This quarantine just made remember all the crazy sex escape I had while being in uni so what not share some.
So this one happened roughly about 3-2years ago. My male friend (let’s name him Bill), and I came back from crazy wild night of dancing and singing like the world will end the next day. All of us 3 have been close friends for very good amount of years and also playing the same sports brought us closer to each other.
Everything started in the dance floor. Julia and I were flirting and talking about how we will destroy each other once we get back, while Bill was doing his thing with this other attractive girl he met. Julia was my fwb at the time. Hence, the unshameful public flirting.
Unfortunately, our mate Bill was not able to seal the deal with the girl towards the end. So, he was a bit down and we decided to head back home since the club was closing anyways.
As we were driving back home, I could sense how horny everyone were in the car. I gave a look her Julia who had her hand on my lap as I was driving. She bite her tongue and flashed her boobs. It’s something she always did just between us. I smiled and tried to touch it. She moved my hands away and said
“focus on the road, you naughty boy.”
Hearing that, got me turned on and replied politely “yes mam.”
My friend Bill in the backseat was very confused of what was going on and he straight up asked if we were thing together. Julia and I looked at each other and said “maybe.”
And replied with just an “okay.”
After that boob flash, my filthy imaginative mind kicked in and starting thinking of that one BoB and 2 Chainz song “Hand and”. Specifically 2 Chainz part where he says “To do a threesome you gotta intervene”
I started thinking inside my head, I can make something happening right now if I plant the seed very well. I was so deep in my mind and focusing on the road that I didn’t notice Julia hand was all over my penis and I started getting hard. That’s when I snapped out of my mind.
I looked at her, she giggled and I don’t know what got me but I commanded her to pull down her nice laced top that barely held her nice juicy percky tits down. She obeyed right away. At the view of that, Bill gasped and complemented how beautiful they were. She replied softly and said thank you. The three of us were never shy about our sexuality.
Then, she asked him if he wanted to feel it. I was like “ooo crap! It’s happening!!!”
Bill, an opportunitistic man, didn’t hesitated. He jumped and pushed himself forward and started playing with Julia’s breast. I would slightly glance at them a little here and there.
It was very hot. Hearing Julia slowly moaning as Bill plays with her tits and kissing her neck was fire. I was so turned on as well as proud of what I just initiated. The light from the car the around us illuminated our surrounding and created this nice mood of je ne sais quoi. I wanted to join so bad but I was also enjoying watching. Watching her being touched by our friend. It was incredible.
Julia adjusted herself a little better so that she can fully face me. She slowly unzipped her pants. She was wearing this nice tight blue jeans that I really fancied so much, for the night. It really accentuated her beautiful athletic ass and legs that I grew to love as time went on.
Once she got her pants unzipped, she said to me “hey look, what you think.” I was shocked! She went full commando for the night! She didn’t wear any bra or panties for the night.
I reached out for her clit and slid one finger in. She let out a little gasp. She was already wet. Then I said to her “that’s my girl. Who do you belong you?
And she whispered by slowly learning towards me and said “I belong to you.”
That cause shivered from head to toes cause she never said that to me before.
As we started approaching our exit. I realized that Bill doesn’t live with me which will mean me having to drop him off first at his place. And the threesome might not take place.
I first asked Julia politely.
“Hey Julia, what do you think if we had a guest to join our party tonight, is that fine with you?”
“She asked, what party?”
I gave her look and look at Bill. That’s when she got it and her eyes went wide open. She was astonished and went “oh my gosh, you are really bad! Are you thinking what I am thinking? Hmm…this is interesting.”
“Yup. I am sure you thought of it too. Actually, I am sure that all of 3 thought of it at a certain point during this car ride.” I replied.
“Thought of what?” Asked Bill.
Julia continued by saying “you really know how to surprise me. I’m down.” We previously talked about our fantasies and how much we want to explore new things and kinks without affecting our friendship.
I looked at Bill and said “hey bruv, how you feeling?”
He replied “I am great! What’s up!”
I cleared my throat. I said “So, the exit is coming up. Do you want me to drop you off or want to join us for some after hours fun activities.”
He automatically understood what I meant and he replied “really!?! This is fascinating but I don’t know man.
I’m okay if we are all onboard because once we do this there’s no going back.”
“Of course, me and Julia are okay with this and we accept it” I said.
And Julia vocally reaffirmed that as well.
By hearing that he agreed to join.
I was full of joy and proud of my achievement.
Julia was excited too. She smile and said “I love this.”
Bill said to me “you are a dirty master mind”
Julia was like “let’s call him Master Initiator for tonight.”
We all started laughing. So, we went back to my place. This is how I was about to initiate a threesome with my 2 close friends. I was dubbed/called the “Master Initiator” and until now some people don’t know why.
TL;DR The time I initiated a threesome with my friends in my car after clubbing and I got to be named “Master Initiator.”
Hopefully y’all love the story cause I really enjoyed that experience. It helped me become more sexually open and very initiative. If you like it alot I might have part 2 of how it went down in the bed.
Um enthusiastic YES from me, pls post a second part!!