[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern? – part 8

The next morning (Saturday) I wake later than usual. I feel my used throat and ass and remember last night’s sex. Mikey was particularly energetic!

I look across at Mikey. He is still asleep. I get up, go to the bathroom and put on my robe. I don’t fasten it. Then I head downstairs to the kitchen.

I make coffee and get some cereal. Alice appears, still in her baby doll pyjamas.

“The movie was fun last night, mummy,” she tells me.

“Yes it was, darling,” I say. And then I add, “Don’t you have any other PJs to wear, other than those? Isn’t it about time that you put them in the laundry hamper?”

“Sorry, mummy. They’re my favourites! I’ll put them in the washing when I go for my shower.”

“And Mikey’s favourites, too!” I tell her and we laugh together.

Alice gets her own breakfast. She sits down opposite me.

“You’ve not forgotten that I am going to a birthday party and sleepover, tonight, have you?” Alice says to me.

“No darling, I’ve not forgotten,” I reassure her. I’m looking forward to Mikey and I having the house to ourselves, tonight.

I pick up my phone and turn to the camera in our bedroom. Mikey is sat up in bed, masturbating. I see that he has something in his hand. Then I realise what it is. It’s a thong. But it’s not my thong. It’s Alice’s. I almost gasp in shock. Alice looks up at me. So that’s what Alice gave Mikey, last night, before I arrived in the bedroom. That is what he put in the drawer in his bedside table. The thong that Alice had been wearing all day and wore when she was exercising and working out in the gym; the one that formed a camel toe when she was on the weights bench; the one that she used to wipe her vibrator after she had masturbated with it!

I watch as Mikey climaxes and cums into the crotch of the thong, filling it with his semen. When he is done, he wipes his cock with the thong and puts it back in the drawer.

I’m still staring at the screen as Mikey gets up and heads into the ensuite bathroom.

“Are you okay, mummy?” Alice asks.

“Y..Y..Yes,” I reply, snapping out of my trance. “I’m fine. I was just day dreaming!”

I look at Alice. Who is leading on whom? Whose idea was it for Alice to give Mikey her soiled thong?

Alice looks as if she wants to say something, but isn’t sure.

“Mummy,” she says, hesitantly. “Do all boys …men… have penises, as big as Mikey’s? It’s just that when I was in the gym, yesterday, and last night, in your bedroom, I couldn’t help seeing it. I didn’t mean to … it just … happened.”

“It’s okay, darling,” I tell her. “I know, he doesn’t exactly hide it, does he?” I laugh. “Mikey is a *bit* bigger than average and I guess that he likes to show it off! I’ll need to speak to him.”

“No, mummy, please don’t do that. I don’t mind,” Alice tells me.

“Well, as long as you only *look*!” I say, laughing again.

“I will, mummy,” she replies. I’m about to say ‘promise?’, but I don’t.

Alice looks as if she is about to ask me something else, but decides not to do so.

At that point, Mikey enters. He’s dressed, ready for golfing.

“I’m going to shower and dress,” I tell the two of them. Then I turn to Alice and say, “Shopping for us two, this morning, and then we’ll go to the stables, tis afternoon. Finish your breakfast and then go and get ready, too.”

I leave the two of them and head upstairs. The firs thing that I do when I get into the bedroom, is check Mikey’s bedside drawer and then the laundry hamper. There is no sign of Alice’s thong.

I’d welcome feedback and comments – either below or by PMs.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gz66py/str8_mff_voy_exh_cause_for_concern_part_8