The Roommate Part III: Revelation [FF] [FT] [Teasing]

**III: Marie and Lexi**

Marie walked up the stairs of the building Lexi had told to come to, nervous and anxious. The thumping music that grew progressively louder as Marie climbed the stairs let her know she was in the right place. She’d texted Lexi on and off after getting home back from Kylie’s last weekend. Though Marie was a bit frustrated that Lexi hadn’t agreed to just meet her and hook up or watch something and chill. She’d almost stopped talking with the girl, but there was something about Lexi. The girl knew how to flirt, how to intrigue Marie. It didn’t hurt that Marie remembered exactly how hot Lexi was.

*I’m going to hook up with her tonight.*

Marie wasn’t sure if she was stating a fact or being hopeful. She hadn’t texted Liam at all this week, but she still hadn’t really been able to satisfy herself. Kylie was an engineering major, which gave her a pretty busy schedule, and fucking herself with her fingers or one of her toys just wasn’t the same.

Once the half-open door to the party came in sight, a few people standing around it, Marie took out her phone to let Lexi know she was here.

Then one of the people at the door turned and smiled at Marie. Marie’s eyes widened.

*She was waiting outside for me?*

Lexi also somehow had managed to look like even more of a knockout tonight than she had when they met last week. The lighting here was better than the clubs, and it allowed Marie to drink in the other girl as she approached.

A tight, sky-blue tube top that seemed just slightly too small showed off her broad, toned shoulders and set off her eyes along with her mascara and winged eyeliner, making them look almost impossibly blue. She wore a bit more make-up than she had last time. The eyeshadow was minimal, but the red lipstick made her lips look even more plush and full than Marie remembered. Her body was just as incredible as Marie remembered. The crop top showed off her abs, and a silver belly-chain drew attention to just how slim her waist was. Instead of jeans, she’d worn black leggings that clung to her shapely legs.

Marie met Lexi’s eyes as she closed the distance between them, still smiling, and her cheeks grew hot.

*Fuck, I’m staring again.*

She couldn’t help it, though.

Lexi’s broad shoulders would have looked a little off if they had not worked with her hips to draw attention to just how tiny her waist was.

When Lexi embraced her, Marie felt her entire body heat up.

“I’m so glad you made it,” she said as Marie hugged her back.

The other girl leaned back, looking Marie up and down in a way that made her want to bite her lip, and held up a solo cup, gesturing toward the door.

“Want to get a drink?”



Lexi couldn’t help but grin as she glanced over at Marie while waiting for their drinks. The blonde had chosen leggings over a dress this time, black ones, along with a flowing, long-sleeved top. The top hid a bit more of Marie’s figure than Lexi would have liked, but it didn’t make her any less attractive. It fit her.

As they’d texted over the past week, Lexi had thought she sensed a bit of hesitation from the other girl but seeing how Marie looked at her a few minutes ago reassured Lexi that she didn’t have much to worry about. The thrill Marie’s gaze sent through her every time their eyes met might actually prove to be a bit troublesome.

It had been hard enough refusing the girl last week when they’d danced and made out a bit and Marie had just been some random girl, if a cute one.

Lexi still didn’t know much about her–other than her school, major, where she was from and all the other college small-talk shit–but planned on changing that tonight.

“Here you go, Lex.”

Lexi turned back to the bartender, her friend Gordon’s roommate, and flashed him a smile as she took the drinks. She closed the distance between her and Marie, who had been just standing over near the wall, looking around the room.

“Here,” she said, smiling as she handed Marie the drink, “You look like you could use this.”

Marie’s cheeks darkened, but she smiled, accepting the drink, “Thanks.”

She took a big sip, then looked back to Lexi, “Sorry if I’m a little boring. I just realized that it’s been a really long time since I’ve been to a party where I didn’t know at least half the people. The last few parties I went to that weren’t with my sorority were just with my boy–my ex.”

Marie cut off with a grimace, and took another sip from her drink, “Still not used to that.”

Lexi lifted her own drink as she studied the blonde. Marie’s eyes looked far-off for a moment. Then the other girl shook herself. Her cheeks grew red again when she looked back at Lexi, “Sorry. I’m being a bit of a shitty date, aren’t I?”

Lexi gave her a reassuring smile, placing a hand on Marie’s arm, “Honestly, after how down you initially were last week, I’d be a bit freaked if you were already over it and completely fine.”

Marie smiled, “Thanks.”

“We can talk about it if you want,” Lexi offered, “I don’t mind.”

Marie blinked, seeming surprised. She studied Lexi for a moment, then shook her head.

“Maybe later.”

She tapped her cup, “I’m going to need at least one more of these if you want me to spill my guts. Probably *just* one more if you want me to do it without turning into a mess.”

Lexi snorted, “Fine by me. Want to dance for now?”

Marie grinned at that, then downed the rest of her drink and set the cup on the edge of a nearby table next to a few others, “I thought you’d never ask.”

Lexi raised an eyebrow, *so she’s definitely someone that feels more comfortable when she’s being physical.*

That Marie had made no move to shrug off Lexi’s hand reinforced that.

Downing the rest of her own drink and stacking the empty cup with Marie’s, Lexi took Marie’s hand, “Come on, dance floor’s in this room.”

The surprised yelp from Marie as Lexi tugged on her hand was soft, but loud enough for Lexi to hear. She giggled.

Once they wound their way through the groups of people over to the open room Gordon had cleared and lit with dimmed, colored lights for a dance floor, Lexi turned to Marie and gestured toward the open floor.

Marie looked between her and the dancefloor with skepticism, “There’s like seven people dancing, and none with each other.”

Lexi shrugged, “Did you want people to watch us? Or bump into us while we dance?”

She had to hold back a grin at the way Marie’s cheeks darkened. When the blonde bit her lip though, Lexi’s leggings suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

*Don’t want her finding that out just yet, incase she reacts poorly.*

Lexi was prepared for that, but she hoped it wouldn’t happen.


Lexi blinked, then grinned when she realized what Marie meant. She walked over to the far corner of the room away from the door and the other dancers, tugging Marie after her, then pulled Marie to her, wrapping her arms around Marie’s waist. The blonde seemed to shiver a bit as their hips pressed against one another, but a moment later, she smiled at Lexi and crossed her wrists behind Lexi’s neck.

“You look really good,” Lexi said, pulling Marie a bit closer and slipping her hands underneath the girl’s shirt, “Sorry for not saying that earlier.”

Marie seemed to bite her lip at the skin-to-skin contact, then smiled, cheeks darkening a bit as she glanced away, “Thanks. You look–you look really hot.”

Lexi grinned, feeling a thrill run through her again. Then she had an idea.

Removing one hand from the small of Marie’s back, Lexi brought it up to the blonde’s chin tilted it up a bit so that Marie looked her in the eyes.

“That’s better,” Lexi said, smiling.

Something flashed in Marie’s eyes that made Lexi’s heart pound a bit harder.

*I was right.*

Emboldened, she brushed Marie’s cheek with the back of her knuckles before bringing it back down under Marie’s shirt and rubbing her thumb over the smooth skin there.

Lexi realized she was looking at Marie’s lips and bit her own, looking up toward Marie’s just in time to catch the blonde looking at her lips.

*Fuck, that’s hard to resist.*

She had to, though, just for a bit longer.

“So, you said you’re in a sorority, right?”

Marie blinked, “Yeah?”

“How have we been talking for a week and I haven’t heard you mention your big, yet?”

By the way Marie’s expression dropped even as her cheeks darkened, that might not have been the best question to ask. She didn’t stiffen or pull away though. If anything, Marie held on to Lexi a bit tighter.

Lexi tilted the blonde’s chin up again. This time she let her hand linger on the girl’s cheek.

“I won’t judge,” she encouraged.

“We recently had a…disagreement,” Marie said slowly.

Lexi raised an eyebrow, “Did you kill her puppy or something? Aren’t sorority bigs and littles supposed to like…try to love each other anyway like real siblings? My–”

Lexi clamped her mouth shut so hard her teeth clicked, searching for something smart to say.

*That was close. None of that just yet.*

Thankfully, Marie didn’t seem to have noticed

“I could be mistaken,” she continued, “as none of my friends are in Greek life, but isn’t that how it goes? You use those paddles to spank each other until you bury the hatchet or something?”

Marie snorted at that, hand clapping over her mouth as her cheeks turned an even brighter red. Lexi grinned.

“That’s not–” Marie began, “Something like that. The making-up part, not the–the spanking thing. This wasn’t so much a fight, though…”

Lexi grinned as Marie trailed off, “Okay, now you have to tell me. This sounds too juicy to just bring out and lock away.”

Marie met Lexi’s gaze in silence for a moment, as though she was searching.

“I–” she began, then paused, wetting her lips, then biting her bottom one.

*Fuck, she looks so cute doing that.*

Lexi pulled Marie closer, shifting so that Marie’s mouth was close to her ear.

“Before my ex and I–before he broke things off with me, I hadn’t really spent as much time with my sorority sisters as I normally would have. A little while after that, I asked my big, Carla, to hang out, and we got drunk and I…”

Marie mumbled something, voice too soft for Lexi to hear over the music.

“Youuu what?” Lexi asked, drawing a line with her fingertips up Marie’s back. She grinned when the blonde shivered and tried to ignore what was going on between her legs.

Lexi could almost feel Marie’s hesitation.

“I tried to make out with her.”

Lexi couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her lips. She’d guessed that the story would end up somewhere like that.

Marie pulled back a bit, and Lexi let her. She returned her hand to Marie’s face, though, brushing her cheek with her thumb, and the blonde didn’t flinch or try to move away.

“So, you committed sorority-cest. Is that a cardinal sin?”

Marie’s cheeks lit up, and she tried to look down, but Lexi didn’t let her. That made something flash in Marie’s eyes, and Lexi noticed the way she squirmed a bit.

Lexi didn’t bother to hide her grin.

*That’s a good sign.*

“It’s frowned upon, at the very least,” Marie said, “given the whole sorority *sister* thing.”

“I can imagine. No wonder you looked so down. I’m guessing you haven’t patched things up with her or your roommate yet?”

Marie shook her head, then blinked, meeting Lexi’s eyes again, “You remembered that?”

Lexi raised an eyebrow, and Marie smiled.

“I haven’t really had the chance to patch things up with Carla yet. Or think of a way to do it.”

Lexi shrugged, “The truth might work pretty well. Just tell her you were drunk and vulnerable and probably a little horny and she was…well, there. I’m guessing she’s attractive?”

Marie opened her mouth, then closed it, biting her lip.


Marie looked down, “Not as much as you.”

Lexi grinned, then leaned in so that her lips almost brushed against Marie’s ear, “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

Marie shivered at that, pulling back a bit as she looked up. She hadn’t pulled back far though, which left their lips so fucking—

*Fuck it.*

Lexi leaned in and kissed Marie, pulling the other girl tight against her.

Marie responded immediately, hands tangling in Lexi’s hair as she deepened the kiss, pressing her hips against Lexi’s.

*That* made Lexi remember herself. Still, it took her a moment to summon the willpower necessary to break the kiss.

Both of them were panting when she did so. Lexi glanced down at Marie’s chest, watching it rise and fall for a moment, and caught Marie doing the same when she looked back up. Marie’s cheeks lit up when she realized she’d been caught, but Lexi just grinned.

Marie leaned in again, but Lexi put a finger to her lips.

*Fuck, those are soft.*

“You get another kiss when you tell me about your roommate.”

A part of Lexi wanted Marie to just suck the finger between those soft lips.

*Maybe she would if I just push a little bit–*

“Things with me and Blake are…complicated,” Marie said, interrupting Lexi’s train of thought, “She’s friends with L–with my ex, and they have a lot of classes together, so I know they still hang out. I just feel awkward around her.”

She glanced up at Lexi, then looked down, “Sorry. I’m being kind of a downer, aren’t I?”

*So, she’s lonely doesn’t have a ton of confidence at the moment. *

That could be a good thing, or a bad thing. Or both.

Lexi decided she’d look at the positives.

*I’ve got somewhere to start, and some goals I can work toward.*

Lexi cupped Marie’s cheek again, tilting her head up, “I’m the one that asked, remember?”

Marie gave her a weak smile, “Yeah. And you said something about a kiss, right?”

Lexi grinned, kissing Marie again.

She let it grow more fevered this time, hands traveling down to Marie’s ass, squeezing the firm flesh there.

*Oh fuck, that feels way too nice.*

It still took a bit of willpower for Lexi to pull back this time. Marie pouted this time, and Lexi laughed, cupping the girl’s cheek and placing the pad of her thumb over those soft lips. Marie gazed at her for a moment, then took the tip between her lips, not breaking contact.


“Wanna get out of here?” Lexi breathed, voice a bit raspier than usual, “My place?”

Marie’s eyes seemed to glaze over at that, and she nodded emphatically.

Lexi grinned, though as she tugged Marie toward the exit, her nerves started to kick in. She’d have to tell Marie before they got back.

*Maybe I should take a shot before we leave. Yep. Definitely a good idea.*



“Well, here it is.”

As they stopped in front of Lexi’s brownstone, Marie almost found herself disappointed that they’d finally reached the other girl’s home. After each taking a shot to warm them up for their way home, she and Lexi had talked a bit more–interrupted by the occasional kiss–and she found herself simply enjoying talking with the girl.

Liam’s words about needing more than just sex had popped into her head a few times on the walk, but they hadn’t brought Marie down as they had in the past. Instead, they made Marie think about Lexi.

Glancing between Lexi and the door to the brownstone, Marie decided that even if Lexi didn’t invite her up, she wanted to give the girl a chance.

*I really hope she invites me up, though.*

Memories of her night with Kylie last week popped into her head, making Marie’s pussy clench, though this time the other girl had Lexi’s face and body.

*Fuck, having her strong arms hold me down while she fucks me with a big strapon, abs rippling as she…*

Marie blinked, cheeks burning as she came back to reality, “Sorry. I spaced there for a bit.”

Lexi took her hand, and Marie’s entire body started to warm as she met the other girl’s eyes.

“I want you to come up,” Lexi began, pulling Marie a bit closer.


“But before you do, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Marie raised an eyebrow, both at the words and Lexi’s tone. She almost sounded nervous. Marie didn’t think she’d heard that from the other girl before. That made her nervous.

*Fuck, please don’t be like Kylie and just want sex. I–*

“I have a dick.”

Marie blinked, “What?”

“I have a dick,” Lexi said again, a bit more confidently, “A cock, a penis, a shlong, whatever you want to call it. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t feel it. I don’t tuck or wear things that would make it super obvious, but with these leggings…Marie?”

Marie shook herself, trying to process everything Lexi had just said.

“Sorry. I just–that wasn’t at all what I expected.”

Marie looked Lexi up and down. Other than the lack of a cameltoe between the girl’s leg, nothing out of the ordinary there. She had a strong jaw, and maybe had a bit more definition than most girls. And her voice was a bit lower, but in a sexy, raspy way.

“I honestly wouldn’t have been able to tell if you hadn’t told me,” Marie said, unsure of what else to say.

Lexi grinned, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “Thanks. I’m pretty sure you would have noticed eventually. There’s one part that’s pretty obvious.”

“So, you’re trans?” Marie asked.

Lexi shrugged, “If you want to call it that. I’m just me–a girl that happens to have a dick.” Then she smiled, stepping closer, “I’m hoping that since you’re still holding my hand and you haven’t run away, this won’t be too much of an issue?”

“I–” Marie started, then stopped. *Is it?*

Before she could think of anything else, Lexi kissed her again. Marie responded without thinking. Her hands immediately went to Lexi’s ass. She nipped and sucked at Lexi’s lips, eventually giving way to the other girl’s attentions as they ground their hips together. Marie let Lexi take control of the kiss, parting her lips to let Lexi’s tongue through, moaning as the other girl sucked and nipped at her lower–*Oh.*

Marie almost pulled back, but some part of her just wanted more. She squeezed Lexi’s ass, then moaned as Lexi squeezed hers, feeling a bit jealous.

*Fuck, it’s not fair that her ass is that nice. At least she still likes mine.*

Eventually, Marie pulled back, gasping for breath. Rather than straightening, however, she rested her forehead against Lexi’s looking up to meet the other girl’s gaze. Marie had felt Lexi’s cock–she had to resist glancing down at it, thinking that might be a bit inappropriate–but Lexi’s words made sense. There was no way Lexi could be anything other than a really fucking hot girl. She just happened to also have a dick.

“I don’t want to pressure you,” Lexi said, pulling Marie’s attention away from her own thoughts, “I’d like to see you again, and I’d like it if you came up with me, but I won’t be insulted if you don’t. I know this is a bit of a thing to spring on someone. If you want to think about it for a bit, or once there’s less alcohol in your system, that’s fine too. I don’t want to be something you regret just because you’re drunk and horny. I…don’t do things halfway, so I want to make sure that stuff like that is out in the open before we do anything more fun than making out.”

Marie opened her mouth to speak. Lexi’s lips were on hers again before she could get a word out. The kiss was almost as deep and hungry as their previous one, leaving them both panting when Lexi pulled back. The other girl brought a hand to Marie’s cheek, making her warm and shiver at the same time.

“Either way, I hope I hear from you again.”

Then Lexi walked toward her brownstone and disappeared through the door, leaving Marie standing outside on the sidewalk.

*What. The. Fuck!*



  1. Damn, it’s almost June. Was that ending cliff-hanger-y enough for you?

    I hope you all are staying safe!

    For those of you who haven’t read my work before, this is Part 2 of a story I’ve been writing called *The Camgirl* so if you haven’t read that, [go read it!](

    If you haven’t read [Part I]( or [Part II]( of this second arc, go check them out!

    For anyone who wants to help support me so that I can keep this story free to read, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription! And don’t forget to join/subscribe to /r/taylorstormserotica!


    Some announcements about *The Camgirl*

    Still working on the some of the marketing/publishing aspects of publishing, though now that I finished a big personal project I was trying to get done this month, I’ll be able to spend a bit more time on those aspects of *The Camgirl* and getting it out.

    As for the frequency of posting, as I said a while back, for now I will be posting once every 2 weeks. I will try to keep them on the longer side as with this one, but if I try to make them too long, it somewhat defeats the purpose of doing that, and I want to make sure this story stays free and consistent for you all.

    Let me know if you guys want updates or something relatively low-effort (or low-time consumption, at least) on the off-weeks.

    As always, comments and critiques are welcomed. Thank you all so much for your continued support and readership! And stay safe!

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