Bloody Lust (fiction)

We kissed, oh, SO sweetly. Pecks on my cheeks, light suckles of my neck, our tongues saying hello. Love always makes me feel good and I, even being Hate, love him back.

Mr. and Mrs. Cunt are being hung bound and gagged above us, maybe they think by screaming we’ll let them go, just hoping they never hurt kids again. Wrong.

“Ready beautiful?” Love asks me, holding his cleaver, damn he looks sexy.
“Let’s get it on”, I whisper back, starting to giggle because Mr. and Mrs. Cunt are struggling even more, sheer terror in their eyes.

I prefer my dark rainbow brass knuckles, this couple used bags of bars of soap to beat 1 of the children to death, at least 1 we know of.
They both happily committed sex crimes on many underage human beings,
no regret and plenty of chances for mental help.

Mr. Cunt wails like a bitch as Love cuts into him with the cleaver, I hear bone break, wetness between my thighs ensues watching Love’s arm hack that fucker.
I look Mrs. Cunt in the eyes, laughing at how scared she is, I ask her if this is how much she terrified all those kids. She cries, knowing what’s coming.

My right hook shatters her jawbone, second hit breaks her nose, red squirts over the both of us.
I keep punching, even after she stops breathing, crimson liquid painting her whole mangled face.

Covered in warm blood, more still pouring onto us from their bodies, Love and I embrace as we rip each other’s clothes off.
He tears my button-up dress apart groping my perky breasts, I grab his pants and pull them down to suck his dick.
I try to take off my black thigh-high boots, “no”, he pulls me up to his face, “keep them on” he orders as my panties are yanked off.
I take off his shirt so I can feel his torso.

Oh wow… he’s lifting me up! We’re kissing again, but while our lips hug one another he’s jerking off against my pussy lips, my cum spattering clear drops on our legs.
I want him in me so badly, “PLEASE”, I beg him not to tease, “just please put it in”…
He shoves his trouser monster into me, squishing and clapping my cheeks as he thrusts hard inside.
I’m heavily moaning and already whimpering within a minute, Love whispers in my ear “I’m already about to fucking cum!” then he nibbles my earlobe.
IN MID AIR, he flips me over and has one hand on my neck and the other on one of my boobies.
Banging me from behind, squeezing into my little vagina, he moans, “I love you” as I cry out in reply, “I love you too, OH!” Love just busted his nut, feels like a big load.

The radio was on a playlist and as we finished, started to play “Counting Bodies Like Sheep” as we snuggled under the corpses of our fallen enemies.
“They’ll start to stink soon” I gently remind Love.
“Hate, babe: we got time. Let me love on you and your fine ass” he responds as he smacks my buttcheek.
“DON’T YOU TEASE ONE AND IGNORE THE OTHER!” I whine at him as he obliges and slaps my other ass cheek.
He picks me up, “actually let’s bathe now, I want to smell good for you and I know you want to rinse, even though I’d still eat you out right now if you wanted me to” he winked.
I giggle, “meh, true but I do want to see the water turn red hehe”

Ende (hell naw we gonna keep going, until next time folks)
