So this happend to me today [F34]

Well today sure was an interesting day!

As some of you may know I work in healthcare more specifically helping the mentally handicapped. Well lately the lockdown measures have been getting a bit looser, so visitors have been allowed back in the facility. This by itself is nothing special it makes my job a bit easier but today was weird.

A new visitor was wandering the halls I couldn’t quite place her and I’d never seen her before either, maybe the person she was visiting was a new transfer or she just didn’t visit often I don’t know. I just noticed she kept looking at me funny. After the fourth time she past me I saw here turn her head and bite her lip, this woman (I don’t know I’m guessing in her 40 brown curly hair white shirt, tube skirt and red stilettos on her feet) just looked at me like that and was seeing me like a peace of meat, me on the other hand can be quite of a bitch at times and certainly won’t let anyone play me or I’ll open my mouth, so I walked up to her and asked her what her problem was. Her answer wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. She simply told me that I’d better be careful or my coworkers would find out a lot more about me than I would like to know. This kind of took me by surprise and I told her in not to kind words to please leave or I would have to report her and she couldn’t come visit who ever she was visiting again. She laughed and looked at me with a look that both scared me and angered me and she walked away while blowing me a kiss. I shook me to my core.

Now later in the afternoon she was back, I was sitting in the cafeteria on my coffee break as she walked in and placed an envelope in front of me and walked away. My colleagues asked me what that was about and I answered honestly that I don’t know and she must have mistaken me for someone else. As I opened the envelope I think everyone saw the color drain from me, I recognized it immediately it was me, in some of my more nsfw pictures I posted on various sites such as reddit, now I usually try to hide my face in these nsfw pic’s but on occasion my face is seen a bit. So here they were I closed the envelope and rushed to the toilets. As I went to the picture, me in all my glory poses and erotic ways many questions went to my mind, where what how etc. then the last was just a sentence, come to room **. Now I was in a bind I couldn’t have these pictures distributed at work or even seen, it wouldn’t be good for the reputation of the facility but also I would just plain lose my job so I went to the room angry as hell but scared to who was this woman and what did she want.

I entered the room and she was sitting on the side of a table, I started talking, rambling even that she couldn’t do this, why would she do this I think I talked for 5 min and she never said a word she just kept looking in my eyes. After I finished, I asked what the hell she wanted. She just pulled up her skirt slid her panty to the side and sat back down on the edge of the table and pointed to her pussy. I knew what she wanted, and I was shocked looking back it might have been obvious but still, I froze and just looked at her with confusion in my eyes. Then she spoke one word, Now, I had no choise I had to do what she wanted, as I came closer and dropped to my knees in front of her unshaven bushy pussy (wich I’m not a fan of by the way) she just grabbed my head and pushed it into her pussy and started rubbing it against my face. As a reflex I started licking and sucking her pussy, it didn’t take her long to come because she was really dripping. After she came she just pushed me aside cleaned up her clothers walked out and blew me a kiss, while I still sat there on my knees shocked.

Afterwards I tried to do my job again and I didn’t see her again. But now I’m scare what if she shows up again tomorrow or the day after what does she want and how the hell am I gonna get out of this. And then the other question why was I excited when she left.

So like a said it was an interesting day.


1 comment

  1. This definitely sounds like rape, report to the police if you can. She might do this to others later

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