Sexy Knights

Chapter 1

I guess it would have been nice to live through this story. Oh well. Want to hear it?

So there I was, facing down an ugly dragon spawn. They really are ugly, like human babies. Wrinkled, smelly, and temperamental. This bastard was going to kill my damsel in distress. You know how hard it is to find a good damsel? I was not going to have to use another temp agency damn it! This one would make it out alive!

The fifteen foot tail whipped around like a caged tiger and I was super lucky that they had reduced the armor at my stomach and shoulders. My upper chest was covered, my vital organs behind high grade mithril. The shield I had was engineered for dragon combat, only really designed to shed flames and blunt glancing blows. There was a really cool temporary water spell that would discharge upon dragon breath. It had two charges and I hoped it would be enough to get around this fat chubby girl. I mean dragon.

The maw lunged forward chomping at the pretty reflective shield and I had mere moments to slip to the side and bring my frangible mace down onto it’s snout. The mace was designed to explode with the urine of a larger male dragon. It smelled like an outhouse deep in the fifth layer of Satan’s asshole. Don’t ask me how I got it.

Ok, since you wanted to know, it took some special human scent neutralizer, a large muddy cloak, and the largest bucket I could find South Tuli. You didn’t want to have to go back for seconds.

The urine erupted across the snout of the dragon spawn and she reared up high onto her back legs flailing about. I dropped the flail and sprinted, pumping my sexy arms as fast as I could. They are sexy. I tell you later. BUSY!!!

My damsel laid whimpering in a small crag and boy was I glad that my armor was cut in a small triangle covering my naughty bits. I turned back to the dragon as I skidded to a halt in front of my lucky damsel.

“Time to fucking go!” I shouted. Out of the corner of my eye I could still see my damsel cowering behind the crag.

“Ok seriously, that shit isn’t going to distract her forever, we need to go,” I said trying to sound calm and urgent at the same time. Panicked was the best description for my demeanor. I turned and pulled on my damsels sleeve and finally he got up.

“RUN!!!!!”, I shouted and turned back to face the dragon. She was starting to regain her composure from sheer panic, but the dragon was starting to realize that there weren’t any large male dragons sitting atop her nose. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my damsel finally sprint off. In the wrong direction!

“Wait, no. There’s only…” My voice trailed off as I saw my damsel run right off a small ledge. “…lava that way.”


“And that’s how my third damsel died. Gosh he was a fucking idiot.”

“I hear ya girl. My last one could tie a good anchor hitch, but damn was he useless otherwise.”

Sometimes life sold you lemons and you bought them. You thought “Hey, I like lemonade! Let’s make some!” This was like a perpetual hunt for lemons that would actually squeeze into lemon juice. Most of these assholes only squirted piss.

“Did you hear about the Queen? She got her hundred and twenty seventh squire,” Carline said. She was a fine willowy brunette that specialized in runecraft and summoning.

“Didn’t she have a kid like…last month?” Mardeth asked. She was pale and red haired and she shifted her massive ax on her belt. Her massive breasts annoyed her to no end. She had paid three different magus substantial sums to reduce their size, but to no avail. She had even caught one magus muttering “The gods must be offended by rejecting such a gifted bossom.”

She had to be pulled off the magus by her friends. Three reconstructive spells later, the magus could speak and walk again.

“Yeah…a boy.”

The table groaned. Boys seemed to be super common with queens and there wasn’t a single wizardess that could enchant the womb properly to guarantee girls.

“The whole realm is going to go to shit if she doesn’t have a heir soon. Baroness Talani will attack inside a year of the next male offspring.”

“Aye, but I think she’ll fend it off like she did the last,” Gotti said. Her skin was dark as midnight. Her lands had produced the finest sorceresses the world had ever seen and she had a talent the size of a thimble. She knew every spell the thirteen mages had written in their holy technical manual, but she prayed daily for the power to cast a single spell. There were over fifty seven thousand known spells. She did her best not to be bitter.

I sat in the corner nursing a broad rimmed mug. The ale was bitter honey, with a hint of lavender and…jasmine? I love this shit. This is the only pub in the cursed…I mean BLESSED KINGDOMS. Fucking hell. I almost thought about cursing our nation…in front of Ruapna! The Great Bureaucrat!

Mardeth was looking across the room, lost in her thoughts and looking at the bar men. One was round in the belly and his beard was thick. Her eyes stayed on him, as he lifted a heavy cask and set it on to a shelf. She drank from her mug of dark bitter ale.

“You’d think I wouldn’t love fucking Timothy so much, but those damned arms just get me,” Mardeth commented.

“His arms are smaller than yours,” Gotti said.

“And his penis is only average and I don’t like the way he grunts on top of me,” Carline said, her face screwed up with the memory.

“Yeah, but I love the way he holds me,” Mardeth said as she stood. She adjusted her axe again and stormed off. To uh…get another beer.

Gotti looked puzzled and I poked her in the ribs. She seemed to come to her senses, but the wistful look never left her eyes.

“Sometimes, I like a strong woman to pull me into a corner and have her way with me,” I said to anyone hearing. The comment rolled over Gotti and was lost to time. “Whatever, I’m gonna go find a rent boy.”

Caline looked up from her book she had pulled out.

“I thought you and Sam were exclusive,” Carline said.

“We were,” I responded. “Until I got bored and realized I could do better.”

I drained the bitter honey and rose from the table. I waved good bye and stepped into the dark evening. The air was thick with recent rain and a small heat lingered from a hot spring day. I hope that Sumia gives us a beautiful summer.

Chapter 2

The street was thick with hardening mud and my boots smooshed through horseshit and mud alike. Lamp lighters were coming out for the pubs and making it easy to see signs at night. The honest trade shops were closed and tucked to sleep. I loved the setting time. The sun set, the shops slept, the bars opened, homes lit with evening meals, the whores called, and the cats prowled. This was my home.

I turned onto Condeth street. Condeth was the goddess of sex and wine. I had taken my fill of ale, best not to throw wine into it. Sex however…I wanted a male in his prime. Young, powerful, beautiful to behold. I wanted to break him. Always cost more for that. Hard to pay a healer and took the whore time to get back to work.

It wasn’t terribly fun to break men. They had been cursed long ago by an angry goddess, an unnamed goddess of war. The strength of men had failed. No one knew what they had done to anger a goddess so severely, but they had lost their will and power in combat. A man strong enough to lift a wagon or keg of ale by himself, could not swing any blade with any sort of power. If they attempted to swing a fist, a kitten could bat it aside. There was something broken about men.

But damn, if I don’t enjoy a good fucking. I had recently scored well in the pits of Gatuli and found three tiny dragon stones. One such stone could feed a family for three weeks. I smiled as I headed to my favorite den, the Rising Oak. Silly whore names. Always made me chuckle.


“That one there is the cheapest, no frills. He recently started whoring and can’t keep it up long, but he gets ready quick. The second row is always better,” Wini said around her full mug on her reception desk. The men milled about trying to convince the women to buy a dance or a “kneeling feast”. Getting your pussy eaten while standing or sitting isn’t my favorite. I love to sprawl out with his head between my legs, maybe even have another man play with my breasts and kiss me. “John in the back has a nice set of shoulders and a slow rhythm. He can hold himself back most days, but once he pops nothing will get hims back up for an hour.”

“Eh…” I said fidgeting with my heavy purse. I could feel Wini looking at it with naked lust. “I’ve been with John and he’s nice. Got anything more…high end?”

Wini took a drag on her long pipe resting her free hand on her large belly. No one was sure if she was pregnant or just…large. She already had five kids, one daughter. Pregnancy didn’t seem to bother her in the least. From what I could tell, pregnancy was easier on women than other species of mammals. That damned goddess seemed to bless the women when she cursed the men. I still wasn’t going to be tied down like that though. Nope.

“I guess Keith is almost done upstairs,” Wini says reluctantly.

“Was Keith that scrawny kid you used to have here a few years ago? Pretty blue eyes, tall, lanky?” I asked.

Wini laughed.

“Yeah, I guess he was lanky when I bought him,” Wini said. “I took a chance with him a few years ago and sent him south to the Isles.”

“Ok,” I said. “What does that mean?”

“Hold on, I’ll be right back,” Wini said as she lifted her large frame and went to the back. A commotion sounded from what sounded like the third room in the back. An older woman, Yoolu I think, came out angrily from behind the politeness curtain. She was trying to tie up her sash and situate her sagging breasts inside a frumpy dress. Yoolu was a small merchant in the area known for selling less than excellent goods at rather inflated prices. I followed her out with my eyes and wondered how much time she had purchased.

“That was the end of her half hour anyway,” Wini said. There weren’t any clocks in the place, so how did she know? Wini drew back the politeness curtain and behind her stood a man I had never seen before. He was about six foot, maybe an inch taller. His jaw cut sharply against a muscular neck, his smile showed perfectly white teeth that were faintly crooked. And then you saw his eyes. The smile touched the corners of his eyes and they radiated laughter. His eyes were a bright blue even in the dim candle light and they lanced through me.

I finally looked away and saw that he was naked. His body was chiseled from a tan granite like substance. His thighs showed muscles connecting to the kneecap, muscles I didn’t know men could have. His calves showed a shelf of muscle resting on the back of his shins. His chest was round and firm, free of flab. His biceps were full and the length of his forearms showed veins. Then there was his stomach. Three pairs of rounded muscles rippled down to the hair of his pubic area. The V shape of his stomach pointed like a giant arrow at his member, which was thankfully flacid.

Wini seemed to be satisfied with herself in the corner as she looked from me back to him. I cleared my throat.

“Keith is it?”

Wini nodded.

“How much?”

Wini smiled.

Chapter 3

I asked for the lights to be what they called “establishment high”. The lamps were lit in sets of six and polished mirrors of beaten silver were set to reflect and diffuse the light. This was done in four corners of the room and lit every delightful detail. What you ended up with was a gentle golden light that washed over everything. This cost me a premium.

I had a sash tied around a velvet robe. The water was drawn into a copper tub, hot steam rolling with the scent of roses and jasmine. The tub was sunk into the earth and there were tiled steps reaching to the lip of the tub. Water was resting at the lip, copper polished to a sheen.

I stood at the top step and a large mirror was built into the wall opposite. I opened my robe and pulled it from my shoulders. An attendant came into the room, a young male, and he removed the robe. He didn’t make a sound as he left.

There was something satisfying about making the water spill as I plunged into the hot water. It was so hot that it wasn’t comfortable at first. My body gradually adjusted and I propped my feet out of the water. Then Kevin pulled back the far curtain. Or was it Keith? Whatever. He was dressed in a small loin cloth and he stepped up to the end of the tub and began to massage my feet. Holy shit he was sooooo good at it. The knots melted from all the many miles I had walked in my travels. His hands had a gentle grace made from some kind of soft stone. Or was it oak? I couldn’t think clear enough to answer.

His hands wandered to my calves, dipping into the water. The sensation sent tingles of anticipation. Gods I hoped he would press those soft fingers up further. He worked his fingers in small circles and I could feel the tension seep free. With practiced slowness, he worked up to my thighs. He was bent down into the tub, arms seep in the water. I could see his strong shoulders working with exertion. The angle was awkward and somehow he had his legs braced so that he wouldn’t topple into the water. What you ended up with was a beautiful picture of his taut back flexing to work deep beneath the bath water. The lamp light showed the deep shadows his muscles cast, every ridge moving gently beneath tight skin. It was almost musical to see.

But then, his hands found the insides of my thighs. Sweet thirteen fanciful hells. As tension had been leaving my body, a new ache was slowly rising. A hunger. A need. His hands were some kind of magical key and the queen of lust was being set free. He never touched my privates and I was both grateful and hateful that he restrained himself.

I put my hand on his head of fine curls and gently pulled him towards my mouth. It didn’t make sense how he could hold himself over the tub, but with hand braced on the lip he leaned over and kissed me. It was chaste and gentle. Like lovers that meet for the first time. His lips were soft perfection, not greedy. He raised away from me and then walked to my side. He took my chin with a hand and kissed me again, slowly opening my mouth with his tongue. It rolled open my mouth in small circles. This man loved his fucking circles. I loved his fucking circles.

He pulled away and took my hand. He stood up and braced for me to stand. I stood up in a rush and the water cascaded off my small chest and shoulders. He took a step back onto the tile of the floor and he prostrated himself as if in worship. I knew it was a show, but holy damn was it intoxicating. I walked down the three steps and grabbed a fistful of his hair. I pulled him up to look me in the eyes, still kneeling. His eyes asked the question, ‘What do you need my queen’?

I kissed him roughly then, his neck straining against the force of my kiss and pulling hand.

“You will obey my wish, do you understand?”

He tried to nod against strength of my hand.

“You will make me orgasm, truly. If you do not, I will punish you. Understand?”

Again he tried to nod, real fear entering his eyes.

“Good. Now take me to our chamber.”


I let him lead me by the hand into the next room. He pushed aside a curtain to reveal a massive four poster bed surrounded by rugs of varied types. The coat of a massive Goushan elk covered the bed, a huge rug of bear skin sat before a large fire in the corner. There was a high backed chair sitting by the window and fireplace, with a few sultry novels sitting on the small table beside. I recognized the “Sultry Hunting Boy” by it’s spine. I may have read that one more than a few times.

I was lead towards the bed and across a plush Altien rug woven with Canoi silk. How much had Wini payed to furnish this master suite?

Kevin. Keith? I think Keith. Sat me on to edge of the bed. I could feel the heat from the fire on my still wet skin and he placed his lips on mine. There was something more to this than bedding a whore. There was a primal need. He had to have me and it felt…real.

He let go of my lips after my mind lost sense of time. It could have been seconds. It could have been an eternity. I felt the need rising in me. He moved to kiss my deck, his hand cupping my small right breast. It was small, but it filled his hand. It seemed to please him as he sucked on my neck and I reveled in the sensation. My heart began to beat a bit harder and his tongue rolled out. He traced a line to my collar bone and his other hand grabbed the meat of my ass. Fucking hells, wherever these Isles were, I needed to go!

His mouth found the top of my breast and anticipation rose inside me. Please oh, please let that magnificent tongue find my nipple!

He continued to trace the line to left breast and he rolled his firm, wet tongue around my areola. I could feel my nipple rise and tighten under his tongue. His lips settled over the top of my nipple and he placed his tongue on the tip. He pulled his tongue back and created a gentle suction that flooded my nipple with blood. Oh, what a tongue he had. He worked his tongue around my nipple back and forth and his hand kneaded my right breast. Damn it my breasts were like lightning rods of sensation and this man was playing them like a violin. Breasts, lighting rods, violins…uh I’m not thinking straight. Keithin was worth every penny.

The hand he had been using on my ass came to the front and as my nipple slipped from his mouth, he let the weight of my breast land into his hand. He guided my right nipple into his mouth and again rolled and sucked my nipple to erect firmness. Fucking fuck fucked fucking hells!

He finally let go of my nipple and started tracing again down to my stomach with that spectacular tongue. His chin found the top of my blonde pubic hair and he inhaled deeply through his nose. I couldn’t take my eyes off his beautiful jaw and nose as he kissed my inner thigh, left and then right. He took his hands from my breasts and began stroking my thighs, knee to groin, pressing deep into the tissue. Blood flooded to my groin in hot waves and my clit ached to feel his tongue.

He pulled on my pubic hair with his lips, gently teasing me. I needed him to tease, but by the fifth goddess I needed release.

“You had better give me release or I’m calling Wini in here,” Again, the threat struck a chord. He pleaded with his eyes. I smiled at him. “I will pay good money to beat you and then have you healed. Do you understand?”

He nodded and then pressed his face between my legs. The threat was to provide him incentive. I had only ever beaten one whore. An orc out of Kiun had struck me multiple times during our climax. I responded with a fire he could not match, overwhelmed him in combat expertise and ferocity. That had cost me much.

Keithin pressed his lips to my clit and his kissed it gently. He used his tongue and rolled my clit gently, lightly sucking my engorged lips. His hands supported my thighs as he worked his tongue left and then right. Sweet hells! The flat of his tongue stroked the opening of my pussy briefly before returning to my clitoral hood. He rolled inside the hood with his tongue and each pass grazed my clit. I dug my hands into his hair and pressed his face into my pussy. Fuck! His tongue pulled my clit into his mouth as he sucked briefly and then he lapped at my pussy with his broad tongue.

Something raw and feral rolled through me and I collapsed backwards onto the bed, unable to sit up anymore. The movement rolled my hips up and he matched the movement. His tongue never left my clit. He stroked left and right, up and down, chaotically moving his tongue. The unexpected motions built the heat inside me, the climax moving closer to the surface. He moved faster, left, right, up, down. He pulled away momentarily and licked his fingers. He put his mouth back atop my clit and pushed two wet fingers deep into my pussy. My mind exploded from the sensation. My back arched as he frantically pressed his fingers in and out. His tongue flickered erratically, I couldn’t make sense of the motions anymore, and the heat that had building inside me crashed over my senses. I felt the climax press into my mind and my back slumped against the rush of release. I was vaguely aware of him lifting me into bed and covering me.
