Carrying Their Baby [erotica] [mpreg]

**Carrying Their Baby**

*Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)*

*Commissioned by anonymous*

Jack and Sarah could have been said to be a normal couple, the sort of young couple in their mid-twenties that most would have aspired to be. They had the perfect life, the easy jobs, and, really, most about their life was nondescript. They took the holidays that everyone expected them to take (and even some of the more adventurous kind, backpacking through the jungle!) fit and with fair skin that tanned easily and made them softly recognisable even to those that may have only seen them at the usual family gatherings. With Jack’s dirty-blonde hair and her shining, blonde locks falling straight and true past her shoulders, they were the perfect pair and only growing closer to each other in marriage as their lives grew, intertwined as married life was apt to leave them.

And then everything changed.

It had been bought as a joke, almost, though one that got both of them hot under the collar, twisting in the expectation of the pleasure and lust that one little sex toy could bring. Jack had laughed as he fell on the bed with Sarah, talking about just what it could mean for them, the fact that it promised to implant her eggs into him, along with a hefty dose of his sperm to “ensure conception”, as the box said, so that he could carry a child instead of her. Sarah had never been a fan of carrying a baby herself but on others, wow… Even she could not have expected the delicious squirm that her body gave, imagining her loving husband’s belly fat and round and swelling with the life of their very own child, their little one that would make their family complete.

Jack blushed heavily and groaned as he lay back, his wife riding him reverse cowgirl, a giggle on her lips despite the lust of it all.

“Okay, baby, get ready for it now…”

It was hard for her to talk with his shaft driven up inside her but she ground down against him even as she presented the sex toy to the pucker of his anal ring, on their marriage bed and about to do far more than simply consummate their marriage in the traditional sense. They had to keep their bond fresh, after all, their sex life exciting, and Sarah could think of no better way to do that than in pushing the limits, easing the well-lubricated toy up into his backdoor entrance as her husband groaned and bucked up against her, arms around her hips.

Still, she pushed down as she worked the toy, revelling in the fantasy, twisting back and forth, climaxing on his cock even as his hand teased her clit, squeezing and rubbing in just the way that made her back arch so delightfully. It was all they wanted, to come together in such devout carnal bliss, hearts pounding, Sarah’s hair clinging delightfully to the back of her neck where a curl of it had clung in damp sweat. But that was no matter to her, grinding and humping, working her husband over as her breath caught in a long, drawn-out moan that could barely be heard in the roar between her ears.

Lust came in many forms and that was something too that Jack would come to see with the toy that was more of a medical device and not just something to spice up their sex life doing its job inside him. It was thick and teased up against just the right spots but he did not have the sensitivity to feel just how it released his own semen inside him, channelling Sarah’s eggs up to a spot that, well, no man really liked to imagine existed. The toy had been designed for such a thing, however, and it would all come to be as it was meant to be, conception teasing into sweet completion even as the lovers collapsed into one another, Jack flooding her pussy with his cum, spurt after spurt, his strongest orgasm as yet in his lifetime sealing the deal even as she squealed out her own pleasure.

And, so, the deed was done.


Perhaps they should have realised that something was up earlier than they did but, well, it was not expected. The bloating was the first thing, nausea accompanying it, and, for a few days, both of them thought that their dinner out last date night had caused it. It had been a while since playing with that kinky little toy in the privacy of their bedroom and, truly, both of them had forgotten about it, the effects that were promised – solely for the pursuit of kinky pleasure, of course. As it was, she was so prone to worry over him and that was just why Sarah found herself sitting beside Jack in the doctor’s office, tapping her heel anxiously on the floor even though she knew it worked him up even more.

“Is it okay, doctor?” She asked, his hand on hers reassuring her more than himself, although he was no longer feeling quite so queasy. “What do we need to do? We’re sorry to bother you, it’s just that it’s lasting so much longer than any other virus, a good couple of weeks now. Now that Jack’s back at work, things still aren’t right and…”

Yet Sarah didn’t have the words to convey her worry and she was sure that doctors like Dr Harold had seen more than enough worried wives in her time. Much of her worry was prone to twisting into itself in her chest, threads of it winding about one another like slippery serpents, all intent on sinking their teeth into her. It was something that she was working on – a hectic and stressful job, of course, made this more difficult than not – but not something that she, as yet, felt that she had a handle on. And that was perhaps why it was a good thing that she was not the one to receive the very intimate and personal, life-changing, news that particular day.

Sighing, the doctor shook his head, but there were only so many answers to one test and, well, he had not needed a urine sample to check for an infection.

“Yes…” The doctor ran his fingers back through his lightly greasy hair, giving them a sheepish smile. “I’m pleased to say, although this is rather unconventional, that you two are now expecting a baby. Congratulations!”

He rushed on before they had a chance to react, one blink being all they could get in as Dr Harold pushed on, holding out his hands to stave off immediate questions.

“Now, it’s unconventional…yet possible. It is, of course, not you,” he said, nodding to Sarah, “that is carrying, but your husband, Mr Lee, that is carrying your child. I expect there was some manner of contraption involved in this? These do actually work, you know…”

Jack stared. Sarah’s jaw-dropped. For a moment, no one said anything – not even the doctor that they had expected would give him some antibiotics or further tests or something. Most certainly did they not expect him to tell them that they were about to have a baby!

“Doctor…” Jack’s voice came out tight and high-pitched as if there was an invisible hand closed around his throat. “That can’t be right, are you sure? Are you quite sure?”

Yet he knew in his heart of hearts that it was right and his heart leapt inside his chest, soaring up to his throat, beating so hard that one could have been forgiven for thinking, in that moment, that something far more untoward was happening. He could not control his elation though and no one was asking him to either, Sarah leaping into his arms with a broken squeal, eyes alight and breath rushing from her in a gasp, her chest shuddering. There was no fear to be had between them as they came together, holding one another tightly, the doctor shuffling his paperwork and looking on, although he too was relieved that the news had gone down better than it had in most cases. That, for him, was the best outcome for the child growing in the man’s belly before him.

Grabbing her husband’s face, Sarah kissed him fiercely, passion swelling through with the pulse of blood pumping through her body.

“We’re going to have a *baby*!”

She squealed as he swept her off her feet, dangling and hovering midair as he hefted her up as if she weighed nothing at all, one shoe dropping off. The gleam in his eye told a tale purely of joy, however, as he spun her delightfully, exhilaration coursing through like a direct shot of adrenaline. The world no longer seemed real around them, slowing down to allow them to best enjoy the news that had been duly delivered, breath raking through lungs that had not been prepared to take such a surprise by any means.

“Don’t do that in your condition! Put me down, you’re going to hurt the baby!”

That was a word that they were going to hear a lot more over the next eight months.


Having a baby was the best thing that could have ever happened to the two of them and even more so as Sarah dropped to her knees before her husband in their kitchen, although there was nothing inherently sexual about the adoration she lavished over him. Around five months had passed since conception and it was more than a little obvious that Jack was showing, the round curve of his stomach rising out as if it was trying to put itself on display. And yet it did not appear at all as if he had let himself go at all and seemed, quite aptly, as if he was pregnant. Of course, even though everyone knew it was possible for a small number of males to become pregnant in such a way, he still drew looks on the street if he was not quite wearing clothes that covered it up in the right way, though he was growing better and better at meeting their stares with a proud smile, resting his hand on his baby bump as if he too was eager to show it off. What more could he do when their lives were changing, the baby’s room already starting to be set up? His child would be born and they would revel in raising them, even though they did not yet know the gender.

He grinned to himself, leaning back against the wooden kitchen table, which had, for once, been cleared of paperwork and was set up prettily for an at-home date night together. No, they wouldn’t find the gender out quite yet… Maybe not even until the birth itself! They wanted that to be a surprise! Heaven knew that there were few enough good surprises in the world those days and he wanted to let all the good ones through that he could.

But Sarah had revealed something as she leaned into him, pressing her cheek to his stomach, trying yet again to hear the baby inside. The thing was that she’d always admired the look of pregnant woman, how their hair and skin glowed with the vibrancy of the new life growing inside them, but had never quite seen how that would look on herself. There was something erotic, to her, about the rise of a growing stomach, knowing that there was a baby (or babies) within, waiting to be born, and she crooned softly as she rubbed her cheek against his stomach, wishing for the kicks and shifts to start, though that time surely had to be coming soon with the size of his stomach.

Jack too relished in each and every moment, enjoying the experience even though the initial nausea and the usual symptoms were a little tiring to deal with. They were all something that he was more than willing to deal with, however, as long as they had a little one to bring into the world at the end of it all, running his fingers through his wife’s hair over and over again as it fell back over her shoulders. It was a sacrifice and one that he would take time after time again as the rise of his stomach commanded his days, taking over his life in the very best of ways, pregnancy dominating even as Sarah and he grew closer and closer together with the span of each and every day that passed.

Still…not even he could have anticipated how much he enjoyed being pregnant as she kissed his stomach, pushing up his loose T-shirt (they were just at home relaxing on a Thursday evening, after all) to reveal his stomach. It didn’t seem right to the eye on a man but she adored it and planted soft kiss after kiss all over his stomach, leaving no spot untouched. Even his belly-button, dipping inward, was not left out and she giggled as she tickled the edge of it with her lips, the gentle curl of masculine hair on his bump adding an extra air of delicious fulfilment to his body that she leaned into eagerly.

How it could make her feel so alive to be close to him, her arms around him, squeezing lightly against his bump… Well, it was beyond her but some things did not need to be explained when they brought such joy, panting softly and letting her warm breath tickle his skin, any dampness from her mouth cooling and evaporating swiftly from his skin the warmth of their home. With a soft, shy groan, Jack leaned back against the table for more stability, legs quivering even though he did not personally feel that he had all that much extra weight to carry around at that particular time. That, of course, would change in the third trimester and he wondered, even then, with a giggle just how enhanced his wobble and waddle would become. It was hard, after all, to move around normally with a larger stomach, his centre of balance off-kilter!

“Look how beautiful you are, darling,” she murmured, kissing over his belly once more. “So big and so round… I wonder how big you’re going to get before you give birth?”

Shivering, all Jack had for her was a soft moan as his skin tickled and tingled from the light brush of sensation, every last part of his body seeming so powerfully on edge that even a fly landing could have been felt in intimate detail. Yet her words washed over him, soft and charming, and he cupped her face in the palm of his hand as Sarah nuzzled into him, seeming to not be able to get too close at such an already intimate time.

“Yes, there you are, baby,” she cooed to his stomach, talking to the child within and not her husband any more. “You’re going to come out soon, aren’t you? You’re going to grow up big and strong and we’re going to look after you so very well! You’re going to be a handsome man or a beautiful woman and anything you want in life will be yours!”

He chuckled as she talked to the baby, cooing and simpering, though the baby-talk was something he longed for too. It meant that they would soon have a bouncing, happy child to cuddle and care for and that was the best thing of all, pushing them on to a life of happiness that only a few short months ago they had never imagined could be theirs to take.

Sighing, he drew Sarah up to him for a warm, passionate kiss, tongues darting intimately between their lips, though there could only be one end to such a passionate moment shared. Her hands dropped to his tight stomach, even though pressing in closer made it difficult to continue the kiss as his belly pushed her away with its very presence, and Jack chuckled lightly into her mouth, making them both slip off into cheeky fits of giggles, none of which seemed all that keen on teasing down.

Hand in hand, he led her to the bedroom, up the stairs, her eyes not on any other part of his body but his stomach, Sarah’s free hand fluttering out with concern as if she thought, even then, that it was her due place to help her husband up the stairs. Yet Jack was not so far along that he could not do such a thing and drew her into his arms again at the top of the stairs, pausing there for a deep kiss, though his wife, that time, was able to wiggle her body ever so slightly to the side just so that she could get in closer to him, careful of his swelling stomach and the life contained within.

Right there and then, the baby gave their first kick.


As time went on, it swiftly became clear that, even though they still did not want to yet find out the gender, that the baby in Jack’s belly was not one but two. There was no way for a normal pregnancy, after all, to render him so big and full, his skin tight over a belly that seemed, even to his practised eye (as he was the one experiencing it) grew more every day. That could not be so, not even to a rapidly developing pregnancy that was unconventional to say the last, though Jack enjoyed the thought of simply being able to lie back in bed and watch his belly grow before his eyes, the babies within soft and warm, cocooned away and patiently waiting to be born.

So, twins it was to be and they could not have been happier about it! In the sixth month of pregnancy – almost up to seven months in total – Jack found it more and more difficult as his legs ached and his back strained to adjust the growing load before him. The kids within wriggling and squirming and kicking too had ramped up more and more from that one isolated kick in the prelude to intimacy on that fateful date night too, tiring him even as he lovingly ran his hands over his stomach repeatedly, even out in public. People could stare but it didn’t matter to him as his friends and family were there to help, everyone as supportive as he could have liked and his workplace even offering him flexible hours in case things grew too much for him in the last trimester. Of course, he would be the one to take maternity leave after the birth or maybe too in the weeks leading up to it too, depending on how he felt about it. He was a stubborn soul at heart and, truly, there was something soothing about working through a spreadsheet with one hand on his stomach, feeling the twins push out against his stomach as they adjusted their positions and kicked. Their tiny, developing limbs still needed that exercise too, however, and he chuckled to himself, tap-dancing his fingers across his tight, round rise as he encouraged them on lovingly, even though they were not yet out and in the world itself.

His wife, however, insisted that he was working too hard and sent him to have a prenatal massage, although she had, in that case, had to explain to the specialist masseuse that, yes, it was indeed a man coming to have a massage and, yes, of course, he was pregnant.

It took a little explaining but Sarah was able to wrangle it all out for him in the most serene of spa environments, the air scented faintly with Eucalyptus as he was led by the pool to the massage rooms, a white, fluffy robe covering his body. It was a little easier, in a sense, for a man to strip down and receive a full-body massage without feeling too exposed, as everything that needed to be reached could be reached with just his underwear on, though he had deliberately chosen a modest pair of boxer-briefs for the occasion. Sarah had reassured him beforehand, sitting down for her own facial that would not take quite as long as the massage, that they had seen it all before, supposedly.

Still, it was nice to relax down on the table, starting lying on his back while the masseuse, a tall red-head with adorable freckles that introduced herself as Sally, got used to his body. The massage table was specially designed for pregnant bodies and it turned out, in such a case, that a man’s body was not all that different when it came to the element of artistry in massage, soothing around his stomach softly as she allowed Jack to familiarise himself with her touch.

One of the twins jutted out through his stomach, an indiscernible lump that could only be seen as a baby if that’s what one was looking for, and he rested a hand protectively over them. The masseuse only smiled and worked around him, letting him protect as he felt he needed to – she saw more than enough pregnant women to know what she needed to do, after all. And even Jack found her presence soothing as Sally worked over the strained tension of his skin, easing out the pull there, his stomach not designed to expand in such a way. Of course, he knew that he would have stretch marks afterwards but that was something he was more than willing to put up with, considering just what would come his way afterwards.

“How far along are you?” She murmured quietly, inviting him into a conversation without needing it. “Please tell me if anything feels sore, this is to make you feel good, my dear.”

She spoke familiarly and Jack leant into the warmth of her personality as one of the twins settled back down again, smoothing out the rise of his stomach a notch. Still, they twisted and kicked as she let the soft tone of her voice relax him, his eyelids heavy, almost about to drop off as she finally was able to, very gently, work over even the heady rise of his stomach. The brush of her fingers there in slow, sweeping motions took his breath away and what little conversation they had trailed off as Jack flushed heavily, watching her work him over, taking both him and his body to highs of pleasure like nothing he’d ever felt before. How could she do that to him? And it wasn’t even anywhere remotely sexual!

Of course, a pre-natal massage did not mean that only the bump was paid attention to, though the relaxing of muscles around that are was most certainly very much appreciated. Jack had not realised how tight everything had been there and he was left feeling softened and relaxed even though he still could support his baby bump with the contraction of whatever muscles felt they were needed at any given time. There were other parts of his body that took the strains of pregnancy too, however, and it was those that she worked over, teasing out stress and strain from his aching legs, down to his ankles and back up again, working firmly and soothingly, her practised hands doing such wonders that Jack had never before even thought possible.

If it had been him there and Sarah pregnant, he would have done the same for his lovely wife, he was sure, but he was more than happy to whimper softly as a click resounded from his shoulders, tightness releasing as air escaped from the pockets between the bones. Sally chuckled to him, murmuring that most new ‘moms’ didn’t know how stiff they were sometimes, and he found himself nodding readily, pretty much eager to agree with absolutely everything that Sally could have had to say. Anyone who could make him feel that good, after all, surely must have known just what they talked about!

There was more to be done too and the table was adapted so that he could easily lie on both his side and his front – which was a surprise enough in itself. With his head pushed lightly into the hole that allowed his face to sit comfortably, Jack let on a long, low sigh as Sally worked out the tension from his back, the twins squirming and kicking ferociously but, this time, there was no tension to rise up along with it. There, they could fidget as much as they wanted and it did not bother him at all with not a single jot of bad feeling creeping up on him, relaxing and soothing, the soft padding on the table caressing his stomach as if it had been made specifically for him.

Even the twins were stiller and stiller as he relaxed, although not in a way that had Jack panicking. If a massage could be that good, it was a wonder that he’d never tried one for himself before, though it was hard not to wonder what Sally’s expert fingers could do as they found each and every last one of his stiff and sore muscles, the muscles in his back that had been overworked carrying the babies. Even his hamstrings were locked up and tight and she took care of that too where he’d been adjusting the position, each nuance of relaxation trickling through him more and more. He all but melted into the table with his belly carefully cradled, the twins shifting and wriggling calmly as if they were just rolling over in bed – the beds that they would soon lie in once they were brought on and out into the world.

He sighed softly, lips parted in a half-smile that no one saw. They were all that mattered to him and Sarah, even as he tried to reach under the table itself, which was too awkward in his current position, to feel the shapes of the twins pressing up against his tight yet perfectly smooth stomach. Even the hairs there, masculine at their best, seemed to have faded and become softer and lighter on the fingers, though he still had his happy trail, a little nuance that retained his sense of being Jack. But Jack and Sarah were a couple that would come into so much more as peace washed over him, soothing his body and his mind into a state of being that was halfway between slumber and wakefulness.

In his belly, the babies rested, soft and warm and cocooned, always protected. Jack would *always* protect them.

When he finally emerged in his robe once more, he could barely walk for relaxation, his stride long and yet not getting him anywhere quickly as he covered little ground, both hands on his swollen stomach. Sarah giggled at him and took him into her arms as he near enough tumbled into them, holding him close, although not even she could not deny where her hands went. For they were already on his stomach, feeling and checking, ensuring that their babies were all well and good, that they had enjoyed the massage too as much as her husband seemed to and. Truth be told, they were wriggling and squirming, seeming to push against one another for space, and she crouched down for a moment to whisper to them, telling them just how good they’d been to let daddy have his massage, let him be treated well and right while he carried them.

Chuckling softly, Jack shook his head at her.

“Darling… What are you like?”

There was affection in his tone and he tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear as she smiled and touched her fingers to her lips. Those same fingers dropped to his belly, giving a kiss to their unborn babies too, and he cooed under his breath, drawing her in softly against him, arms gentle as he carefully avoided jostling his stomach that time.

Yet he seemed destined to be distracted in that moment as a familiar red-head passed before him, a smile on her lips and her freckles appearing to dance, drawing him in as a little gasp left his lips. It should have been something that passed by without notice but the babies squirming in his belly in response to the sudden stiffness and tightness around them, Jack’s body reacting even as he bid it not to, gave the game away. Suspiciously, Sarah drew back and checked what he was looking at, one eyebrow raised and her lips pressed together, almost pursed. But she wasn’t the sort of woman to give anything like that away, oh no. She held her cards close to her heart even as she slid her gaze obviously between Sally, the masseuse, and Jack.

“Oh, you like her, do you?”

He gulped, eyes wide, and shook his head immediately, even taking a step back and putting his hands up. No man wanted to be caught looking at another woman – that was a cardinal sin at its best! But Sarah’s eyes twinkled and he knew, kind of, that there was something more to her, fetishes and likings that she had never before revealed to him – like the pregnancy thing. He’d never known about that and now she spent hours adoring his stomach, rubbing essential oil concoctions into it, soothing him and easing his pregnancy in every which way she knew how.

“I… Uh…”

He didn’t have to answer and her kiss on his cheek told him that he didn’t need to worry (at least, not yet) as to his liking. He couldn’t help it and, well, it was not as if he would ever see Sally again, so surely that made things okay? The twins wriggled and kicked and Sarah giggled, resting both hands on his stomach, almost glancing around as if she wanted others in the spa to share in her joy of her husband’s pregnancy too.

“Oh, really now?” She breathed, leaning in close to put her lips up to his ear. “You think you can get away with it that easily?”

His heart pounded. The twins wriggled frantically, though they were not the ones with anything to worry about. Licking her lips, Sarah giggled breathily.

“Don’t worry, darling… I have something sweet in mind for *you*!”

For Sarah had had the same masseuse for her massages before too and, well, she thought she was a rather fine piece of woman too. After all…where was the harm in asking the question if they both thought that way?


An ultrasound was par for the course by that time and Jack tried to stay still as they smeared ultrasound jelly on his stomach. As always, it was far too cold – so cold, in fact, that the chill of it took his breath away even as Sarah held his hand tightly, comforting him as the rising curve of his stomach seemed to dominate the room. Every day seemed to render him larger but that was both of their imaginations at work as his pregnancy progressed, the doctor happy, at least, with how things were coming along.

“No unusual pains? Cramps?”

Jack obediently ran through the usual list, assuring the doctor that he was fine, although, of course, there were a few more things to go over when a man was having a pregnancy. That didn’t matter to them as it was better to ensure that all was covered but it was just about entering the time where the weight of the babies pressed down on certain vital organs, the pressure in Jack’s bladder growing more and more with how he was kept busy in the doctor’s office and not heading off where he wanted to go, to the bathroom.

But they wanted to see the ultrasound. They couldn’t possibly leave without seeing the ultrasound, a grainy picture taking place on the screen as they clutched hands and held their breath, hearts in their mouths.

“There you go…” The doctor smiled, as he did every day to every couple in a similar situation (maybe not quite the same) that he was. “All is well, they look nice and healthy, developing well. Do you want to know the genders?”

Of course, they did not: the ultrasound already revealed that they were having twins but, well, some surprises were better left for the delivery room. Shaking their heads, they simply enjoyed the screen, heads tucked in close together, the image of their babies coming to life in their wriggling pulses and little, twitching kicks.

“Those kicks feel a lot bigger here,” Jack chuckled, though he had the good grace to wince, just a little, as one baby pushed up against his stomach. “Ooof… And they could stop tap-dancing on my bladder too!”

“Aww…” Sarah cooed, pressing her lips to the side of his belly where the jelly had not been smeared. “You’re just so eager to get out, aren’t you? Are you going to come out on time for mommy and daddy? Are you, hm, little babies?”

They didn’t have names yet but they both said that they’d know them when they arrived so that was not too much of a worry, even if it did, very occasionally, render her baby talk impersonal at times. They’d called the twins “little beans” and “comma”, because they were the next part of their lives. Neither had really stuck though and Jack smiled proudly down at his body, legs spread but uncaring, the life that he was carrying inside far, far too important to worry about anything like retaining modesty when the doctor was not even looking their way. Let him type up his notes – they had better things to concern themselves with!

Their little family was almost there.


There were, however, other things to go on with and the baby shower was one of the things that Sarah had been most looking forward to throwing for her husband, doting attention on him as he sat, centre-stage. It was near the end of the pregnancy and he stretched out his legs as much as he was able, his trousers tailored for him, though the waistband would be comically large after he’d given birth. The material gave the appearance that he was wearing smart clothes but, really, they were elasticised – a clever design indeed! Of course, his stomach was what everyone wanted to see even as they played baby games and their loving friends and family gathered there, even his parents had made time, tried to guess whether they’d be having boys, girls or one of each. Who was to know?

“Oh, you’re so big!”

Jack’s cousin blushed and tried to stutter an apology immediately after her outburst but it was not as if she’d seen someone so heavily pregnant before, let alone a man. Jack wasn’t about to be annoyed by something so innocuous and he seemed to be getting just about everyone feeling up his stomach that day, the skin glowing with good health as his hair, a shade longer than usual, tickled around his ears.

“Come on,” he coaxed her. “The babies are going to kick again, I can feel it!”

And, tentatively, she was encouraged to touch his stomach, although such an intimate thing was not what she had envisioned doing that particular day. A kick and a wriggle was all that it took to have her gasping and shooting back, wide-eyed, though Jack laughed and put both of his hands instantly on his stomach, not wanting to miss a moment, although he was the one most intimately involved in each and every one of the twins’ little shifts and wriggles and kicks. Even inside him, they were still so cute.

His cousin was not so brave but Sarah’s younger sisters were there, in their teens, and crouched down to feel, as fascinated as they had been in the early days of the little squirms and kicks. It was a strange feeling indeed to feel something move inside him but Jack had more than gotten used to it as Sarah pressed up behind him, sliding her hands down his chest as if she was going to reach for his stomach but decided to let her two sisters have their moment.

“They can hear you, you know!” She smiled encouragingly. “Talk to them! They’re going to see a lot of their aunties when they’re born!”

“Aww…” Her youngest sister, Cindy, smiled and rubbed Jack’s stomach, waiting for another kick. “You’re going to be so cute, playing ball with me and Ken, aren’t you? We’re going to buy you all of the best toys… Do you think they’ll be football fans?”

Sarah laughed and rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

“Goodness, I hope not! Ken’s bad enough as he is!”

Her other sister, Indigo, was enraptured, however, putting her face close to Jack’s stomach though not touch, as if she was afraid of breaking some kind of connection she had there. But she could do as she liked and no one was going to interrupt her as she murmured to the baby just how big and strong they were going to grow up being, how they were going to be amazing, how they had such an adoring, loving family around them. Jack’s heart warmed to hear it but he dared not say anything for fear of spoiling the moment.

*Indigo really is a sweetheart…*

“I can’t wait to meet you, little baby,” she murmured, so quietly that she must have thought that no one was able to hear. “I can’t wait to see you, to hold you… And your mom is going to be such a good mom too, she really is the best. Everyone’s going to love you, both of you… I don’t know how they couldn’t love you, sweet little things.”

Sarah kissed Jack’s cheek, drawing his attention away and he leaned back into her arms as she sighed, sharing a breath and sharing a moment. The shower was perfect, laughter filling the air, so many friends and family coming together to support them. No one cared that he was a man and it was so very rare in their lifetimes to see a man fall pregnant but, well, there was so much to be done that no one could see it as anything but a positive, the flourish of him bringing new life into the world coming above all else. It may have been unconventional but it was their story to tell and theirs alone as others rushed to surround them, the babies squirming and kicking, pushing out against his stomach, as everyone wanted the turn with the marvel and the mystery of their sweet awakening.

Holding Sarah’s hand tightly, Jack sighed. It could not have been any more perfect.

And things would only get better from there.

Remainder to follow in comments!


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  1. Pregnancy was not all about being surrounded by other people, however, and quiet moments were needed even after the strain of further ultrasounds. Even though they knew that everything was progressing normally, healthily, they both knew that it was a higher risk pregnancy still to have Jack carry their children and worried each and every time he had to go in for an ultrasound. It made their date nights a little tamer than usual as they lay naked in bed together, Sarah snuggled up to him as she fed her loving husband all the snacks he liked, resting in the afterglow of orgasm that had, truly, swept away any worries from their minds.

    “They liked that,” she giggled, nuzzling and kissing his stomach, lips brushing the tiniest flicker of hair there. “Look at them go!”

    The babies squirmed as if they were dancing on cue for them, shifting and moving, but that could not be helped as Jack’s shaft softened against his thigh, the two of them having been engaged in rather adult activities only a short while ago. Truthfully, he was still a little short of breath and chuckled, trying to hug her closer as she rested her head on his stomach, letting his breath and muffled laughter rock and jiggle her face as hair fluttered down over her eyes.

    “Oh… Oh, they’re really wriggling now!”

    She didn’t need to tell him that as he could more than feel them but Sarah was up and kneeling already, fumbling for something in the bedside table. He didn’t have a chance to ask her what she was searching for as she leaned over him (a mean feat indeed with the rise of his lightly swaying, wobbling belly) withdrawing a mini sound system with one of their old, not so often used, music players lodged in the docking station of it.

    “I heard about this the other day,” she said with a grin. “They said the babies like to hear music… Shall we try it?”

    It seemed that he didn’t have a choice there and it didn’t matter anyway as she turned the old docking station on, holding the speakers up to his stomach. Neither of them recognised the old pop tracks that blasted out – well, it was not that loud but they wanted to make sure the babies could hear – soft vibrations of sound pulsing over his stomach as if he could actually feel it, although it was truly too quiet for something like that.

    Jack made a face and Sarah put the speakers down on the bed, worry clouding her expression.


    “No, no…” He chuckled, turning his face into the pillow, a hand pointing to his belly. “Nooo… Look! Look! They really like it!”

    And it was true as the twins wriggled and squirmed so fervently that they could visibly be seen, one lying in an awkward position so that, right there, his belly looked somewhat lopsided in a very peculiar way. As Sarah held the speakers up again, the wriggled anxiously as if they were trying to make themselves known, tiny fists and feet pushing up against the fragile skin that separated them from their warm home and the rest of the world.

    They tried a few more things, having nothing else that they wanted to do that evening, to get the twins to really wiggle and dance for them but after the flashlight, which had been surprisingly effective (maybe more so when the cool butt of the device was traced on his belly in patterns that he swore one of the twins was trying to follow) they had to call it quits. They didn’t want to tire them out too much and Sarah simmered down slowly, nuzzling and kissing and licking his stomach, even dipping her tongue teasingly – oh, she was a tease! – into the indent of his belly-button, babies wriggling and calming, their time for slumber too having come. Babies did not wake and sleep inside their parent like they would in the waking world but Jack liked to think of them getting ready for bed too at the same time was, tucking in the bed sheets cutely around his stomach as if his belly and the babies only were going to bed.

    Kissing his belly reverently, Sarah stroked his bare skin, breath warming the spot that she had kissed.

    “Goodnight, little babies… Don’t wait up for us, will you?”

    A cheeky note but she rolled up to her husband with a sly glint in her eye. His heart lifted in reply.

    “You wouldn’t want to show off that sexy body still for me now…would you, darling?”

    She drawled but the light would stay on as they kissed, her hands roaming his body as she adored his belly in a way that made her heart pound and lust rise, the eroticism of his pregnant state getting the better of her. And that would be made all the better as she whispered to him all the dirty things she wanted to do to him, his shaft closed in her hand, Jack trying to buck and grind up against her but failing to do so with the weight of his stomach holding him down.

    “So hot…” She murmured, not at all shy about letting him know just how much he turned her on. “Oh… Oh, you look so good… So warm and fertile…”

    It was a strange way to refer to a man but he leaned into it and her lips on his shaft, sliding down, could not have been any better as she moaned around him, letting the vibrations travel into his eager length. He managed to buck up a little but she had her husband right where she wanted him and groaned as he thrust into her mouth, cock sliding slickly over her tongue, lips pursed tightly as she devoted herself to the passionate act of showing him just how much she loved him, how much he turned her on. All the while, her hands could not be still, feeling and sweeping over his stomach, eyes trying to roll up just to get a glimpse of it, although the vast expanse of his tightly strained skin was still very much all that she could see.

    “I love you so much,” he managed to force out, her suckling him wiping away any manner of dirty talk that may have otherwise have sensually slipped from her lips. “Oh god… God… Sarah…”

    Yet there was more pleasure than ever to come as she drew him in, taking his pleasure in hand. After all, her husband had earned it, carrying their children as he was, and she really was a woman who would do anything for him, her heart warming to give him such attention.

    In his belly, the twins gently shifted position and she groaned, bobbing her head fervently on his aching spire. It didn’t hurt that he was heavily pregnant either, no, feeding her fantasy as she lavished attention on him, massaging and caressing his stomach, pressing her own thighs together too as her arousal grew. Jack could not have possibly have been sexier to her in that moment as he moaned, winding his fingers through her hair, though he was careful of the bump, seemingly not wanting to disturb the babies, which was ever so sweet of him. He knew though that even the slightest shift and tensing of his body would disturb them but, well, they would not mind such a thing when they knew that mommy and daddy were happy and relaxed in themselves.

    His sweet completion came in a rush and she sucked every drop down as he filled her mouth, spurts of cum slicking down over her tongue. Her heart surged – a treat for her! And that was part of the very essence too that had formed their two, beautiful babies, even if they weren’t born yet. Her cheeks hollowed as she suckled urgently, drawing out his pleasure for as long as possible, even as his length grew ever more sensitive. The miracle of life was something indeed and something that she wanted to both adore and lust over, in the manner of his body, for as long as she possibly could.

    Jack panted heavily, chest rising and falling, but it was the jiggle of his stomach as the twins shifted and lightly wriggled against one another that caught his attention the most – at least, that was how he imagined it. They were calm and gentle and soothed by the pleasure flooding through his body and he stroked and stroked his own stomach, hands bumping into Sarah’s as she broke free of his erection with a gasp, eyes alight with a fervour that he had never seen before.

    “So *fucking* hot…”

    He shuddered. Oh, she knew just the right buttons to push and, still, she was only getting started. Kissing his stomach, she waited, patiently, thighs quivering with need for him.

    Little did he know that Sarah had even more planned for him…

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