The Secret Affair [Chapter One] (Damon’s P.O.V.)

After the incident in our college bathroom, my mind was just simply blown. I didn’t know what to say or to think. After five years of craving Elena’s touch and kiss, she spontaneously gifted me with more than I could have asked for. Now I want more. So much more. I want to rock her world like she did mine. I want to make her toes curl and to hear my name come from those soft lips. I thought she had a tight grip on my mind and body, but now, I’m possessed with this need to fill and satisfy her. And I’ll be damned if I let this opportunity pass by. Question is, does she want more than just a one time fling? I suppose only time will tell.

While I was lost in thought I had arrived at her house. We had a study date planned so she could pass her Political Science final. I could tell that she was stressed about failing and I hate seeing my best friend that way. So I offered her my help so she could ace the final. I got out of my red Chevy pick up. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about seeing her again even though she’s my best friend and has been there with me through thick and thin. This afternoon put a whole new twist in our relationship. I’ve gone from desiring her to full on craving her.

I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my dark brown hair.

“Get control of yourself, Damon. She’s not someone new. Just your best friend.” I muttered to myself.

I looked up and began walking towards her front door. Her home was surrounded but thick green grass and a white fence. The siding of her home was a soft cream color that seemed to glow in the sunlight. It gave off a peaceful vibe and I felt myself begin to relax and small smile on my lips.

I walked up to the oak front door and rang her door bell. After a few minutes of waiting, I began to get worried. I knocked again. Two minutes passed and still no response. I slowly turned the door handle and found the door to be unlocked. I opened it and let myself in.

“Elena?” I called, looking around the cozy living room.

Still no response. I decided to go check in her room. I walked into her bedroom, which was painted a light tan with a king size bed in the center. Her bedding was ivory with gold designs on it. She had a rose gold fuzzy pillow in the center of four pillows that had pillow cases that matched the bedding. Underneath a window in the center of her far wall, was a desk with a rose gold MacBook Air in the center and history as well as Political Science textbooks surrounding it. Everything was so neatly messy. Minus her bed. It was made and absolutely tidy. Like no one has ever slept in it. I look to the right and see her bathroom door open and some steam coming out. I listened closely as I heard the water hitting the floor. She was in a shower. I walked over and leaned against the door way. Her shower was a walk in and made of stone. The walls were white tiles and the floor was smooth river stone. The shower door was one of those you pull open.

I bit my lip as I watched her. Her curves were flawless and hour glass. Her long blonde hair was down to the middle of her back and har face was tilted upwards and the water ran down her neck and chest, her eyes were closed. She looked so peaceful and relaxed. I wondered what she was thinking about. Before I knew what I was doing, I was stripping off my clothes and stepping into the shower behind her.

I slowly reached out to her and slid my hands around her waist. She squealed and jumped at the unexpected touch.

“Jesus Christ, Damon! You scared me!” She turned around and her wide blue eyes met mine. In that moment, I lost all control.

I gripped her hips tightly and pushed her up against the tiled wall, burying my face in her neck. I bit her gently and she moaned softly. I was already getting hard at the sound and feel of her. I ran my hand down her soft thigh and slid it between her legs. The heat coming from her hot pussy made me moan and I slid two fingers inside of her.

She gasped and dug her nails in my shoulder blade and arm. Fuck she was wetter and hotter than the shower water pouring down on us. I slid my fingers out of her and slid them up to her firm ass and grabbed them hard, wrapped her legs around me. I couldn’t hold back anymore. The sound of her moans and the feel of her soft, tan skin had me rock hard and ready to explode.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard as I thrust into her.

“Fuck! Damon!” She moaned and buried her teeth into my neck.

I moaned loudly and slammed into her repeatedly. My hard dick throbbed with every thrust, begging for release. I fought it with every ounce of will I had. I wasn’t going to let go until she orgasmed first. I pinned her hands above her head against the wall and slammed into her as hard as I could, every thrust bringing her closer and closer to that blissful peak. She arched her back, pushing her hips against me and I felt her hot pussy walls tighten around me.

“Jesus fuck, Elena. You’re so fucking hot and tight, it’s addictive…” I whispered into her ear.

“Damon, I’m gonna cum….” She whispered back into mine.

“Let it go, baby. I wanna feel your hot pussy juice flow around me.”

She screamed in ecstasy as I rammed into her as hard and fast as I could. I could feel my abs tightening and her pussy juice exploded on me. One….Two….Three….more hard thrusts and I exploded into her, burying face in her neck and moaning her name. I was never going to stop bringing her this pleasure now that I’ve had a taste of it not once, but twice.

This was just the beginning of many pleasures to come. I’ll be damned if I ever *not* make her scream my name in pleasure. After round two, I was never going to let her go.
