Truth or Dare part 3 [FF] [MF]


The room went silent… everyone knew that once you say those magical words at a party only two things can happen. The party can either get FUCKIN CRAZY or people are going to get deep and sad… it’s a thin line but would Mel walk it.

Mel chuckled “Jess you cheeky bitch”
Jess just looked a Mel and winked

Side note let me tell you about Jess. Jess is an interesting girl, Short, petite and pale but a fuckin amazing rack, bright blond hair that looks almost white, bright blue eyes and an ass that has no business being on her small little frame, anyway back to the story.

Mel looked Jess right in the eyes almost like she’s trying to undress her… Mel smirks and gives her reply “Truth…” Jess is elated by this her idea of fun had been accepted “ummmm uhhhhh, whats your dream job” the room groans fully expecting to a sexual question since we all know of Jess’s kinky side but then stops and glances over at Mel who’s deep in thought.

“Hmmmm I wouldn’t mind becoming a beautician you know doing make up for movies and shit like that” without anytime for anyone to think Zali chimes in with a quick joke “Nahhhh your dream job would be a hooker, getting paid to fuck. Wouldn’t be too different to normal except you’re getting paid” Zali sticks her tongue out at Mel before copping a pillow to face by Mel. “Anywayyyyyy before I was RUDELY interupted, Truth or Dare….. Benny Boy”

Ben looks up from his phone after hearing his name before quickly and almost as if he’s not fazed by this line of question with a simple “Truth” Mel ponders for a second before a devilish grin appears on her face “Who you always texting everyone you know is here” the group gasps in combined shock, Ben looks Mel dead in the eyes and bluntly explains himself “I’m texting my boyfriend” everyone goes quiet before Ben begins to speak again “Guys, I though you knew I was Bi” Paul replies “well we thought so but… I didn’t think it was true” Ben just shrugs his shoulders before turning to me “Oi Liam, Truth or Dare” I’m taken back before quickly regaining my composure “Well since I’m not a pussy… hit me with a dare”

Ben looks around the room before giving me my dare “I dare you to do a body shot off Zali” I look over to Zali whose eyes are popping out of her head “Ummm I didn’t agree to this” she says almost like she’s scared. I look right zali before trying to calm her down even though internally I’m freaking out “Zarl it’s alright, it’s just a body shot” she looked at me and almost reluctantly accepts being part of my dare. Ben walked over to the kitchen bench and grabs a bottle of whiskey (no particular brand cause I’m not sponsored, but I’m okay for a whiskey brand to change that ;) ;)

Now let me tell you about the ADORABLE Zali, Zali is an amazing looking girl brunette, brown eyes, a small frame, i’d guess A cup tits but the amazing part is her cute ass, It’s an ass almost similar to Emily Ratajkowski (yummy) anyway BACK TO THE STORY

I grab the bottle off of Ben as Zali lays down on the couch and lifts up her shirt showing off her toned washboard abs, god i forgot how fit she was, I walk over to Zali and pour the whiskey into her belly button as she shivers as the cool liquid flows down her body. I look Zali in the eyes and get on my knees near the couch as I whisper too her “You ready?” she nods her head in response before I suck the alchohol off of her toned body and give it a little kiss before moving back to my seat

Zali stays laying down for a second in shock before sitting up her face red and flushed. I look over too her hoping that she’s as horny as I am right now, I’m just lucky that I’m wearing loose pants so people can’t see my throbbing cock.

“Liam… LIAM” I shake my head hearing the voice of Jess waking myself from my day dream. “yeah it’s my turn right… ummmm Bridget, Truth or Dare” Bridget doesn’t even flinch when she announces with pure confidence “DARE” I look at Bridget trying to read her but it’s just not working.


Liam just keeps staring at me, he looks flustered…. is that (0o0) IS THAT A BONER… OH my god… thats hot… Liam starts speaking while I stare at the bulge in his pants “I dare you to swap a piece of clothing with another player” he says with a devilish grin. “Okay, Jess you’re about my size come with me to the bedroom” I stand and grab Jess’s hand dragging her into the bedroom.

I sit down on the bed and start talking with Jess “Okay so what are we swapping” I say seductively “ummm we can swap spit if you want too” replies Jess walking slowly towards me before sitting on my lap and staring hungrily at my lips “mmmm Jess, come get it” Jess leans in towards my face before shoving her tongue down my throat and her hands grabbing a handful of my hair. I breathe out heavily as Jess kisses her way to my collarbone and shoves her hand into my already soaked panties “Mmmm B, you’re so wet, whats got you so worked up” I try to reply but just moan as Jess’s fingers rub over my hard clit. Suddenly Jess pulls herself off of me, takes off her sweat pants and panties before sliding her pants back up and handing her panties too me, “We better be getting back, put those on and give me those wet rags you’re wearing” I don’t think I’ve taken my shorts off quicker in my life, while taking of my clothes to give my panties to Jess we talk a bit about how tonights going and if she’s noticed the “problem” Liam is having. “Your kidding me right? is it big? Do you think it’s because of anything in particular? WHY DIDN’T YOU LET ME KNOW SOONER” I have to shut jess up so I quickly plant a kiss in her while pulling up her panties and my shorts, “we’ll talk about this later, they’ll be getting suspicious” I say as I walk past her and spank her ass


I stare at Jess and Bridget as the exit the bedroom wearing… the same clothes they went in wearing??? “Guys did you chicken out?” Jess and Bridge just turn around spank there own asses and sit down… i think we all got what they meant by that.

The game continued going in its sexual direction girl’s kissed guys, guys kissed girls, girls kissed girls and guys kissed guys. All this sexual tension was causing my cock to grow harder and harder each moment, I NEEDED release and fast, luckily for me Mel decided we should take a break from our game so we could get some more drinks and get into “comfier” clothes, everyone went to there respective rooms to get changed into there pj’s everyone except Jess, Zali and I we were stuck in the loungeroom waiting for a room to open up so we could get changed as Paul and Emily had taken the bathroom.


I stared at my girl friend as we entered the bathroom to start getting changed. Now 6 weeks ago Emily was just a dream that I would jerk my cock too at night that was until I got shit faced and sent her a dick pic, I know it sounds cliché but it was love at first fuck. We’ve fucked almost every day since then and we were only getting started. Emily is a bigger girl but in the best way possible. F cup tits and a massive ass got onto r/BBW and you’ve got Emily. As I’m getting into my boxer shorts Em reaches around and places her hand on my growing bulge, “mmmmm that’s a nice cock you’ve got there, it’s a shame we don’t have time to do something about it” she says while squeezing my hardening cock, “mmmmm babe, you’re a fuckin tease” I moan softly making sure that no one can hear us, “I know” she reply’s while fishing my cock out and starting to jerk it off, suddenly we hear a knock on the door


“Guess Zali is sick of waiting babe” Em says after wiping some pre cum onto her finger and licking it off, “come on don’t want to keep them waiting” Em tucks my cock back in its prison called clothing and gives me a little kiss on the cheek before opening the door to let Zali get changed.

“You gonna leave or am I gonna have to get changed with you standing there with ya boner” Zali says quite bluntly, I quickly hurry out the room holding my old clothes over my cock to hide my tent


After everyone finally is back in the lounge room with freshly filled drinks we start our game back up. “Alright, Em… it’s your turn truth or dare” Mel say non with ease while fishing a joint from out of her bra, “Where’d she get that” I think to myself while also staring at her “pajamas” which is just a white bra and a pair of long black pajama bottoms wondering what else she keeps in that bra of hers. Em pronounces with confidence “Dare” while mel lights her joint and gives an evil smile “show us your tits, love” Em is shocked for a second wondering if Mel is really wanting this to happen the room looks from Mel to Em then back to Mel then back to Em all of a sudden Emily stands up lifts her oversized Guns n Roses t-shirt exposing her bare F cup tits to the room, nipples standing at attention looking like erasers on the end of a pencil with suprisingly small areolas. “You get a good enough look… love?” Emily says as she sits back down on the floor the room in a stunned silence… this game just went to the next level

To be continued

Thanks for reading, I’m really sorry for the delay and hope it was worth the wait. Feel free to leave a comment about where you want the story to go, who you want to hear more about, what dares or truths you want done and asked. I love hearing your feed back and hopefully the next part will be out soon


1 comment

  1. Definitely worth the wait!

    I hope the next part will be out soon!

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