The Monster Keeper: The Sea Beast [F/Tentacled Beast] [beast] [fantasy] [tentacles] [oviposition] [breeding] [impreg] [non-con] [eggs] [mindbreak]

>**A few notes**: This story takes place in the same setting as a previous story of mine, but is not necessary to read to understand this one. To avoid confusion, please also note that text in italics is meant to be memories/flashbacks. All characters are above the age of 18.

Dione awoke to the familiar hum of the sea-beast in her submerged ears, low and calming. Her dark hair floated around her head in a halo, and she blinked upwards into the morning light filtering through the barn’s rafters. Her legs stretched, the water rippling around her floating body.

As it had the past few months, the creature beneath her seemed to stir to consciousness as she did. Dione had her suspicions that it didn’t sleep, merely fell dormant, curled in the bottom of the tank. Even when still, a few of its multitude of limbs supported her body in the water – a rubbery, slick tentacle wrapped around her ankles, another curled around her hips possessively. She had long since stopped fighting the touch of the creature – regardless of how she struggled, it wouldn’t let her go.

She belonged to the creature. She was its mate.

Like every morning, her stomach ached. Dione whimpered, raising a dripping hand to caress the swollen shape of her belly. The clutch of eggs shifted against each other, rearranging themselves in her womb, the fist-sized bumps visible under her taut skin. Although it seemed impossible, Dione thought she might have grown in size overnight once again.

Sensing her discomfort, the creature began to move. Its mass rose from the tank’s bottom, a seemingly endless number of limbs reaching out to caress her, fondle her. Dione whimpered as a slick, blunt tip of a tentacle traced around her breasts, squeezing gently.

Another appendage found her mouth, parting her lips, pressing against her tongue and slipping down her throat. The first time the creature had done so Dione had gagged profusely, but now she tipped her neck upwards, allowing the creature access. Her grey eyes fluttered as it pressed downwards, deeper into her gullet.

The tentacle shuddered in her throat, and Dione’s stomach began to fill with warmth. She was now accustomed to the sickly-sweet fluid that the beast persistently fed her, seemingly containing enough nutrients and substance to sustain her body throughout the pregnancy.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the feeding to be over. It was easier that way.

Her mind drifted, as it often did.

*Her step-father had sold her to the flesh-dealer, who had sold her to the Keeper. She was cheap, low stock, not pretty enough for the brothels or to warm a nobleman’s bed. The Keeper told her later that he purchased because she came from the seaside, so she would know how to swim. He had taken to his farm, fed her generously with fresh bread and stew, and then introduced her to the creature.*

*The Keeper’s large hand rested against her shoulder as she stared with wide eyes into the tank. Underneath the water, Dione could see the shimmering blue-green limbs curling over each other, but the bulk of the creature hidden in the depths of the stone tank. The smell of brine washed over her, reminding her of home.*

*Dione had heard stories of creatures like this, from fishermen and sailors, but she never could have imagined one could have been caught, tamed, and contained.*

*“He won’t hurt you,” the Keeper said from behind her, and he sounded sincere. “He’s lonely, is all. Creatures like that aren’t used to being alone. He’s… fallen ill, because of it.”*

*Sitting down on the wood platform above the tank, Dione tentatively reached a hand forward into the water. It was pleasantly cool in the summer heat.*

*The creature stilled under the water, and Dione’s heart leaped in her chest. Then, the tip of a tentacle parted the surface, moving towards her hand. It brushed against her fingertips, slick and warm, and nudged against her palm with a remarkable gentleness.*

*“He likes you,” the Keeper said.*

Dione’s eyes opened. The tentacle embedded in her throat twitched once more and then stilled, a final gush of warmth filled her stomach. The feeding was over.

The limb wriggled and began to slide free of her mouth. When it left her lips with a wet *pop*, Dione gasped, drawing in needy gulps of air.

As it always did, the warmth that blossomed in her belly from the creature’s feedings began to spread quickly. The heat radiated outward from her gut, through her thighs, chest, until it reached the very tips of her toes and fingers. It was calming, intoxicating, and Dione sighed as it consumed her. During the first few days, she had tried to resist the sensation, but now – she welcomed it. It dulled the pain in her stomach from the movements of the clutch, and dulled the panic that swelled in her mind when she was lucid.

The humming of the creature continued, in harmony with the roar of her blood in her ears.

Dione heard the barn door open, saw the light on the rafters overhead. Through the water, she could hear the heavy footfalls of the man known as the Keeper, as he crossed the barn, climbed the stairs to the platform. There was a lighter set of footfalls – his apprentice, a girl who couldn’t have been much older than Dione.

Suspended in the water, Dione’s glazed eyes flickered to the pair, but she couldn’t find the strength to plead as she once had.

“Might be tomorrow,” the Keeper murmured to his apprentice.

Icy fear shivered down Dione’s spine. She knew what the Keeper meant – her entire body knew it, cried out for the inevitable.

The birth.

Dione whimpered, her fingers curling into fists.

The creature, sensing her discomfort, churned anxiously underneath the water. One of its slick tentacles curled over her stomach protectively, drawing wet circles over the bulge of its children. Another grasped at her breasts, massaging the aching mounds. When that was not enough, Dione felt the blunt press of a tentacle against her bare womanhood – and the creature slipped inside of her without ceremony.

Even now, the shape of the tentacle stretched her tight entrance, the ridges of the limb sliding against her innards. Dione groaned as it drew outwards, trailing the slickness of her arousal on the blue-grey skin. Inward, and deeper.

As the creature worked inside of her, Dione’s mind grew blank, until she fell once again into her memories.

*The creature was restless that morning, churning the water in the tank to a white foam, and Dione hesitated before she slipped into the water.*

*She had grown accustomed to the sea creature. Every day, Dione spent hours in the tank, keeping the ancient beast company. With another being sharing its living space, its health had improved remarkably – a colourful sheen returning to its limbs and body. After a few weeks, it began to hum, a low, calming tone that Dione could feel in her marrow.*

*The creature was always playful, gentle with her – but today felt different, although she didn’t know why.*

*“Go on, girl,” the Keeper called gruffly from across the barn. “I ain’t paying you just to stare at it.”*

*Dione wanted to argue that he wasn’t paying her at all, she was a slave, but she wisely kept her mouth shut. She slipped into the tank, the cool water washing over her body, her plain shift sticking to her body. She expected the creature to calm at her presence, but it didn’t.*

*It all happened so quickly.*

*A tentacle wrapped tightly around her ankle, and hauled her under the water. Dione barely had a chance to yelp before it pulled her down into the darkness of the tank. Dione’s arms worked, trying to surface, but the creature held her tight.*

*Another tentacle pushed past her sealed lips, and Dione gasped – and found a lungful of air. Somehow the creature was aiding her in breathing.*

*Opening her eyes, Dione could see the bulk of the creature at the bottom of the tank – a fleshy, shimmering mass. Most predominantly, she could see a translucent sack, swinging underneath the mass of the creature – heavy with eggs, laced with blue blood vessels. Each pale egg was the size of her fist, and there were at least two dozen of them, glowing faintly in the darkened recesses of the tank.*

*Her eyes widened in disbelief. After all this time, she didn’t know the creature was protecting its offspring underneath the surface of the tank. For a moment, Dione hung in the water, amazed at the unearthly sight.*

*And then, she felt the creature stirring again.*

*It was anxious, impatient.*

*The limb curled around her ankle pressed upward, around her thigh, slipping past her undergarment. Dione flailed as she realized what was to happen, but the creature held her fast – another limb grasping her free leg and pulling it away from her body, two more tightening around her arms. The probing tentacle’s tip pressed against the lips of her womanhood, and then – was inside of her.*

*Dione gasped as it explored her innards. It was slick, and slid inside her without much pain or resistance – but kept moving, deeper than she ever thought possible. The ribbed veins along the limb caused her to shudder as they pushed past her sensitive labia.*

*Her eyes opened – and that is when she saw it, an even greater horror than that which was occurring. Underneath the creature, the eggs were stirring – disappearing into the mass of the creature before appearing at the base of the tentacle. The eggs traveled up the length of the appendage, towards her. Towards where the tentacle was buried in her body, deep inside of her.*

*Dione’s body bucked and twisted in the water, but it was futile.*

*She felt the egg press against her, and cried out. It was too large, it would never fit inside of her. It ached, ached, ached – and then -*

*It entered her.*

*Dione gasped, knowing the creature had been successful – she could feel the weight and shape of the egg inside of her, passing through the tentacle, before resting in her womb. She reeled, trying to comprehend what was happening, but another egg was already pressing against her, seeking entrance.*

*Easier than the first one, it entered her.*

*Dione lost track of how many eggs the creature deposited inside of her, but she knew she stopped struggling after the tenth. Her body hung limp in the water, shuddering as each egg passed into her. With each implantation, her stomach grew heavier, and soon began to bulge.*

*When it was over, she could see the rounded shape of the eggs against her taut skin, and knew she would never be the same.*

Dione screamed as she orgasmed once again around the creature’s tentacle, the memory of the breeding ricocheting through her mind. Unrelenting, the appendage continued to pump in and out of her, until the pressure inside of her built and shattered once again. The pleasure pulsed through her body, water sloshing over the sides of the tank with her movement.

Eventually the creature relented, drawing out of her, slick with her arousal.

Dione groaned, her body and mind satiated. She could feel the creature’s young in her womb, but her thoughts came as if through a fog. Her trembling hand traced the shape of her stomach, feeling the life roiling underneath her skin, hungry to be born. Exhausted, her eyes drooped, and soon she fell into an uneasy sleep.

Below her, the creature stilled.

It would not be long now.


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