Repost EST (Emergency Sex Technician): WET DREAMS UNIVERSITY 1 Fight # Phat Pussy Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM ANAL BDSM BONDAGE SOLO TOYS)

“Are you sure this is what normal couples do.. it seems so kinky” tugging playfully at the bindings on her wrist. “Don’t worry about it I’m here..” the darkness breathed heavily in her ear, “..and nothing is going to get you..” His breathing sighed out of his mouth into her ear, “..that is nothing butt me” nipping her ear lobe as his kisses where bound for her neck. Her quiver was laced with cum as his kisses came alive with the taste of her skin. Brushing her hair to the side as his lips slide towards her spine. “Umm do not.. stop.. Ohhh yes, do not stop..” feeling her stomach drop as the darkness breathed on her spine. Wishing her hands where free so she could help drain her own wetness. “Stop Ohhh please (her body trembled under the intense kissing) I’m I’m.. Ohhh goddess..” loosing all conscious memory. Her body pulsated with the impending orgasm, “Please.. please Ohhh plea..”
“Good morning people this is your captain speaking the time is sex thirty at the Lost Orgasm Airport, we shall be making out in five minutes if you would please put your trays up so your kitty can dismount as we start our final decent. Stewardess if you will prepared the passengers then cum up to the cock pit and see about your captain” the onboard intercum went silent. Checking herself out after being jolted out of her dream, “It always ends this way (letting a long breath out), I am just curious if I will ever find out what that stomach thing means” collapsing her compact after giving herself a quick make over. The plane had started to descend as the wings leveled out, “Ohh my fuck” Clarissa mouthed, getting a perfect view of the University that she was going to be attending. “The Wet Dreams University I am pretty sure there will be a story or two down there” with the engines reversing it seems the whole world was trying to stop. “Good morning people this is the Lost Orgasm Airport wishing you all to have a wondrous time on out pink sandy beaches. Let us not forget the local hockey teams with the Wet Dreams University, if you haven’t seen a game you don’t know what you are missing. Shopping, dining and other worldly pleasures of the flesh await you like always have a fucking great time” the announcement bowed out just as the captain buzzed back on. “This is flight Phat Pussy saying have a wondrous time in Silk Stocking, you may now depart.”


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