Star whores (updated, full story till now) (science-fiction)

I posted this the other day, here’s a slightly continued version of it with a new part. But its the full story..

I love star wars. I’m playing Jedi Fallen order again after a small hiatus and it got me thinking about sexy Jedi and Sith and I’ve come up with a small story that I’d like to to expand on.

It started just after my training, I had done it, after years of training in the ways of the force I had become a true Jedi. No longer a padawan in training.
But sadly I didn’t get the long awaited vacation I sorely needed. Instead rather, one, of the master Jedi’s was attacked and murdered in cold blood by someone who could only have been a Sith.
Rather than getting a holiday I was sent on my first solo mission to a known Sith training planet to gather information, upon landing on the planet, undercover. I headed over to a local cantina, to gather information. All sort of creatures frequent the cantina and it was here where I came across a very peculiar, yet intriguing female of some unknown race. She was tall and fairly slim but thick in all the right places. She had hips that widened out which could only mean that she was a humanoid. She had this beautiful long wavy hair, that happened to be a light pale blue tinge. Her skin was also slightly pink and looked so soft. She wore a long and elegant cloak, with no jewelry, from what I could see.
Immediately as I saw her I knew she was an agent. Anyone who spent the time to become inconspicuous as she was had to be an agent.

So I followed her. I ordered a drink and sat close to her. I studied her, using all my training, I looked for the smallest details. The way she moved her hand told me she favored her left side more and the way she gently wafted from one table to another. She was a woman of grace, obviously well trained and she knew how to carry herself. But this was of a Sith planet which meant she must be a Sith, so why should she even attempt to try conceal she was an agent. Watching her speak to the patron, I realized she was respected, or feared. Then was her dress, she too had a cloak on, the tell-tale outline of a saber against that beautiful hip.

Then to my surprise she received a com and I swear I could hear her say ‘yes master’. Now the only time that is said is if she were a trainee initiate. She quickly dealt with the account and left. I had to follow, so I did too.
Once paid for i followed her, now if she were just a recruit, her training would not be up to mine. Or at least I hoped.
I followed her, concealed in the shadows for about a block or two till I saw she had a meeting with what I assume was her master, a big brute of a Sith I knew, he had a robotic arm that I knew well, considering my former master had given it to him saving me when I was but an initiate. But now my hunches were confirmed I had to be very careful, so I crept after them as they walked and spoke, I learned her name was Jayna and she indeed was an initiate.

The Sith ways were weird and unusual to me. I was trained in the ways of a Jedi after all, and my connection with the force was strong, but not strong enough to take on a Sith lord right out the gate. Maybe a trainee, but not a lord.
But this trainee, Jayna. I could feel her force and I did not want to take her on in a bad way. Rather I could feel her force was drawing to me, calling. Her lord was a repulsive force, as Sith usually are. Sith are dark and for themselves. They use the force in aggressive ways. I could feel Jayna was resisting the darkest of the Sith ways. Why I couldn’t gather.
Then something strange happened, Jayna dropped her cloak off her shoulders and what she wore surprised me. She wore a red and black corset with black stockings. I also got a full glimpse of her full bust for the first time. Then I saw what surprised me most, why had I not seen it earlier, she wore a slave collar around her neck. Was she a slave? Her master then force pulled her toward him and said “Ahh my own little sith whore”. I knew sith were evil, but this was…. Shall I say, unusual, or at least to me it was.

Although she didn’t seem in distress, Jayna seemed to be his slave, this evil sith master appeared to own her. I couldn’t stand for that, I had to free her, had to find a way to defeat and free poor Jayna. Even if the sith was perhaps older and wiser than I. I had to find a way.
Sitting and meditating on it to find what means to approach this in, I came to realize that in order to defeat a sith master I must think like a sith.
So I got to work concocting a plan, it involved poison. Not exactly the Jedi way, but then again I wasnt trying to think like a Jedi. Poison wouldn’t exactly be below a sith to use and I had to think like a sith to defeat a sith.
So I retrieved some poison, or I rather made some, out of 2 plants I found laying on the floor that once mixed, I knew would create a poison. Not to kill, but rather to dull the senses enough for me to make a deadly strike.
Sneaking up while the Sith slept, Jayna lay sleeping in a ball at the siths feet. I quickly pierced the siths neck with a needle as he slept. But now he was awake, so I quickly retracted to a safe distance. He stumbled as if drunk, the poison taking effect. Jayna just sat there shocked and afraid. I put out my blade and while the Sith was still stumbling, I struck him him. Chopped clean in half from shoulder to hip.
Jayna let out a screech of fear,i removed her bounds and she just stood there looking at me. “run, run, you’re free” I frantically said to her but Jayna just stood there, frozen. Then I hear the slightest call of “you’re my master now, I can’t run, I’m bound to you”.
What, I had my own slave, my own padawan, my own initiate. What do I do now. And on top of that she was a serious stunner. Hips that were wide, beautiful light blue hair that came down to her mid back. And an ass that was literally from another planet.

Now with her former master, the sith lord cut clean in two. She had vowed herself to me. But being a Jedi I couldn’t just shun her, she needed me. So I resided to saying “yes Jayna, what are your roles, what are you to your master”. She was taken by this, “I don’t quite know m’lord, I suppose, you own me. I am yours to do with as you please”i thought on that for a while, then I devilish idea came to my mind. “seen as you are already naked, how is your understanding of the force” I asked her with a stern face. She stood back on her heel, her breasts pushed out, “hmm I can grasp the force, sir, but I was learning. Could you continue my training” she said rather excitedly.
I considered this then said, “yes fine I’ll show you the ways of the force, first thing I want you to do is focus on my pants”, “your pants?”, “yes my pants. Focus on them and imagine pulling them down”. If I was going to show her how to use the force I was at least going to make it worth my time. “focus on pulling down my pants, imagine it. Picture it”, I was guiding her but nothing happened for a long while till eventually I felt a light tug on my pants, “yes yes. Imagine them sliding off”. Then they came down, “yeah” she triumphantly jeered. “No, composure” I said flatly, instantly causing her to become serious.

With my pants down my flaccid cock was just hanging there, “hmm Jayna, so now I want you to make it hard, you can do this the best way you know how but you cannot physically touch me”. She sat in the grass, thinking for a while, then I saw a light come on in her face. She merely spread her legs very wide and slowly stroked the full length of her slit. Once she reached the top Jayna rubbed her clit in clockwise circles with her 3 fingers then slid them back down her slit and put her middle finger in her moistening cunt, spreading her pussy lips open with her other 2 fingers and releasing a sigh. Oh my God. This was so erotic to watch, my cock let off a twitch which made her smile as she intently watched it.
“hmm so you know exactly how to get the desired effect without touching, but can you do more. Jayna I want you to picture stroking it and make love to it”. This made her smile as I said it. Then to my amazement I felt the invisible touch on my cock, I felt as she was striking me with her mind and it felt amazing.

I couldn’t take it, I needed to do more so I put an end to her training by just lifting her off the ground using the force I had. I pulled her legs apart and just floated her over to me. Standing up so I had my stiff cock sticking out straight like a 9″ pole, I just mentally brought her in and impaled her on me which illicited a moan and a breathless sigh from her. Jayna was my slave after all, there for my pleasure. So I just began to float her on and out, in a reciprocating motion, using my mental power to fuck her. Jayna couldn’t handle the weightless fuck she w getting, she screamed as I impaled her on my cock repeatedly.


1 comment

  1. Good, good. The Farce is strong with this one. There is great potential here.

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