Taking One for the Team: Part Six (One of Two) [MF] [Interracial] [Busty] [Straight]

I couldn’t wait for the next morning. All the things I wanted to put into effect had already been done. Now it was all about implementing them. I sat at the couch and wondered about who I wanted to promote. I had narrowed it down to Tiffany and Mike, I knew what Lauren and Samantha had said about Mike, but they didn’t know him as I did. Sure there were times where he could be a bit friendly, but I knew I could get more out of him.

I booted up my Playstation and put on my headset. Nothing made the day melt away like a good video game. The first few bouts went will my kill to death ratio was on point. Then I got an invite from one of my online friends, then another. It was going to be a good night.

“Shut-up!” I yelled as the alarm on my phone went off.

I knew I was going to be kicking myself when it went off. I had stayed up later than I should last night. The online massacre had reached its peak at eleven and didn’t end until two. I looked at the time of five-forty five. I shook my head, knowing that I could push back my entrance to nine instead of seven.

“Get up,” I said to myself, trying to get motivated. All the things I had worked for depended on me being there before everyone else, not afterward. “I really need an assistant,” I grunted as I got out of bed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Hey, Carl,” I said as I pulled up to the security gates.

“Hey,” Carl replied. He had been Eric’s assistant for two years. I knew he was going to get the promotion, even though I didn’t like him. I couldn’t forgive him for what happened the first day I had come for a job interview.

“Thanks,” I said as the gate opened.

“We going to be good?” Carl asked as he handed back my security card.

“Don’t have much of a choice now, do we?” I replied.

I drove away without looking back. I knew I was petty, especially now that I had a managerial position, but the way he looked at me that day still bothered me.

He had treated me like I was not worthy of entering and had treated me as such until the day I got my security card, and even then, he would do random checks on my car. When I asked everyone else if he or any of the other security personnel had done that to them they had all answered no, when I brought it up to Eric he said he would take care of it, I later got an apology, but it was enough to leave a wrong impression.

“You’re early,” Tiffany said as she greeted me at the door.

“What do you mean, I always come at this time,” I said as I looked at her.

“Yes,” Tiffany smiled. “You’re the boss now, you could have come in at nine and sent a text or an email, and Mike, and I could have taken care of anything you needed to get done.”

‘Why didn’t I think of that,’ I thought to myself.

“Mike’s here?” I asked.

“Yeah, he came about fifteen minutes ago. He didn’t even say hi, he just walked up the stairs,” Tiffany smiled.

“You prefer that, don’t you?” I said.

“If he wants to act like a child because I don’t have an interest in him, that’s his problem, not mine,” Tiffany shrugged.

She was right, of course. Mike could act childish at times.

“What time?” Tiffany asked as she looked at me.

“About ten, ten-thirty?” I replied. I knew she was asking about her interview. She was good like that, reading my mind before I had said a word.

“I will make sure everything down here is squared away by then,” Tiffany nodded. “If you do promote me, who are you going to put in charge down here?”

“Daniel,” I said without thinking about it. He had been Tiffany’s boss a few months ago. He had a family emergency and took a leave of absence. We had to put someone in charge, and Tiffany stepped up. When he returned, he had no problem accepting Tiffany as his boss. If I promoted Tiffany, he was the obvious choice.

“Good,” Tiffany nodded.

We walked our separate ways as I walked up the stairs to the second floor.

“Morning,” Mike greeted me.

“Morning,” I replied as I walked the center lane between all the rows of computers and chairs. “I see they got rid of all the cubicles.”

“Yeah,” Mike said, looking around as I walked towards my office. “I like it.”

I had told the night team not to worry about anything other than getting my new open layout set up. Now that I saw it, I was impressed that it looked a lot better. There were no more barriers and obstacles. Everything seemed to flow and fit together.

“Denise might not like it,” Mike said as I stopped at my door.

I looked over at her desk. It was as open just like everyone else. “She will get used to it,” I replied.

“Things should run much smoother around here,” Mike said. “Lauren wasn’t as open to changes. She wouldn’t have liked this layout at all.”

“Well, Lauren has her ways, I have mine,” I shrugged. “I like open communication. Lauren liked the chain of command,” I nodded as I opened the door to my office with the key. “That reminds me, your interview is at nine; if you want to be the next assistant, you will have to be able to talk to Tiffany.”

“Understood,” Mike said as he nodded his head.

I had a few moments to myself before all the others came in for the day ahead. As I sat down and got into my emails, there were a few from Lauren and Samantha as well as other department heads. They got me thinking about the predicament I was in, especially now that Eric had gone. I started to think, was he right. Was I over my head? Two beautiful women wanted me. Why?

I was no actor or star basketball player. On a scale of ten, I was maybe a six or even a seven. I didn’t have a huge dick that hung down past my knees like some interracial comics would portray, or was it twelve inches like you would read in some of the erotic stories online. I would say I was an inch over average, I had been told by most women I was thick, but most of them always said I came harder and had a lot more than most men.

I knew that from the first time, I had a wet dream. My mother had thought I had wet the bed. Since then, it had always happened, especially if I went a long time between sessions. I remember I went through a drought of women and had been too busy with work and other things, the next time I was with a woman I got light headed from the amount of cum I shot out. I never saw her again.

Why was I overthinking any of this, any man would be happy in my position. Two women that know about each other were eager to have sex with me, no strings attached, I didn’t have to take them out on a date or pretend to like the same movie they did, it was a purely sexual attraction. Maybe that was the problem. It was just sex. There were no feelings, no relationship.

“Get it together,” I said out loud.

I had broken up with my last girlfriend because of those reasons. I loved my job. Not many people could say that and mean it. I loved where my career was taking me. When I started, I lived in a roach-infested, one-bedroom apartment in the middle of downtown. I was scared every day that something might happen to me when I went home. Now I lived in a condo with security personnel, with this new position and salary I could move out and buy a house. I wanted to go all the way up to the top and make the big decisions. A relationship was not what I wanted, not at the moment.

I sat back and smiled. I had it made when I thought about it. On the one hand, there was Lauren, my former boss. She was in her late forties but looked like she could pass for her thirties with a body that most women her age or younger would kill for and the sexual drive of a teenager. There wasn’t anything that Lauren wouldn’t do sexually. The best part of all of it was that she was good at all of it but especially good with her mouth.

I was getting hard just thinking about it. Lauren could do things with her mouth that would make any man burst within seconds.

Then there was Samantha, who was in her early forties. She was curvy in all the right places. Even though Lauren had a nicer ass that had a perfect peach shape, Samantha had her beat in the boob department by a long mile. They were huge. I still remember the moment they dropped out of her bra, much bigger than I had ever imagined with small pink nipples. The thing about Samantha was that she also had a high sex drive, and once she got on top. I shook my head as I thought about it, the thought both excited and scared me, the last time it felt like she was going to tear my dick off.

There was a knock on the door that woke me up from my daydream. “Come in,” I shouted.

Mike peeked his head inside. “Everyone is here,” he said.

“Good,” I nodded. “I will be right out.”

It took me a few to get myself composed. When I walked out, I realized that I was going to be talking to some people that had been here in this building long before I had shown up. Now I was their boss. I had already heard rumors and whispers that some of them thought I got this job because I was black, as well as I was Lauren’s puppet. I could care less about what they thought. I had worked hard for this position.

I stood in front of them and started my short speech. I made sure they knew that they could talk directly to me; they didn’t have to go through my assistant or an email. I saw a few nods. I knew they didn’t like that they couldn’t speak directly to Lauren. I asked them to give me their thoughts on the new layout and what they wanted as far as changes. As usual, there were a few outlandish thoughts and ideas, but all in all, it went well.

“Ready?” Mike asked as I began to walk to my office.

I looked at the time. I cursed myself for letting the office meeting go longer than I had planned.

“Sure,” I said as I held the door open.

Mike sat down at the other side of the table. I knew everything he was going to say. He wanted this position. He was going to tell me that he had been here before I came upstairs. He was going to show me the number of times he had called out sick. Everything he had in his hands and things he wanted to say was written all over his face.

“Before we get started,” I said as I sat down. “I agree with you, wholeheartedly.”

Mike looked at me with a smile.

“You should be on this side of the table, and I should be on that side,” I stated. “But let me ask you one question and answer honestly.”

Mike nodded as he looked at me. “Honesty, I can do that.”

“Why?” I said as I looked at him. “Why are you not in this seat; why didn’t Lauren pick you as her assistant when the chance came around.”

I could tell from the look on his face he wasn’t expecting that question.

“Lauren and I never got along,” Mike began.

“Not true,” I shook my head. “Lauren told me the day she took me as an assistant that I should learn from you. She said that in front of everyone and also in front of you. She knew you could do this job with your eyes closed.”

Mike nodded again. He sat back in thought. “I guess it’s because…”

I shook my head. “No, no one dislikes you or thinks negatively of you.”

I knew what he wanted to say, and he knew what I wanted to hear. “I am not a good leader,” Mike nodded. The look on his face said it all. It was the first time he had admitted it out loud to himself.

I nodded. “You are afraid of what people will think, what they will say, and what they will do.”

Mike nodded, he slowly put all the folders and binders he had in his hand down on the desk. “I am not going to move up from this position, am I?”

“Not if you don’t make some changes, no,” I replied.

“Thanks,” Mike nodded. He picked up all of his things and walked out of the office.

I called down to the bay and asked for Tiffany. I might as well get both interviews out of the way.

Shortly after Tiffany entered my office, she carried no papers, no binders. Slowly she sat down in the chair and stared at me.

“What?” I asked as I stared back at her.

“You know he will quit, right?” Tiffany replied.

I sat back and looked at her. “That obvious?”

“He is crying,” Tiffany shook her head. “He knows this job like the back of his hand. He has more experience than the two of us put together.”

“He is not a good leader; he wants to be friends with everybody,” I replied.

“Since when is that a bad thing?” Tiffany shrugged. “Name one person out there that won’t do what he asks them if he asked them to do it.”

I sat back. It was true Mike may not be a good leader, he might not be like me or Tiffany who could tell someone to do something and expect them to do it, but he had made himself liked by everyone both upstairs and downstairs.

“You can’t,” Tiffany said.

“No, I can’t,” I nodded. “That doesn’t make him a good assistant, but a good rep.”

“Rep?” Tiffany asked.

“Hold on,” I held one finger up.

I called Lauren’s office. “Hey, Lauren,” I said.

“Hey,” Lauren replied in her sultry voice. “I am still sore from yesterday, but if you want..”

“I am here with Tiffany, and we have a problem that you might be able to solve,” I said, interrupting her.

“Oh,” Lauren replied.

I laid it all out. The Human Resource lead had been promoted, and there was a vacant spot. Mike might not be leadership quality, but he knew how to talk to people, and people loved talking to him.

“There,” I said as I hung up the phone.

Tiffany and Mike sat across from me. “You mean it?” Mike asked with excitement in his voice.

“Now,” I said, holding up my hand. “It is a lateral move, but your hours will be cut from fifty to forty, so in essence, it is a pay cut.”

“But I can be promoted,” Mike asked as he looked at both of us.

“Absolutely,” Tiffany said. “No leadership qualities needed for promotion. It is purely based on need and hours put into the department.”

“I asked Lauren, and she will put your hours worked here as you helped me with my adjustment to being her assistant as hours worked in that department,” I explained.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say,” Mike said with a huge smile on his face.

“Nothing, yet,” Tiffany said. “You might be regretting it in a week as you will be getting emails and calls about every little complaint anyone and everyone has about anything.”

“Also, when anyone is being coached or written up, you will be responsible for filing the papers, and informing them of what they need to do,” I added.

“So, basically what I was doing here under Lauren,” Mike nodded.

Tiffany and I looked at each other. “Yup,” we both said at the same time.

“I better get my stuff ready for the move tomorrow, right?” Mike asked as he stood up.

“Yes, on the plus side, you don’t have to be up so early anymore, they don’t get in until ten,” I said as I stood up and shook his hand.

“Downside is they stay a lot later than you’re used to,” Tiffany said as she shook his hand afterward.

“I’ll adjust; life is about changes, right?” Mike said as he walked out.

“Well,” I said as I looked at Tiffany.

“The first day working together and we knocked that out of the park,” Tiffany said.

“I’ll put in the paperwork for your promotion,” I said as I sat back down.

“I’ll take care of things downstairs,” Tiffany said as she turned to exit the office. “If that’s okay with you, boss?”

“Shut up,” I smiled back at her.

I put the necessary forms into action and sent the emails. It was going to be an easy day for me.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a missed text.

‘*I think she would do great as a new girl to your harem,’* it read. It was from Lauren.

‘*It’s not like that*,’ I replied

‘*Not yet, anyway,’* Lauren replied. *Samantha is here; she agrees with me.*

I shook my head and put the phone down. They both wanted a third woman to join the fray. I had trouble keeping up with two, and there was no way I could add a third into the mix — especially someone like Tiffany.

While Lauren and Samantha were older than me, Tiffany was four years younger than me. She was in excellent shape, with a toned body. She played many sports on her days off.

I saw on her social media account that she played basketball, football, squash, and tennis. Tiffany’s body showed her fitness while she still looked feminine in most clothes. She also had a muscular physique. At times, I would find myself staring at her thighs or tight stomach, even her chest, which wasn’t as big as Lauren’s and not even remotely close to Samantha; it was still above average. I would guess a D or slightly more prominent.

‘*No,’* I replied

‘*Well, if it does, you have approval from both of us,’* Lauren replied. ‘*Samantha wants to see you in her office as soon as possible.’*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“You wanted to see me?” I asked as I stepped into Samantha’s office.

“Yes,” Samantha said as she looked at the man sitting in the chair across from her. “That will be all, Martin.”

The man reluctantly got up then looked at me shaking his head. “Hope you have better luck,” he whispered as he walked past me.

The door closed behind him. “What was that about?” I asked as I took a seat.

“The usual, asking for something that I won’t give. No doubt, he will make me out to the bad boss,” Samantha smiled as she sat back.

I shook my head. “The two of you like coming off that way.”

“Lauren more than myself,” Samantha nodded.

I simply shook my head.

“Here is the reason I called you over,” Samantha said as she pushed the envelope over to me. “They need to be signed by the end of the day.”

I opened the envelope to see my promotion papers. I read through them then stopped at my new salary. “Is this…” I started to say as I looked up at Samantha, who had a massive grin on her face.

“Don’t look at me, corporate makes the call on salary, not me,” Samantha said as she shook her head.

“Wow,” I said, looking at the paper. “That is much more than I was expecting.”

“Good,” Samantha said.

I quickly signed the papers then pushed the envelope back over.

“I will get them sent back, and then it will be official,” Samantha smiled.

I nodded. I couldn’t be happier; everything was falling into place for me.

“So, it’s the right salary, and you got the assistant you wanted, but I can still see something is bothering you,” Samantha said, leaning forward.

I nodded as I stared down at her cleavage. “Can you,” I said, looking down at her chest.

“You know very well, I can’t hide these unless I wear a turtle neck,” Samantha said with a mischievous grin.

“Okay,” I said as I tried to look at her face. “Why?”

“Ah,” Samantha said. “Why not, as I said before, we are all grown-ups…”

“I remember,” I interrupted.

“Why you and why just sex?” Samantha asked.

“Yeah, surely the two of you can get what you want from someone else,” I said.

“Overthinking all of this, aren’t you?” Samantha shrugged. “Lauren and I have had the same taste in men before, granted we never acted on it before you came along. As for the just for sex, we don’t think you’re a piece of meat if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s hard to find someone that appreciates good friends with benefits relationship or, in our case, co-workers with benefits.”

I had to smile at the way she had turned that around.

“I don’t know for sure about Lauren, but I can make a good guess, she has always liked sex, when we first started she liked bringing her husband or her boyfriend and well, you know,” Samantha said.

“Yeah,” I nodded back at her.

“Her recent break up has her feeling a bit down, and you have brought her back up, making her feel sexy again, and now you are reaping the benefits,” Samantha shrugged.

“And you?” I asked.

“Truthfully?” Samantha asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Cum slut, I think the new term for my fetish is called,” Samantha said plainly. “I love the feel of it, the taste, the texture.”

“Seriously?” I smiled.

“Absolutely,” Samantha said. “Not many have heard me admit to it, but I love it, and you, well, you cum hard and a lot. I think about it constantly.”

I could see she was getting aroused just talking about it.

“I used to think it was a bad thing,” I told her. “Especially when I was younger.”

“Oh no,” Samantha said, shaking her head. “I absolutely love it.”

“Good,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“That answers your questions?” Samantha smiled.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Now, you have to…” Samantha started to say before her secretary buzzed in.

“Jackson is on the line,” the secretary said.

Samantha picked up the phone. I nodded at her as I stood up to leave.

“Hold on,” Samantha said as she muted the phone. “Where are you going?”

“You’re busy,” I whispered.

“He can’t hear us,” Samantha shook her head. “Come over here.”

I walked to the other side of the table so that I stood beside her.

“Sam?” I heard Jackson say over the phone.

Samantha picked up the phone. “Kevin just walked into the room. I just wanted to take care of him before we spoke, if that’s all right?”

“Kevin?” Jackson said.

“Yes,” Samantha said, unbuttoning two of her top buttons, opening her shirt to reveal even more of her cleavage.

“I will like to talk to him,” Jackson said.

“Of course,” Samantha said as she took the phone off the speaker. She handed me the headset.

“Sir,” I said as Samantha pulled me closer to her. She unbuckled my belt and pulled on my pants.

“Did you receive the promotion packet?” Jackson asked.

“Yes, I had planned on sending you a personal email to thank you and anyone else. I…” I started to add more, but Samantha had taken my dick out and started to use both her hands to stroke it.

“You impressed many people with your knowledge,” Jackson said. “There will be new forms, and plans of action put in place because of what you had pointed out.”

I looked down at Samantha’s pale white hands wrapped around my hard dark black dick. The color contrast had always fascinated me as well as got me excited. Samantha pulled my dick towards her chest.

“Still, there?” Jackson asked.

“Yes,” I stammered as I pushed forward my dick pushed between her tits, disappearing in the depths of her cleavage. “I’m just speechless.”

“That is always a good thing,” Jackson said. “We expect great things from you. Don’t let us down.”

More than half of my dick had gone between Samantha’s cleavage. I pushed deeper down into her clothed chest.

“I won’t, sir,” I said.

“Hand the phone back to Samantha,” Jackson said.

I handed the phone back to Samantha, who smiled up at me. “Yes sir,” Samantha said as she leaned forward so I could fuck her huge tits.

It was the second time I had fucked her huge boobs, both times with clothes on. I loved the feeling of her boobs tightly squeezing my dick between them. I grabbed her shoulders as I increased my pace.

“Yes, sir,” Samantha said. “Lauren and I have been making sure to keep Kevin and other young talents aware of all the opportunities the company has to offer. So far, we think Kevin is way above the others.”

Samantha moved closer to me as I pushed my dick forward. “Yes, sir,” Samantha said as she pulled away. My dick sprang free from its boob prison.

Samantha smiled as she hung up the phone.

“What was that about?” I asked.

Samantha started to unbutton her shirt, revealing her big blue bra. “He just said that I should do whatever it takes to make sure you knew that the company is invested in your future.”

“Oh really,” I smiled as Samantha got out of her chair. She pointed to the seat as I sat down. Samantha fell to her knees between my legs.

“Definitely,” Samantha said as she held my dick against her stomach and lowered her chest over it. Again my dick was pressed between her massive chest. Samantha held the sides of her bra as she bounced them up and down. “Do you feel comfortable with your position within the company?”

“Oh, I definitely feel comfortable,” I said as I looked down at her chest, bouncing up and down on my dick. I knew there was no point in trying to view my dick between these two mountains. I leaned back as Samantha tit fucked me. She increased her pace as she felt that I was going to burst.

“You going to make a mess between my boobs again?” Samantha smiled with her usual naughty grin.

“You keep doing what you are doing, and there will be a huge mess,” I said, looking at her.

“Do what exactly?” Samantha replied as she tried to look innocent. Samantha started to move her chest up and down faster, squeezing them together tight.

I felt her boobs slam hard down on my thighs. “I’m cumming,” I said as I released my cum between her huge boobs. Samantha smiled as she looked at me.

Slowly Samantha stood up, “I better go and get my present before it all leaks out.”

The only sign that I had shot a huge load between her chest was the underside of her bra, which was a darker blue, indicating that my cum was running down her chest and pooling at the bottom of her bra. Samantha buttoned her shirt back up, hiding all evidence of what had happened.

I stood up and reached for my pants. “Where are you going exactly?” Samantha asked. “We aren’t done. I have a conference call in a few minutes, and I want you to be here.”

I nodded as she walked out the door. I sat back down in her chair naked from the waist down. I took off my shirt, seeing as I was half-naked I might as well be totally exposed.

There I sat naked in her office when my phone rang. I quickly rummaged through my pants to find it and looked at who the caller was. It was from Tiffany.

“Hi,” I replied.

“You coming back?” Tiffany asked.

“Doubt it,” I replied. “Samantha has a conference call that she wants me to sit in; I think Lauren will be here also.”

“Okay, just wanted to make sure,” Tiffany said as she hung up.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gtcy0n/taking_one_for_the_team_part_six_one_of_two_mf