Getting turned into a fucktoy [mFFFF] [seduction] [teasing… lots and lots of teasing] [groping] [fondling] [handjobs] [cum] [fuckin]

Derek settled down into the hot churning water of the resort’s hot tubs. After a long and busy day, this quiet moment to himself was a rare treat. On this family vacation, siblings and parents all crammed into two small hotel rooms, the Hawaii trip had been hectic, with few opportunities to sit back and relax.

He closed his eyes and sunk down until the water reached his chin, feeling the warm bubbles against his skin, enjoying the tropical evening air on his face. Distant sounds of happy conversation danced along the breeze, but none of it mattered to Derek, and he let his mind drift.

A short while later, Derek’s reverie was interrupted by giggling.

“Hey, this one’s empty, c’mon,” a woman’s voice said.

“Ooh perfect, hurry up, I’m cold,” said another woman.

“Vee, you dum dum, there’s a guy here,” spoke a third.

The second voice said back, “It’s big enough to share, I’m getting in.”

“Plus, he’s a bit of cutie,” said a fourth, followed by more giggling.

“You’re sure on the prowl, Kristi, not getting enough at home?”

“I can still look! And anyway, I meant for Trish, since that other guy flaked.”

“He didn’t flake, he broke his leg. Who wants a stripper on crutches anyway?”

A stripper? What? Derek opened his eyes. A group of four women were entering the hot tub. They were gathering to sit opposite Derek, and each clutched a plastic cup with a colorful drink inside. Seeing Derek’s eyes open, one of the women, an impossibly cute Asian, hair twisted into a loose bun, smiled at him.

“Hiya!” she said, “What’s your name?”

A woman, attractive, confident, at least a decade older than him, wearing just a bikini, her friends watching, chatting him up? Derek froze. He was operating far outside experience. He kicked himself for freezing. Just answer the woman’s question!

“Uh, Derek,” he said at last.

“Well Uh Derek,” the woman said, giggling, “I’m Kristi, and I think I’ve had too many of these, you should finish it for me.” She swam over and pushed her cup into his hand. “It’s a Sex on the Beach. Do you like sex on the beach?” She shot him a teasing, seductive look.

Derek blushed. He hoped she didn’t notice, and he knew she was just teasing. But damn did he want to see that look on her again.

“Kristi!” said one of the women, a pretty brunette whose chest was filling out her one-piece bathing suit, “Leave the poor kid alone! And that line, it’s terrible.”

“I know,” Kristi said, giggling again, “It’s so cliche… it’s just, I had to say it once. Why else order this bullshit drink?”

“Sorry about Kristi,” the brunette woman said, “I’m Vee. You don’t have to take her trash.” She pointed at the cup.

“No, uh, it’s ok,” Derek said. He took a sip from the cup, then screwed his mouth up, almost spewing the liquor into the pool. He forced it down, but ended up coughing to clear his throat, his eyes starting to water. He eyed the cup suspiciously.

“Is he even old enough to drink?” the other brunette woman asked, giggling.

“Kid,” said Kristi, “How old are you?”

“Uh, eighteen,” Derek lied.

“Holy fuck, give me that back,” Kristi lunged for the cup, reaching across Derek, her knee sliding up between his legs, her tits against his face. Cup back in hand, she grinned down at Derek, a flirty twist to her lips.

“Kristi, you’re terrible.”

She winked at Derek, then slid off him and back to her seat. Derek’s dick twitched in his swimsuit.

“Well, eighteen year old Derek,” said Vee, smiling at him, “Welcome to Trish’s bachelorette party.” She indicated the slender blonde woman sitting next to her. Trish was wearing a bright pink bikini, had her hair tied into a high pony tail, and was incredibly gorgeous. She was sipping quietly on her straw, giving Derek and appraising look.

“Trish is getting married next week, and we’re here to send her off in style!” Vee was saying this last part sing-song, with a little dance, like she’d said it before many times. Vee continued, “So, what brings you to Hawaii?”

“Err,” Derek stammered, “Family trip. Just here to relax.”

The other brunette woman had been slowly sliding closer to Derek, and now she was just inches away. Derek was trying to keep his eyes off the woman’s chest, trying to ignore the white swimsuit pushing her tits together, pretending not to notice her ample cleavage. She had long eyelashes, and glittery makeup made her eyes sparkle, her lips glisten.

“I’m Alex,” she said softly, resting her hand lightly on Derek’s thigh. “And more importantly, what are you packing?”

“…packing?” Derek said nervously. Derek felt his cock twitch again. He was trying to stay calm, stay cool, but he’d never had attention like this before, he was growing hard. He’d only ever before showed his erection to one girl: his girlfriend, in private, with the lights off. Surrounded by older women in a public place talking about his cock… well, he was gripping the cement lip of the pool to prevent his hands from shaking.

“Be nice. You’re making him nervous,” Trish rolled her eyes, giggled.

“I am being nice,” Alex insisted, her hand sliding up his leg until reaching his dick. She smiled. “I’m helping him relax.”

Derek was frozen stiff as Alex’s hand teased his cock through his swim trunks. His eyes went wide as her fingers wrapped around his girth, grabbing his erection through his shorts. She pushed it back and forth, making him gasp.

“Oooh,” she whispered, “Aren’t you a healthy boy?”

He said nothing, look of shock locked on his face.

Trish giggled, “How big?”

“Bigger than Mike’s,” Alex said, “And Mike’s dick is half the reason I married him. More than half.”

“Huh,” Trisha was shooting Derek a naughty smile, “Derek? Are you interested in entertaining us girls tonight? You won’t have to do much … other than take your clothes off. We’ll be gentle.” She giggled at this last part.

Vee gave Trish a stern look. “Trish, be real,” she said, “This kid’s cute, but he’s no stripper. You can’t just go around asking random guys to strip for you.”

“It’s my special weekend, Vee,” Trish said back, “I can totally do whatever I want. And I want to see thick cock. What do you say, Derek?”

Vee cut in again, “Stripping is like, an art form. Plus he’s probably got somewhere he’s gotta be.”

“Fuck, Vee, you’re such a killjoy,” Alex said, “We just want to have some fun.”

“So, Derek, what do you say?” Kristi was giving him that look again, the one that made his heartbeat increase. “Want to have some fun with us?”

Derek liked this attention, he didn’t want it to stop. His parents would be expecting him back at the room at some point, but… four women? Who would ever blame him?

“Yeah,” Derek said, doing his best to sound confident, “I’ll do it.”

Alex gave him a quick peck on the cheek, Trish and Kristi cheered, and Vee remained quiet.

“Aww, he looks so happy,” Alex said, “Can I keep him?”

Out of the water, wrapped in towels, the group made its way to the girls’ room. Trish had her hand clasped around Derek’s, pulling him along like a puppy dog. As he followed along obediently, Derek wondered what he was getting himself into.


“So, like, what do you want me to do?” Derek asked.

“Strip,” Kristi said, “Take off your clothes.”

“Err, like, right now?” Derek stammered, nervous again. They’d been in the suite for less than a minute, and Vee had stalked off into one of the suite’s rooms, but the other three women were standing together, eyes passing up and down his body. Derek was tall and trim, muscular but without showy bulk. He knew he was decent looking, but three experienced women, judging him like a piece of meat? It made him flinch in embarrassment. Not his best stripper look, he knew.

Kristi gave him a stern look. “Yeah, that’s what strippers do, they get naked.”

“C’mon, I want to see it,” Alex added.

“Do it for me,” Trish grinned at him, “I want to see some more dick before I get married.”

Well, if they insisted. Derek untied his waistband and shoved his shorts down, letting them drop to his feet. His cock hung limp between his legs, so he struck his best pose, pushing his shoulders back, chin out.

But the women’s gazes were glued to his crotch.

“Holy shit.”

“Hot damn.”

“This is going to be a fun night.”

“You weren’t exaggerating, Alex.”

“Is he bigger than Tom?”

“Yes,” Trish said, licking her lips, “Yes he is.”

“Vee, you’re missing out!”

“What?” Vee said, walking back into the entry, then seeing what was happening, “Oh my god.” Her eyes went wide.

“Still think this is a bad idea?”

“I can’t believe you, you’re all sluts,” Vee said, but she didn’t look away.

Trish took Derek’s hand again, pulling him into the suite’s living room. “Come, Derek, let’s play a game.”

“A game?” Derek asked, following her.

“Games suck!” Kristi said, “Let’s open a bottle.”

“Speaking of sucking…” Alex burst into a fit of giggles.

Trish led Derek over to a big picture windows, balcony beyond, overlooking the resort’s pool deck below. She sat him in the middle spot of a couch and took a seat next to him. Derek could feel the heat of her body against his, skin on skin. He stole a glance down at her chest, inches from his own, her round tits stretching the bikini top’s material taut.

“You naughty boy, I saw that,” Trish said, but she arched her back, pushing her chest out further.

At the same time, Alex sat down on Derek’s other side, still in her white swimsuit. “Whose are nicer, do you think?” She asked. Derek turned to look, saw Alex also pushing her chest out, sultry grin spreading across her face.

“Impossible…” Derek muttered, his head swimming. He hadn’t really believed that this was happening, and he didn’t know how he felt about suddenly being a stripper, but he loved tits, so what the fuck.

He reached out to grab one of Trish’s breasts, fingers nearly touching it —

“Hey! Hands off the goods, young man,” Kristi called out as she walked up, champagne bottle in one hand, flutes in the other. She’d changed into a tight tank top and booty shorts, and she winked at Derek as he took this in, eyes involuntarily tracing the curves of her chest and ass. Then she turned her head over her shoulder and shouted, “Vee, get your ass in here, we’re going to toast!”

Soon Derek and the girls all were holding glasses of yellow bubbly. Holding a glass of champagne, naked, in a circle of women he’d just met, Derek’s mind fuzzy with lust and anticipation — he was out of place and knew it. But he did his best to follow their lead, and raised his glass when they raised theirs.

Vee toasted first, “To your last days as an unmarried woman! We’d never thought you’d settle down.” The girls cheered. “If you call this settling down!” More cheering, and Derek joined them clinking their glasses together, sipping the champagne.

“To Vee, for putting this whole thing together! Thank you, Vee!” Kristi toasted. Derek joined them in the cheer, took another sip of the champagne.

“To penises! If it weren’t for penises, none of us would be here!” Alex trumpeted, grabbed Derek’s cock, then wiggled it back and forth. Derek blushed, the girls erupted in laughter, and they all drank again.

Then Derek saw they wanted him to give a toast. Shit, he’d never given a toast before. Think quick… to Hawaii? No, that’s dumb. He was very distracted by all the tits around him. To boobs? No no no… oh of course! “To Trish!” he shouted, “And her friends!”

The laughter and cheering roared in Derek’s ears, Alex gave him another peck on the cheek, Kristi leaned forward to ruffle his hair, and even Vee, who didn’t seem to approve of him being there, cracked a grin. Trish was beaming a smile at him. More than her excellent rack, something right then about her smile, its confidence, its seductive twist, caught his dick’s attention.

As quickly as the noise began, it hushed, all eyes turned to Trish as she held her glass up, prepared to toast.

She began, “To our boyfriends, husbands, and fiances — may they never hear about what’s going to happen here tonight!”

Going to happen? What was going to happen? Derek’s mind was reeling. The girls were cheering and drinking. He drained his glass, and Kristi immediately refilled it. He went to take another sip, somewhere to bury his face, something to occupy himself with, not sure what the girls expected him to do. But before his mouth made it there, Trish’s hand slid up his chin and guided his face towards hers. She locked her lips to his, slid her tongue into his mouth, and kissed him with a crazy intensity. She pushed him back into the couch, her chest on his, her weight on him.

Then she pulled back and whispered gently, “Relax, Derek, I won’t hurt you,” before diving back in. He’d been holding his body rigid, he just realized. So he worked to calm himself, to just enjoy the moment.

But then Derek felt a hand on his thigh, sliding up to his crotch. He gasped. Fingers had grasped his balls and were tugging on them, pulling them tight. He whimpered, feeling a single fingertip drag lightly across his balls, teasing them.

“Trish, you’re gonna want to see this,” Alex said.

Trish pulled herself off of Derek. He started to follow her, but the tugging on his balls made him groan, reminded him to look down. His cock was half erect in Alex’s hand. ‘That looks like my dick’ he though, his brain lost to lust and to alcohol. He looked up at Alex. She was watching him react, grin across her face. She winked and gave his balls another tug. Derek whimpered.

“Hoho, wow,” Trish said.

“Look how big his balls are,” Alex said.

“You are well fucking endowed, boy,” Kristi said, leaning in between his legs.

Alex released her fingers, easing the tension on his balls. “I’m going to go change, I’ll be right back,” she said, “Don’t do anything naughty while I’m gone.” She grinned, then sprang up from the couch and slipped into the next room,

Kristi was quick to take Alex’s seat. Derek was in heaven, he’d never received so much sexual attention, and Kristi was so cute. “You’re pretty,” he told her.

Kristi laughed. “Our boy’s a lightweight, Trish,” she said to Trish’s giggles, but she was blushing, too.

Then, like flicking a switch, all the humor washed out of Kristi’s expression, and she gave Derek a serious, seductive look. “You think if you shower me in compliments I’ll let you fuck me?” She shook her head, “No, you’re the stripper, remember?” She put her index finger at the base of Derek’s cock and slowly dragged it to the tip, tracing a line up his thick member. Derek groaned in need, his cock teased and neglected. “Your job is to look pretty.”

Derek looked over at Trish, gave her a pleading look.

But she just shook her head and flashed him a wicked grin. She wrapped her hand around his dick, pushing it to one side, then the other, then up, then down, but never stroking it, never getting him off.

Derek’s cock grew stiffer, but it remained unfulfilled, and he groaned again as Trish let his cock free. Kristi’s fingers were sliding up and down his thigh, teasing his knee, tickling him. His cock was twitching from the hint of attention. Derek needed to get his dick stroked, to get off, but the girls were just teasing him.

“What’d I miss? What’d I miss?” Alex asked as she rushed back in, changed into thin panties which tightly hugged her hips. She wore a matching bra which cupped her breasts and just barely covered her nipples.

Derek was staring at her tits, and only managed to break his gaze by glancing lower, being enraptured by the curve of her swinging hips, the shape of her panties over her crotch. As she sat on the bench across from him, he thought he could make out the outline of her pussy through the fabric.

Kristi followed his gaze. “You like pussy, Derek?” She took hold of his hand, guided it to her belly, down into her shorts. He felt the warm dampness of her sex. He slid his hand in until he found her opening, then pushed a finger up inside her. She quickly sucked in a breath, then smiled at him. “Lick your finger,” she instructed, “Taste me.”

Derek did as he was told, to all the girls’ amusement.

Kristi grabbed Derek’s cock, began stroking it casually. Derek gasped, the girls giggled. “He likes it,” said Alex. “He’s a good boy,” said Trish.

“Derek,” Kristi started, giving him her most innocent look, slowly rubbing his dick, “Can you help me in the kitchen?”

Derek nodded eagerly, and when Kristi stood, he sprang up to follow. He stared at her ass as she led him into the next room. Then she leaned over the counter to get some boxes from a high cabinet, although Derek was pretty sure it was just an excuse to show him her ass. She sure didn’t mind when he gave it a squeeze, cupping her cheeks in his hands. How far would she let him go? He tested the waters and slid his erection between her thighs.

“Oh oh, you naughty boy,” she said, but she let him continue.

“Hey, no bogarting the penis!” Trish yelled from the other room.

Then Vee shouted, “And hurry up with the snacks!”

Derek pushed his cock up into Kristi’s crotch, feeling the heat of her sex through her shorts. She moaned appreciatively, but pushed him back. “Carry this,” she said, putting a tray of food in his arms. “There’s a good boy, now take it back.”

When Derek went back to the living room, he saw that Vee had taken his spot on the couch. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he stood next to the girls, holding the tray.

“Ooh, treats!”

They began picking up bites while Derek stood there, feeling awkward. Then, below the tray, hidden from his view, he felt a hand slide down his dick, then another up his thigh to his balls. Kristi came up behind him, and he felt her hands on his ass, her tongue in his ear. She whispered, “Such a strong boy you are, Derek.” Then her finger slid towards his asshole, and he gasped. The tray rattled, but he held it fast, and the girls giggled. “I’m not making you uncomfortable, am I?”

“N-n-no…” Derek stammered, the girls groping hands distracting him. The hand on his cock was squeezing hard, and had began pumping him roughly. He was beginning to pant, and, after the girls started tugging on his balls, whimper, too.

“Don’t waste it,” Trish reprimanded Alex, and immediately Derek felt his cock released, his pleasure abandoned.

“Aww, he looks so sad.”

“Yeah, but it’s my turn,” Trish said.

Kristi grinned, “Oh shit, you’re really going to do it?”

“It’s my last fucking chance!”

They had taken the tray from him, and Vee had scooted herself back in her seat and spread her legs. “Derek,” she said, “Sit down on my lap here, it’s time for your next chore.”

“This guy is frickin’ obedient! He does everything we say.”

“It’s cuz he thinks he’ll get laid.”

“Well, he probably will.” At this, the giggling reached crescendo. Derek was laying back against Vee, head cushioned by her large tits, and she was looking down at him with a malicious grin. She was running her fingertips over his chest. The other girls’ hands were teasing and tantalizing him, running down his thighs, over his sides, across his belly. He spread his legs, his cock was hard, he was desperate for them to touch it.

Finally, Trish’s hands slid their way over to his dick. She held it between her finger tips, again inspecting it like she’d never seen one before, pushing it back and forth, down and up.

“This thing is fucking ridiculous,” she said. Then she stood up and slid her bikini bottoms off, and, to a concert of giggles, sat down on Derek’s thighs, just below his cock. She wrapped her hand around it, pulled it against her, looked at it pressed against her skin, the tip going past her belly button. “So fucking ridiculous,” she repeated. Derek was looking at her, wide eyed, remaining silent.

“Do it!” Alex cheered.

Trish pushed herself up, crotch over Derek’s cock. Her hand guided his erection towards her swollen pussy. Derek stared, transfixed, desperate for Trish’s fucking, but she hovered, the tip of his cock spreading her pussy lips, going no farther. He could feel the wet warmth teasing his cock, the other girls’ hands running over his body. He whimpered with anticipation. The girls giggled.

Finally, finally, she lowered herself onto his erection, Derek groaned in pleasure, half from the sensation, half from the the sight. As her pussy consumed his cock bit by bit, Trish’s expression grew in shock. Even though she knew it was coming, the actual pleasure from Derek’s engorged dick shoving its way into her was mind-bending. As her hips approached Derek’s, and her sex enveloped the entire length of Derek’s cock, she doubled over, almost collapsing onto him, only catching herself at the last moment. Hunched over, she slowly began thrusting her hips, using his cock for her pleasure.

“Damn, girl, you’re getting yours all right!” Vee said while nuzzling her tits against Derek’s head.

Trish’s fucking was nearly all Derek could focus on, but he did bring a hand up to Alex’s chest. As he fondled her tits, she pushed her bra down, exposing her nipples, giving Derek a handful of flesh. Alex giggled at Derek’s frantic kneading.

Kristi grabbed Derek’s other hand and guided it to her. “I always thought my ass was my best feature,” she said, placing Derek’s hand on her butt, “What do you think?” He squeezed it roughly, fingers pushing up to her asshole, lust-addled mind incapable of anything less. But Kristi just smiled.

“Look at her go!” Vee said. And sure enough, Trish was pumping herself on Derek with wild intensity, breath coming in pants, hair sweaty and disheveled, expression lost to pleasure. Her juices had soaked Derek’s crotch, his balls dripping with her fluids.

Using Derek for his thick cock, Trish was nearing orgasm, and her friends were cheering her on while Derek let himself be used. Automatically he was meeting her thrusts halfway, and she was loving it. Shortly, her pumping grew furious, she screwed up her face, and she began shaking uncontrollably. She was losing control, focused only enough to keep her pussy pumping Derek’s cock. Derek felt her spasming wildly on his dick as she threw herself backwards, arching her back and groaning loudly.

“Oh fuck, she did it!”

“Damn, that’s hot.”

“You’re a good fucktoy, Derek.”

“I haven’t seen her cum like that in years!” Kristi said.

Trish was pulling herself back into this universe, just sitting hip-deep on Derek’s cock, catching her breath. She gave him a weak smile, then pulled herself up and off his erection, watching it spring back up, unfulfilled.

“I gotta hand it to you, Derek,” she said, “For just lying there still, you did a great fucking job.”

“So… you actually going to hand it to him?” Alex asked, “Or should I?” Alex’s hand grasped Derek’s cock and began pumping it. It wasn’t the same as Trish’s pussy, but once Kristi’s hands joined in, Derek was again afloat in a sea of ecstasy. He was dimly aware of Trish kneeling between his knees, but when her hands began massaging his balls, he nearly passed out from the pleasure.

With his hands groping the girls, and their hands groping him, it wasn’t long before Derek felt an orgasm approaching. He felt his balls tense up, and with a loud grunt, he felt lust overwhelm his senses. His cock twitched, and the girls aimed it at Trish, spraying his cum onto her face. Then they aimed his cock at her tits, and soon Trish was dripping with his spunk.

“Holy shit, you are such a slut, Trish,” Vee said, pushing Derek off her, “Be a gentleman, help her clean up.”

Derek had never came on a girl before, and he wasn’t sure the etiquette. But in the shower he soaped up a washcloth and cleaned Trish up, and if he focused on her tits more than was necessary, well, she didn’t seem to mind. She enjoyed his attention, and the shower ended with his fingers in her crotch, rubbing her clit, giving her another orgasm.

Derek left the shower with the beginning of another erection, swollen but swinging free between his thighs. He’d barely gotten two steps out of the bathroom when Alex’s hand again gripped him. She pushed her body up against his, her tits against his chest, and began to slowly stroke his dick.

She gave him a beckoning look. “Trish leave anything in here for me?” she whispered.

Derek slid a hand down her back, grabbing her ass, massaging it before sliding his fingers to her crotch. He felt her pussy through the panties, feeling her eager heat. Under her fingers, his cock was stiff again. So he grabbed Alex by the hips and pushed her over the side of the bed, spreading her legs. He ran his fingers over her crotch, then pulled her panties to the side, freeing her pussy.

“Do it already, you dumb fuck,” she hissed over her shoulder.

With his other hand, Derek guided his erection inside her, and began fucking away at her doggy style. She loved it, and her pussy felt incredible, so he fucked her harder, pushing all his strength into pounding his hips into hers, putting revenge for all the night’s teasing into each thrust. Feeling his pleasure build again, he grabbed her by the waist and pushed her roughly down onto the bed. He held her in place while he came, spraying his load of semen deep inside her.

“Fuck yes!” she cheered, “Oh fuck yeah.” Derek collapsed against her.

“Hey! He was supposed to be mine next!” Kristi yelled from the doorway. Derek pulled himself out and sat down on the floor exhausted, back against the bed.

Alex gave Kristi a greedy grin. “If you want his cum, you can eat it out of my pussy.”

“Fuck you!”

“You’re welcome to.” Alex rolled over and spread her legs. Derek looked up and realized she’d pushed her fingers into her pussy and was masturbating.

“Y’all are fucking horny,” Derek muttered.

“If you’re not going to get yourself hard, get out of here,” Kristi snapped at him, “We don’t need a useless limpdick.”

Derek grinned at her. She wanted to sound intimidating, but he knew that before the night was up, he’d be fucking her like a whore, he’d be fucking them all like whores.



  1. For the record, you’re my favorite poster on here; you should post more!!!

  2. Omg that was so fucking hot. I’m rock hard after reading this

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