It started as a simple photo shoot

John was a budding male model, having done several underwear shoots for Male magazines and a couple of websites. It was when sat at home one late evening browsing online Male model adverts he stumbled across one that caught his eye ‘Male fetish wanted for bondage shoot-gay mag and online content’.

Johns cock twitched at the add and his inner curiosity was awoken. He opened a new browser page and searched Male fetish websites that included bondage. He was gobsmacked and what he found and yet his cock twitched even more and was harder than he had ever imagined it could have been.

Before he knew it he was submitting a few sample photos to the advert along with a brief bio about himself, he answered the questions – age- 34, status- single, preference- bi-curious (he’d never done anything bi but had thoughts occasional while on previous underwear shoots), availability- free all the time. And click it was submitted.

He clicked back to the fetish websites and carried on looking at the pictures…….

After that night things just went back to normal for a while, John did a few more shoots and went about his ordinary pretty boring life all thoughts of the advert had passed as nothing had come from it.

And then one pretty miserable afternoon he checked his emails to find a response.
‘Good morning John,
Thank you so much for your application email regarding our advert. We have done some checking into your profile and online presence and think you would be perfect for our requirements.
Assuming you are still interested please contact me in the office on the number below and we can get you in for a quick chat with a few sample shots.
We can then both decide if we are both happy to proceed.
Best wishes

Johns cock once again sprang into a rock hard state.

He rang the office and spoke with a lovely sounding lady and made an appointment for the following week. He received an email confirmation of his appointment at 10.30 on Monday, and was asked to fully shave face and pubic areas.

The rest of the week seemed to go so slowly, but soon it was Sunday night, excited but also very nervous, he went to bed and set an early alarm to shower and shave.



  1. 3.
    John didn’t sleep great on Sunday night, he lay awake thinking of what was in store for him the next day. He got up nice and early and showered, it was strange shaving his pubic areas, he had only ever trimmed in the past to keep it nice and neat. However he spent a considerable time making sure he removed all sign of hair from his cock, balls and his ass.

    He stood and looked at himself in the mirror, he was amazed at how much bigger his cock looked now he was completely smooth. Don’t get me wrong he wasn’t small in that department but he just looked a lot bigger.

    Dressing smart he set off to the appointment, when he arrived he was surprised to find what looked like a warehouse, however there did seem to be offices at the front.

    He pressed the buzzer and waited, a voice came over the intercom ‘hey john please come in’ John pushed the door and walked into a corridor with a door at the end. Nervously he walked towards the door, which opened as he got to it.

    A fine looking receptionist stood behind the door and gestured him inside. “Good morning John it’s great to see you in the flesh finally, Steve will be with you soon but while you wait please remove all your clothes, there is a box on the desk for you to place them in”
    Johns face must have told a thousand stories as the receptionist quickly smiled and said “don’t worry John, we will be seeing you in a much different light soon” and laughed.

    John was nervous but did as he had been asked attempting to hide his raging rock hard cock, the receptionist was perfect example of a female.

    He sat down with his hands in his lap covering his manhood. After a what seemed like an age but was only a few minutes a door opened and a man dressed in a sharp business suit entered the room. “Good morning John a pleasure to meet you I’m Steve please follow me.

  2. 4.
    John followed Steve into his office, it was a pretty simple setup there was a desk and monitor in the corner, a settee against the wall and a camera on a tripod in the middle of the room. What did catch his eye was a picture on the wall behind Steve’s desk of a latex clad Male, as in completely covered head to toe in latex with the only holes being for the models eyes. They gave the impression of worry!

    “So John today is a pretty simple chat and a few sample shots of you if that’s ok with you. So let’s begin with about you, tell me about yourself, what you’ve done in modelling and what your normal life is like, please take a seat” it was at this point that John noticed a simple stool, well more of a waist high box. It looked so innocent!

    John sat down facing Steve’s desk as Steve sat down behind it.
    He started telling Steve about some of the simple underwear photo shoots he had done in the past. He continued that he lived alone and was single, and that his life was pretty standard as things go.

    “So no girlfriend or boyfriend then” Steve said
    “No girlfriend for some time now no, and no never a boyfriend!”

    “Interesting” Steve said.

    They chatted some more about his life and how his modelling career had gone so far.

    So lets get a couple of photos of you shall we.

    The first shots were just of him sat on the stool, head shots, body shots from all angles and then a close up of his cock!
    Then Steve handed John a rather large red ball gag and a latex hood, “please put the hood on and I will help with the gag” Steve said.


    John looked nervously at Steve, don’t worry steve reassured him. John pulled the hood over his head and adjusted it, unlike the hood in the picture on the wall this hood had a opening for johns mouth too. It felt very tight and even more so when Steve pulled dry zip down on the back.

    Steve then offered the big red ball upto johns mouth, he opened it as best he could and Steve forced the ball into his mouth.
    ‘Oh my god it’s gonna dislocate my jar was the only thing John could think’
    As his jar adjusted to the gag Steve fastened it behind his head holding it in place.
    John sat feeling very uncomfortable on his stool.

    The next worried him even more when Steve placed a cuff on each wrist and then clipped then to rings on the side of the stool box. John hadn’t even noticed then. He was effectively now secured to the stool.

    Steve walked over to the office door opening it and asked his secretary to pop into his office.
    “Well don’t we look a perfect picture she said when she saw John”
    Steve spoke to her in front of John but he couldn’t hear what was said.

    The secretary then walked around John running her hands over his chest, legs and brushing the tip of his cock. “Mmmm seems you like that, well your cock says you do”

    She stopped and stood behind John, she seemed to be doing something behind him. Steve has gone back to the camera and seemed to be focusing on johns face.

    “Stacey, will you pump the handle a few times please” Steve said. John had no idea what he meant at first.

  3. 6.

    All of a sudden he felt something hard pushing up from the base of the stool, he had no idea is arse was perfectly positioned over a small hole in the top of the stool from which the item was coming from.

    Steve began clicking on the camera as johns eyes told the silent story of what was happening under his ass.

    Stacey bent lower and gave a quick pump on a bulb and John felt a liquid squirt up towards his undefended ass. She then slowly pumped the handle a few more times, John was slowly being penetrated by a dildo hidden in the stool.

    Johns eyes started to bulge “absolutely perfect Steve suddenly shouted” clicking away on his camera only focusing on johns latex covered face.

    Steve laughed and pointed out that johns cock was now rock hard and pointing straight up, “I think he likes it Stacey” he said.

    Staceys hands slowly reached round and started to play with his cock and balls, John shut his eyes, “brilliant Steve said” taking more pictures, “I need the money shot to complete the set please Stacey”

    John opened his eyes to see Stacey now in front of him kneeling down out of camera shot taking his cock in her mouth, she started slowly building up pace sucking and licking.

    Johns eyes told the story Steve wanted for the pictures and he was clicking quicker and quicker, John let out a muffled moan and he let rip into staceys open mouth.

    Steve was so happy with the pictures he clapped.

    John just sat impaled with his eyes still shut. That’s when he smelt something strange under his nose. Next thing John was waking up at home on his bed fully clothed. Just a single picture of him secured to a stool on his hood and gag attached to an envelope beside him on the bed.

    On the back of the envelope a simple message ‘read me’

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