[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern – part 7

“Oh,” I say. I seem to remember seeing *American Pie* at the cinema with a boyfriend. I recall it being rather raunchy. I also remember it as being very funny (at least to my teenage self, at the time), if in a rather embarrassing and cringeworthy way! It certainly helped open-up dialogue between me and my then boyfriend on various sexual topics.

“This should be interesting!” I add and then ask Mikey if he has seen it, before. He says that he has not.

I turn out the lights as we settle on the bed to watch the movie. We sit together, in the middle of the bed. I notice that Mikey is having difficulty arranging his short robe so as to cover what little modesty he has left!

The movie starts with a scene in which a teenage boy is caught, by his parents, masturbating into a sock. It continues in a similar vein, with multiple scenes implying male and female masturbation and, mainly, oral sex.

As the movie progresses, the initial embarrassment dissipates and we all three laugh openly at the rather crude visual and oral jokes.

My robe is only loosely fastened with the belt crossed over, rather than tied. It falls open, but I do not bother to cover up. I have no reason to hide myself from either Alice or Mikey. I notice, too, that Mikey is struggling, not always successfully, to cover himself, constantly crossing and uncrossing his legs and adjusting is robe.

The movie comes to an end. I put on the lights and Mikey turns off the TV.

“That was *fun*, mummy,” Alice tells me. “We should do it more often.”

“It was,” I reply. “We will. Now it is time for bed. Time to go to your own room.”

“Awww, mummy,” Alice complains. “You used to let me sleep with you after Movie nights!”
Alice is correct. I did let her sleep in my bed.

“But that was when there was just the two of us,” I remind her.

“Mummy!” Alice objects. She turns to Mikey. “Mikey, tell her. I won’t be any trouble. You won’t even know that I am there,” she says, seeking to garner his support.

To my surprise, Mikey hesitates. Then he says, simply, “Your mum’s in charge!”

“Yes I am, and you will go to your room!” I tell her. Alice reluctantly obeys.

As Alice leaves, Mikey and I go to the bathroom together and deal with our ablutions.

As I sit on the toilet and pee, I say to Mikey, “Would *you* have been okay to let Alice sleep with us, if I had said ‘yes’.”

Mikey shrugs. “It’s your call; I would have been happy with whatever you decided.” he tells me.
And then he adds, “Perhaps another time?”

“Perhaps ….” I reply, thoughtfully.

He sees me looking at his cock, which is now hard.

“And this is going down your throat and in your ass, tonight!” he tells me.

“Oh, yes please!” I reply

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gy82hr/str8_mff_voy_exh_cause_for_concern_part_7