Just. Don’t. Move. [MF]

One hundred thousand dollars. It was so much. Such an unbelievable sum, a life changing amount. I could buy a car, or hell even a house. A small one, but still. Six figures in my bank account would be so gorgeous.

All for one night.

What could he want that would be worth all that? And who could he be to afford it? Meeting an internet stranger was scary enough, but one that would pay that kind of money for a girl must be into something seriously fucked up. It made me wet just thinking about it.

Not panty drenching knee quaking levels of horniness. Well there was some shaking, but that was the nerves. More just a mild slipperiness, like the first drops of water tickling their way across the veins of a leaf. A momentary enjoyment that I could focus on if I so pleased. And I would, if I wasn’t also terrified.

It was such a simple message. $100k, one night. Interested? That part didn’t scare me. It was what it didn’t say that did.

I had hooked up with other guys for money before. Not a regular thing, and I always used it for big purchases. I had heard stories of girls using the money for clothes, but that kind of spending gets addictive. I would smash with an older guy, then pay my tuition. Fuck a former classmate, then buy a mini-fridge. Get creamed in, then have a new TV.

So maybe I was a little excessive on occasion.

This was different, though. Usually I floated the idea. A guy would hit on me, and I would tell him he couldn’t afford me. He’d come back with an “Oh yeah?” And I would say a number, half serious. Then I’d watch the wheels turn.

And it was usually immediate. He would say okay, venmo me and it was off to the races. To his car, behind the counter, bathroom, conference room.. It was quick, transactional. He whips it out and I let him borrow my slit for a few minutes. This would be all night.

I also had no idea what he looked like. Being able to get a good look at a guy before sleeping is the norm for a reason. I didn’t tend to scoff at making offers based on looks, but it did change the price. After all, everyone deserves to get their dick wet once in a while. Who was I to withhold such a lovely piece of ass from the world?

And yes, my ass is lovely. The perfect amount of curve and an excellent gripping point. Good for some other things, too. It was hidden a bit in the floor length button up skirt I was wearing, but underneath I knew it looked excellent in my cheeky panties. The skirt complemented my turtleneck. Conservatively dressed I realized, my anxiousness was showing.

Alas, it was time to go. I plugged in the address and drove off. Lexington, a nice neighborhood. Pulling up in the driveway of a nice two story, nothing extravagent but I could tell he had money.

I rang the doorbell and waited. Footsteps, then the door opening. A man in his forties opened. He had dark hair, a little bit of a belly but nothing crazy. Certainly bangable. Phew.

“Hi, I’m Sasha.” I’m Callista, but this situation was freaky enough without using my real name.

“No more words. Tonight you are my plaything. You are not to speak, not to move a muscle without being instructed. A perfect, beautiful doll. Understand?” His tone was assuming, authoritative. Goosebumps ran down my arms and spine despite my warm clothing. I nodded meekly.

“Good.” He took my arm and guided me into his living room. He left me standing to the side, then turned on the TV to some basketball game. And watched it.

Was this how he wanted to spend a hundred thousand dollars? To ignore me and watch basketball? Or was he just testing me? I did my best to stand still exactly as he left me, my arms to my side. It was all I could do to not itch my nose. He wasn’t even looking at me. The anticipation was brutal. I could feel that little bit of moisture inside multiply. Mmm, to grind against something hard right now would be quite nice.

But no. At times it was boring, but it was always intense. The point he must have been trying to make had gotten across. I was his to use as he saw fit.

When the game ended, he stood up and walked over to me. He groped my boobs without hesitation. Walking around, his hand went between my ass, pushing my skirt between my cheeks. I did my best to stand still, to be a perfect mannequin. The only movement was from my breathing, which was growing more rapid.

He abruptly pulled my skirt down in the back. It made the front dig into my waist, and my cotton covered ass hang out. He slid his hand under the fabric, feeling the skin of my backside. His fingers found my backdoor and peaked inside. I gasped, but could say nothing.

He left the room then. I stood there, wondering if he would ignore me again. Leave me waiting. Wanting. But no, he was back quickly with a pair of scissors.


He pulled at the front of my turtleneck and snip. A few cuts and some pulling, and suddenly my breasts were exposed. I held my breath as the cool metal touched my skin, he delicately cut scoops into my bra so my nipples were exposed. It was obvious he had done that before.

He went back to the couch. It was strange, to be standing there wearing clothes but also be exposed. To be exposed but not touched. He uncerimoneousl unzipped and took his dick out. It stood there at attention, just like me. His focus turned back to the TV, but unlike before he shared his stares between it and my body. He made no effort to hide his gazing. Usually a guy checks my tits out and then glances up, but he would just stare at them, then the TV. Then my tits again.

I felt the urge to pee building, so I said the first word since I walked in the door. “Bathroom.” He just nodded, then went back to focusing on his show. During the next commercial break he stood up and took my hand, guiding me upstairs to the master bath. Inside he stopped me, and unbuttoned all but the top buttons of my skirt. He pulled it up to my thighs, then moved my hands to hold it. I was hoping for a bit of relief from this game and to be alone, but I guess not.

It was sort of fun, like playing as a kid again. Except, you know, my nipples were showing and a strange man had his hands up my skirt. He reached up and pulled my panties off. He had no problem smelling them infront of me. Then he reached between my legs and stuck his fingers straight up inside me. Woah. It was sudden and usually wouldn’t be pleasurable, but all of the buildup. He slammed them in again, and again. It felt fucking brilliant. I leaned into it, grinding my –

And he stopped. Fuck him and his no movement rule! But the money. He moved me to sit on the toilet. Then moved my legs all the way apart, to the wall on one side and the counter on the other. He stepped back.

“Release.” Good thing I’m not pee shy! I let it flow. It was a trickle, then a stream. Then two. What?! He started peeing into the toilet as well. But his aim wasn’t great, it splashed on my thighs and all the way between them. I watched in shock out the bottoms of my eyes, then realized it was intentional.

And then it got worse.

His stream moved up to my chest, soaking the front of my sweater. He made sure to relieve himself on both of my bare nipples. As his stream petered out he shook himself dry. Little warm droplets splattered all over me.

Having finished, he stepped forward. “Clean.” He pulled my head to his half limp dick, not giving me time to think before I had the taste of salt on my tongue. I took him in, suctioned, then swirled my tongue. It was hard to give a blowjob without my hands. He pulled out then.

Standing me up, he put my panties back on me – not bothering to wipe me dry first. That’s alright, they were damp enough already. He left my skirt unbuttoned.

We walked out of the master bath, and that’s when he pushed me forward into the bed. Bent over, he pulled my panties to the side and thrust inside! There was no warning, just one second no cock next second all cock in my pussy. He drilled me, and I just lay motionless. It was all I could do not to cry out, grab the bed, beg for more.

He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me into him, over and over. Then he would manhandle my wet breasts, then smack my ass. No rhythm to his movements, just whatever he wanted when he felt like it. To be used like that, to not worry if he’s having a good time.. it was amazing.

In just a few minutes of pound town I felt the spasms and knew I had cum inside me. He pulled out and admired his handiwork. I relaxed. Who knew not moving could be so tiring?

He went into the bathroom. I couldn’t see what he was up to from the bed, but when he came back I felt something slide up my ass. And then he stepped away.

Nothing makes you feel more like a slut than having cum ooze out from between your pussy lips and down your legs while you have a mystery object up your butt! A minute passed, then another. I didn’t even know if he was watching!

I could see a clock on a nightstand: 9 PM. I could tell he was going to get his money’s worth.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gsec09/just_dont_move_mf


  1. Not bad, not bad at all. Would love to see sequels of this showing the rest of the night. Seeing her get more and more worked up.

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