Sure, hate-fucking an ex is slutty, but who cares? [MFM, Rough, Dom/Sub]

**Jakob’s Mate(3): A Pale Imitation**

***Jakobs Mate is made up of mostly independent stories, but if you’d like to read more…check my profile for previous entries (can’t link here).***


“Hey, don’t wait up, alright? I’ve got to run in to grab some things, do some shopping, and then I’ll buy quantum fuel. Sound good?”

Sadie was in a hurry. I was more than a little curious.

“What do you mean, ‘don’t wait up?’” I chuckled.

“Oh, that’s a nunya saying. I’m sure you wouldn’t understand.”

“None ya—”

“—Fuckin’ business, yeah it is,” Sadie winked. “Anyway, I’m safe. I’m just taking care of some shit, alright? I’ll be back in the morning.”

“Alright, bye, Sade—”

She was gone before I could finish my sentence. It was unlike her to be so cryptic. When we arrived at Outer’s Gate station, she made some shady calls from her room. It was like she was hiding something.

“Yeah, that’s Sadie,” Pru laughed, throwing a backpack over her shoulder that we had provided. “Every time the Scarborough docked at Outer’s Gate she did exact the same thing.”

“Um,” I began, not wanting to pry, but in a much larger sense, prying like a fireman saving a baby from a tangled shipwreck, “Why did—do you know what she’s doing here?”

Prudence chuckled and set herself down on the edge of the mess hall table.

“Oh, yeah. I know who she’s doing, here.”

My heart began to thump. She was free to date whomever she liked, just like I was. Why would I find a fact like that upsetting? It wasn’t like I had given her any hints I was interested. Of course, I wasn’t interested in her.

“Who she’s—” my words drifted off.

“Yeah, there’s this mech operator who works down at the mercantile exchange. He’s a big fucker. He was on the Scarborough for like—two months—and they hit it off big time. I think she had her tongue down his throat the first night.”

It was fine. The words that Pru was saying didn’t bother me in the least.

“Ah,” I smiled too widely. “Well good for her!”

“Yeah, he got a union position here and every time we docked; they’d meet up. She’d yammer on and on about how he hardly needed the exo-suit for how well he carried her around the room.”

“Oh, okay,” I laughed, walking toward the door. “Good enough.”

“You know, one time we spent a week in this port and when she re-boarded, I swear she walked different for like a month.”

“Jesus, alright. I’m sorry I asked!”

Her cackling laughter filled the mess hall.

“Holy shit, Jakob, you’re fuckin’ with me, right?” Pru called. “No, come back! Come back right the fuck now!”

I exhaled and turned in place.
“You don’t just wanna fuck her, do you?” she smiled. “I mean when I saw the way the two of you were eyeing each other in the club, I just assumed you hadn’t plumbed her depths yet. I didn’t think you actually *liked* her.”

“She’s a solid first officer,” I replied.

“Oh, don’t bullshit me, Reckless!” Pru hissed. “Dude, why not? Just fuck her! She was looking at you the same—”

“Honestly, Pru, after our previous conversation, I really don’t wanna talk about it anymore,” I groaned. “Listen if I don’t see ya, take care of yourself, alright?”

She nodded. Pru hopped off the table and walked over to me. I thrust out my hand. She batted it aside.

“You didn’t have to come with her, but I’m glad you did. You saved my life, Reckless. If you ever need anything—fucking anything—hit me up. I’ll be there.”

Prudence embraced me in a surprisingly warm hug. I patted her back twice, keeping it professional as I could. There was one question I wanted to ask her in that moment.

“You happen to know a good bar on the station?”


Prudence did point me to a fine establishment indeed. The drinks were cheap and tasty. The people were mostly loners and drunks. Five “Depth Charges” in, I was starting to smile again. I tried not to think of exactly how many ways my first mate was getting fucked. Part of me considered going to a strip club, but I wasn’t quite *that* down. Maybe after a few more mixed drinks.

It was as the sixth Depth Charge slammed in front of me that I glanced to my left. There was a man who hadn’t been there mere moments prior.

“What can I get you?” the robotic arm asked in its best impression of a bartender.

“What are you having, sir?” the peculiar person asked me.

I drew my eyebrows together.

“A bad fucking night.”

The slick-haired man looked back to the robotic arm and ordered.

“One ‘Bad Fucking Night,’ please!”

The robotic barkeep’s voice actually sounded annoyed.

“The Depth Charges are very popular. I’ll pour you one.”

The almost greyish-skinned man looked at me. His appearance was that of every stereotypical twentieth century librarian from high-school flicks. He may as well have had huge wide-lensed glasses as he examined me.

“Would you like to talk about your love problems?”

I raised one eyebrow.


My voice was quiet for a long time. Then, something bothered me.

“Okay, one: what gives you the right to ask about my problems. Two: how the hell do you know for sure it’s *love problems.*”

The odd man turned back to me.

“I do not mean to force an unpleasant topic. Please forget that I asked.”

I had a nice buzz, and if those same summer teen romances taught me anything, it was that he would offer me sage-like wisdom if I confessed my problems. I laughed at the thought.

“Lady I’m into is off getting lubricated by another guy.”

He nodded slowly.

“And I can tell that is quite bothersome,” he sighed. “Sexual tension causes so many problems in h—it has certainly troubled me on many occasions. Many of my colleagues have had sex. Its emotional connections cause us to make such terrible decisions, ones we normally would not.”

“You haven’t had—” I began.

“My name is Hezekiah,” he interrupted, thrusting a gloved hand forward.

It was like shaking hands with a slightly living statue.

“Hi, Hezekiah,” I mumbled. “Religious name?”

“Yes, I enjoy it,” he nodded. “Well, I cannot speak to your personal situation, but I can only say that—it is irrelevant.”

“What?” I gasped, setting my half-emptied Depth Charge down on the virtual bar. The screen emanated a wooden thunk that was actually quite satisfying. “The fuck do you mean it’s—”

“No amount of worry can change it,” he replied. “Much like other humans’ bad decisions related to sex, they usually work themselves out, or the people drift apart. There is no point in wasting your energy worrying. Live for the moment. If you two are—”

He stopped.

“I must use the restroom.”

Just as quickly as Hezekiah had come, he left and entered the single-room lavatory.

“What—a—fucking—loon,” I mumbled.

Mere seconds later, the sound of mag boots and exo-motors filled the hallway. The bar silenced. We knew the sound of an agent when we heard one.

An armored titan of a man ducked underneath the door jamb. His head was larger than my chest. I hated synthetic soldiers. They were hardly human. I’d seen a few, but this asshole looked mean.

“Attention Gate patrons. My name is agent Three and I’m here looking for this man!” A trio of miniscule drones popped out from his suit and hovered to project a three-dimensional image that looked almost like Hezekiah, but not quite.

“Holy fuck, Jakob?” a woman’s voice cheered. I recognized that voice.

“Leah?” I laughed, standing from the bar and finishing my sixth Depth Charge. I lowered my voice and stepped to the side as agent three scowled. I continued in a whisper. “Oh my God, you’re an UNSEC goon now?”

“Yeah,” she smiled, whispering as the agent continued behind her. “Girl’s gotta make ends meet somehow, you know?”

I remembered why I had a thing for gingers as she leaned against the bulkhead in her unflattering navy-blue flak jacket. Her red curls were tight and pinned to her scalp, but still there. I remembered grabbing them, and the way she’d call out as I tugged hard enough to snap a lesser woman’s neck. That was Leah, though. It was how she liked it. The woman was as white as alabaster and had tiny brown freckles covering every inch of her body. Every inch; I’d checked on many occasions.

“Well listen, I know it’s been forever,” she smiled. “Like, forever, but would you want to come to my place so we could catch up? Three here is just checking the bathroom and Lord knows he doesn’t need me anyway.”

I glanced over and saw the comically large black-armored man reach for the handle to find it locked. He grumbled. Three sunk his fingers into the pliable metal and ripped the door sideways, collapsing it into the nearby wall as though it were made of paper. An empty room stared back at him.

“So, are you doing anything?” she wondered. “I know it’s presumptuous to ask. You just look like you could use a break, no offense.”

“The fuck?” I whispered, staring at the empty stall.

As Three stomped back past me, one thing caught my eye. It could hardly be called a revolver, for the size of it, but a revolver-shaped hand cannon with twin-vented channels glowed menacingly with a soft baby blue illumination. A steel-woven cord extended from the base of the firearm into his suit’s fusion battery. *Oh, that Agent Three,* I thought.

The devastator railgun was famous. He was the only numbered agent to carry one. Perhaps he was the only one unsubtle enough to use it. It could fire a plasma slug straight through a battle tank, if three so desired.

“Any information leading to the capture of this man can be left at the UNSEC office. There is a reward for sharing intel that is found to be useful. Thanks for listening,” he mumbled, his baritone voice seeming to read from a memorized script, “drunk fucks.”

“I’m, uh—” I sighed, looking into her blue eyes. Leah was definitely American, but her Irish descent added a sexy European flare. We had broken up amicably. Our chemistry was goddamn incredible. If Sadie could get fucked, so could I. “Totally free! Let’s do it, girl.”


A refreshing fact about Leah was that there was never any pretense of social correctness needed. As she walked in the door to her small flat, she kicked her boots together and they loosened enough for her to slip them off. She dropped her coat to the floor as she walked to the kitchenette and grabbed a pair of glasses.

“Jason, give us a couple electrolytic boosters, please.”

Her smirk was devilish as she turned back around. The white tank top covered her pink sports bra. As the glasses filled underneath the dispenser that was traditionally used for coffee, Leah pressed a button on her belt and it clicked rapidly as it unfastened. She didn’t take it out of her pants, she just dropped them both to save time.

Her ass was just as gorgeous as I remembered it. A matching pink thong topped her extremely toned rear end. She had always worked in security. Fitness was a way of life for her. She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

“Remember this?”

“I am ready to get reacquainted,” I chuckled, feeling woozy as I walked up behind her. I ran a palm down her muscular form, and she purred.

“Drink,” she ordered, placing the cup in my hand.

I nodded, downing the refreshing beverage in one gulp.

“Still can put ‘em back, hmm?” She turned back to the bar. “Electrolytic beverage Jas—”

The alcohol in my body lowered my body’s natural limitations. I slapped her ass so hard that it echoed around the room and her hips slammed against the countertop. I almost went to apologize, then I remembered who I was standing behind.

“Fuck, I missed you,” she growled. Her mouth shot up to mine as the drink machine began to fill my cup again. Apparently, the AI understood partial requests.

“You too, Leah,” I smiled, breaking away from her kiss and unfurling her scrunchies to allow her signature bright-reddish hair to drop from their restrained buns.

“Still love it, hmm?” she chuckled, downing her own drink.

“Curls are good for leverage,” I returned, playing with them before giving a gentle tug. “I swear, most girls don’t let me do half the shit we did.”

“Most girls are missing out,” she winked.

She walked toward her bed and I followed. She stopped in the doorway of the narrow one-bedroom suite and stripped off her top and bra, dropping them to the floor. She followed suit with the thong, until she stood before me nude.

“Get yourself hard, I’m gonna go—”

“Way ahead of you,” I replied shoving my cock to her waiting folds with little fanfare.

She moaned as I wrenched both arms behind her back and started pounding into her with as much force as I could.

“Fu—u—ck,” she giggled. “Did I—say—how much—I missed—”

I kicked my leg behind her right one and forced her to take a step forward toward her desk. I wrapped her long fiery hair into my right hand while still holding her arms with my left. I lowered her head to the desk with slightly less force than a slam. It was like riding a bicycle. I knew exactly how Leah wanted it.

“I missed—” she spoke with a slightly squished mouth as my palm met the top of her face. “Jesus Christ!”

“You flatter me,” I groaned, slamming her wrist to the desk and reaching around to play with her clit as our bodies meshed together. “But I’m no god.”

I poured every ounce of my pent up, sexually frustrated, rage into each thrust. I hammered her like I never had with another woman. She ate up every bite of it and licked the plate clean.

“Yes!” she screamed out clutching for some surface to grab on the metal desk. She sent a small lamp and cup full of pens flying. “Yes, you are!”

Leah was definitely enjoying herself. Every few slams, she would raise her leg slightly and squeak. I heard a muffled sentence shoot from her mouth that I was pretty sure was “so fucking deep.” I released her face and stood up. I grabbed her hips and started to ram into her with increased speed and leverage.

“Holy fuck, Jakob,” her words came in-between piston-like thrusts. “You’re hitting—Oh, fuck! I’m fucking—fuck!”

Her body shook as the first of many orgasms caused her milky-white body to redden. It was a new record. Usually, when she came that fast, she was riding me. I suppose the thought of missing me accelerated the process. It was nice to be missed.

“Oh my God,” she breathed, clutching the desk like it was her best friend. “Jakob, what the fuck was that? You were like—fuck. I can’t even—words.”

It was nothing. Unlike when I was talking about Sadie, Leah Walsh was literally nothing. It felt good, don’t get me wrong, but our relationship had always been like this. We’d fuck, and then screw, and then fuck again for good measure. Then we’d both go to work. We’d eat lunch and sometimes fuck over break, then we’d go to one of our houses and have dinner. We might even go for dessert if one of us felt like it, then we’d have ice cream after we finished dessert.

It was fun. We never fought. Both of us knew what we were, and we were damn good at it, but being with Leah now felt so much emptier than it had in my mid-twenties.

I tugged her up by her hair and threw her over the bed facedown.

“Holy shit,” her muffled voice shouted. “This is going to be a good night.”

I slipped a pair of fingers in from behind and then rubbed myself as I readied to re-enter her.

“You don’t expect me to shower first?” she almost drooled.

“No, Ms. Walsh, I expect you to come.”

I slipped a pair of pillows underneath her hips and stuffed myself back inside of her, eliciting a moan that was low and thankful, rising to a lusty chuckle. I slammed a palm to her ass and brushed my thumb just above her pussy, massaging her ass gently.

“I’m dead,” she screamed. “Fuck, I can’t even—”

“Shit, you talk a lot,” I grunted.

“You’re Fu—ucking my brains out,” she returned like a manic patient who was losing her mind. “I can’t—Jesus—what the fuck did you eat?”

I continued hammering her, my mind elsewhere, as I looked up into the reflection of the mirror that was over her desk. I was dripping sweat. My pants were still around my ankles. Why wasn’t I loving a moment of it? This was *exactly* my scene.

As her moans began to intensify again, I could tell she was getting closer to a climax. If nothing else, I would show her a good time. I plunged my slickened thumb inward gently as I thrusted, and her moans deepened and began to correspond with each percussive hammering of my hips.

“Jakob!” she shouted. “Holy—”

She buried her face into the sheets and screamed out some chain of unintelligible obscenities. I felt her ass begin to shake and pulse on my thumb and her walls contract around dick. She pushed herself back off the bed like an animal, trying to take me as deep as she possibly could as she reached her orgasm.

“Oh my God—” fired from her mouth like grateful praise to her sexual master as I withdrew myself from both her holes.

“You still haven’t—” Leah was entirely out of breath as she turned to face me. She stared at my member like a holy relic. “Oh, my fuck you have never had a thankful slut do the nasty shit I’m about to do to thank you.”

She got up onto her knees and dragged me across the bed with surprising force, slamming my back to the sheets. She hopped down and placed my dick against her face. She kissed it and stroked like a pilgrim finally reaching their holy place.

“Look at this guy,” she whispered, flattening her chin to my hips and gently rocking my cock against her cheek. “Utterly unreal. Never—ever—had anything like you, Jakob Reclaus. I think I’m gonna have to impound your ship.”

I laughed as she took my cock into her mouth and massaged between my legs with both of her other hands. She used impressive core strength to bob up and down with only one hand gripping my member for support.

“Hey, Leah?” a voice called from the front door.

My hips jerked as I withdrew from her mouth.

“What the fuck, Leah?” I whispered.

“It’s fine, it’s fine!” she shook her head.

“Whoa, what the—” a man muttered, walking into the room without previous knowledge of her company. “What the fuck? Who the fuck are you?”

“That’s what I said!” I added.

“You wanna keep fucking me?” Leah asked him.

“What?” the younger man was bewildered.

“This is Jakob. I’m gonna suck his cock while you fuck me. If that’s not cool, then get the fuck out.”

His face was one of disbelief as she returned to sucking me, despite my objections.

“Whoa, Leah,” I muttered, trying to back out of her oral assault. “This is not fucking cool.”

“He knows!” she broke away and replied in frustration. “I told him we were casual. It’s just the way I am. If he wants to keep fucking me, then he needs to do it while I suck your magnificent dick.”

She tried to continue, and I pushed her shoulders back, shoving her right onto the schmo’s dick. She moaned as he entered her.

“There’s a good boy,” Leah purred. “Alright, how bout this. Michael, you get on the bed and Jakob you get behind me. Jakob, you take my ass, while—”

She paused.

“Holy shit, what the fuck am I saying? Your monster would rip me apart. Michael, you fuck my ass while—”

I was already pulling my pants back up. Leah jumped off the poor lad’s dick and raced to my side.

“*What are you trying to say about my dick?*” the man called in a voice that was more than a bit insecure. “*You saying he’s bigger than—*”

Leah peppered kisses along my back as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Listen if this is about my ass, I’ll figure it out. I may never be the same, but I’m willing to try it. If you don’t want to share, he can watch. Just, please don’t leave!”

I recognized the schmuck at the end of the bed. He was me, once upon a time. His no-questions attitude was one of a man who was enjoying their relationship for what it was, though maybe he was a bit naiver than I was.

“Please!” Leah begged, grabbing my wrist with desperation. “That was *the best* thing I’ve ever experienced. You *have* to stay the night. I wanna milk your beautiful perfect cock for all it’s—”

“Goodbye, Leah,” I sighed, turning away from her.

“At least let me make you come!” she begged running up behind me. “I need it. I need you to do it on my—”

“I said, goodbye.”

“*Really, Leah?*” Michael sighed at her over-the-top worship of my performance that truly had only stemmed from anger.

“Ugh,” she groaned as I slipped my shirt back over my head and opened her door. “Shut up and fuck me.”

“*Can I at least fuck your ass?*”

“*I said, shut the hell up,” she groaned with almost as much frustration as I had within me, “maybe.”*

When I checked my grandfather’s mechanical aviator watch, the hands read 2:15. I walked back to the ship. As I passed Sadie’s room, I felt a sadness within me. She surely didn’t have the same trepidation I did. I knew I had it bad for her. I had no interest in finishing the job Leah had started. I just wanted to sleep.

When I woke the next morning, it was to the sound of something scratching at my door. I retrieved my handgun from underneath my pillow and wiped the drool from the side of my mouth. I cracked my neck to the left, and then to the right, and brought my pistol to eye level. Whatever was trying to get into my room was not welcome.

“Jill, door!” I called out.

Sadie jumped back s¬¬¬¬praying her black tank top with orange paint from the brush she was holding.

“Jesus, flyboy!” she giggled in surprise, smiling broadly. “I surrender!”

I lowered my gun and shook my head.

“Someone’s chipper,” I growled. “Are you painting my fucking ship?”

Her face seemed to fall slightly. The wide grin became a mere smirk as she spoke up.

“It was so dreary, and I’m part of the crew now, so I wanted to do something nice. Come look at this.”

I thought about making another snide comment, but I didn’t want to see her smile fade entirely, even if it wasn’t originally given to her by me.

“Jill, door!” she called out as soon as my feet cleared the jamb.

The panel slid shut and a trio of colors popped into vision on the previously unpainted panel that led to the captain’s quarters. Though mostly orange, there were eight mostly yellow spheres painted up from the bottom corner to the top and a wide black line after the top three. Earth was bluish green near the top of the door and a tiny grey sphere, minimally decorated, seemed to be orbiting it. There, above the moon, was a thin bronze plaque that hung unfinished by only one of two screws, a bit off kilter. It had scratched an arc in the wet paint, but I craned my neck to read it.

“*PEV Leiaan*
*Jakob Reclaus*”

“You—” my voice trailed off. “What time is it?”

“About one in the afternoon,” she laughed. “Sleep well, flyboy?”

“No. Not as well as you. You’ve been—busy.”

“Oh, you have no idea!” she laughed, following me as I shuffled out to the mess hall. “I got up *super early* this morning because I wanted to be sure it was a surprise. I planned to do it after you went to sleep, but—”

“Oh, yeah,” I laughed. “I’m sure you would have hopped *right* on that when you got back.”

In the ship’s eatery, two wide orange and black stripes fell down and made an x at the center of the room. Where they met, a Yellow oval was painted. There, the natural hull color was allowed to shine through. A cursive “Leiaan” was left in the negative space. She had polished that section of bulkhead to a shimmering shine so that it would stand out.

“Be honest,” she muttered. “I didn’t want to ask because I knew you’d say no, but do you hate it?”

“No, it’s—” I shook my head at the mysterious woman. I stepped over to the beverage dispenser. “JIL, coffee.”

My shipboard AI didn’t even ask how I took it. She knew me better than that. Black coffee streamed into the cup I had placed beneath it just before the flow started.

“Honestly, Sadie,” I sighed. “The design is great, but—”

“Let me show you the bunks!”

She ran across the room with the pep of a woman who’d been thoroughly satisfied and dragged my hand toward the crew quarters.

Each door had a slightly different colorful combination of yellow, orange, and black, but her door had three wide horizontal bars of the same colors. In the middle of the yellow bar was a similar negative space to the one she had left in the mess hall, but it had big, tall, block lettering.

“*First Officer*”

I looked to her and sighed as I shuffled back to retrieve my coffee.

“What, no name?” I asked.

“Well, it is your ship,” Sadie explained. “I didn’t want to just assume you’d be okay with me marking my territory.”

“But you thought I’d be fine with you painting it?” I asked, raising the coffee to my lips and hoping that it might help my pounding headache.

“I—” her disappointment was obvious. “I really thought—”

She shook her head and huffed.

“Did I do something wrong?”

I put the cup down and chuckled.

“No,” I replied. “Of course not. The paint is lovely, just like everything else you do or touch. I’m very glad you wanted to spruce the place up. I’m happy you had a *refreshing* offshore leave and I hope that—”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Sadie asked, resting her hand on her hip. She forgot she was holding the paintbrush. Tiny drops of orange dribbled down her baggiest clothes. I hated how adorable she looked. The woman was fucking impossible to be mad at.

“I’m just saying, I’m not surprised that you’re smiling. I’m sure you had a lovely time.”

Sadie analyzed me. She seemed to be sizing up my words and looking for holes. The realization dawned on her like a two-by-four to the face.

“Fuck!” she shouted, tossing the brush to a plate of paint that I hadn’t noticed in the middle of the mess table. “You talked to Pru.”

“Listen, Sadie, it’s fine!” I replied. “You don’t owe me a goddamn thing. I really do love the paint job. I’m sorry that I was acting like an ass.”

“I wasn’t seeing Amos! Jesus, you think I went ashore just to get fucked? Who do you think I am?”

As someone who went ashore to get drunk and fuck their misery away, the shame began to build within me.

“I was picking up the supplies to do this!” she gestured wildly to all the walls of the ship. Her eyes locked with mine. “Oh, fuck. Is that why you went and got drunk?”

“No!” I barked.

“It is!” she replied, waving a finger at me. “Jakob, I haven’t seen him in like—ten years. Plus, he’s no competition for my ship. I’m here now.”

“Pru sure made it sound like he was competition,” I grunted. “Carrying you around like—”

“Oh, you know what?” Sadie howled, raising a middle finger in my direction. “Fuck right off! I’m taking a nap! Unlike you, I was up at five-o’clock in the fucking morning trying to do something nice for my *asshole* of a captain!”

“Sadie I’m—” I began before her door interrupted me.

I fucked up, big time. I stormed back to the armory. I was going to fix this.


She napped for a surprisingly long time. I had JIL turn on white noise to hide my work, but I was startled as a banging erupted from in front of me.

“Why the *fuck* won’t JIL open my door?” she roared.

“Almost done, gorgeous,” I laughed, resuming my work. “Just another minute.”

“You, Jakob Reclaus, are the biggest piece of shit I’ve *ever* worked with. Not only do you denigrate me for trying to brighten up the ship, but you lock me in my quarters like some kind of prisoner? I’m gone, dude! Fucking gone!”

“No, you aren’t!” I called back. “You’re confined to quarters.”

“Ugh!” I heard her scream in frustration. If I didn’t finish welding quickly, my entire crew would mutiny.

“Let me out!” she roared hammering the doorway. “You are a thoughtless, ungrateful, creepy, piece of shit!”

I flipped up my welding visor and examined the work. I smiled. I took two large steps back.

“JIL, open First Officer Schultz’s door!”

The woman came out swinging like a trained boxer. She covered impressive ground, shuffling in a fighting stance, and closed on me quickly. I couldn’t hit her, not after everything I’d fucked up.

“JIL, door!” I shouted, trying to dodge her punches. “Sadie, turn ar—”

I thought I understood my first mate. I knew she was fit and had thick thighs that I wanted to rest my head between, but I didn’t exactly know why. As she chambered a beautiful kick with her right leg, the strike flew in slow-motion at my knee. I tried to turn into the kick, making sure she wouldn’t break my kneecap, and I felt muscle bruise as she swept my leg and folded my arm up to my neck. She slammed me to the floor, stepping over me to gain leverage, and she twisted my wrist with her thumb on the back of mine. I yelled out in pain as my tendons stretched.

“Fucking shit, Sadie!” I howled, “Look at the door!”

Her breath was fast and full of rage as she held the position a moment longer. She was strong, extremely strong. I was more than a little turned on. Her face finally looked up and seemed to squint at the door across the room.

Her lettering, left in negative space of the yellow paint, read First Officer just as it had before.

Beneath that sat a new set of letters that I’d printed from aluminum. They were still slightly smoldering. The polished metal almost matched the coloring of her “First Officer” title. The letters were carved in a similar cursive font to the one on my door. I’d written:

“*Sadie Schultz*”

“It’s welded on there,” I groaned in pain. “It isn’t goin’ anywhere, just like I hope you won’t.”

She released my wrist.

“Jakob,” she whispered. Her smile was wide, and her eyes were happy again. “What if—”

She chuckled and dropped her hands to my chest as she looked into my eyes.

“What if I decide to leave, or you kick me out?”

“Sadie, we been together two months now. I haven’t wanted to kill you once. That’s better than I can say about ninety-nine percent of the human race. I’m not kicking you out.”

I paused, looking back at her from the floor and having no desire to move.

“And if you decided to leave, no one’s gonna take that bunk anyway; just in case you decide to come back.”

Her stunning, perfect, smile held its ground, reducing my mind to ash. She looked away briefly and then wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a deep, warm, hug.

“You sweet man,” she muttered, kissing the top of my head. “You’re a thoughtful, caring, wonderful, and creepy, flyboy.”

“Creepy?” I asked.

“Oh, that’s all you hear?” she chuckled, pressing her warm breasts against my face as she held the hug firm. “Yeah. Definitely said creepy as well.”

“Why?” I asked looking into her eyes that were mere inches from mine.

“While I was painting . . .” she smiled, flicking my nose.

“. . .I painted over the lens in the showers, too.”


**Was it as good for you as it was for me? If so, please consider following me!**

***Part 4 coming soon!***



  1. I am so glad you decided to share your passion with us. I’ve never been so invested into an NSFW story, by this point: Don’t you dare abandon the project before these tensions unload. ;)

    Thanks once again!

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