Pet girl gets married (ongoing) (exert for day 3)

This is a part of a longer story I am writing, it is only an exert from the full story.
I do have the full story on my profile, amongst much more sexy stuff.

Day 3:

The pet and her master woke with fresh dew on them, the fire from the previous night had not died completely, so the pet who was still naked, opened a can of beans she found and began to warm it over the fire.
Her master awoke with a pleasant smell, and an even more pleasant sight. As he opened his eyes, was greeted with the magnificent curve of the pets ass as she sat on her haunches by the fire, stirring the beans for him.
“morning pet” he said groggily through sleep filled eyes. “morning Master” came a cheary response, “what are you cooking” he inquired and as she spun on the heels of her foot, her breasts swayed with momentum, “I found beans I am warming for your breakfast” and she grinned widely.
At that he stood up, casting the torn blanket aside as he did. He was also nude and had a morning wood. As pet saw it she gasped and said “let me help, master”. He groaned and just thrust his pelvis forward.
Crawling on hands an knees, the pet opened her mouth and drove her head onto his hard shaft.
She grumbled as she tasted her masters salty pre-cum on the tip. Placing his hand on the top of her head he said, “no pet, not right now” and then groaned at himself for doing that. She just looked at him confused and disappointed. “get dressed, we need to go” her said with finality and moved to go put pants on. The pet put on the only piece of clothing she owned, the torn cloth which doubled as a dress.

They left the camp and put out the fire with sand. They began walking in the direction of a village. Because the pet still wore the collar with the leash permanently attached, she walked slightly behind her master. They walked for x what felt like hours. Only stopped to either squat down to urinate or go behind a bush. They did stop at one point and shared an old piece of dried, preserved meat and the master did manage to catch a lizard or two which they shared over a small fire.

After many hours of talking and walking they arrived at the town, our what can be called a town.
A few streets made up of old broken down buildings and a few shacks lining the street.
Many women selling their bodies off on the sides, many men, covered in filth working hard. Not many noticed the master and slave.

This is all I have to yours point but I want to take it and write much more, it’s a slow burn and I am setting the scene currently.
They’re in a town and this is where I want to explore the actual marriage part.
