The Teacher Surprises Me

I am a woman who gets what she wants. I’m smart, well-educated and beautiful. I honestly believe I could have any man I want. So why am I obsessed with a highschool English teacher?

It began in an upscale restaurant. I was at the bar working on my third lemon drop. He was alone at a table having steak and red wine as he read his kindle. Actually read it. I suppose that got my attention first. Who comes alone to an expensive restaurant and reads? Based on the dinner and his wine selection he was dropping $150-$200, pre-dessert or tip. To read alone.

I studied his looks. Wavy brown hair that needed a trim and some styling. Nice eyebrows. Too far away for exact eye color, but they were dark and serious. Beautiful, almost feminine eye lashes.
Face clean-shaven and tan. Collared shirt nice enough to pass inspection at the door. Broad shoulders. I wondered how muscular his back was. I love feeling a man’s back ripple as he fucks me. His shirt sleeves were rolled to his elbows, and his forearms had me tingling. Lean and brown and with just enough dark hair. I fantasized about touching them as I rode him and he caressed the smooth flesh of my bottom. I would lean over him so my nipples brushed his face, occasionally grinding my hips in small circles so I could bring grunts of pleasure from him, working his heavy ballsack with my flexing asscheeks. Wow! I needed to slow down or I’d slide off of my stool. Or leave a damp spot, as I was wearing a short skirt with a lacy thong underneath. He stood and walked to the men’s room, providing me a great view of his powerful back and muscular ass. Just a hint of bubble butt. Just the way I like it. Damn!

He returned, finished his meal and left a tip without ordering dessert. He paid cash. Then he was gone and I was left with my imagination and my vibrators when I got home. I needed to see him again. Be fucked by him. Make him cum.


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