesar. They were wrong, very wrong. In addition to being denied the personal sanctification of winning the civil war by himself, Caesar had a personal honor code. And the Egyptians interfering in Roman affairs broke that. Egypt was weaker than Rome, not the other way around. Did not one of the earlier Ptolemies even write in his will that Egypt was to go to Rome in the event of his death? Probably there to appease his Roman financiers during a civil war to oust a usurping brother.

Caesar was seriously considering enforcing that will one way or another. The Romans had bigger problems then dealing with the inbred descendants of one of Alexander the Great’s generals who pretended to be foreigners in a foreign land. He was about to walk over to the bed when the carpet, rolled up on the floor, began to unravel.

The carpet rolled out, the cords used to tie it intentionally loose. And it became clear to Caesar exactly why that was so.

Inside the rolled up carpet was a woman, probably early twenties by his guess. Her eyes, only slightly accentuated by the Egyptian style eye makeup, stood out to him immediately, focused and wide. Her nose was a little bigger than most, but it did not detract from her overall attractiveness, which he thought was a good thing. Her skin had clearly been tanned by the hot Egyptian sun, but appeared to once have been fair like those from the Aegean Sea. She wore a golden headcloth that showed off her adaption to Egyptian ways, but her simple white peplos gown told him that she was still a Greek at heart.

Or Macedonian. This was Cleopatra, sister to Ptolemy XIII and rival for the throne. They’d been made joint kings, but Ptolemy’s advisers pushed her out, wanting to rule through an idiot adolescent.

And now she was here, presumable to try to win his support.

“I apologize for surprising you like that,” said Cleopatra, a slight purr to her voice. She spoke Greek with the Macedonian accent. Two and a half centuries later and the Ptolemies never forgot their roots. “But it was the only way to get in. My brother’s people are everywhere in the palace, and his guards have orders to bring me to him on sight.”

“No apology needed.” replied Caesar, using Greek as well. It was the language that would allow one to get by anywhere in the Mediterranean. “Now tell me what you have to say.”

Cleopatra propped herself on an elbow. She thought it was a good pose, to catch the eye of Caesar. A man more than twice her own age. Despite that, he remained a handsome man, who’d aged well and remained in as much of a peak for a man past fifty could get to. The head of gray hair and receding hairline did nothing to affect that.

“My father left in his will that my brother and I were to be joint rulers,” she began. “But since I’m a good seven years older than him, it was only natural I took the senior role in the divine marriage until he came of age. But his advisers and generals-”

Caesar raised a hand.

“Don’t any more than you need to. We both know what you’re going to say next: that your father meant for you to be the true ruler, that your brother is a weakling and illegitimate. And you’re going to end it with a request to use my troops to oust your brother and put you on the throne as sole ruler.” It was too obvious to him. An innovative way of gaining an audience with him was a good start, but it would take more than that. Caesar and his troops were outnumbered, and on another realm’s terrain. He couldn’t be too hasty.

Cleopatra’s eyes sunk. She didn’t betray it on her face, but she once again realized that all her hopes had come down to one man. Not exactly good odds.

“But I will hear you out. Tell me this: what can you offer me that your brother cannot? Why should I support you when your brother can offer largely the same?”

Now, she liked those odds.

She knew from her spies that Caesar had a taste for women: there were tales of him sleeping with at least one woman in every Gallic village he’d conquered in his ten years in Gaul. As well as affairs with several prominent Roman women. She knew he wouldn’t pass up the chance to lay with a claimant to the throne of Egypt. Him being easy on the eyes was just the honey on the pastry.

“Don’t you think, great Caesar, that I, having been helped to power by you, be more likely to serve your interests, no? Your city needs grain, and Carthage alone won’t suffice. Help me return to my rightful place and I’ll shower Rome in grain from the Nile. Combine your forces with mine in Upper Egypt, and we can easily defeat my brother’s halfhearted troops and those unruly Gabiniani mercenaries that call themselves Romans. Of course, to a man like you this probably doesn’t mean too much…”

Cleopatra went to her knees, sitting up, and shrugged off her gown. Nothing underneath it, she was soon completely naked, save for the headdress and an amulet necklace that fell to her breasts. *Maybe he’ll like the idea of fucking a queen.* She sat there, on her knees and ready to make a move on him with his approval. There was the slight chance that he’d decline and ask her to leave, but she liked her chances.

“… but I imagine *this* would be more persuasive.” She took a finger to her mouth, licking it seductively.

Caesar was stone faced for a few seconds, weighing his options. Then, he walked towards her, stopping when his waist was about as high as her head.

“Get my prick out.” The die had been cast.

So she fiddled with his belt and tunic for a moment. Though she had no intention of telling Caesar unless he asked, Cleopatra had never lain with a man up until now. She had never intended to let her little brother have her, and in the past she had thought about giving herself to the most powerful general available in Egypt to secure her place. But the right opportunity had never come along, until the Romans came knocking on Alexandria’s door. She imagined Caesar would enjoy taking the virginity of a claimant of one of the strongest kingdoms in Rome’s neighborhood. But she wasn’t entirely unprepared, however, having sent an agent a week ago to anonymously get advice from a madam in the city on how to best pleasure a man. Some men preferred a more experienced woman, as they knew all the right spots to poke out and the right ways to do this or that.

All of that, however, remained in her head as she put her fingers around Caesar’s half flaccid cock, slowly getting harder from the sight of a pretty woman in the nude. One that was also slowly stroking. “You like that?”

“Yes, just like that.” Caesar had easily accepted Cleopatra’s offer to sleep with him, and he felt as if there was no harm or threat to him. Why would she want to do anything but gain his support?

Cleopatra stroked for a minute, then moved on to her mouth. She used her tongue to rub and lick the underside of his cock, before using her lips to take his head in her mouth, sucking softly before moving on down. From there, she slid back and forth, using her now free hand to explore his balls and lightly massage him. She was rewarded with a sigh from the Roman, a sure sign she was doing something right. His cock became slick with saliva as Cleopatra began to multitask, sucking Caesar off while working on his balls at the same time.

“Mmm.” Caesar hummed as he put a hand on Cleopatra’s jaw, slightly jerking it upwards. She instinctively looked up to him.

“Eyes on me.”

She winked at him and stared up as she kept sucking and massaging. She felt encouraged to go faster on him, even though it was becoming something of a mess with all the spit. But at the same time, she found herself… enjoying it? She liked hearing him moan and groan under her touch, and put her other hand on her clit, rubbing small circles. Oh, he’d take her entrance there, soon. But for now, she tried to get him to come from just what her mouth and hands could do.

This went on for several minutes, her servicing him as her eyes kept their steady gaze on the gray haired fox of a man. Then he abruptly pulled out of her, and said, “In your mouth.” She noted he was very hard now and twitching the last few seconds before he’d paused to give her his command. He was going to cum.

But she didn’t think it would stop there. Caesar didn’t seem like the man to do things in halves.

He put his hand on her neck and started forcing her to move her mouth on him a lot more roughly than before. Back and forth she slid until he grunted some more, and then he came. Holding her head in place, he only moved her to time it with the spurts of cum that shot out of his shaft and into her warm and inviting mouth. She could feel it going down her throat, fast, and she nearly gagged, the whole thing being almost too much for her. But eventually he pulled himself out, the last of the seed dripping from her lips as she licked them clean.

With a few fluid motions, she gulped, sending what was left down her throat for good. “That was… fun.” She didn’t exactly like admitting it, but it was the truth and her words could only excite him to do more with her.

And the smile on his face confirmed it. “Of course it was. Now, to the bed. On your back.”

She obeyed, winking again and swishing her hips as she stood up, gave him a quick kiss, and plopped herself on her back, spreading her legs and waiting for him to take her, and further completed this mutually beneficial deal. But Caesar surprised her, instead lowering his head to between her legs after he discarded his clothes. Not that he would be needing them.

If this was Rome, Caesar wouldn’t be doing this. Sucking the fig, as some called it, was taboo back home, only fit to be done by slaves for their mistresses. But he liked it, because he found that women on the receiving end of a fast moving tongue became like clay in his hands. He became their new best friend, their favorite person that they’d come back to. More than one girl in Gaul even thanked him, a Roman conqueror, for doing it to them.

Maybe a potential Queen of Egypt would do the same.

Cleopatra knew what he was about to do. The madam she’d gotten her info from really knew everything. She spread her legs a little more and beamed down at Caesar as he laid beside her, his head just a few hairs away from her virgin entrance-

And then he did it.

She was used to people kneeling before her, but nothing like this. And the head between her legs was an expert, licking her clit and the surrounding areas with swift motions and flicks of alternating speed. Her pleasure was exponentially magnified, as her first time with a tongue between her legs proved to be everything she was expecting, and then some. She was soon wet, some of her arousal getting to his face. “Fuck, keep going…” She wasn’t in any position to tell Caesar what to do, but the words could not stay in her throat. The rush inside her was just that good.

This went on for a few moments, the Roman general orally fucking the woman who would give him the keys to a kingdom – and possibly more if he wanted it.

Caesar lifted his head for a moment after her loudest cry, admiring his handiwork – or rather, his tongue work. He wanted her worked up like this, eager to fuck him and beg for him to give her what she wanted, deep down. He wanted to enjoy the little moments of taking the Queen of Egypt to bed, and possibly a lover if the dice roll proved to be a good one.

“Not bad,” he said briskly as he climbed up to kiss her. It was slow and deep, as she was still getting used to everything that had just transpired like a gust of wind that nearly blew her off her feet. His tongue explored her mouth, and hers did the same.

When he was done, he moved back a little bit, his cock hard again and very close to entering her. “Should I be gentle?” he asked with curious tone. “Or does the princess prefer something more… sturdy?”

That was one way to describe rough and passionate sex.

“Gentle,” was Cleopatra’s reply. “To start.” She’d never laid with a man before, being promised to her younger brother years ago. But that pathetic man-child would never be so lucky as to kiss her. She supposed that she could’ve taken a eunuch bodyguard for practice, but she’d never found the time for it. Apollodorus said to her that she already had a husband – her “spouse” was the task of taking all of Egypt for herself. Wedded to the job, as he’d described it.

She didn’t feel too bad about giving that part of her to Caesar. She had no special affection for her brother and she could always find another yes-man to serve as “king” once she was on the throne. A thought crossed her mind about asking Caesar to impregnate her, but best not to bring it up, she thought to herself.

The thought soon went away as he began to take her properly, and gently as requested. His manhood slowly pushed inside her, stiff and warm, and her lips popped open with a half cry, because it did hurt at first. The madam had made that very clear, although she said that once the initial feeling of pain passed, it would soon dissolve to pleasure. And pleasure it was, as Caesar began to slide himself back and forth. Despite being in his fifties he seemed to have the stamina of a much younger man, in the prime of his life and with a determined drive.

“So good,” she let out of her mouth, and she really believed it. Caesar somehow knew all the ways to please and pleasure her body. Not only was his cock hitting a certain spot inside her that drove a powerful sensation throughout her body, he was busy with his hands, exploring her breasts and nipples with fascination and lusty intent. Her legs began to settled around his torso, holding on as he slowly began to move faster, sliding in and out more rapidly. Now that she’d gotten used to the feeling, she was starting to enjoy it.

Cleopatra closed her eyes, taking it all in as Caesar’s hands were followed by his mouth. His tongue really did know how to make a woman go crazy, with all the ways it licked and suckled on her nipples. They were quite sensitive sexually, and she started moaning again, along with the occasionally plea for him to do it again. Which he did, only sending the sensation rushing another time throughout her body. She petted his hair, just because, and it seemed to make him do that same suckling motion, the one that felt so good.

Gods, she was enjoying this newfound pleasure.

A slender hand went from gripping the bed to her clit, rubbing it and accelerating the effect. If Caesar felt offended at the idea of his cock being unable to fully please her, he made no sign of it. Instead, he stopped playing with her breasts and lifted his head, gazing at her as his hips kept their rhythmic thrusts, never missing a beat. Cleopatra’s other hand lifted up to his chest. It was no athlete’s abdomen, but nice to touch nevertheless.

“The princess likes what she sees,” Caesar commented with a sly grin, leaning in with his head again, but this time towards her face, as if to kiss her.

“The feeling is mutual, I presume?”

“Very.” Then he went in for a more passionate kiss, more forceful and desiring. Closing her eyes again, Cleopatra realized that she liked kissing him, tasting his lips and taking in whatever wine he’d been drinking beforehand. When her mouth let go again, she watched him focus on her face as his hips continued to slam into her, building something inside of her.

With each thrust of his cock filling her up yet again, each press against her sweet spot inside and each rub of the clit, she felt herself being slowly pushed towards a thrilling edge. Sure, she’d fingered herself her and now to satisfy her urges when they came about. But this… this was much different. The feeling of being filled, emptied, and filled again was a very pleasing one, and she was seriously considering bedding Caesar for as long as he was in Egypt. But now there was that heat all in her, with those good feelings and heart pounding. Caesar looked like he was sweating profusely, and so was she.

The Roman general leaned in to kiss her again, but she put her hand on his chest a bit higher, towards his heart. It wasn’t romantic – not yet – but she was sure he’d appreciate the gesture.

“I’m…” she mumbled for a second, trying to get the right words. “I’m about to…” It was close, very close.

He saw her desire, her need for that liberating feeling, and gripped her sides firmly with his hands. “You’re ok with it going… in?”

The thought of having him give her a baby crossed her mind again. All wisdom and providence screamed against it. Would the Egyptian populace accept a queen impregnated by a Roman? But Ptolemies came and went, often disposing each other in one civil war after another. An heir of half Ptolemaic blood during peacetime was better than two pureblood heirs at each other’s throats. And with Roman support, the rest of the country would go along with it. That, of course, assumed she’d get pregnant from one time. Win-win situation all around.

It was good to be the queen.

“Do it,” she said to him, almost a command. He might not be the one losing his virginity, but she was the one to decide how this night ended. Luckily for her, they’d both be very happy with the outcome.

He nodded and went back to fucking her properly, taking his time with his thrusts now. Their sighs and moans complimented each other, one after the other as each received highs and lows of sexual pleasure. The cultists of Aphrodite and Hathor were devoted to those goddesses for a reason, Cleopatra mused to herself as she felt her walls getting tighter and tighter.

Finally she came, letting Caesar’s name come out of her mouth in between cries of sheer bliss. She could feel herself dripping all over his shaft as it continued to push into her, only accelerating that amazing feeling.

Caesar, in turn, could feel her release as he got ever so close to the desired outcome. Then it happened. He gave off one last primal gasp as he pushed his hips and shot himself deep inside her. Load after load of his seed was dumped in her, one at a time, as his movements became slower, showing off the effects of his own fuzzy feelings in his head. It wasn’t all bad, though, given how it seemed to have no effect on his ejaculation. Eventually he stopped, slowly laying himself down on her as he kissed around her neck and ears, nibbling lightly as he did.

Cleopatra closed her eyes again and let off little sounds of approval as he did so. Maybe it was all one giant primal urge, but she enjoyed the whole thing, from taking his cock in her mouth to feeling him spend his seed inside of her. As she came back down to earth, she briefly worried about getting pregnant again. But it went away after an especially tender kiss on her neck, near where her skin became breast.

Caesar looked up at her, his arms wrapped around her now, and smiled again. Her first time had been with a man over twice her age, but she never felt the difference and would be more than happy to take him again.

“Do we have an arrangement now?” Caesar, of course, had a habit of mixing business with pleasure. Those affairs back in Rome weren’t entirely for his own fun.

“I think we do. A very good one.” She didn’t have many words, and pulled him down for another kiss, which he accepted with no resistance. He’d been wanting to do that as well.

Soon they were just laying there, in each other’s embrace. The die had indeed been cast, and things in Egypt just got very complicated, thought Caesar to himself. But he looked at her, the headdress having falling off long ago to reveal dark wavy hair that complimented her fair, sun kissed skin quite well. He had made a good decision, and he was going to see it through, just like crossing the Rubicon.

*Hey everyone, thanks for reading! First time posting here – I’ve been trying to challenge myself to write sexy scenes by myself, and this my first attempt at it in a while, so I may be rusty at times. I think you’ll like it though! Any little historical errors are mine alone, though creative licence was obviously taken. I went with Cleopatra being inexperienced, but knowing what she wanted out of the affair. Also, she’s about 21-22.*

*Please comment and tell me if you liked it! I’m considering doing more smut scenes set in the ancient world, in a variety of settings.*



  1. This was great! I hope we see more period pieces from you in the future :)

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