[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern – part six

My PA interrupts me. My next meeting is due. I put my phone aside.

An hour later, I text Mikey to say that I will be late home from work. I tell him to order a delivery for dinner for him and Alice and I will put something in the microwave for myself, when I get home. I need to catch up with the work I missed, earlier.

It’s 7.30pm when I get home. Alice hears my car and greets me as I enter the house. She comes running along the corridor, her tits bouncing freely beneath her top, and embraces me, even before I have chance to put down my bag.

“Guess what!” she declares. “Mikey has been showing me how to use the weights in the gym. It’s fun!”

“I’m sure it is,” I reply, remembering what I saw on the CCTV system and feeling myself get aroused.

“He says that we can do it, again, anytime. But I shouldn’t use the weights when he isn’t there to supervise me because it would be dangerous!” Alice tells me.

“Well, that’s very true,” I agree. “Now why don’t you find something in the freezer and put it in the microwave for me, whilst I go and shower and change?”

Alice let’s go of me and heads to the kitchen. I go upstairs.

When I come out of the ensuite, I find Mikey waiting for me in the bedroom. He’s in his robe.

“Oh,” I say, not expecting to see him there. “Did you just change?”

“No,” he replies. “I showered and changed after I was in the gym, before dinner.”

“I hear you showed Alice how to use the weights,” I say.

“Yes, she seemed to take to it quite well. I’ve told her I’ll help her with them, anytime.”

“Well, it’s nice to see the two of you getting on together, so well,” I say. I see Mikey momentarily process this for any hidden meaning.

“Yes, it is,” he tells me, perhaps perfectly innocently.

I put on my robe and head downstairs. Mikey follows. Alice has my dinner ready.

They sit with me as I eat.

When I am finished, I say to Alice; “You remember how you and I used to watch a movie on a Friday night on the big screen in my bedroom? Why don’t we do that tonight.? You go upstairs and change into your pyjamas and then go to my bedroom. You can choose the movie. Mikey will go and set up the streaming channel. I will just tidy up down here.”

Mikey and Alice go upstairs. I put the dishes in the dishwasher and wipe down the surfaces.

I pick up my phone and go to the camera in our bedroom. Mikey is on the bed, arranging the pillows, so that we can sit up and watch the movie. His robe is open and I can see his cock. Alice walks into shot. She is wearing her baby doll pyjamas. Mikey quickly rearranges his robe. Was that an accident? Alice walks over to Mikey’s side of the bed and gives something to Mikey. He smiles at her, says something, and puts it in his bedside drawer. Mikey pats the bed next to him and Alice gets up into the middle of the bed. They start scrolling through the list of movies. I close down the screen.

I arrive in the bedroom and get onto the bed beside Alice, with Mikey on the other side of her. It is a super kingsize, so there is plenty of room.

“Alice has chosen *American Pie*,” Mikey tells me as he presses ‘play’.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gvvpcc/str8_mff_voy_exh_cause_for_concern_part_six